No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 176 A Single Slap.

Chapter 176  A Single Slap.


The sound of hurried footsteps broke the silence, growing louder with each passing second. I turned my head to see the blue-haired female knight, Cecelia, dashing towards us.

'Cecelia,' Blaze whispered her name in my thoughts. Her approach was swift and decisive, her gaze fixated on Aron. In the blink of an eye, she unsheathed her blade, its gleam catching the faint light that filtered through the tree's canopy.

"Help...agh!"Aron's agonized groans filled the eerie surroundings, and his pleas for help were punctuated by a sense of despair and confusion. It was clear that he was in considerable pain, but the source of his suffering remained a mystery.

My thoughts briefly flickered to the arrogant prince, pondering if there had ever been a time when he faced harm. It was unusual for him to be in such a vulnerable state, and this unexpected cry for help only deepened the enigma surrounding him.

Cecelia, the blue-haired female knight, was a blur of motion. With her sword unsheathed and determination in her eyes, she surged forward, her intent clear: to confront me.

I reacted swiftly, jumping backward while simultaneously reinforcing my legs. It was crucial to remember that Cecelia was currently a two-star warrior, making this encounter decidedly uneven in her favor.

"Hey-agh fuck this bitch!" I began, attempting to address her and provide an explanation. However, her desperation and anger seemed to render my words irrelevant.

"WhAt Did you do to the PrinCe!!??"Her voice, laden with emotion, cracked as she launched another attack. Her blade sliced through the air, aiming for my left lung—an astute choice to restrict my movement.

But I had other plans. With a deft step backward, time seemed to slow around me. I channeled mana through my core and into my wrist, preparing for a precise and calculated strike.

The world around me hung in suspense for a split second before...


I struck her sternum.

"Ack!?"Cecelia's voice caught in her throat, a strangled sound of pain and surprise escaping her lips. The impact had found its mark, and I had managed to thwart her assault.


With a small sound, she slumped down to the ground, her blade clanging against the earth.

'You didn't take out your anger towards Adam on her, did you?' Blaze questioned. Well, I guess I did.

It might seem that a three-star warrior is superior to a two-star based on this exchange of blows, which is true, but it's not as straightforward as it might seem.

'Yeah, for a moment, her blade was just slightly off trajectory, which gave you an opening to strike her sternum. You used more than half of your physical power in that single punch,' Blaze explained my attack to God knows whom.

Regardless, my hand was starting to ache because of how sturdy her armor was, well, not anymore. It had cracked a bit.

"Anyways... Miss," I began to speak. "I did nothing to your prince," I explained.

"I heard him cry and came here," I pointed at Aron, who seemed to be trying to get up but ended up falling again. What was happening to him?

"So I'll take my leave then," I turned away, ready to leave.

'You're leaving?' Blaze's voice sounded surprised.

Yeah, as long as Cecelia was here, Aron should be safe.

'Safe? Safe, my ass! You've harmed the rescuer herself,' Blaze pointed out. True, but I didn't think that one punch was that big of a—well, it might be a bigger deal.


"Hmm?" I felt a tug on the hem of my pants. Cecelia was clutching her stomach with one hand while gripping my pants with the other.

" prince." Her voice was coarse, making me feel somewhat uneasy.

Wasn't it time for her to prioritize herself over that piece of trash? She always seemed to hate him, and rightfully so.


I didn't care. It was probably just a sense of duty on her part, and the fact that it would be a problem for her if something happened to the prince.

Crouching down, I spoke to her. "Hey, girl...look here." I grabbed her lower jaw.

"!!?" She flinched and tried to grab my wrist to remove my hand, but I held on and tightened my grip.


I flicked away an incoming stone that was thrown towards me with my other hand.

"Don't touch—agh!!" I was interrupted as Aron, still full of vigor, appeared to be angry.

This dynamic was peculiar. Shouldn't it be the other way around?

Aron Adiel Velcrow, a molester and a despicable person hated by everyone.

Cecelia, who was forced to be with him but later fell in love with Adam...was this some kind of side story that had unfolded but wasn't shown in the main storyline?

'You think a lot,' Blaze commented. I was tired, and I agreed, I wanted to sleep.

Pulling a vial from my robe, I said, "This is a healing potion, so be quiet." I put my thumb around her lower lip and pushed it inside slightly as her soft lip brushed past my thumb's skin.

As her mouth opened slightly, I steadily poured the soothing liquid into her mouth. I couldn't help but offer a light-hearted comment, "Don't complain if you find the taste unpleasant; it was my first attempt at brewing a potion," punctuating my words with a soft chuckle as the vial emptied.


I observed the potion's graceful descent down her throat, her eyes welling up with the tiniest hint of moisture at the corner.

'Looks kind of erotic for some reason,' Blaze commented with his typical candor, 'Well, you certainly don't hesitate when it comes to these situations.'

"Now, go and assist your prince," I encouraged her, confident that the potion would work its magic.

Cecelia blinked for a moment, still processing the unexpected act of kindness from me. Her lips trembled slightly, not from the taste of the potion, but from a mixture of emotions – confusion, and perhaps even surprise. She nodded slowly, finding her voice after a moment.

"Thank you," she said, her voice less strained than before. It seemed the healing potion was already working its wonders.

Without waiting for a response, she gathered herself and quickly got up. Casting one last glance at me, she turned and rushed to Prince Aron, who was still on the ground, his expression a mix of pain and confusion.

I observed Cecelia's approach, my eyes following her every move.

Satisfied that my task here was complete, I began to turn away.

"Don't touch me you fucking BITCH!!"

However, it appeared that I had spoken too soon.

Cecelia's expression underwent a swift transformation, shifting from gratitude to anger as she reached out to assist Prince Aron.

His harsh words tore through the air like venom, his curses slicing through the once-peaceful atmosphere.

'What is happening now?' Blaze's confusion mirrored mine, but deep down, I sensed a strange familiarity with this situation.

Aron's bitter words and Cecelia's angry response felt like a well-practiced script, replayed countless times, each word and action etched into memory. This was no mere spat – it was a long-standing conflict, one that transcended this singular moment.

Aron's face was flushed, his exhaustion evident, as he struggled to move.

But what struck me as even more surprising was the fact that he was asking for help – Aron Adiel Velcrow, of all people, requesting assistance from me?

"Interesting," I couldn't help but smile, finding the situation rather intriguing.

'Creepy,' Blaze shuddered, clearly unnerved by my reaction.

As Aron continued to berate Cecelia with harsh words, she visibly tensed, her eyes narrowing in anger. Her grip on his arm remained firm, but it was evident that his curses were getting to her. The tension in the air was palpable, and I couldn't help but be drawn into this peculiar drama.

"Unhand me, you wretched wench! How dare you lay your filthy hands on me?" Aron's voice quivered with both pain and fury as he hurled insults at Cecelia.

Cecelia's response was swift and filled with frustration. "You-"

Her words trailed off as she seemed to remember my presence and Aron's position. She shot a quick, apologetic glance in my direction, clearly uncomfortable.

She tried to get him up again but-

the forest. Cecelia froze in her place as her hand released its grip on Aron's arm. She touched her left cheek, the spot where Aron had Slap!


Then, suddenly, a loud slap cut through the tension, resonating in the forest. Cecelia froze in her place as her hand released its grip on Aron's arm. She touched her left cheek, the spot where Aron had slapped her. The look of flabbergastion on Aron's face mirrored her shock.

'This degenerate' bastard!!,'Blaze's voice seethed with anger, labeling Aron as a degenerate bastard.

I, too, was taken aback by this sudden act of physical aggression from Aron towards Cecelia.

.....It seemed like the first time I had witnessed him being abusive physically towards her.

"I think I'll take him to the infirmary," I declared, breaking the silence that had fallen over us. No one moved; we all seemed a bit stunned by what had just transpired.

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