On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

One Hundred And Forty-Two

One Hundred And Forty-Two

Appraising the Faerie Ring Gate, I was very surprised by the description.

Faerie Ring Gate Rank 3 Special- Special Rank facilities cannot be levelled up by ether, they level as their requirements are met. Faerie Ring Gates draw upon abundant natural elemental water or earth to create a mystical gateway that connects two points of the lower Astral, allowing transportation between. They can also ??????? ???????? ????????.

Well, it’s a bit dubious I can’t get a full description, but Shaeula should know what they are, and she doesn’t seem too concerned. “So, this isn’t part of the prices you had to pay. Not that I’m complaining, we’ll take any freebies, right Shaeula?”

Before she could answer, Shaeraggo let out a long sigh. His gaze was still far from friendly, but at least he wasn’t at my throat like before. “I had intended to set this Ring in my estate, so I could travel to her mansion whenever I wished-wished to see my sister. Now I will have to get another pair to set up-up. So very aggravating. Still, with this, you can travel to the mansion whenever you wish. It is on the very outskirts of the Seelie Court, bordering other Fae lands, so it-it is somewhat humble, but I have tried to make it a worthy home for her to hide in.”

Wow, so we can get into the lands of the Seelie through that? I think that’s way deeper than the Boundary isn’t it? Didn’t Shaeula say once it travels through the lower Astral?

“So if you ever wish to abandon this mortal…” Shaeraggo continued. “… you will have a place to go-go. Some of your servants and maids are residing there, so you will be comfortable.”

“I shall not leave his side.” Shaeula insisted, puffing out her chest. “But I do-do miss the lands of the Fae.” She spoke to Eri then. “I did-did say that one day I would show you the moonlit Fae realm, did I not-not? This day will perhaps come sooner than we thought. The dark night is rather… romantic, I feel.”

“You had best beware, princess.” Ulfuric warned, finally breaking his silence. “You are still exiled in all but name. You should keep a low profile and not draw attention to yourselves.”

“I shall bear that in mind, Master Ulfuric. I have not-not forgotten, not even for a moment.” Shaeula turned back to her brother. “So, three moons. Now for the second price. Forces worthy of my pedigree, I believe it was, no-no? I would not-not claim to demand forces like you command, yet the pitiful handful of troops I was sent to this land with is a great insult. I look forward to you rectifying this-this.”

Damn yeah, I was so caught up in wanting to protect Shaeula that I wasn’t focussing on what else we would gain. This timing is perfect, as we are embroiled in a running war with the Astral Emperor-candidate from the north. With extra forces we can protect our Anchor and attack hard at the same time…

“Hmm.” Shaeraggo looked at his army, which was still neatly lined up around the edges of the shrine, the yellow light of the still-burning Foehn casting glittering reflections over their neat armour and weapons. “If too many of the troops I brought are missing, it will-will weaken my position at Court. Still…” he gave orders, and several-score each of spear-weasels and archers were ordered out, as well as Tillyae and a third of her musicians. A female weaselkin mage called Danaera was also picked out to lead twelve mages, and we were also granted a score of the more heavily armoured weaselkin warriors. All in all, a very welcome boost to our power!

“I trust this will suffice?” Shaeraggo asked Shaeula, trying to ignore me as much as possible. “You are worthy of more, but for the moment…”

“Wait, wait, keh-keh-keh. I too shall stay.” Ixitt broke in, and behind him his fellow mortal engineers seemed resigned.

“You?” Shaeraggo asked. “But your research…”

“Keh-keh-keh. The others can take care of it, they know what to do, keh-keh. As for me…” his eyes lit up as he surveyed us. “… I believe I will be able to push my craft, keh, to new, keh, heights here under this mortal and your sister. Do not deny me, keh-keh, this chance to further our knowledge. Why, there is so much to see and learn… keh-keh-KEH…” he nearly choked on his words, coughing up blood before finally recovering. “I shall send for my wives and children who do not have jobs when I am, keh-keh-keh, more settled. I trust you have no objections?”

“Just… try not to cause any problems, all right?” I gave in. He would probably be an asset in combat, judging by the way Shaeraggo had described him, and if he brought his (large-sounding) family, well, we could probably put them to work somehow…

“I am satisfied you have upheld the price.” Shaeula agreed. “We would struggle to command more-more, and I would not strip away all your troops, dear brother.”

“Indeed, you are strong, the both of you, yet you lack experience in leading armies.” Ulfuric spoke, his deep voice booming. “That is why I shall remain here. After all, princess…” he smiled, his grim expression momentarily washed away. “… you did manage to defeat me, even if circumstances favoured you. I shall lead your host.”

“You will, Master Ulfuric? That is aid unlooked for, but most welcome indeed-indeed.” Shaeula was delighted, having a fondness for the huge badgerkin from her childhood in the Seelie Court.

“This I cannot allow. You are not my direct subordinate, Ulfuric, that-that is true, so I cannot order you, but you are a key aide of my father. If you are to vanish, it would weaken us immensely, and I would find it hard-hard to dissemble regarding my sisters’ location…”

“Three moons.” He rumbled. “The Seelie Court turns slowly, unlike the mortal realm. You have given three moons before you reveal what has happened here, so I shall remain, command and train…” his gaze roamed over me, and I keenly felt my inadequate combat skills, as well as a thrill of fear. “… until your skills are adequate. It is unlikely I shall be missed until then, and now that you have set up the Ring Gate, and are planning to anchor another, I can return if the situation calls for it.”

Shaeraggo chewed on his lip pensively, trying to decide. After a moment he shrugged, defeated. “Very well, I cannot stop you, Ulfuric, and I admit it would-would ease my heart to know you are guarding my little sister. If father asks, I shall say you are dealing with incursions of Fae-Beasts on our borders.”

The moment Shaeraggo agreed, the feeling of oncoming disaster that was prickling at me suddenly jumped into sharper focus, the event that was an act of woe feeling ever closer, almost close enough to touch. Seeing me suddenly shivering at the nauseating feeling, Eri looked up at me worriedly. “Are you all right? Do you need more healing?”

“I’m fine. Just a chill all of a sudden.” I said, trying to reassure her. So why is this event suddenly closer and more dangerous? I’ve felt it a few times recently, but there doesn’t seem to be a pattern behind it, other than it felt clearer when I gained more Foresight. I took a look at Ulfuric. I felt I was a pretty good judge of character, and while the Fae were alien, they shared a lot in common with us mortals, so I could tell Ulfuric was like an honourable knight or samurai. He wouldn’t do anything dirty or betray us… damn, Foresight is useful, at least I know something bad is coming, but without knowing what or when it’s hard to prepare, and harder on my nerves….

“So for the third price, my dear, beloved, favourite brother…” Shaeula was wheedling, rubbing her hands together in a very unladylike fashion. Beside me Eri burst out laughing.

“It will take me several days to gather suitable treasures and have them-them brought here.” Shaeraggo sighed, though he did perk up a bit at her obvious flattery.

“Wow, he loves his sister more than you do Aiko…” Eri giggled quietly beside me. “You get the same way when Aiko says nice things about you too though.”

“I’m not that bad, I hope?” I joked back, and Eri looked away, whistling quietly with amusement.

This is better. The tension and the sorrow of our battles is gone, replaced with laughter. It makes the fights all worth it…

“…So, the more of the Etherite Ores you can bring, the stronger we can make our Territory.” Shaeula was continuing, showing off a few of the ores that the kobolds had furnished us with. We were storing them within the shrine, as I had learned my lesson over breaking them down too soon for ether and then having to spend it due to lack of storage space. “Red and orange ones are nice-nice, but yellow and green ones are better. I wonder if we have any blue-blue ones? Those would be wonderful, dearest big brother.”

“I shall spare what I can.” Shaeraggo sighed at her barrage of requests. “I shall bring other treasures too…”

“And don’t forget the bow. It is for Akio’s sister, she is a talented archer too, you would like her I am sure-sure, big brother. Her eyes are a lovely shade of blue-blue as well, so I need some blue Etherites to match them-them!”

Wow, Shaeula is being utterly shameless in trying to secure us loot. Exposition-san said blue ones and above are really rare, so I doubt we’ll be that lucky…

“I shall not forget. Ugh, to part with one of my bows is torment, they-they are all precious to me. If it was not you who asked, little sister, I would never have allowed one for the price…”

“Nonsense, you thought you were going to defeat Akio easily, more fool you, brother.” Shaeula snickered. “You wagered it because you thought you could never-never lose.”

“I still feel-feel cheated…” Shaeraggo spat, being a sore loser. As he finalised the agreement, his forces (other than the ones that were staying with us of course) began to form up, ready to withdraw. Once they were ready to leave, we followed Shaeraggo and his wife to the border of our Territory.

“Farewell, big brother, sister-in-law.” Shaeula bade them farewell. “Feel free to visit, but do not-not let any of my other siblings find out about this. I wish to be stronger before I win them over like I did-did you!”

“I am hardly won over.” He grumbled bitterly. “I am merely giving you a small chance to prove yourself. As for you…” he glared at me fiercely. “… remember, should my sister come to any harm…”

“I know.” I agreed. “An arrow from the dark, into the heart. If I am pathetic enough to allow her to suffer grave injuries, then I would deserve it, so you’ll hear no complaints from me.”

“Hmph, at least we agree on something.” Shaeraggo said. He then turned to Eri, surprising us. “So, I never did catch your name, first wife.”

“I’m Eri.” She said nervously, clutching my arm for support.

“Well then, Eri. Do treat my sister well. Being the first wife-wife can be very challenging, managing the infighting and factions. If you neglect my dear Shaeula, then know I shall not let it pass.”

“I won’t. I’m ready for it.” Eri said resolutely, shocking me once more. “Besides, we made a promise. And I’m not any worse at keeping those than you Fae.”

“I think they’ll be fine. Did they not prove themselves against your anger, dear husband?” Selensha soothed him. Turning back to us, she bowed. “I can’t say I wish to go through such a Trial again any time soon, but your methods of healing and using elemental essence were fascinating. I can see why engineer Ixitt wishes to stay.”

“Well, feel free to visit again, sister-in-law. Your knowledge of water will prove helpful when we master it ourselves!” Shaeula declared.

“Such ambition. I’d like to see that…”

As our final bout of small talk concluded, Shaeraggo and his army departed, leaving behind our new troops. Ulfuric had formed them up into ranks, and we strode forwards to address them.

“We welcome you all-all, my new kin.” Shaeula opened with. “Some of you may be dissatisfied, serving under me, a young female, with few honours and a poor reputation. But fear not-not, you will soon see that under us, only glory awaits. But first, to demonstrate our power…” she raised one small hand, and I suddenly felt a weight pressing down on my spirit. It was as if… no, it was… that I was suddenly connected to Shaeula, and through her to many, many more souls. The bonds of my Kin Bonding and Restoration were straining, a constant pressure spreading through it and into my chakra network.

Shaeula too had gone pale, the stress of adding such a number to her kin no doubt weighing heavily on her too, but she stood tall, showing no weakness.  “We will defeat our enemies, but know this-this! Even should you fall, as our kin, Akio and I shall restore you to life, without fail!”

The troops gave a gentle cheer, still uncertain due to the strange turn of events that had led them to changing masters in a few scant hours. Still, despite her supposed shortcomings, Shaeula was still a daughter of prince Shaetanao, so they were not unwilling.

“So now, we must discuss our plans…” Shaeula continued, beckoning me over. Eri followed, though she had little to say as we brought the leaders of our forces together, including the White Snake kami, Grulgor, the Kamaitachi, Tillyae, Danaera, Ixitt and of course Ulfuric. Once we had explained the situation with our opponents, Ulfuric decided (after some significant verbal sparring with Grulgor, who was clashing with him at every opportunity) to put together a flexible plan for attack and defence, based on the intel we had already gathered.

“You have done very well, princess, consort.” He rumbled.

Consort? What’s… oh wait, yeah, isn’t that a royal thing? I think that was the spouse of a monarch or royal, wasn’t it? There was some trouble in Great Britain regarding one of them a while back, if I recall correctly. I guess he treats Shaeula as she has the higher position, I suppose it makes sense, considering who he is…

Shaeula had puffed out her cheeks in annoyance, but didn’t say anything, merely letting him continue.

“With a disadvantaged position you have leveraged your own combat strengths to supress far greater numbers. However, this was only possible due to your enemy being… well, bluntly, a fool.” He continued. “And you can ill-afford to rely on such favourable happenstance. Still, this will be an opportunity for you both to learn the true arts of war. I shall draft our plan of engagement once I have fully evaluated all our troops.”

Leaving Ulfuric to handle it, we headed back towards the main shrine. The fires of Foehn still had not died out entirely, though they were slowly dwindling. “God, this place is a mess. I know it was my only shot at victory, but still. I feel bad…”

“You do not-not have time for such concerns.” Shaeula said, grabbing one arm and pulling it to her modest chest. Beside me Eri grabbed my other. “We have much to discuss, do we not-not, Eri?”

“Yes.” She agreed, her face red. “Akio, we need to talk… it’s too painful to wait any longer.”

Oh god, it’s going to be about that. What… what do I do? I really don’t know what’s the best thing for Eri, for Shaeula… for everyone…

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