On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

One Hundred And Forty-One

One Hundred And Forty-One

“Are you still with us, master?” Shaeula said, looking down on me as I lay there staring at the dark aurora in the skies. Beside her Eri had seized my hand with hers and was holding it tight, and I could feel the warmth of both her hand and the blood she had shed keeping Shaeula from surrendering. Even just holding hands hurts a bit, damn…

I let out a long groan, my burned skin paining me, before nodding as gently as I could. “Yeah. Somehow.” Lifting my less-damaged arm, I managed to make a victory sign. “I told you I could do it…”

“Oh Akio…” Eri sighed, clutching my hand to her chest. “You got so hurt…”

“Indeed… indeed.” Shaeula was struggling for words, her emotions raw. “I did not-not want this, not at all. Now I understand why you forced me to forfeit in the second Trial-Trial. Even defeat might not-not be this painful…” the look in her amber eyes was sad, and I didn’t like it.

“Eri, can you lift me up? I don’t really feel up to moving right now.” I asked, and she gently pulled on my arm, wincing every time I let out a grunt of pain. When I was sitting upright I draped my arms around them, a gentle hug.

“Smile. Please.” I asked them both, forcing a smile of my own, ignoring the aching tug of my seared flesh. “We won, somehow. I don’t know what will come next, whether Shaeraggo will be reasonable, but for now… the worst is avoided. Isn’t that something to be happy about, Shaeula? We don’t have to lose you yet.”

“I am happy…” she muttered, her voice small and weak. “I did not-not wish to leave. But the price…”

“If the price was just some pain, I am happy to pay it. well, not happy…” I managed a dry chuckle. “… but it was totally worth it. you think the same, right Eri?”

Eri nodded, and Shaeula looked down at her hand, face paling as she remembered what she had done. “Oh Eri, I am so ashamed, I have injured you! I did not-not mean…”

“Hush now, foolish girl.” Eri shook her head, exasperated. “You were just scared for Akio, how can I criticise you for that? Like he said, it was worth it. If you’d have managed to say those words… well, we’d all be crying different tears now, right?”

“Good girl, that’s exactly right!” I approved, managing to raise my arm just enough to stroke her head.

“Keh-keh-keh, you really are quite the amusing group.” Ixitt chuckled, watching our heartfelt scene. “You really, keh-keh, look like a victim of Unseelie curses right now. That fire of yours… Foehn, keh-keh, was it? Most fascinating. It had a presence that matches the, keh-keh, Moonlight Mist Realm. Quite spectacular. Even the spirits were unable to fully supress it. Keh-keh-keh.”

I turned my head gently, looking around at the devastation of the shrine summit. Oh shit. The kami is not going to be pleased… The first battle between Shaeula and Ulfuric had done little damage to the grounds, but our battle… craters were everywhere, the ground was scorched black, having vitrified to glass in places, and pockets of Foehn were still burning even now.

“Don’t worry.” Eri consoled me. “I’m sure you can rebuild, right? At least none of the shrine buildings were damaged… well, much.” She laughed nervously, and I could see some of the Torii gates were damaged, gouges and slashes in their paintwork.

“Before that, you need-need healing.” Shaeula said, turning to find out where Selensha was. “Stop with my fool-fool of a brother and come heal Akio. He won-won, so should be treated first!”

Selensha was drinking from an ornate crystal bottle, bright orange liquid inside slipping down her throat. It couldn’t have been pleasant, as she was shuddering, eyes squinting. “I’m going as fast as I can, I had to use all my remaining power preventing his fire from destroying the Moonlight Mist Realm… ugh, this Faerie Dew is vile…” she shivered all over, gagging.

Beside her Shaeraggo was sitting, merely staring at us. The damage to his face had been largely restored, but he still had significant burns along his arms and torso. I met his deep green eyes with my steely grey ones, and for a moment we communicated without words, before he looked away. Yeah, he’s not happy at all. This isn’t over.

“It’s fine.” I managed to say. “Naturally she wants to make sure her husband is healed first. It isn’t like I’m dying so I can hold on. It feels like it though.” I grinned bitterly. “Besides, while I’m waiting I can take a look at the spoils of battle. I’m not sure why, but I got a couple of level-ups on my Fae-Souled class, and some other goodies too.”

Your Class, Fae-Souled has increased from level 17 to level 19.

Your Foresight has significantly increased.

Your Skill, Foehn, Inextinguishable Blaze has advanced from Rank 2 to Rank 3, having now fed on the power of water as well as wind. The hunger of Foehn knows no limits, and it desires to feast on further elements to grow ever-stronger. [Class: ???]

Your Skill, Flame Manipulation has advanced from Rank 4 to Rank 5. Your understanding of flame has significantly increased, and you can handle flame with less wastage and greater efficiency. [Class: ???]

Your Skill, Solar Plexus Chakra Of Flame has advanced from Rank 2 to Rank 3. Your Solar Plexus Chakra now generates more flame energy and is better able to handle variant and unique flames, such as Foehn. [Class: ???]

As I explained to the girls about my significant boosts with flame handling, which made sense as I pushed Foehn and my control over it to the limit, so much so that it had even destroyed my bluesteel batteries, I did wonder just why I received Foresight as well, not that I was complaining. One thing I did notice however, was that as soon as my Foresight grew, that ominous feeling of danger coming closer became sharper, more pronounced, and I could tell something bad was going to happen soon…

“Perhaps your Fae nature has increased because you took part-part in a Trial of Three?” Shaeula mused. “It is-is a sacred ritual to the Fae.”

“Maybe that’s it.” I said, watching as Selensha was restoring the scorched fur and flesh of Shaeraggo, her crystal-topped staff giving off a bright orange glow. “Whatever the reason, more power is definitely good for us.”

“Indeed-indeed.” Shaeula, who had wiped away her fresh tears, was starting to look more her old self, and Eri and I were smiling to see it. “I too have strengthened myself during the two mighty battles I fought-fought. I shall explain later, but first…”

“I’m jealous.” Eri muttered, looking down at her weak arms and damaged hand. “But you promised me…”

Shaeula merely nodded to her words, as Selensha and Shaeraggo were coming over to us, Ulfuric in tow, watching us all silently. “I’m here to heal you.” Selensha said, flourishing her staff wearily. “Thank the moon this is the end of it. I really will sleep for ever.”

“Eri first. Her hand is injured.”

“What? No!” She looked at me in shock. “I’m barely hurt at all. You need it much more than me!”

“No way. It’s a husbands’ prerogative to look after their wife, isn’t it? You get that, right Selensha?” As soon as I said the word wife, I remembered Eri saying she was my first wife once more. Ugh, what a mess. I never thought Eri would say that, she’s always been pretty jealous…

“I agree. You’ll not change his mind, just accept it.” Selensha giggled, quickly pouring bubbles of orange energy into Eri’s wounds. She let out an exclamation of wonder as the flesh quickly regrew and the lingering pain vanished.

Once that was done, Selensha turned to me, pursing her lips pensively. “Your injuries are quite severe. Even the Moonlight Mist Realm was unable to dismiss many of the burns. This will be quite the challenge, even for me. You should take better care of yourself, or your poor wives will worry.”

“That’s right!” Eri nodded rapidly. “I was worried! Shaeula too, right?”

Before Shaeula could answer, Shaeraggo scoffed loudly. Still, he didn’t say anything, merely waited while his wife started to heal me. Orange bubbles were pouring into me, and I tried to capture the sensation, while also looking at it with Self-Examination. I was largely spent, but I followed her bubbles with my aether, performing what extra Ether Healing I could. After a few moments, Selensha paused, looking at me inquisitively. “What are you doing? It feels almost like you are assisting my healing?”

Yep, mage-types are definitely curious beings. “Well, I’m trying. I’m hardly as skilled as you are, but I’ve been dabbling in using my aether to heal, as I’ve got a pretty good idea of how the human body works.”

“I see.” Selensha was indeed interested. “Can you sense it when I do this…?” we went through a series of trials and she guided my flows of aether, enabling me to replicate a small portion of what she was doing with water essence. My efforts were rewarded, despite the fact Eri was laughing at me gently and Shaeula was rolling her eyes, with another series of silvery letters across my vision.

Your Skill, Ether Healing has advanced from Rank 2 to Rank 3. You can more effectively heal your own injuries and those of others, repairing damage to subtle bodies. Your subtle bodies will draw in a further increased rate of ether from their surroundings and automatically repair themselves. You also have a small resistance to harmful substances and foreign matter. Your affinity for the water element and the understanding of ????????? has also increased. [Class: ???}

Still getting question marks, but even so, this is more information that I was getting before…

“Thanks a lot Selensha, I’ve made progress. I still have a long way to go until I can catch up to you, but it’s a start.”

She seemed embarrassed by my praise, or perhaps… it’s probably more Shaeraggo. He’s just… standing there, watching us. It’s unnerving.

The pain had largely died away, and after a little more I was restored. My armour and batteries were destroyed, but one of the Kamaitachi had brought me my discarded spear, which was still functional. After thanking Selensha once more I pulled myself to my feel, Eri and Shaeula flanking me, my gaze once more meeting Shaeraggo’s. “So, we won.” I said, and Shaeula echoed me.

“Indeed, my brother, we triumphed. So now-now you must pay the prices.”

“I do, for I cannot go against the laws of the Seelie. Three moons of grace you shall have-have, but… I cannot accept this! I shall ask you one last time, little sister. Shaeula. Please, return with me! I will even leave this vile mortal unharmed out of deference for your wishes, but…”

“Hah. Hah. Hah.” Gurgling laughter sounded, and I turned to see Grulgor and his trolls, now awake and fully recovered, all hooting and jeering at Shaeraggo, Grulgor particularly amused. “Little weasel is pathetic. Grul says master beat you until you begged for mercy. Now you try and … hah… weasel… out of promises? Grul says Unseelie have more pride than you!”

Shaeraggo puffed himself up, hand going for his bow, before he realised it had been damaged by the Foehn before and wasn’t currently usable.

“You also made a wager with Akio.” Shaeula reminded hm, remembering herself. “At the time I thought it reckless, but… well, this is why you are the one I chose.” She gave me a bright smile, licking her lips lasciviously, until Eri bopped her gently on the head.

“No time for that now.” She sighed. Turning to Shaeraggo though, she glared at him. I hope she isn’t going to try and stick an axe in him again…

“I remember you were going to make Akio… what was it, ah yes, you’d enjoy seeing him kiss your feet. But if you lost, you had to accept Akio was worthy of Shaeula. So do it! Are you a man or just a beast who doesn’t know how to keep his word? I thought Fae had to do that?”

Shaeraggo ground his teeth, and Selensha reached out a hand to comfort him. As she did so she met my gaze, and understanding dawned in her eyes. Yep, I had a bet with you as well. So pay up.

“My dear, you’ve lost. Can’t you see just how hard they’ve fought for each other? This Akio is no ordinary mortal, look how far Shaeula has come under his care. You promised them three moons of grace, so why not let it go, at least for now? You don’t want your sister to hate you, do you? She’s a proud princess, she’ll keep her promises to disown you all should she have to…”

“I will indeed-indeed.” Shaeula agreed. “Brother, show me your dignity and grace in defeat. I wish-wish to be able to respect you again.”

Eri was watching the situation and she whispered in my ear. “Can’t we do something? We won, but it still isn’t going well. I don’t want Shaeula to have to give up her family, that’d be too sad…”

I know. I don’t think I can fix this, but if I can buy us time… “I’m prepared to compromise.” I said, drawing all eyes to me, pausing the family squabble. “You promised us three moons, that’s eighty-four days of Material time. So how about this. You give us that time to become stronger, and we’ll not only make our Territory more worthy of her, but the both of us will grow our strength greatly. I’ll show I am able to protect Shaeula. If I can’t show results, then I’ll admit she’d be better off without me.”

“I have no wish to leave you-you!” Shaeula protested, and I gently stroked her head.

“I know. That’s why we’ll do everything to strengthen ourselves, so that when the time comes, even Shaeraggo will have to admit we belong together.”

“Belong together.” Shaeula blushed brilliantly. “We do-do. Yes, I can agree to that. So brother, what do you say? Pay the prices you have promised, then I shall respect you as my brother once more-more. And I shall prove, since you are not-not satisfied with my glorious feats so far, that at Akio’s side is where I belong. I shall not-not be gone forever, for I have unfinished business in the Seelie Court.”

“If you are worried about her, which I get, you are welcome to visit our Territory at any time. We aren’t always here, as we have business in the Material a lot as well, but you are welcome nonetheless.” It’s a bit sly, but if he visits us, that’s an extra layer of security, as I bet he wouldn’t allow enemies to endanger his sister…

Shaeraggo looked at his sister, me, Selensha, the grinning Ixitt, Ulfuric, even Eri. Looking up to the heavens, he let out a long sigh. “Bring my Fae Pouch.” He ordered a weaselkin, who raced off back to the troops. “I hate this-this. I hate it very much. But I can see your resolve, sister, mortal … no, Akio. I could twist the prices paid-paid, for that is the way of the Fae, but… I cannot bear to cheat my own sister, nor go against my wife. Three moons. But should any harm-harm befall my sister, I shall not accept a Trial, I am a hunter, all you will know will be my arrow taking your heart!”

“I thank you, brother Shaeraggo.” Shaeula said, taking his hand. “You will not-not regret this. And when I am stronger, I can-can aid our father against his foes. We have already peeled Grulgor away from Duke Formor. We can do much-much more!”

At that Grulgor grumbled sourly, complaining that he still owed Duke Formor his respect and loyalty, but we ignored him. Shaeraggo’s weaselkin returned, carrying a small velvet pouch, ringed with golden threads. He took it, and opened it to reveal a strange mushroom. It looked poisonous, with a bright red cap, spotted with bumps of various colours. “I shall need to trade for another one of these with those crazy plant spirits…” he muttered. “… they are always so greedy.” Looking around he headed over to the back hills, where Earth Energy was still spreading freely from the ground. Bending down, he inspected the fissures and their ruby-red fountains.

What is he doing?

Suddenly one of the venting plumes of elemental energies dried up, before a ring of mushrooms, each as tall as a person, larger versions of the small one he had held, burst out of the ground and started giving off a scarlet glow.

Your Territory has gained a Faerie Ring Gate Rank 3 Special.

A Faerie Ring Gate? What the hell is that?

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