No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 112 Altered System.

Chapter 112  Altered System.




[Ren Chris Hilton]

Age: 16

Race: Purebred Phoenix

[Level 1: Ember Initiate]

Current Progress [!]

Intelligence: 9/10

Strength: 90/100

Mana: 99/100

[Next Level: Flame Adept]

[10000/8095 Exp]

(Level up unavailable!)

Elemental Attributes: Fire

Advancements of Elements: Lightning

Unlock New Advancement: (Open)

Contracted Beast: One

Spirits: None


1) Body Strengthening

2) Fireball

3) Inferno Bolt

Learn New Skills: (Open)

Store: (Open)



This... was different from before. What I saw was really the updated version of the previous system, and it was... more organized. I don't know why, but it felt more like it was made especially for me.

'Why wasn't it like this before?' I thought. The first version was also made for me, but it was half-assed, unlike this one.

There are a lot of new features, like telling me the experience points required for the next level. It also tells me how my present strength is equivalent to the human power system.

'That makes it easier. I won't have to do all that math anymore,' I thought.

'You can learn new skills too!' Blaze chimed in my mind. Yes, he's right!

"Learn new skill," I muttered as the blue slate disappeared from my front, and a new landscape screen appeared.



Learned Skill (Updating)

[Fire Manipulation]: Basic control over fire magic, allowing the user to conjure and manipulate flames to a limited extent.

Available Skills:

[Flame Burst]: Emits bursts of fire projectiles towards opponents. (Learn)

[Fire Shield]: Creates a protective shield of flames to deflect attacks. (Learn)

Locked Skill [!]

[Inferno Blaze]: Generates intense waves of fire, causing greater damage and a wider area of effect.

[Flame Veil]: Envelopes the user in a fiery aura, enhancing physical abilities and providing resistance against heat-based attacks.



Now that's good. I can now easily learn these skills.

"Learn Flame Burst," I said as I saw another panel. It was small with the message:

[Is the host sure about wanting to learn this right now?]

Oh, so it's not a "buy the skill" feature where you can just purchase the skill and use it like in a game. Here, you have to follow a manual to learn this skill.

'Looks like you are a new teacher for yourself. No more jobs for Marilyn, I guess,' Blaze joked.

"Haha, so funny," I said sarcastically as I returned my focus back to the panel. I don't think right now is the best time to learn a new skill.

"Umm... next is...!?" My eyes widened as I saw something that was just... insane!

"I can unlock new advancements!" I nearly screamed those words at the top of my lungs.

'Shhhh...' Blaze shushed me. Maybe I was too loud. But still, it's not... understandable at all.

It's a law of nature that once you have elemental manifestations along with advancements, you cannot control any other elements or elemental advancements.

In my case, the mana veins were blocked, resulting in me having a late elemental manifestation. It took more time for me to discover that if I clear those blockages, then I can use the elemental advancement of lightning. But still, that was all.

"Unlock new advancement," I said, and all the previous slates just vanished, replaced by... a whole lot of screens that just

scrambled all around me, like the cards of a card deck.

Each card has a different symbol upon it. There was a small holographic panel to the right.




In Total: 89 advancements available.

For The Host: 85

Bestow/Gift: 85

[System Note:

Invest experience points to unlock these advancements.]



"Now that's something," I wondered as I clicked on the first "For the Host" option.


With a swift motion, some of the scrambled cards gathered in front of me. Each had different symbols, and the symbols glowed with a radiant light.

I advanced my hand and picked up a card with a forge symbol that grew with a lime green light.




Advancement: Material Fusion (Earth)

[Cost: 2000 Exp]


You can fuse two different kinds of metal/substances at the expense of mana.

Purchase: Yes/No



"So now I can learn advancements from different elements without even having that specific elemental manifestation." It was quite... good, if I said so myself.

I won't use the experience points now since I am close to leveling up, but I'll use them when I have a little more experience points.

"And now the store." Closing the advancement panel, I opened the store, and...

"It hasn't changed at all... why?" I was a bit disappointed as I was met with the same old store.




Blood Points: 5800 [!]

Storage Void: Currently Unavailable

1) Mana Potion: 50 Points

2) Healing Potion: 50 Points



6) Orb of Illusion: 1000 Points (Unit: 1)


8) Mithril Sword: 250 Points (Unit: 1)

9] Serpantal Poison:500 Points




"Huh?" When I looked closer, I saw a new feature, but... it said "currently unavailable." Storage Void, huh?

There was a [!] mark beside it, so I clicked on it, and it showed the message:

[A Personal Void for storage will be carved between two dimensional rifts to store an infinite number of items.

System Note:

You have to be [Level 3: Scorchmaster] to be able to access this feature.]

Okay, It gained my interest faster than expected. I'll think about it when I can use it along with this new system.

It's more like a professional litRPG game setting, better than before.

I don't know who this new owner of the system is, but they sure know a lot about games.

As I scanned through the available items, one caught my eye—a Mithril Sword.


----- Item Name: Mithril Sword


Attack Power: +30

Speed Bonus: +10%

Durability: High

Magical Affinity: Deals 20% additional damage to supernatural/

magical entities


Level Requirement: Ember Initiate (Level 1)


Crafted with precision using rare mithril, the Mithril Sword is a lightweight weapon with exceptional strength. It enhances the wielder's agility and speed, granting a 10% speed bonus. Its durability ensures it can withstand powerful attacks. The sword also possesses a magical affinity, dealing 20% additional damage to supernatural or magical entities.



Its description boasted exceptional craftsmanship and durability. Considering my current strength and the potential challenges I would face, acquiring a reliable weapon seemed like a wise choice.

"Purchase Mithril Sword," I stated confidently,

{Deducted:-250 BP}

Exchanging the required points and securing the weapon, I closed the store interface, satisfied with my choices. The system had evolved into a more engaging and personalized experience. I couldn't help but appreciate the efforts of its mysterious creator, who seemed to have an understanding of my world.

However, I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched by the system's owner. It unsettled me, and I made a mental note to remove the tracker when I had the opportunity.

"Now I think we should get going," I sighed, feeling a sense of weariness creeping in. The constant changes, while intriguing, were slowly eroding my dream of simply living out my youth. I longed to return home, to enjoy the food my mom prepared and assist my father in our antique shop. The matter of the academy was also pressing, as it held importance for both my promise and my own safety.

"But first, we have to investigate this," I pointed at the Gorthan. I couldn't leave this place without knowing the full story behind it.

'We're going to the next floor!?' Blaze exclaimed, his voice almost screaming. 'I don't think we need to do that. You have your new Bloodline and knowledge of the future. What more do we need to know? Let's just get out of here as fast as possible. We also have to figure out how to leave this island. We already have enough on our plate; there's no need to burden yourself further.' He continued to plead with me, but...

"I can't ignore it," I replied firmly. I sensed mana signatures from the other side of the gate, and it didn't feel like an everyday monster. I had to investigate.

Stepping forward, I left the Gorthan behind and advanced to the next floor through the dense mist. As I approached the floor gate, I noticed something peculiar. The gate's appearance materialized in front of me—a majestic archway adorned with intricate designs.

"Hmmm, what's this?" I wondered aloud. But my attention was immediately drawn to a significant anomaly on the right side of the gate—a sizable hole. It shimmered and sparkled with mesmerizing white particles.

'The dungeon is repairing itself. The hole is gradually filling,' Blaze interjected with his insight.

A hole in the dungeon? It's impossible- then I recalled something Blaze mentioned previously. It was indeed possible if one possessed enough power.

Well, it seemed the it had conveniently provided an opening for me to pass through without the need to figure out how to open the gate.

[After a few minutes]

"Smokeball,"I called,"looks like we are going home now."

What I saw was beyond something that I have seen until now in this Nightshade Sanctum.



[A/N: Hmmm...huh? Oh okay, I get it.]

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