Ninja World: I Have a Life Simulator

Chapter 55: Chapter 55: Danzo: What? Uchiha Akira Has More?

Chapter 55: Chapter 55: Danzo: What? Uchiha Akira Has More?

Konoha, Hokage's Office

"Danzo, this is your doing!" The Third Hokage's face was filled with anger as he glared at Danzo in front of him.

Uchiha Shisui had committed suicide. Initially, the Third Hokage believed that Shisui had found it difficult to turn against his own clan, and thus, in his dilemma between Konoha and the Uchiha, he chose to end his own life.

But recently, the Third Hokage had learned from Kakashi that Danzo had ambushed Shisui, and that Shisui's death was directly connected to Danzo.

"I did it for the village, Hiruzen," Danzo replied calmly, meeting the Third Hokage's gaze.

"For the village? If Shisui had used Kotoamatsukami to truly alter the minds of the Uchiha leaders, that would have been the best outcome!" The Third Hokage's face remained angry.

He was indeed furious. His original plan had been sound-he could have had the entire Uchiha clan's power at his disposal.

With that power, he could have made Konoha more prosperous and powerful.

But Danzo had ruined everything!

Both publicly and privately, the Third Hokage was deeply upset, and his anger towards Danzo was only natural.

"Indeed, if Shisui had done that, it would have been the best outcome. But how could we be sure he would?

"Hiruzen, I believe the Uchiha are inherently evil by nature," Danzo insisted. "And his Kotoamatsukami is far too dangerous!"

Of course, Danzo would never admit that his ambush on Shisui was motivated by his own desire for the Hokage's position.

Instead, he firmly maintained that everything he did was for Konoha, with no personal motives whatsoever.

"I trust Shisui, just as I trusted Kagami," the Third Hokage emphasized.

"That's your belief. You have your way of protecting Konoha, and I have mine," Danzo responded, positioning himself as the righteous defender of the village.

"Danzo, don't forget, I am the Hokage!" The Third Hokage couldn't help but remind him, seeing Danzo's stubborn stance.

"Once the Uchiha matter is resolved, I'm going to reorganize your Root division!" The Third Hokage announced, not giving Danzo any room to argue further.

This reorganization would happen after the Uchiha issue was settled, so Danzo wasn't too worried.

"Hiruzen, I came here today with something very important to inform you about!" Danzo said, moving on from the matter of Root.

"What is it?" The Third Hokage's face was still clouded with anger as he asked.

"It's about Uchiha Akira!" Danzo began.

"Uchiha Akira? I've heard he has already awakened the three-tomoe Sharingan, hasn't he?"

At the mention of Akira, the Third Hokage's expression grew more serious.

As a renowned genius in Konoha and a member of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Akira had naturally caught the Third Hokage's attention.

By age, Akira was likely close to seven years old.

At seven, he had already awakened the three-tomoe Sharingan and achieved Jonin-level strength?

To be honest, every time the Third Hokage thought about it, he couldn't help but be astonished.

Konoha had always been a cradle for geniuses, but compared to Uchiha Akira, the other talents seemed rather ordinary.

"It's not just his talent that's remarkable. Uchiha Akira also has a special ability. Do you know what it is?" Danzo asked, looking at the Third Hokage.

"A special ability?" The Third Hokage looked at Danzo with surprise.

The Uchiha clan was known for the Sharingan as their bloodline limit.

But what other special ability could Akira have?

The Third Hokage was genuinely curious.

"Prophecy," Danzo revealed.

"Prophecy!?" The Third Hokage's face changed at the word. As Jiraiya's teacher, he was well aware that Mount Myoboku had a Great Toad Sage with the power of prophecy.

But the idea that Uchiha Akira also possessed the power of prophecy?

"I've never heard of an Uchiha having such a power!" The Third Hokage looked at Danzo, his

tone serious.

"Nor have I!" Danzo replied.

"But I've been puzzled for some time now about how Shisui, when he was pushed to the limit, happened to be saved by Uchiha Akira and Itachi."

"Yesterday, I learned from Kabuto the reason behind it!"

"Apparently, Uchiha Akira possesses the ability to predict the future!"

"Previously, their team was able to thwart Orochimaru's attack because Uchiha Akira had

foreseen it a day in advance!" Danzo explained.

Note: If you are interested, you can read up to chapter 102 at

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