On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

One Hundred And Sixty / Side Forty-Four – Kondou Kazuo and The Widow of Nails

One Hundred And Sixty / Side Forty-Four – Kondou Kazuo and The Widow of Nails

We pursued the widow, heading ever closer to the heart of the enemy Territory. We could see the hotel clearly now, and it was one of the vilest things we had come across so far, as fleshly growths and tentacles wound across the surface, pulsing to an unseen rhythm. Studded amidst the tumorous flesh glittered large jewels, sucking in nearby ether.

“Once more I am indeed-indeed grateful our Territory is pleasing to one’s eyes.” Shaeula called down from the back of the Jade Beetle. “Were it like this, I fear I would have no choice but to abandon it.”

Yeah I get that. It’s a fair reflection of its master though. As we approached, the trolls in the lead, several of the glittering crystals began to unleash bolts of aether, streaking towards us. Grulgor leapt aside as a bolt shot past him, while other trolls staggered, struck hard. Other crystals were giving birth to orcs, mucous-stained flesh around the hotel splitting open and pushing them out as though giving birth to them. Still, the numbers were pitiful compared to those we had slaughtered, only a dozen waiting.

“All right then, time to bring it all down.” I ordered. “Start attacking!”

The mages began to call open their powers, eager to make up for being caught in the empathic attack of the wraith girl. A tornado of green energies formed, before they began launching blasts of wind towards the hotel. Flesh and stone exploded, gobbets of bulbous muscle and tissue scattering across the sky. There was a series of secondary explosions, and two of the large gems shattered, silencing some of the incoming fire.

“I shall not-not fall behind!” Shaeula boasted. “Play us song of victory.” She ordered, and the musicians changed their tune, this one majestic, with more brass and percussion. Hearing it I felt my strength swell. Before I could react myself, Shaeula drew her pink-jade bells and threw out her wind weasels. They snaked through the handful of orcs, tearing most of them apart, before sinking their rotating, vibrating jaws into the mass of fleshy protuberances that made up some of the Spawning Spires, before detonating, shattering the crystals, spraying ether everywhere.

Not to be outdone, Grulgor and his trolls were pushing through an even heavier rain of fire. Rapid pulses were blasting out in a tide, each bolt individually weak, but even so it slowed them. Grulgor grinned balefully, hefting one of the heavy steel balls I had made him, and with a gurgled laugh threw it, shattering one of the Emplacements that was targeting him.

It's going well, we are doing a lot of damage. But where is the widow and her ‘daughters’? I remained cautious as Ulfuric also hung back. Shaeula urged the Jade Beetle to attack, and it exhaled a writhing blast of wind, scouring a chunk of the tower down to its brickwork, sending blood gushing down the side of the structure like tears.

Surely they’ll not let us destroy everything uncontested? I know she’s afraid of our flames, but even so…?



“What… what do we do?” Haru asked uncertainly, hovering in the air beside Kiku, peering out of the third floor window, which shook as another impact tore chunks of masonry and flesh out of the structure. “We don’t have anywhere else to run to… I’m scared. Why is this happening?”

Kiku was biting at her lumpy golden ring, teeth digging into the metal. I have only one recourse left to me, but without Kondou-dono being here… “Oh, how I wish we could just abandon this vile place, leave it to fall into ruin. Alas, Kondou-dono has ordered me to defend this place at all costs. And none of his later orders have rescinded this. As always, we are a slave to cruel men.”

“So… what can we do?” Haru pressed, the situation overwhelming her. At her tremulous question, Kiku lowered her arm.

“We strike, and pray that Kondou-dono has the courage he has not displayed so far and comes to defend what is his.” with that she shattered the window in front of them, before starting to fire out streams of nails towards the foes approaching the tower. Taking her lead from the widow, Haru began to draw in the light again, the effort of using it for the third time causing her to flicker fitfully, her strength fading…


“What the fuck is that useless bitch… agh… doing?” Kazuo spat, the sudden angry movements aggravating his wounds. Beside him the yakuza doctor bobbed around awkwardly, trying to administer medical attention.

“You need to calm down, sir. The stitches won’t hold if you don’t give them time to settle…” the doctor warned politely, but as Kazuo turned his angry gaze on him, his ruined eye now sewn shut, the other an angry bloodshot orb, he backed away despite himself, dropping the syringe he was holding.

“I’m busy. Shut the fuck up.” He grated, trying to shut out the uncomfortable feeling that was spiking through his guts and brain. It was just like other times his domain had been threatened, yet far, FAR more intense. Just how can that bitch be so worthless? I gave her a simple order, and she has all the might I have accumulated at her disposal, and she can’t even keep out vermin from my property? He turned his gaze to the mobile phone lying beside him. There had still been no news from the yakuza who attacked Shirohebizumi shrine. Akira had better not be indulging in that girl, she’s mine to break.

The thought of torturing the two who had wounded him, especially the girl, soothed him for a while. The doctor restarted his ministrations, and Kazuo tried to ignore the sensation of his Territory being damaged, yet it was only growing more intense. So, if the two I want have been captured by the yakuza, then who is attacking my land? Is it their pitiful remnants out for revenge, or do I have a new enemy, seeking to take advantage of my troubles?

His back was burning fiercely, as was the ruin of his face. He was about to demand more painkillers when his mobile lit up, ringing noisily. Finally. Thank fuck for that.

Snatching up the phone, he answered it. “About damn time. Akira-san. You’ve got them, I hope?”

“Sorry Kondou-san, it’s me, boss Oyameda. I’ve heard about your recent misfortune. My sympathies.”

“I appreciate it.” He grated. “You’ve always been a good friend to me, Oyameda-san. Speaking of, I appreciate you lending me Akira-san and the boys. I’m expecting a call from them any time now reporting they’ve caught the bitch and bastard that crossed me. Or is that what you are calling about? Did they let you know first?”

There was a long moment of silence, before Oyameda answered. “About that… Kondou-san, just who were we going up against? You said it was just a couple of competent fighters at a shrine, right?”

Another bad feeling was creeping up on him, matching the warnings screaming in his brain. His hand started crushing the phone, the frame creaking under his ferocious grip. “Yes, that’s right. Why, did you suffer casualties?” It wasn’t impossible they could kill a few yakuza if cornered, but against an armed mob, especially with guns, they should be easy prey.

“You… could say that.” Oyameda sighed. “I’m afraid… Akira and the others were taken away by the police. It was a total wipe-out. Seriously, have you got us involved in a turf war with other gangs? I’m disappointed you’d use us like this, Kondou.” He noticed the honorific was gone now. “I thought of you as a sworn brother, and I haven’t forgotten all the favours you have done the Matsubato-kai over the years, but this…”

How? How is this possible? Kazuo could no longer hear the buzzing of the phone in his ear. All he could do was rage at the situation he had found himself in. Fuck. If they failed, then that means the ones that are attacking my domain.. it’s them, right? Those fuckers… This was absolutely the worst-case scenario. He had escalated the fight to the real world, so if he lost his power-base in the other world, as well as Kiku, then… Not only will I have no chance of finding some way to fix my damn eye, I’m injured and weak, and now I’m lacking supporters… if they come for me here…

“… you hear me, Kondou? How are you going to make up for this blunder? Money alone will hardly be enough, the Matsubato-kai are in danger of being absorbed by…”

“Shut up.” He growled, causing the doctor to back away again, sensing another explosion.

“Excuse me? You didn’t just…” Oyameda began, but he was silenced once more.

“I said SHUT UP YOU FUCKING CLOWN! I NEED TO MAKE IT UP TO YOU?...” taking a deep breath to calm himself, he continued, his voice deadly serious. “Thanks to your useless goons, I’m now under a full-scale attack. I could lose everything! How the fuck can a gang of armed men fail to apprehend a couple of people, one a small woman! You should be on your knees, bowing before me!”

“We might be close as brothers, but I will not…”

“Fuck off! I’m done talking to you! When I’ve sorted this mess, I’ll be coming to find you!” Kazuo squeezed and the phone screen shattered, the frame warping. Blood trickled from his torn hand as he let the malformed hunk of plastic and metal fall to the floor. It struck with a loud sound and the doctor jumped, looking terrified.

“As for you… useless. Worthless. Just… die!” Kazuo extended his hand and the power he had been given in his dreams boiled within him, stronger than ever. Blood and dark fluid seeped out from his sewn-shut eyelid as the doctor started to writhe, clutching at his throat and face, nails digging furrows in his flesh. Screams left his throat raw, and the noise infuriated Kazuo, who forced even more of his power out, more than he had ever used before. Blood and bubbles of foam poured from the mouth of the doctor, who fell like a puppet whose strings had just been cut, not breathing.

This is power. Yakuza are useless. Their time has passed. When I’ve killed those fuckers invading my realm and have their souls enslaved, then I can turn my attention to taking over organised crime. I’ll stand at the top of the world, and no-one can stop me…

His fear of injury overwhelmed by his white-hot rage, Kazuo gathered his strength and entered that mysterious land. Appearing within his hotel, he glanced out of one of the high windows, only to see bugs swarming below, inflicting great damage on his holdings. Tongues of flame were licking at the side of his hotel, and on concentrating he could feel that numerous facilities he had constructed over the last month and a half had been destroyed.

“Not only have I lost the shrine and my puppet there, now all this too… fuck, it’s going to take weeks or more to restore all this. Kiku you wretch, I’ll teach you what it means not to follow my orders.” He concentrated, the link between them a fine thread. I see, still alive, and below. Glancing over at the glittering pillar of flesh and jewels that was the centre of his power, surrounded by smaller versions that drew in the strange power of this place, he firmed up his resolve. I am the one destined to rule this world. Every woman I want shall open her legs for me, every man shall kneel before me. Those that cross me… will meet a bad end!

Leaving the room, he headed for the stairwell, rushing down to where his useless subordinate was waiting for chastisement…


The area around the window collapsed, spears of savage jade energy punching through the walls effortlessly, showering them with debris which passed through the ghostly women, a few fragments striking Kiku, drawing blood.

“It didn’t work, It didn’t work!” Haru babbled, flitting about in a panic, the other daughters trying to console her silently. “The light fell on them, but all it did was stop them for a few seconds! Don’t they care about my pain? Does my death mean nothing to them?” she was equal parts indignant and sorrowful.

Kiku bit down on her already bruised and bleeding lips. She had watched the light spread out, though it covered a far smaller area than previously, her daughter almost spent, her energy diminished. It had fell upon the brutish monsters who were far more grotesque than even the brutes Kondou-dono controlled, huge and full of rage. And for a moment they had indeed halted, eyes glazing over. Still, it had not held, and they roared back into action, confused and angrier than ever, wreaking destruction on the assets Kondou-dono regarded so preciously. Worse, bombardment was continuing as the return fire was faltering…

Suddenly, her gaze strayed to the ceiling. Finally. Kondou-dono has gathered his courage. Now I shall not have to throw myself suicidally at the enemy to fulfil his orders, I can wait for him.

A few seconds later the door to their shelter burst open, and Kondou-dono was there, his face enough to freeze even her deadened heart. One eye was a ball of shimmering light, angry silver tears dripping from it, while the other was like a window to hell, full of seething rage. On seeing her huddled and broken, his face twisted into a rictus grin.

“So, would you mind telling me why you are hiding here like a useless bitch when. I. Am. SURE. I. ORDERED. YOU. TO. FUCKING KILL THEM AT ALL COSTS!” his cadence and tone swung wildly, making his fury plain. “We are losing! Enemies are at my very headquarters, ruining what I have struggled to build. Perhaps I asked too much of you. You are a woman, after all. Useless. Women are like animals. All they understand is…”

Kiku opened her mouth to protest. Oh please, Kondou-dono. Have pity for once in… But before she could plead for clemency pain blossomed. The shocking ripple of agony was stronger than ever. Her nearest daughter caught the full breadth of it, and despite being non-corporeal, the shocking weight of pain on her soul was too much, and with that she disintegrated, perishing beyond even Kiku’s powers to sustain. Her other daughters were flickering and screaming, and Haru was sobbing bitterly, crying out for her ‘daddy’ again and again, promising she would be a good girl and not talk to strange men…

Kiku could hear someone repeating apologies under their breath, only to realise it was her. “Sorry, forgive me. I’m sorry, forgive me, spare me, my husband, have I not done enough, spare me…” the litany continued, the pain so intense, enough to fog her mind enough that Kondou-dono and her late husband overlapped in her mind. It took her a while to come back to herself, the taste of old iron bringing her out of her stupor. She found herself lying on the carpet of the room, having savagely bitten her tongue.

“There will be NO further lessons. We fight and we kill them. Anything less and you will have no use for me.” He spat, his tone brooking no argument.

“Very well, Kondou-dono.” She managed to answer, her wounded tongue struggling to form words. “As you will it.”


“Damn, that one up there is annoying.” Another sniper bolt flashed down, streaking from the Emplacement that was on the roof of the hotel. The mages managed to hold it off with their defensive barriers of wind, but they were starting to run dry. The constant drain of being in enemy Territory was small, but added up over time.

“Still, we’ve almost finished destroying the defences.” I observed, and Ulfuric who was beside me, nodded.

“Indeed. The weight of fire that drove away Grulgor before was unable to supress our numbers, and we have much long-ranged destruction at our own disposal.” Even as he laid out our position Shaeula had destroyed the last of the rapid-firing Emplacements. She had used a little fire, boosted by wind, and flames were climbing up the tendrils and clumps of foul organic matter, giving off a dark, acrid smoke.

“So, the Anchor is probably inside. We’ll have to go in… or not…” I changed what I was saying, as the main gate to the Boundary version of the hotel swung outwards, metal squealing. A rippling wave of sword-like nails surged outwards, racing towards the trolls, who were forced back once more. The widow of nails then followed it out, a snarling Kondou Kazuo at her side. The poor ghost girl, accompanied by three wraiths, took to the sky, though they seemed faint and more ethereal than before.

On seeing us, Kondou opened his good eye wide in a mixture of surprise and realisation. “So, it was true. How the fuck did you bastards fight off all those yakuza?”

“So I was right. They were sent by you, Kondou Kazuo.” I displayed my knowledge of his name to rile him, and it worked.

“You think they were all the favours I can call in? I’m rich, a successful businessman. One day I’ll join the Three-Hundred and be the toast of noble society. No, rather I’ll go further. I’ll stand at the top of Japan, no, the world itself! But… I have to admit you have inconvenienced me.” He grinned, but there was no humour in it. “So, I’ll give you one last chance to surrender. If you both crawl at my feet and kiss them, I can have you serve me. I’ll… enjoy… that.” He looked at the disgusted Shaeula, licking his lips. “Otherwise… you’ll scream for an eternity, and curse your past self for rejecting my very fucking generous offer.”

Yeah, like that is going to happen. “Are you serious? Look around. You are outnumbered, outmatched and your Territory is ablaze. I’ll throw your words back at you. Surrender and own up to your crimes and at least you can live… well, until your sentence is passed anyway. I have no doubt a monster like you will get the death penalty. Oh wait, maybe you can’t see your situation with only one eye.” I provoked him further, knowing an angry opponent was one who made bad decisions.

“Hah. Hah. Hahahahahahaha!” Kondou burst out laughing, surprising me. “I’m going to gouge out one of your eyes and feed it to your woman.” He turned to Kiku. “You told me once that you had a secret weapon, one nothing could defeat. Why have you not used it? Are you taking them lightly?” Pain flared in her once more, and she vomited a mass of black fluids.

“I would not dream… of such insolence, Kondou-dono.” She gasped. “But… to bring it forth, there will… be grave consequences. The cost…”

“You think I care about the cost to you, foolish woman? I am prepared to pay any price for victory here. Make yourself useful and call forth this weapon.”

“Are you sure Kondou-dono, it requires much spiritual power, and your orders before…” she began again, but she was silenced by torment once more.

“Forget what I fucking said before, none of that matters anymore! All that matters is we torture these fuckers to death! Do it, whatever it takes. If your hidden weapon can do it then…”

There was a sickening squelch, and Kondou looked down to see a rusted iron knife jutting from his chest, Kiku’s hand on the hilt.

Uh, what’s going on? This should be a good turn of events for us, right? then why do I feel such foreboding?



“Forget what I fucking said before, none of that matters anymore! All that matters is we torture these fuckers to death! Do it, whatever it takes. If your hidden weapon can do it then…”

Finally the words Kiku had been trying to manipulate her brutal master into saying were said. Even after being enslaved when Kondou-dono first entered the dark corner of the Boundary she had called home for countless long, lonely years, she had retained one scrap of dignity, one line she was not prepared to cross. The grave of my husband lies in his lands. Her gaze strayed to one corner of his building, where a small graveyard was half-buried under mounds of twisted flesh and heaped stone.

When she was conquered, unable to resist the foul, god-tainted power that reeked of Mujihimuchi, the cruel and sly god of pain, who had tricked the Hare of Inaba, and was elder brother to noble Okuninushi, she was forced to turn all her gifts she had earned through her steadfast determination to the ends of her new, equally cruel master. He is my husband too, in savagery if not in name. She made wraiths using her nails, and controlled those that should not be slain with her greatest power, the nails of binding, which allowed her to seize the will of those pierced. Yet most of my service was disposing of poor women the brute had defiled and slain. To that end, her greatest secret, her greatest curse alone I have not the strength, but if I somehow was able to steal yours, Kondou-dono…

Wrenching free her binding nail, her mouth only having a few steel fangs remaining, she thrust it deep into the chest of her master, her tormenter, her husband-in-deed, her captor… the blade pierced into his heart, yet the injury was minor, only a little blood flowing. As the blade penetrated deeply, she felt his spirit and mind, seizing it, finally usurping him, the subtle trap she had laid about her ultimate weapon finally causing him to give her an order she could use.

“Fucking… bitch…” he muttered, bemused by the situation. “How did you… do that… you have to obey me… and can’t hurt me or defy me…”

“Indeed Kondou-dono, no… you vile wretch who death is too merciful for. But alas, you told me to forget all your past orders and that none of them matter. Even so, I would have to obey your new orders, yet you told me to use my most precious treasure, no matter the cost or consequences. And to do so… I need the power only you can give me, poor, arrogant man.”

Concentrating, she forced him to relinquish control of his Territory to her in full, and as the information flooded her, she let out a long sigh. “Such power, this ether. It should be enough… enough to finally turn the tables, secure me the justice I have long been denied, that has kept me here tending to a lonely grave for time immemorial…”

“Hey, I’m not sure what is going on…” the cruel man who seared her flesh and took her arm spoke, and she turned to him, glaring. “… but it sounds like you’ve taken control of Kondou Kazuo. He was the one commanding you to do such terrible things, right? Well now we can come to an agreement, a truce. If you were to stand down, then…”

Such a fool. Are all men made this way, thinking so little of women, that we would forget the hurts, the injustices perpetrated against us? She started cackling, the noise enough to set everyone on edge. Once she calmed herself down, she shook her head, the remains of her hair dancing.

“A truce? With a man? There can be no peace, no happiness, until every single man is dead, and the world is a paradise of women. And now…” she roared to the sky. “I can make it happen. With the power this monster has bequeathed me, and a form that can walk the world of the living again, I can do it. And you will help me, won’t you, my daughters? All those who have hurt you, gone. Live with me as my daughters, and I shall never betray you.”

With that she drew deeply on the massive reserves of ether the idiot had hoarded, pouring it all into her ring, the gold shining brightly as more and more energy filled it, an ominous aura forming, a mirror glow sparking into existence over in the graveyard, the ground trembling.

“Come forth, my husband. Your long sleep is ended. Now I hold the reins, and you serve at my pleasure!” Finally! I have waited so long for this… as ether flooded through her, her flesh squirmed, the horrific wound on her chest starting to heal, a nub of bone sprouting from her shoulder. I can even restore myself, with enough time…

“Pitiful fool. She does not-not understand your kindness, Akio.” The blonde girl said, joining the hateful man. “In the end, her thirst for vengeance, her hatred of men, it has blinded her to the truth-truth.”

“I see.” Kiku retorted. “I fear you are too far gone. This man has ruined you. Still, when you die, I shall save your soul, making you one of my daughters. A fate much kinder than you currently face.”

“Hardly.” Shaeula snorted. “My current fate is sweetness itself. Now, Grulgor, you brute!”

“Grul does not listen to you, little weasel! Grul smashes!” the roaring troll came at her from the shadows of the burning building, swinging his club.

“Wait your turn, vile beast.” Kiku summoned her iron spikes from the ground, driving him back. “My husband shall see to you soon enough. Now, arise!” the ether surge exploded, a ring of force radiating from her. “I can feel it… feel you!” moving rapidly towards the corner of the building, towards the graveyard she had long tended, her daughters following, confused and scared, her eyes shone with delight as the soil started rising up, gathering nearby material, earth and dust forming a bony arm. Nearby graves shattered, and more and more debris gathered, forming dirty lacquered plates around the arm, which was suddenly attached to a skeletal torse, which then was also covered in armour. Legs sprouted, a second arm, then a skull, which was quickly sheathed in an old-fashioned red helmet, matching the colour of the armour. Soon a skeletal warrior was standing there, a knight, a samurai, sheathed sword held in one hand, a shroud of dust around him. For a moment there was silence, and then silvery lights sparked in the cavernous eye sockets, and it rattled out a few dry words, seemingly confused. “Kiku, my darling wife… you live? I do not remember… much… from our last….”

Behind him more skeletons were forming, grave dirt, rubble and ashes forming their bodies. Seeing the forces at her disposal, Kiku felt satisfaction. The situation has changed. I can defeat them… “Of course you cannot, my husband. You were drunk, and had shown me your tender care. I felt sure I would not recover from the many wounds you had inflicted upon me, so I took it upon myself to send you off to your rest.” She sneered at his confusion. “You never imagined your pliant, humble, obedient Kiku would do such a thing. But fear not. I wept at your funeral, and tended your grave until I grew weak and died, my strength spent fighting the wounds you left upon my flesh. Even after death, I sought where your soul slumbered, and I found it tied to my ring, my precious treasure which I was so happy to receive. Long, long years I have waited for this day…”

“But why… I loved you, my Kiku… but times were hard, I was … I needed a release…”

“I understand.” Kiku said, her tone loving. “As do I. you shall serve as my release… for all eternity! Now, husband, my first order. Kill these intruders who threaten me! You were a warrior, bound to defend the weak. So defend me!”


Well this took a turn for the worse… When Kondou was stabbed I had thought the situation had swung in our favour, but now… the horde of skeletons was surprisingly nimble, and the husband, some sort of samurai skeleton, the energy radiating off him was colossal. Shit, how much ether did she pour into his resurrection?

“Bombard them!” Danaera was shouting, and orbs of explosive wind hammered down into the skeletons, shattering bones to dust and fragments, yet for every one that stayed down, several of them would stand up again, rebuilding themselves from the wreckage. A volley of orbs flew towards the advancing samurai, who drew his sword, speaking ominous words, “The Swallow Dances On The Breeze.”  and simply slashed through the magic effortlessly, causing the energy to dissipate harmlessly.

“Not so arrogant now, are you, cruel monster.” Kiku crowed, watching her husband, passing by the angry trolls, impaling them with metal spikes, which were now stronger and more durable, only Grulgor able to struggle free. “You shall be the first man to perish, but you shall not be the last.”

So, the situation is, we are against a stronger Kiku, her husband, who is giving off a frankly terrifying aura of power, a skeleton army, a mind-controlled Kondou, and those four wraiths, though only one is any threat… whereas we…

“Are you sure this is what you want?” I shouted at the poor girl whose pain I had shared. “I know you love your father, and he’s been good to you. But if you work with Kiku, then she’ll kill him. Is that what you want, seeing your father again, only to watch him die, tortured by this madwoman?”

The ghost woman paused, swaying uncertainly. “Why do we have to kill them all? Surely there are some men who…”

“Enough!” Kiku ordered, flexing her will, silencing the girl. “You are young and foolish, knowing nothing of the world. I have claimed you, I am your mother now, so obey, as a good daughter should. Trap them in your harrowing experiences, so that I might finish this!”

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Daddy, forgive me…” she cried, light starting to form, her dwindling essence draining away, as she became fainter and more translucent, as if she would dissipate on the breeze at any moment.

“What mother would drive her daughter to this?” I spat. Behind me the mages were still raining explosions down on the skeleton horde, thinning their numbers, but they were nearly spent, the barrage declining. “I think you are a hypocrite, Kiku. Your cruelty is just as much as any man.”

“You dare? YOU DARE?” she shrieked. “Better oblivion than falling in your hands..”

“You have said quite-quite enough.” Shaeula broke in. “I pity you, foolish female.”

“Pty me?” Kiku halted, eyes burning with anger. “What do you know of me?”

“I know you have never known the love of a truly good male. Thus you seek-seek to take out your sorrows on all around you. But this ends here and now. Akio will show you just what-what it is that your heart desires. But for now…” I felt the power of her unique winds blow around her, matched by the fierce amber glow of her eyes as she looked at the flying wraith-girls with pity. “Stay out of this battle until the end.”

The battlefield was swept with olivine winds. The samurai skeleton and his warriors barely flinched, and Kiku shrugged off the assault, but the wraiths… my eyes went wide as I saw green energies flickering over their bodies, highlighting the shape of nails driven into their bodies.

“What… what are you doing, harlot?” Kiku hissed.

“Argh, no, I can’t let you fuckers win…” Kondou Kazuo was growling, as he fought against the compulsion Shaeula had tried to befuddle him with, jade sparks crackling on the dagger thrust into his heart.

“This maggot is mine, and will only obey me!” Kiku howled, exerting all her might to suppress the wind rampaging through her connection to Kondou. With a great effort she sundered the command, leaving only a few lingering traces. That however had allowed Shaeula’s words to bind the wraiths, and they fluttered away, watching the skirmish below sadly…

“Keh-keh-keh. Ixitt saves the day as always!” suddenly the ratkin who had been quiet during the battle so far unleashed his secret weapon, a series of metal-eating chemicals he had prepared just for this battle. The spikes that were pinning the trolls disintegrated, freeing them (though it had the side-effect of destroying the ragged armour they wore too, causing me to groan internally at yet another series of repairs I would need to do). With that they let out bellows of rage and rushed towards the oncoming skeleton horde, battling them ferociously.

Ixitt hopped back to stand beside Shaeula. “Keh-keh-keh. Nicely done, princess. One enemy has been, keh-keh, neutralised.”

“Fine then…” Kiku growled. “Your boastful words are the foolish talk of a naïve girl who knows nothing of the world. I shall show you the error of your ways! My husband, kill her man who she trusts so. I shall teach this fool myself personally.” She turned her gaze of hatred from Shaeula to Kondou. “As for you… kill the others. Only bones shall remain when we are done here.”

“Fuck you!” Kondou growled, yet he was forced to obey, though his movements were jerky and slow, the lingering effects of the befuddling wind fogging his mind and motions.

“All right then, we can do this!” I declared, the situation having sorted itself out. Grulgor and Ulfuric were engaging the powerful undead samurai, while Ixitt had stepped up to take on Kondou, supported by the White Snake kami and his kin. Shaeula was facing off against Kiku, and our other forces were engaged with the skeleton warriors, the Jade Beetle using its bulk to trample them, while our musicians played on desperately to fortify us.

So where am I needed most? Obviously I need to back up Shaeula… as I thought that Grulgor was thrown backwards, ground erupting in a cloud of dark dust that clung to his healing injuries, inflicting great damage. Ulfuric also staggered, a wall of earth he had called up starting to disintegrate under the impacts from the samurai’s dust-coated blade.

“I shall be fine here. I shall not-not lose to a fool who is unable to recognise not-not all males are as her worthless husband. Go, aid them and bring him down!”

Trusting Shaeula I nodded, turning away and racing towards the samurai. Ulfuric was going blade to blade with him, their styles clashing. The samurai was making rapid, twisting strikes, while Ulfuric was measured, immovable. There didn’t seem to be much in it, but the rocky armour of Ulfuric was starting to be eroded by the dust that dogged the steps and movements of the samurai, the dark grave-dirt working like some sort of potent acid.

“It is a dust element, a rare combination of earth and darkness. I have faced it only once before, against the Unseelie. It is quite the nuisance.” Ulfuric grated, slashing with his heavy two-handed blade.

“Swallow Takes Flight.” The samurai slashed his blade upwards, knocking Ulfuric off-balance. Grulgor rushed in from the side, but other skeletons got in his way. One of his trolls crashed into the samurai from the back, but he screamed in pain as the dust burned his flesh and seared his eyes.

The Jade Beetle kami unleashed a green breath, blowing away some of the dust, and the Kamaitachi were also unleashing blads of wind. Impacts pinged off the lacquered armour the samurai wore, doing nothing but scratching the red varnish a little.

“I fear… you are not my match.” He intoned, drawing on more dust. “Do not think badly of me. I am merely doing what… I must!” his blade flashed in a deadly arc, aimed at Ulfuric’s neck. Somehow Ulfuric managed to get his sword up, deflecting, and as the samurai staggered, off balance, I flew at him, using my wind to form a swirling barrier round me, repelling the toxic dust.

“Go back to your rest!” my spear stabbed into his skull, impact ringing my arms, only for the spearhead to warp and deform, doing almost no damage.

Uh, what the fuck?



“Such faith you have in your man.” Kiku laughed bitterly. “Yet he abandoned you to your fate with not a second glance.”

“Are your eyes bad-bad?” the hateful blonde woman she was fighting sneered. “Akio heeded my will, respected my conviction. Abandonment? No wonder your love ended so-so badly. You are a fool. Soon to be a dead-dead one!”

Kiku watched as the strange spinning devices connected to wires flew at her naked, still-healing body. She called upon nails to block and tangle them, but the wires chopped through her spears with ease, turning at strange, impossible angles, seeking her life. Hopping back just in time she was grazed by one wire, and a stinging pain assailed her, before a thin line opened up on her body, brackish blood oozing out.

“You bitch!” Kiku roared, drawing deeply on the power stored within the Territory she had usurped. Multiple long lances and swords of metal formed around her, rotating and slashing, striking away the dancing wires. She threw one forwards, but Shaeula leapt aside nimbly, before she hurled a ball of bright flame, causing Kiku to flinch, trembling at the memory.

No, no. I fear nothing now. I have suffered, yes, but it was all to usurp that fool. My husband stands at my side unable to disobey me, and these vermin will be dealt with… one of her blades blocked the fireball, scattering sparks everywhere.

“Your efforts are futile!” Kiku yelled, more nails pouring forwards, seeking to impale the infuriating girl. Wind formed a barrier and the nails bounced away, only a few making it through, and those were knocked off-course. A pinwheel whizzed at her from her blind spot, and a line of fire erupted as her back was laid open to her spine before she twisted away.

This bitch is infuriating. Still… Kiku was still connected to the Territory, and now had control, so… I only need to buy a little time and she will perish…

“Assist me, Kondou! Prove yourself useful for once in your life!” she ordered, ducking under a wire that sought to decapitate her.

“I would…” he grated, still trying and failing to resist her orders. “But I am being blocked by these trash. Why won’t you suffer?” he roared, unleashing waves of pain at his opponents, even as his lower body was covered in a mix of some sticky liquid, and a sucking tide of mud summoned by the white snakes, restricting his movement.

“Keh-keh-keh. Pain is an old friend to me. Keh.” The rat-man laughed, throwing another vial which exploded into a white goo, covering one of Kondou’s arms and solidifying, restricting its motions. Pulling a strange, elongated gun-like contraption from his back he began winding, and then raised it, pointing it at Kondou.

“Keh-keh-keh. Goodbye.”

No, if the fool dies what will happen to the power I have seized? My dreams of creating a paradise of only women, free from men? I cannot let that happen…

Metal spikes rained down on the vile rat-man, several striking into his scarred body, injuring him. The contraption let out a loud bang, and a metal projectile soared out, missing Kondou and slamming into the wall of the hotel. The bitch she was fighting didn’t miss her chance though, and her pinwheels darted in, only to be met by Kiku’s strongest defence, the interlocking cocoon of rusty iron blades. The pinwheels were trapped within, the wires stuck, but even so it had cost her. Her left leg was cut to the bone, the bone itself fractured, and she could barely put weight on it, while she had also lost an ear, her slowly healing face once more horribly disfigured.

It hurts, it hurts… still, compared to the worst pain Kondou inflicted upon me, I can bear it. I shall return it to her a hundredfold…

Her metal cocoon warped, forming a series of metal rings that pinned the wires to the ground, holding them immobile. The bitch saw this and clicked her tongue with annoyance, releasing the handles and pulling free a set of pretty bells and a dagger which shone with bright energy. That dagger is dangerous… Kiku shuddered reflexively.

Still, if I keep my distance… her blades and spikes of rusted iron surged forwards under her command, and the girl fought them off with blasts of wind and her dagger, which glowed brilliantly as she sliced through a metal spar, the split halves crashing to the ground, the cut surface mirror-smooth.

Not enough. More power, I need more strength… additional metal spears tore free from the ground, and Kiku trembled with the effort. The girl was starting to accumulate injuries too, minor rips in her yukata revealing bloodied flesh beneath. Even so, the look in her amber eyes was infuriating. Why do you still have belief? Your end approaches!

More and more metal rose into the air, her previously discarded blades joining the throng, only for a bright flash to sear her vision, and suddenly she was losing control of her iron weapons, many of them dropping to the ground with a series of loud clangs. She found herself lying on her back, a hole punched through her body, the cooked flesh steaming. Pulling herself to her knees she spat hot blood, silver and black smog rising. What… was that?

The wretched girl smiled despite her own injuries. The knife in her hand glowed, and must have somehow unleashed a blast of light that reached her over the distance between them. Coughing, spitting up more blood, Kiku glared at her hatefully.

“I told you, did I not-not? Soon death would claim you.”

Kiku smiled then, blood from her mouth making her look even more ghoulish than ever. “Oh, really? How disappointing in the end…” Luck is on my side. It is ready…

“Farewell.” Kiku spat, and up above, the Sniper Emplacement that had finally recharged disgorged its bolt, aimed at the head of the girl below. With the head destroyed it’ll be difficult to salvage her spirit… a small reward for defying me so…

At the last second Shaeula caught the gleam of death coming her way, face going pale. Kiku grinned, awaiting the spray of bone and brain matter that was sure to cascade across the torn ground, only to see Shaeula suddenly catapulted forwards out of the way of the blast, which punched a deep crater in the ground, pulverising some of her metal spikes that lay nearby.

As Shaeula tumbled, bells flying from her grasp, a cry came from where her husband was fighting. That vile man, the burner, was facing their way, hand outstretched, glow of aether fading. Her husband had struck him, his blade slicing deep into his back. Seeing her gaze, the hateful man gave her a savage grin before bright flame flared, driving her husband back as he wrenched free his blade.

If he is wounded deeply, the dust will surely corrode and destroy him. What a fool… “Die, vile man, die for the sin of burning me… argh!” Kiku cried as a line of light punched into her body, drilling another painful hole in her. The girl dragged herself to her feet, dusting herself off nonchalantly.

“A nice attempt. I was caught quite-quite unawares.” The girl said, strolling closer slowly. “If Akio had not pushed me aside I could have been slain.”

“Well, he will die for that. My husbands’ blade is tainted, the wound will kill him. Besides, I thought he trusted you to handle me?”

“Of course he does.” Light began to form on her blade once more and Kiku shivered, grasping for her metal defences. “But even so, he watches out for me, as I do for-for him. That is what love and trust is, no? A shame your husband has not rushed to your defence, is it not-not?” her expression chilled Kiku’s heart, and she brought as much metal in front of her as she could, forming a makeshift barrier. “As for him dying… Akio will not fall here. Dying would break my heart, and Eri’s too-too. So he will never allow it.”

“PROTECT ME KONDOU!” she cried as light blasted into her defences, hot metal shards flying everywhere.

“I’m fucking busy here myself…” Kondou screeched, his body covered on minor wounds. Still, he had driven off the white snakes and their kami, only Ixitt able to resist his waves of pain well enough to fight. “But… ugh, you bitch, when I get free of your domination I’m going to kill you…”

He unleashed a focused burst of pain, lashing it out like a whip, and even though most of it missed the bitch she was still momentarily paralyzed by searing punishment, her muscles spasming like a million fire-ants were biting her all at once. That bought time for Kiku to scurry away and summon more of her blades. Her head was boiling and her pierced and sliced body was aching fiercely. I need to end this quickly, otherwise… Kiku looked down at her wedding ring. I cannot fail here, not after grasping my dreams…



I gritted my teeth as the pain hit me, the blade burying itself in my body. Luckily I had been using my wind energies as an armour, so that dangerous-looking dust was blown away before it could enter my wound, and the blow was moved off-target, the angle shallow. Even so… fucking hell, that hurts like a bastard, and it’s sapping my strength… using some of my remaining fire energy I consumed wind and sent a flare outwards, driving the samurai back as he wrenched his blade free to parry a great sweep from Grulgor’s mace. Blade met metal chunk, and it was the blade that won, the embrace of dust finally succeeding in destroying the tired metal.

Grulgor merely tossed aside the now-headless metal pole and started punching, ignoring the fact his skin was dissolving as his blows landed.

I’m glad I was keeping an eye on the other battle as well. Shaeula was almost caught off-guard there. It really is miserable fighting on enemy Territory. The thrust of aether I had used to throw her to safety had depleted me a lot as well. Still, that wasn’t the most pressing problem. Just how do I take this bastard down? My weapons are broken, and his body is hard as hell, not to mention the corrosive dust…

“Swallow Darts Towards Sunset!” the samurai skeleton called out, and his sword seemed to shift mid-motion, slipping past the blade of Ulfuric. Still, Ulfuric was a seasoned combatant, and a blast of stone diverted the strike.

“All right, all in!” I cried, using my last fire energy to unleash Foehn. The bright flame gushed over the samurai, his armour starting to melt. For a brief moment I thought that would be enough, until he pronounced another ability.

“Endless grave dust…” a typhoon of dirt and dust began swirling around his feet, and soon the samurai was wreathed in it, the fires of Foehn starting to flicker and fade.

Uhh, hello, Inextinguishable? I complained internally, as a loss, though on closer inspection I could see the fires weren’t going out, merely that the dust was stripping it off and carrying it to the heavens like twinkling fireflies. It was oddly pretty, but… shit… I crossed my arms in front of me, blocking a savage kick, my arms shivering from the impact, bones creaking.

“My Kiku, be careful…” the samurai muttered, having a moment to observe the battle that was taking place behind us. Bright flashes of light and the ringing of metal on metal were echoing, but it seemed that Shaeula was still pressing her advantage.

“No time to look away… Swallow Darts Towards Sunset!” it was the same move as before, and I barely dodged it, the blade twisting to seek my throat.

“Stay down, abomination.” Ulfuric had abandoned his sword and had switched to his mace, wreathing the head in hardened rock. Several skeletons that had escaped the ongoing brawl around us were pulverised to ether which we greedily grabbed, before the blow slammed into the samurai, cracking several of his ribs and denting his charred armour.

“You are mighty.” Our enemy conceded. “But under the dust of death … I shall not fall… while my Kiku lives.” The stone disintegrated. “Oh how I long to hold her, my hands… on her… skin… around her… throat…”

“Well, I can see a little of why your wife is so messed up. You should treat those you love with care!” I wrenched Ulfuric’s sword out of the ground and attacked, but my skills were clearly massively inferior to the samurai, and if not for my wind, I would have been fatally poisoned by the dust, as I suffered numerous wounds, only my high speed keeping me from death. I’m quite a bit faster, but in pure skill I have no way of competing. Even outnumbered he holds us off… Grulgor is weakening rapidly, and his trolls are already out of the fight. Nothing can get close to the dust unless they have a defence like wind or earth…

“Akio, catch!” Shaeula called, and something was spinning towards me, glittering. Even as I caught it, revealing it to be her dagger of light, Shaeula let out a cry, metal slamming into her, knocking her to the ground, blood spraying from her mouth.

Shit. Shaeula is in trouble… even so, she risked her safety to throw me her precious dagger she loved to wield, and who could turn down her sacrifice? Pouring as much of my aether as I could into the dagger it began to blaze with a brilliant indigo light. On seeing it the samurai faltered for a second, and Grulgor didn’t miss his chance. He seized the enemy in a crushing bear-hug, ignoring the ravaging dust that was disintegrating his flesh.

“Grul will hold him. Finish this worthless bone-man!”

“Stone bind!” Ulfuric slammed the haft of his mace into the ground, and a torrent of mud and stone sprayed up, snaring the samurai’s arm. He flexed and cracks spread but Ulfuric continued to pour in earth energies, repairing it as fast as it was breaking.

“Go back to your rest.” I circulated wind to shield me, thrusting out with all my might, back at the face I head speared so ineffectually before. There was a brief feeling of resistance before the knife slid through bone effortlessly, a deep azure explosion flashing.

“Husband…!” I heard Kiku shrieking, her voice cracking.

“So… once more I will pass before you… my Kiku. I pray I see you in… my rest…”

What a messed up man. I still don’t know whether he loved or hated her. But then perhaps, neither did he…

The samurai collapsed into a pile of dust and grave dirt, even his armour dissolving, indigo light melting it down like ice in the sun. in the end all that was left was a single golden ring, and even that shattered, tiny particles drifting away on the breeze. There was ether then, an amount so huge I’d never seen so much from a fallen foe…

You have gained in strength. Your level has increased from forty to forty-two.

As I restored my aether and sent the rest of the huge bounty back to my Territory for safekeeping Grulgor collapsed, lying on the ground, his flesh steaming as it struggled to regenerate. “Good job. Grul… Grul will take a break now…”

“Yeah, good job… leave the rest to us.” I clutched the knife in my bloodstained hands, turning back to where Shaeula was staring up defiantly at Kiku, a massive array of blades, spears, pikes, metal debris and chunks circling the enraged widow ominously.

Akio, bloody but unbroken


“My husband… my revenge… it has been taken from me by a man yet again…” Kiku raged.

“You seriously are a fool.” The beaten girl looked up at her, her gaze contemptuous. “If you wished your husband to be safe, why did you not-not defend him?”

Shaeula, bloody but defiant before her strike

“I did my best!” Kiku protested. “But thanks to you, I was unable…”

“Foolish. There is no-no unable. Just as Akio saw I was in need and risked all to aid me, I gave him what he needed to triumph. If you can not-not even do that, is it really love? I pity you!”

“Throwing away your life for a man. They take everything from us, so why give more? You pity me? I pity you. Is it worth it? You shall die before he can reach out as much as a finger towards you!” Kiku was enraged, angrier than even when she had sent her husband to his rest, so long ago. Every scrap of metal she controlled was pulled into the array she was about to crush the stupid bitch with, an inescapable hammer to bludgeon her to a gruesome end.

“After I have killed you, I shall bring you back and make you kill him with your own…” Kiku paused, unable to process what had happened, only to suddenly slide apart into three pieces, her head and upper body both falling free, chunks of her arm also scattering. As her head landed face up, she stared into the rain of falling metal, seeing glittering green wires dancing.

“Oh, I see. How foolish… I should not have taken all my iron…” a single tear ran down her cheeks. “Husband… I shall… see you soon… in Yomi…” and her eyes closed with those final words, everything going dark, before she burst into a shower of ether…


As I ran towards her I watched as Shaeula channelled wind into her pinwheels, the wires effortlessly slicing Kiku apart. Ether burst out, another great flood, and I felt relief as Shaeula staggered to her feet. That isn’t good for my heart… still, it’s over now, right?

You have gained in strength. Your level has increased from forty-two to forty-three.

If I’ve gained three levels, Shaeula should be level-capped again now. I’d like to see her brother push her around nowRushing to Shaeula I was scooping her up into my arms, when something flew past me. It was Ixitt, who hit the ground hard, before rolling over and coughing incessantly, one arm bent the wrong way, blood matting his fur.

“Haha, the bitch is dead! I’m free!” Kondou Kazuo screamed, wrenching the dagger-nail free from his body. Turning his bloodshot gaze on us, his one remaining eye filled with madness, he spat silvery blood. “I may have lost here, all my hard work destroyed, but I’ll rebuild it all, better than ever! But first…” he sneered at us. “I know where you fuckers live and who you are. I’m not sure how the fuck you beat the yakuza, but I have money and connections, and first thing I’m going to do when I get out of here is use them to make sure you two die painfully…”

“I think not-not…” Shaeula sighed, pulling the dagger-nail from her sash and hurling it forwards, guided by her wind. It slammed into Kondou right where he had removed the blade Kiku had pierced him with.

“Obey all my orders with no complaints” Shaeula demanded, the befuddling winds surging stronger than I had ever felt, the jade, emerald and olivine energies sucked into the nail that bound Kondou. For a second he struggled, blood splashing from his wounds, but then he nodded unwillingly. “As you command.”

On seeing our last foe bound, Shaeula looked up and me and kissed my bloodied lips, her own metallic taste on my tongue. “Love conquers all, I see-see.”

At her words I had to chuckle. Clutching her tight I looked at the furious yet helpless bastard before us and leaked out a long sigh.

Finally… now it MUST be over…

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