Ninja World: I Have a Life Simulator

Chapter 54: Chapter 54: Reaching the Threshold of Kage Level

Chapter 54: Chapter 54: Reaching the Threshold of Kage Level

The Transcription Seal-this sealing technique left a deep impression on Uchiha Akira! In the original story, Uchiha Itachi made extensive use of this sealing technique.

The purpose of the Transcription Seal is simple: it seals a specific jutsu and sets a trigger condition.

Once the condition is met, the jutsu is automatically activated.

In the original story, Itachi used the Transcription Seal to seal his Amaterasu in his eye, setting the condition that it would activate when his eye saw the masked man.

So when Sasuke inherited Itachi's eyes and saw Obito, Amaterasu was unleashed!

Similarly, the Kotoamatsukami was set to activate when Naruto saw Itachi's Mangekyō Sharingan, casting a genjutsu to protect Konoha.

However, when Itachi was reanimated and faced Naruto, Kotoamatsukami activated on Itachi himself, allowing him to break free from the control of the Reanimation Jutsu!

Uchiha Madara also used the Transcription Seal to store the forbidden technique Izanagi.

He anticipated that if he died in battle against Hashirama, the Second Hokage wouldn't destroy his body!

Sure enough, when the condition was triggered, Izanagi activated, and Madara successfully revived!


Now, Uchiha Akira planned to emulate Madara's strategy, learning the Transcription Seal to store Izanagi.

When he opens the Eight Gates and faces death, Izanagi would then be triggered to bring him back to life!

This was the only hope Uchiha Akira saw to break through his current situation!

Uchiha Akira looked seriously at the elder without wasting words, but his determination was clear.

"Grandson, do you know the cost of using Izanagi?"

Although Uchiha Akira was only six years old, the elder knew he couldn't treat him like an ordinary child. After a moment of silent confrontation, the elder sighed and asked the question.

"Yes, the cost is the loss of one Sharingan," Uchiha Akira replied with a nod.

"Why? You know the price of this forbidden technique, yet you still want to learn it?"

The elder found it strange that despite knowing the cost, Uchiha Akira was still determined to learn Izanagi.

"For the future of the Uchiha clan," Uchiha Akira answered earnestly.

"Sigh, very well. If something unexpected happens, losing one eye is better than losing your life!" After a brief silence, the elder nodded.

Although Uchiha Akira was only six years old, he had already awakened the three-tomoe Sharingan, making him a vital member of the Uchiha clan.

If the Uchiha were to clash with Konoha's upper echelons, Uchiha Akira wouldn't be able to stay out of it!

So, this was his way of giving himself a fallback option?

The elder left the room and returned shortly with two scrolls, which he handed to Uchiha Akira.

Uchiha Akira unrolled them, finding they contained the training methods for the Transcription Seal and Izanagi!

After receiving the scrolls, Uchiha Akira left and carefully studied the Transcription Seal and Izanagi.

He memorized all the key points of the techniques and their training methods.

The next morning, Uchiha Akira continued his life simulation.

[You took on a mission and left the village, dealing with several Root ninjas who were following you on the way!]

[A month later, news of the Uchiha clan's massacre shook the ninja world!]

[Five months later, you mastered the Transcription Seal!]

[Two years later, you successfully learned Izanagi!]

[Four years later, you advanced to the Sixth Gate of the Eight Gates technique!]

[You encountered Hidan and Kakuzu and were killed!]

This life simulation was quite successful!

Not only did Uchiha Akira master the Transcription Seal and Izanagi, but he also managed to advance to the Sixth Gate of the Eight Gates!

With his current elite Jonin-level strength, opening the Sixth Gate should put him at the threshold of Kage level, right?

In the original story, Might Guy, after opening the Sixth Gate, had the strength to defeat Kisame!

Naturally, Uchiha Akira chose to retain the acquired jutsu from the simulation.

The knowledge felt like something he had forgotten but suddenly remembered again.

Uchiha Akira now had complete mastery of the Transcription Seal jutsu and could open the Sixth Gate of the Eight Gates!


While Uchiha Akira was focused on improving his strength and finding a way to change his fate, something else was happening.

At the edge of a cliff outside Konoha, Uchiha Itachi stood silently.

Behind him, the space began to warp and twist like a vortex.

In the next moment, a figure emerged from the distorted space, appearing beside Itachi.

"So, have you made your decision?" Obito asked in a deliberately low voice.

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