No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 177 Asking Out?

Chapter 177  Asking Out?

'What are you thinking? Weren't you going to leave?' Blaze questioned, uncertainty in his tone. However, staying seemed like the better option in the current situation.

I approached Aron and reached down to help him up. He clutched his mask tightly, concealing the left side of his face. I knew the truth, that half of his face was marred by burns, a secret he had kept hidden for some time, only revealing it after a certain incident during his graduation.

He groaned in discomfort, his face flushed and body radiating heat. It was an odd predicament for him to be feeling cold in this weather.

'Cold? How pitiful to suffer a chill in this climate,' Blaze remarked as he hopped off my head and strolled ahead. I turned my attention to Cecelia, who stood still, deep in thought. Her hand rested on her left cheek, still bearing the stinging sensation from her earlier slap.

"Miss Knight, I'll take the first prince to the infirmary, and..." I began explaining, but Cecelia interrupted me. She bent down to retrieve her sword, sheathed it, and then walked ahead.

"Follow me," she uttered in a subdued voice, a hint of frustration evident. It was moments like these that made it clear why she had such a strong aversion to Aron – his utter lack of respect for her.

'I can't say I feel sorry for him,' Blaze chimed in, making his stance clear.

We made our way towards the infirmary, located in the farthest building within the academy grounds. Along the route, a sea of curious students parted to give us passage. Whispers and hushed gossip trailed in our wake, and some even huddled at a distance to catch a glimpse of the peculiar spectacle – me carrying Aron.

Evidently, most of the onlookers had identified Aron, and I had little doubt that this would become a hot topic by the next day. However, not a single soul dared approach us to inquire about what had occurred. Even the third-year students who were strolling around the campus seemed content to observe from afar, as if we were the central act in a circus.

Cecelia, on the other hand, continued her march with averted eyes, her focus solely on counting her steps. Aron's incessant groaning grew increasingly grating as he implored, "Take me to the infirmary."

We arrived at the infirmary, a spacious room awash in muted tones of white and pale blue. Sunlight filtered in through half-closed blinds, casting gentle stripes of light and shadow across the clean, tiled floor. The scent of antiseptic lingered in the air, a testament to the room's purpose.

At the far end of the room, near a row of neatly organized medical supplies, stood the nurse. She was a tall woman with raven-black hair cascading down her back in a neat braid. Her pristine white robe contrasted with her dusky complexion. A pair of silver-rimmed spectacles perched on the bridge of her nose, giving her an air of authority and competence.

The nurse turned her attention toward us as we entered, her dark eyes scrutinizing the situation.

With a gentle touch, I lowered Aron onto one of the infirmary beds. He winced at the contact, his body recoiling from the cool, sterile sheets.

I stepped closer, addressing the nurse,"He requires immediate concern and professionalism. "I'll attend to him right away."

attention. His condition deteriorated suddenly."

The nurse responded with a nod, her expression a mixture of concern and professionalism. "I'll attend to him right away."

With nothing more to be done for Aron at the moment, I signaled to Cecelia that it was time for us to leave. However, before we could depart, a petulant voice erupted.

"Hey, BITCH! Get out and guard the door!!" The boy threw a tantrum, his voice dripping with disrespect.

Cecelia's eyes widened momentarily as she looked at him, but she offered no retort. She exited the room, leaving the nurse and the irate boy alone.

I cast one final glance at Aron lying on the bed, then turned my attention to the nurse. She seemed unfazed by the outburst, likely familiar with Aron's reputation and disposition.

As Cecelia and I stepped out of the infirmary, the door closed gently behind us, muffling the commotion that Aron's arrival had stirred within. We now found ourselves in a quiet corridor, a respite from the chaos.

Cecelia let out a sigh of relief, her shoulders trembling ever so slightly now that we were out of earshot. "I can't believe I have to stand guard for him," she muttered under her breath, her voice carrying a clear note of irritation... or was it annoyance?

She took a deep breath, her gaze shifting up to meet mine, and in a voice that quivered slightly, she said, "T-thank you."

My head throbbed, an unusual sensation that I couldn't quite place.

'What's going on?' Blaze inquired, his confusion mirroring mine. The way both of them were acting now was perplexing. At times, they adhered closely to the roles from the game, but then, there were moments when they behaved entirely differently.

"No worries," I replied, taking a step closer to Cecelia.

"N-no! I remember y-you from that day," she stammered, her voice wavering.

"That day when you almost reached for your sword hilt while I was just trying to put a key in the lock?" I asked, tilting my head slightly to better see her downcast face but it was a failed cause.

Cecelia nodded, her voice barely audible.

I let out a soft sigh as Cecelia flinched, startled by my sudden movement. I crouched down to her eye level, studying her closely. Her eyes were red, and I wondered if she was on the verge of tears.

"Crying?" I inquired, my curiosity evident.

'No shit, Sherlock!' Blaze's sarcasm rang in my mind.

"N-no," Cecelia replied, her voice unsteady.

I sighed, my tone lightheartedly exasperated. "Well, you did make me look suspicious there. But hey, water under the bridge, right?"

Cecelia's eyes widened slightly, her expression shifting from sadness to confusion.

Before she could respond, I continued, this time with a casual confidence that caught her off guard. "Hey, how about we grab lunch together at the canteen tomorrow? Say, around noon?"

Cecelia blinked, clearly taken aback by the unexpected invitation. After a moment of stunned silence, she managed to stammer out a surprise, "What?"

"Lunch. I don't know why, but I always feel like an outcast around here, so I've been wondering if you'd join me for lunch," I explained.

'What's your game?' Blaze questioned, but I chose to ignore him.

"N-no, I'm busy..." Cecelia began to decline.

"You don't want to make up for your mistake?No knight honor?" I interrupted, a hint of playful challenge in my tone.

Cecelia hesitated, caught between her reservations and my unexpected proposition. Her eyes darted around as if searching for an escape, but I maintained a steady and sincere gaze.

"I... well," she stammered, clearly conflicted. "I suppose... lunch wouldn't hurt."

A small smile tugged at the corners of my lips. "Great! It's a date, then. Tomorrow at noon in the canteen."

Cecelia's cheeks flushed slightly, and she nodded, her expression softening. "


With that settled, I stood up and took a step back. Cecelia remained standing, a mixture of emotions playing across her face. We exchanged one last glance before I turned and walked away, leaving her in the corridor.

As I continued down the hall, Blaze couldn't resist but chime in, 'Well, that was unexpected. What's the plan now?'

I smirked, my thoughts racing with possibilities. 'Y'know what?'

'What?' he asked.

'People are most vulnerable when they are sad... maybe more impulsive, if I had to put it that way,' I replied as we exited the building.

'And... what do you plan to do?' Blaze didn't hesitate to question my intentions, not even thinking that goodwill might not be the primary motivator.

'Goodwill my ass, just tell me,' Blaze's impatience was palpable as we walked across the academy grounds.

My gaze shifted to the right corner, where a tree stood. My eyes climbed up to the top branch, where a peculiar member of the royal family was casually munching on fruits, seemingly carefree.

'Maybe I think I know now,' I said thoughtfully.

Blaze sighed and added, 'Get a heart, dude.' His words were tinged with criticism as he voiced his disapproval of my intentions.

The sun lazily dipped below the horizon, casting a warm and golden hue over the academy grounds. As I continued my leisurely walk, the sky gradually turned shades of orange and pink, painting a picturesque backdrop for the evening.

After a few minutes, I reached my dormitory building. It stood there, a sturdy and imposing structure, its windows reflecting the hues of the setting sun. To my surprise, I spotted a familiar figure lingering by the entrance – Raven. She paced back and forth in front of the building, her silhouette bathed in the soft, fading light.

'What is that gal doing here?' Blaze questioned with curiosity tinged in his voice.

I shared his confusion but decided to approach her nonetheless. "Umm... what are you doing here?" I inquired, my words breaking the tranquility of the evening.

"Ohh! How long it took you to be back!" Raven complained, her tone carrying a hint of frustration.

"You were here?" I asked, taken aback. I noticed some of my dorm mates peering at us from the windows, clearly intrigued by the unfolding scene in the gentle twilight.

"Yeah, are you free tomorrow?" Raven's words broke the stillness of the evening air, catching me off guard. The warm, muted colors of the setting sun bathed her in a soft glow, making the moment feel surreal.

"Free tomorrow?" I echoed, needing a moment to process her surprising question. The subtle murmurs of my dorm mates observing our conversation added a touch of intrigue to the scene.

[A/N: Illustrations:...]

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