On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

One Hundred And Fifty-Nine

One Hundred And Fifty-Nine

Entering the Territory the oppression began, my aether starting to be drawn from me slowly. A flash of light in the distance signified a bolt from the Sniper Emplacement, but since we expected it everyone was able to evade. As the ground erupted, chunks of soil and stone blasted into the air, we pressed onwards, moving rapidly as the brisk tempo of a jaunty piece played by the musicians led by Tillyae uplifted us, increasing our movement speed and agility.

Damn, these buffs are great. I’m not sure how we managed without them before…

Normally we would have outpaced the musicians, rendering them less useful and more vulnerable to ambush, but the Jade Beetle kami was able to carry them packed tightly on his colossal back, allowing them to keep us with us, a boon I hadn’t calculated.

“Overhead, look!” someone called, and I could see several of the wispy, insubstantial wraiths peering down on us.

“It doesn’t matter. There was no way we were going to be undetected, the minute we attacked the barrier our presence was noticed. Unless it’s the one who can use that dreadful light ability, they aren’t worth wasting flame on.”

The site of the Hisuikomushi shrine loomed ahead of us, and I felt a pang of shame in my heart at what was left of it. The once-glorious Boundary shrine was now just a blackened mass of charred beams and collapsed torii, the main building a stark black skeleton, reaching to the dark skies like a seared hand, only the bones visible. Faint flickers of green energy were leaking, being drawn away into the small clusters of citrine flames that were still burning fitfully, even now, days later. Ugh, I’ll definitely have a lot to answer for in the afterlife, it has to be bad karma destroying a shrine, even for good reasons…

Grulgor and his trolls had broken ahead of our formation. I tried to call them back but they were out of control as usual. Still, they were heading the right way at least. As if to answer his wishes, Grulgor let out a bellow of rage and satisfaction, as swarms of orcs poured out of the upcoming warren of buildings and tangled streets. Many of them were poorly armed and armoured, only a few being well-equipped. However, mixed in to the horde were dozens of ghost orcs, our biggest problem.

Grulgor and his trolls hammered into the charging mass, thrown balls of steel splattering orcs to fragments, massive iron and steel clubs reducing everyone who stood in their way to a paste of blood and ether. Orcs tried to retaliate using their numbers, but it was like trying to stop runaway bulldozers, the sheer muscle, mass and fury of the trolls too overpowering. Yeah, trolls are natural enemies of warriors like orcs. Stronger, faster, tougher and able to regenerate… that only leaves…

Metal spears ripped free from the ground, aiming at the trolls. Grulgor swept them aside, but several others weren’t so lucky. One stony troll pushed through, the spikes merely chipping off some of his grey skin, while another wasn’t so lucky, metal spikes ripping into his legs, spilling acrid blood, holding him in place. Battering at the spikes dully more nails flew at him like arrows, and he was soon a pincushion, yet he roared and flailed despite his many weeping wounds.

“Our enemy has come forth.” Shaeula observed, seeing the widow of nails, still missing one arm, sheltering on top of a low building, gazing at us with unbridled hostility.

“Yeah, so we need to end this. We don’t want to have to take her and Kondou on at the same time. I don’t feel the need to give that rapist bastard an honorific. He pays for his crimes today…

“Very well. Time to show off-off the fruits of my training!” Shaeula puffed out her modest chest. While I had been making replacement gear and getting knocked about by Ulfuric, Shaeula had been practising some tricks of her own.

“Mages, wind rain!” she ordered, and at her word Danaera bowed, waving her wooden staff. Behind her, the mages, who were at our rear, having fallen a bit behind after our sprint to the centre, gathered their own casting implements, and a jade wind began to blow, a blizzard of emerald sparks forming.

“Area bombardment, light spread!” Danaera called, and the wind swept up, condensing into a host of small green orbs that began to shower down over the enemy ranks. “Scatter, my beautiful yellow petals. Golden Sakura Falling!” Shaeula called out, once more influenced by magical girl anime.

The first orbs of green splashed down, ripping apart orcs they touched, though any of the ghost orcs merely reformed again instantly, but as Shaeula channelled her flame energy into the air, pulling from the batteries on her back, the orbs began to change, flaring into bright yellow fireballs, falling like drifting leaves on the wind, exploding into glimmering sparks that set alight what they touched.

Ghost orcs caught by the fires began to disintegrate, while Grulgor and his trolls who were also caught in the rain laughed it off, still pushing their way through the carnage despite burns accumulating on their already abused bodies. The mages added more wind to the mix, Shaeula sweating, eyes narrowed with effort, her amber eyes glowing as fiercely as the blazes that were falling from the skies as she struggled with the effort of swallowing all the wind with her flames.

Still, the biggest reaction came from Kiku, who on seeing flames rain down towards her, panicked, nails ripping from the ground and forming a metal cocoon around her with a loud clang, flames striking off it harmlessly, setting the roof around her ablaze.

She remembers when she was burned before. Those that have been seared do fear the flame! “That’s masterful, Shaeula. I doubt I could manage such fine control.” I praised, earning a bright smile in return.

“Indeed, without my eyes, and the recent increase in my level, I would-would struggle. It is no trivial task.”

“Well, this is our chance, we should…” light flared from behind us and the mages fell into silence, swallowed up by the cruel memories of the poor girl who Kondou had abducted, tortured and killed. The fiery rain abated without the supplied wind energies, and Kiku dismissed her protection, the metal spikes tearing free and surrounding her like flying swords.

Damn, we didn’t get all the ghost orcs… still, their numbers are diminished significantly. That had been proven by the delightful level-up message I had received as I greedily sucked in as much of the ether released from the dead that I could, reaching level thirty-nine.

“My poor daughter, you have come to save me.” The widow spoke. “This cruel man wishes us to die, or worse. Should he lay his hands on us, you know what suffering awaits us. Kondou-dono, my departed husband, this cruel bringer of flame… they only desire our submission and suffering.”

At her words the ghost girl let out a mournful wail. “I don’t want that. I just want to go home. I want to forget everything, I want daddy to dote on me again, tell me I’m his princess…”

“Poor female. She has been driven quite mad-mad by the events that have befallen her.” Shaeula sniffed, pulling out her pinwheels. Her second trick was to apply a little fire to the bluesteel as well, so that the rapidly vibrating cords would also carry the effect of purification. They swept across the remaining enemy forces, increasing our advantage as they were slashed to pieces.

“Seriously, all I want is to bring Kondou Kazuo to justice.” I countered, shouting to both the widow and the poor girl. “If we can settle this peacefully I’m all for it, but that bastard sent yakuza to my home, threatened those I love. He wanted to perpetuate the same atrocities that befell you with the women at our home. Stand aside and I’ll make sure you have your justice, and I’ll shelter you from further harm!” as I talked my spear impaled orc after orc, and when the point was stuck in the ribs of one I whipped free my katana and decapitated it. Yeah, a sword for close-up work or when my spear is unusable is a good call… I guess an expert like Ulfuric would know more than an amateur like me who only cribs what he can from internet guides.

Hearing my words the ghost girl faltered, her expression doubtful. “I… I could…” she began, but Kiku’s face warped and twisted, her expression one of boiling hatred as she glared at me. Her huge metal blades were flung at me, seeking my life, only to meet a massive wall of earth that erupted from the ground at Ulfuric’s command, leaving a few inches of rusted iron protruding through. Shit, I was almost a pincushion. Even one-armed she’s dangerous…

“I am the only one who loves you!” Kiku howled. “Not your father, not Kondou-dono, and definitely not this brute of a man. Do not listen to his honeyed lies! Only eternal suffering awaits should you surrender. Instead, drag them all into your dreams, let them taste a fraction of the suffering you have endured!”

“I’m sorry, I understand…” the girl cried, raising her hands, the bright light forming once more between her palms.

Shit, I think I was getting through to her until that bitch spoke up. Just how much does she hate men? Still, this is my moment…

The orb in her hands glowed brilliantly, before detonating, rays of empathic light scattering over the entire area. Yet I was not able to see them, as Ulfuric and the White Snakes released a flow of ruby light, exploding the ground into a massive cloud of choking dust and dirt, obscuring everyone’s vision.

The moment the ground erupted I was sprinting towards where the widow of nails was standing, moving from memory. Coughing and choking, the taste of grit in my mouth, I leapt, landing on the roof in front of her. Nails were suddenly coming at me in a rapid hail of iron, but using aether, fighting against the pull of enemy Territory, wasting far more than I would have liked, I shifted them to the side, peppering the roof around me.

“I have you, monster.” I heard a gloating voice then, and Kiku crashed through the murk to my side, well away from where the nails were coming from.

Shit, she misdirected me too… she had torn something from her mouth, blood leaking down her seared face, dripping to the dirt-strewn rooftop. It glittered between her fingers like a long dagger. “You shall bow to me, vile man! As one day will …”

“No thanks. I don’t mind obeying women, but only if it’s Eri or Shaeula. Well, I guess Aiko and mom too… sometimes.” Letting go of my spear I swung my katana. It clashed against the long nail held in her hand, shattering. Still, it deflected her enough that the spike only stabbed air. Swinging my fist I unleashed Foehn. No need for overkill, not at point-blank range…

Seeing the flames boil from my hand her eyes went wide, crying out in fear. “No, not again…” she wailed mournfully. Still there was no way she could dodge… “Curse you!” she howled, her own body erupting with spikes. Nails ripped from the flesh of her torso, scattering inky, turgid blood. The spikes slammed into Foehn, before being engulfed.

Even so, that won’t be… I gaped as the burning spines were shot from her body, flaming missiles that scattered over the nearby buildings, rapidly setting them ablaze, burning glow visible through the dwindling fog of dirt and dust. She leapt backwards, spikes ripping free from the surrounding terrain, seeking my life.

“I must… must retreat. Kondou-dono is needed, else I shall fall here.” she ignored the exposed bones and innards she was displaying, her pale body fully visible as her kimono had been shredded, falling off her as rags. Careening through the chaos the Jade Beetle let out a roar of pain, as the Sniper Emplacement had lobbed another bolt, striking its carapace. On seeing this, Kiku looked a little relieved. Her gaze strayed to the sky, where her daughters were ducking and diving, Shaeula’s pinwheels soaring high into the air trying to chase them down, a yellow light radiating from them.

“My daughters, retreat. Kondou-dono’s seat of power shall help us repel these vile interlopers.” She bounded backwards, rapidly escaping my range as I fought off the metal that sought my life.

“You aren’t going anywhere…” I hurled my spear, but it was deflected, pinned between metal cones that rose to meet it. I channelled aether to free it, blinking the spear forwards, but she had dropped behind another building, my efforts wasted. Up above the ghosts had also fled, leaving us with the remaining handful of orcs to mop up.

“Damn, I almost had her.” I complained to Shaeula who had joined me.

“Indeed-indeed. Those wraiths are rather slippery as well. They escaped my attacks. Still, the advantage is ours, is it not-not?”

“Yeah, she’s hurt even more now.” I looked down, to see the nail-dagger she had tried to stab me with. Seeing my gaze, Shaeula inspected it, her eyes glowing. After a moment she directed a jade wind towards it, green motes surrounding it like fireflies. “I see, I see.” She pursed her lips, thinking. “So that is how it works. Fascinating.” Gingerly she picked it up, sliding it into the sash of her yukata. “Wake up the mages. We shall-shall press on.”

Watching Shaeula jumping onto the shell of the Green Beetle kami, squeezing in beside the musicians, I shook my head. Sometimes it really seems like Shaeula is in charge. Oh well, she’s right though…

It was time to settle things once and for all. For the crime of trying to hurt those under my protection, there would be harsh judgement. I leapt down and combined my flames with the wind from the Kamaitachi to purge the last of the ghostly orcs, restoring my aether stocks, ready for the final push.

You have gained in strength. Your level has increased from thirty-nine to forty.

A good omen. All right, time to end this. Following Grulgor and his trolls, who were now storming after the widow, ignoring the blood still seeping from their wounds, I led our forces towards the heart of the enemy Territory, the hotel visible in the distance…

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