No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 113 Elara Dracul

Chapter 113  Elara Dracul

[Somewhere Else.]

The room was adorned in rich, deep hues that reflected the affinity for the night. Heavy, velvet curtains of blood-red cascaded from ceiling to floor, veiling the room in an air of mystique. Moonlight filtered through tall, arched windows, casting elongated shadows that danced across the polished wooden floor.

In one corner stood an ornate, antique coffin, its lid slightly ajar, hinting at the slumbering form within. Lined with plush, midnight-black velvet, the coffin invited restful repose for the nocturnal occupant. Nearby, a tall, intricately carved bookshelf holds a collection of ancient tomes and dusty volumes, chronicling someone's timeless wisdom and thirst for knowledge.

A grand, Gothic-style canopy bed dominated the center of the room, its wooden frame intricately carved and reaching toward the heavens. The bed was dressed in sumptuous, dark silk sheets adorned with intricate lacework reminiscent of delicate spiderwebs. A single blood-red rose rested on a small, ornate side table beside the bed, symbolizing the immortal's eternal longing.

At the heart of the room, a mesmerizing chandelier hung from the ceiling, adorned with countless crystal droplets that refracted soft candlelight, casting ethereal glimmers across the room.


The black candles flickered, providing a haunting, dim illumination that bathed the room in a subtle, otherworldly glow.

A faint aroma lingered in the air—a mix of antique parchment, aged leather, and a subtle metallic tinge. Mirrors, strategically placed along the walls, reflected the haunting beauty of the room, adding an illusion of infinite space.

In this chamber, a single person lay on the bed, lonesome.


A subtle sound echoed as someone entered the room. The person immediately kneeled, avoiding eye contact with the beauty lying on the bed.

Profound silence enveloped the room as the beauty broke it with her melodious voice, serenely asking, "Aldrich, what is the progress of the upper third realm?" The man below raised his head and began reading the parched note rolled in his hand.

Aldrich possessed chiseled features, intense silver eyes, and tousled dark hair. His pale, flawless skin hinted at an ethereal nature. Clad in tailored black or burgundy suits, he exuded an alluring presence, leaving an indelible impression on those who crossed his path.

"Lady Elara, we are nearly completing the third upper realm's noble city," he reported. "In total, twenty nobles have invested their fortunes to buy a piece of land in that realm," Aldrich concluded.

"Ummm... that's good," Elara said as she rose from the bed, her face a mask devoid of emotion. It seemed as though she felt nothing in response to such news.

Elara Dracul, the vampire queen.

"I must see it for myself." Elara left the canopy of the bed, and Aldrich directed his gaze back to the ground, avoiding meeting the cold beauty's eyes. It might be his last day to live if he did.

"Let's go." She stood tall and statuesque, her lithe figure draped in flowing ebony garments that clung to her form like the night itself.


"As you command." Aldrich rose and with swift movements, he opened the door of the room as Elara walked out of her chamber.

When Elara moved, it was with a graceful, almost ethereal glide, as if defying the constraints of mortal motion. Her presence exuded a captivating aura—a combination of power and allure that left an indelible mark on all those who encountered her.

The corridor

was filled with butlers and maids, all dressed in formal-like attire. Each one of them was a vampire, serving under their queen in the manor. They bowed deeply as Elara passed by them.

Elara's attire befits her regal stature. She adorned herself in elegant, flowing gowns made from rich fabrics, often in shades of deep red or midnight black, accentuating her affinity for darkness and blood. Intricate lacework and delicate embroidery adorned her garments, creating an air of gothic sophistication.

"What about the Aberration of the fourth realm?" she asked, turning her face ahead. Her raven-black hair cascaded in loose waves, reaching down to her waist and possessing a subtle, ethereal sheen. Locks of hair occasionally obscured her pale, porcelain complexion, accentuating her piercing, mesmerizing gaze.

"We have successfully chained the beast down," Aldrich said as he followed her down the stairs, "but..." His face darkened a little.

"But what?" she asked, stopping and looking at the servant behind her. Her eyes, the color of deep crimson, burned with an intensity that hinted at her insatiable thirst and ancient wisdom. They held a profound depth, as if each glance revealed the secrets of centuries and reflected her age.

Aldrich gasped as he saw his master's face. It didn't matter how many times he saw it; he just couldn't get used to it, even after serving under her for the last two centuries.

Elara's delicate, perfectly sculpted features were adorned with a hint of translucent, porcelain-like skin that glowed with an otherworldly luminescence.

"I asked you something," Elara repeated. Her lips, full and inviting, possessed a natural shade of crimson, as if stained by the essence she craved. When she spoke, her voice carried a melodic quality, soft yet commanding, captivating listeners with its hypnotic allure.

"We have lost fifty of our proficient fighters in the subjugation," Aldrich said hastily, looking at his feet.

"...," Elara went silent for a few seconds and then continued, "a few sacrifices were meant to be given if we wanted to reach our goal."

"..." Aldrich said nothing as they descended for a long time. It wasn't like Elara couldn't just jump down from the window of her chamber and reach the ground easily without needing to walk from the top floor to the bottom, but she chose to do so. Why?

"-Because we have a lot of time," she whispered under her breath. It was as if she had already forgotten how old she was at this point. She had seen everything, from the rise of her clan to the worst downfall, but she always did what was in the best interest of her people.

"Aldrich," she called, "you can leave now." She told him to leave as they were in the middle of the manor tower. This floor was her favorite place.

"As you wish, my lady." Aldrich placed a hand on his chest as he stepped back into the shadows and disappeared swiftly.

This is the power of shadows, the element that Elara mastered.

This is the power of shadows, the element that she had mastered. Approaching the door, she noticed its intriguing design—a serpentine pattern intricately etched into its surface, sinuous lines winding and coiling like a nest of vipers. With a mix of curiosity and trepidation, she extended her hand towards the door, her fingertips gingerly brushing against the cool metal. In that instant, a barely audible click resonated through the air, signaling the door's acquiescence.

Stepping over the threshold, she found herself in a room that initially appeared unremarkable. Yet, as her gaze swept across the space, she was drawn to the far end where a grand balcony unfolded like a theater stage. Bathed in the ethereal glow of the moonlight, the balcony seemed to beckon her with a mystical allure.

As she ventured closer, a gentle breeze whispered through the room, carrying with it the softest of hums—an orchestration of nature's melodies blending together in perfect harmony. The moon's radiant beams cascaded upon the balcony, painting the scene with a silvery luminescence. The delicate tendrils of light entwined with the surrounding foliage, casting enchanting shadows that danced and swayed to their own silent rhythm.

The air carried a scent of blooming jasmine, mingling with the earthy aroma of dew-kissed grass. She could almost taste the tranquility that permeated the atmosphere, an intangible sweetness that calmed her senses.

Lost in the mesmerizing tableau, she felt a sense of solace wash over her. Walking towards the balcony's edge, she looked down at the city stretched out before her eyes.

The vampire city sprawled before her, a nocturnal kingdom carved out of shadows. "Let the poor souls of the deceased be given a happy place in heaven, O Father of all." 00:28

Gripping the pendant in her hand, she prayed, invoking a sense of peace an dserenity.

Towering structures, their gothic architecture reaching towards the roof, lined the cobblestone streets.

Elegant spires pierced the darkness, their silhouettes cast against the moonlit fog. Glimmers of lamplight danced through the deserted alleys, lending an ethereal glow to the deserted cityscape. A haunting beauty emanated from the empty, silent streets, as if the city held secrets that only the night could uncover.

"We ought to find a way to harvest those crystals from the seventh realm," she said, her gaze fixed on the rocky roof of crystals that they placed a few ten decades ago that replaced the sky.

Elara marveled at the sight, unaware that this barren expanse was not how it was supposed to be. She had never known the existence of stars or a true sky, only the artificial moon they had created. To her, this desolate landscape held a unique beauty, even if it masked the wonders that lay beyond.


Around her neck, she wore a pendant—an ancient heirloom passed down through generations—a silver amulet engraved with intricate, serpentine patterns, symbolizing her bloodline and ancestral power.


"Let the poor souls of the deceased be given a happy place in heaven, O Father of all." Gripping the pendant in her hand, she prayed, invoking a sense of peace an dserenity.

This was the realm of vampires hidden from the world or the world was hidden from them.

The Clock it ticking and the world is moving,the fate is interwoven and the world is to see the true colours if their own.


[A/N: "Aetherfall: Let The Tale Begin."Check it out till you wait for new chapter.]

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