On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

One Hundred And Ninety-Three – R18/Contains sex

One Hundred And Ninety-Three – R18/Contains sex

Note that I am now up-to-date with Royal Road, so the posting rate will now be 3-5 chapters per week.

Once Shaeula had calmed down, my warmth reassuring her, she rubbed at her eyes, combed her long amber hair and looked at the waiting servants as if nothing had happened. As if waiting for this, the butler-weasel, appearing relieved, bowed again. His gaze strayed to me, and I could see annoyance in his dark-green eyes, yet he masked it well as he spoke. “So, you must be the… consort… Prince Shaeraggo spoke of. It is… an honour… to host-host the chosen husband of our princess.”

Yeah, you sure don’t sound like you think it’s an honour, but I’ll let it slide. We are going to have to win the weaselkin and other Fae over eventually.

“I’m pleased to be here.” I bowed politely. “The lands of the Fae are as beautiful as their princess.”

At my flattery Shaeula blushed, her emotions still raw, and she hit me with her slender hand a few times, though the blows were more out of embarrassment than annoyance. On seeing the display, which could definitely be called flirty, Shaeula’s maids gave me filthy looks, but Hyacinth and the Kamaitachi following us all laughed, Hyacinth muttering to herself enviously as usual.

“Indeed.” The butler agreed. “Our princess is an amber jewel amidst the Fae. In celebration of your return, we have-have prepared a feast for this evening, with many rare delicacies your royal brother has provided. We shall notify Prince Shaeraggo, so he may-may attend to welcome you home, princess.”

At that Shaeula’s face fell. “No, there is no need for that. I do not-not require my brother’s attention on this visit. It is not-not as though I will not-not be returning here frequently. But for this visit… I simply wish to spend time with my beloved in peace, showing him the lands that I call-call home.” She took my hand in hers, and we exchanged warm smiles.

“Well, that is… troubling, but… I still should notify…” suddenly he was thrown into panic, the maids also running and screaming in alarm, though Risha and Velna merely held their position, expressions angry, having already seen such events before, as vines erupted from the grounds outside the mansion and began to capture and tangle up the house servants, including the butler.

“Nooo, nooo this will certainly nooot do!” Hyacinth declared, being the one who had caused the angry storm of vines. One maid screamed as she was dangled upside down in front of me, and I caught glimpses of parts of the weaselkin that would probably scar me for life. Seriously, I know they are Fae beastkin, but at least wear panties under that dress…

“It’s all right, Hyacinth, please calm down. I’m sure they meant no disrespect…” I began, but she was very annoyed.

“Nooo, that doesn’t matter! Servants should do as they are told by the master and mistress of the house. Your brooother may have given you this home, mistress, but now it is yours, so the servants must ooobey you and do their duties.” Her furious face went deathly still, emotionless. “Servants that can’t serve… master and mistress has nooo need of them, they should just die!”

At her words the servants cried out in fear, but as her vines began to tighten, Shaeula and I both moved. Fire and wind blades shot out, severing some of the tightening vines, and her pinwheels danced, cutting the rest. When the servants fell to the floor with a thump, I turned my attention to Hyacinth, patting her head and rubbing her hair to calm her down. It worked, and she embraced me, trying to kiss me ferociously while her free hand started going to her buttons again. “Master finally wishes to embrace Hyacinth…” she giggled, but when Shaeula joined in we managed to subdue her before she could manage to steal my lips.

“Calm down! Please!” I begged, but it was then the butler-weasel let out a cry of alarm. “She is Unseelie! A vile traitor brought to this very place-place!” he scuttled backwards, his fancy clothes in disarray and covered in dirt from Hyacinth’s chastisement. “Quickly!” he turned to one of the maids. “We must notify the Way-Wardens immediately, so that a kill-team can-can be dispatched! Princess, quickly, run… your brother will protect you from…”

“Enough!” Shaeula shouted, wind amplifying her voice immensely, the very windows ratting. That’s a nice use of scientific principles. You’ve come so far…

“Enough.” She said again, her volume normal, everyone’s eyes on her. “Stop being a fool-fool. Do you think I am so blind as to not-not know Akio’s maid is a boggart? Blame my fool brother for this, but he sent her to us-us to deal with. Akio has her well in hand, I assure you. She was merely… surprised at your insolence.” She sniffed arrogantly. “Hyacinth…” she turned back to the maid. “I understand you take your role seriously, but you shame Akio and you shame me by your lack of self-control. You must be punished. And no…” Shaeula pre-empted her, as she squirmed and blushed, hands still on her buttons and fasteners. “It will not-not be a lewd punishment. For the rest of the day you will stay in the room you are assigned, and do no-no work at all!”

“Nooo, mistress is cruel!” Hyacinth started sobbing. “But… but I understand. I made a mistake… it is right to punish this unworthy servant.”

“Don’t worry.” I started with the carrot, since Shaeula had used the stick. “Once your punishment is waited out, I’m sure you’ll have lots of work to do, all right? Fixing the mess you’ve made of the garden by the entrance for one.”

“Master is kind…” she curtsied with gorgeous grace. “I shall do it!”

“See?” Shaeula observed. “Akio has her well in hand, doubtless as my brother wishes. So do not-not bother him this time. I shall see my brother on my next visit. I simply wish to relax with Akio and perhaps do a little training.”

“Prince Shaeraggo sent you this-this fiend?” the butler shook his head doubtfully. “But I was not told of this. Still…” making up his mind, he straightened his dirty clothes as best he could. “Please, enter. I shall show you to your rooms-rooms.”

“Finally. I am in dire need of a drink.” Shaeula grinned. “I was seldom if ever-ever allowed Faerie Wine when I still lived with my father and siblings. But now after becoming accustomed to the mortal world, I find myself craving for some-some…” she turned to one of the maids. “Please bring the finest bottle to our room. I wish to unwind with my Akio.”

The distressed maid who had flashed me looked at the butler, who nodded slowly…


“Well, this is actually surprisingly elegant.” I said, sitting on the ornately-carved wooden bed in the room I was now sharing with Shaeula. It was in the style of an old-fashioned four-poster-bed, complete with a silken canopy to shroud the outside from view. We had pulled the canopy back so we could see out of the arched window, which overlooked the back gardens and the forest that stretched towards the border of the Seelie Court. “A shame your brother has rotten taste though… if I ever try and copy him and start sticking up pictures of Aiko in my bedroom, please just beat me until I see sense.” The inside of the fabric canopy was embroidered to have pictures of both Shaeula and Shaeraggo. It was, quite frankly… off-putting.

“Indeed. When I was younger I did not-not notice such travesties, but now I am an engaged female…” she looked down at her gleaming ring, an analogue which followed her even here. “… I see the problems with it. We shall take-take them down before tonight. I have no wish to be looking at my brother’s visage while making love.” She grinned. “Nor even myself. Only you.”

Damn, that’s sweet. And hot. The way she is looking at me hungrily… I guess I’m getting a workout later. “They really didn’t want us rooming together, either. I mean, the room they offered me was nice and all, but… I came here with you.”

Our conversation was interrupted by the arrival of a maid who had dressed in fresh clothing and swept the dirt from her fur. She had a decanter of silver, within which was a rich, fruity red liquid. She then poured us two glasses, which we took, leaving the decanter on a tray by the bedside for us.

I took a glass, handed it to Shaeula, then picked up the second. “A toast then.” I grinned. “To your homecoming. It isn’t a true one, not yet, but it’s the first step!”

“Indeed.” We clinked our glasses together. “Until I can stand proudly in front of the nobles of the Seelie Court, I am not-not truly home. But for now… cheers, my Akio. Welcome to the land of he Fae. I wish for you to love it as I do!”

Taking a sip of the Faerie Wine I was hit by the taste. It was strong, definitely, yet the taste was sweet without being cloying, fruity hints mixed with stranger flavours I couldn’t explain. Taking another sip I felt warmth spreading within my chakra network. Wow, I think this can actually get me drunk… neat.

“It is quite-quite good. Though expensive whiskey has its charms too!” Shaeula declared, refilling her glass which she had half-emptied. Seeing that, I had a few more sips, swirling it around my tongue. She then poured me some more, grinning.

“Yeah, it’s a bit like plum brandy, but far cleaner and more complex. Damn, if we could sell this to rich people back on the Material, we’d make bank I bet.”

“Well, for now it is only for you amongst the mortal realms.” She grinned, pulling the cord next to the bed which caused a bell to ring down in the quarter for servants. Next to the cord was a pair of bells, one small and silver, the other a blackish-red metal I couldn’t identify, which unlike the smaller bell didn’t seem to be attached to anything. I stood up to take a closer look, while drinking of course, and seeing my interest, Shaeula explained, cheerful that our usual roles were reversed now I was in her home. “I see you are taken with the Bell of Alarm.” She grinned. “When enemies breach the Fae Stone wards that ring-ring the Seelie Court, the Bell will toll. The intensity and rapidity of the ringing advises how close the incursion is.” As she was explaining, a maid, looking like Velna, it seemed, answered her earlier call and brought more wine. “Then the Way-Wardens will be summoned, and they will slay our foes, or chase them out if they can not-not.”

“Really? I’m surprised that enemies can break the Territory Barrier. I can feel that this is an old and powerful land. It makes mine look like nothing.” Only for now though, one day I’ll reach this level of power, no, I’ll surpass it!

Shaeula shrugged, flushed from the wine. Pulling at the collar of her yukata, she fanned herself, and I looked away, being the gentleman I was. At that her grin broadened, and she tugged still further at the loose fabric while continuing to teach me. “Indeed, you are correct, the Unseelie, when a major war erupts, they must-must expend great effort to breach our defences to allow an army through. However, Fae, be they Seelie, Unseelie, those beasts from the Wild Hunt, or others, well-well… we are tricky beings, flighty yet cunning. The wards surrounding our Territory can be fooled, or bypassed, or traitors on the inside could-could aid the intruders…” she sighed, and after a mouthful more of wine finished her lecture. “… there are many-many ways for smaller bands of our enemies to infiltrate and pillage. Hence the Bells and the Way-Wardens. The Fae Stones, they are Faecraft without peer, allowing us to avoid the worst damage from enemy infiltrations. Else if we did not-not know where the enemy was, we would struggle to root them out.” She shrugged, putting down her now empty-again glass. “Though the Seelie Court controls far less land that it once-once did at the height of our power, many lands lost to our enemies, ruin or abandonment over thousands of years of war… we are still strong!” she insisted, though as I felt I knew Shaeula pretty well by now, I couldn’t help but think her proud boast was masking a bit of uneasiness.

“I see. So… Fae Stones and Bells as an effective early-warning system. Kind of like tactical radar, maybe? I wonder if we could implement that…” I mused, emptying my own glass before Shaeula refilled it.

“… enough gloomy talk.” Shaeula shrugged, losing interest. “I wonder when dinner will be, for I am most-most famished… sadly, they likely need time to prepare it…”

“Well, you’d better do something about your dishevelled yukata before that, then.” I smiled, pulling her close to me, holding her in my arms as we drank, lying on the comfortable bed. “I don’t want my fiancée flashing the butler, I’m not into that at all.”

At that Shaeula snickered, planting a kiss on my cheek, before seeking my lips. When we were done, she smiled, pleased at my jealousy. “So possessive, my husband. But I do understand. Only you and the females you have chosen may see me in such-such a state!”

Not quite what I meant, but it’ll do. Man, I’m starting to get a bit hungry myself. I know we don’t need to eat here in the Boundary… no, I guess we are in the lower Astral now… but it is satisfying, and I’m even tipsy, which lately is a novelty. Oh well, might as well put the time to use… “In that case, why don’t we do some training of our chakra networks and elemental abilities? I’m curious to see what gains I can make…”

“I see-see. You are quite the fiend for training as always. Here, your beautiful fiancée is seducing you with her alluring body, and all-all you want to do is practise your skills.” She shook her head with fake mournfulness. “A shame-shame.”

Oh you. “Well, consider me seduced. But that’s for after dinner, right? Let’s not be rude to the servants your brother arranged for you.”

“Well, the maids were mine-mine before, so I have some… complicated… feelings regarding them. But I understand. This is-is a great opportunity for you. But do not-not forget. What is mine is yours. We can come here any time!”

“Yeah, when we aren’t too busy. Still… damn you look cute…” It couldn’t hurt to have a quick fumble, right? Shaeula’s giggles and happy squeals were my answer as I reached out…


After our fun (mostly just hugging, kissing and a bit of happy fondling, nothing too obscene), we started to train our chakra networks. The lunar chakra, which I had stabilised some time ago, was responding especially well to the ether density here, and after a few hours of meditation, I felt the breakthrough I could sense on the horizon had moved closer. Shaeula had been working hard too, her understanding of wind and flame close to reaching a higher peak, as comparing them both had given her some insights and new avenues to focus on.

A discreet knock on the door had disturbed us, and it was Risha, advising us dinner was in an hour, and asking if Shaeula and I wished to freshen up before the meal was served. Of course we needed to, as we had worked up a sweat in several ways, so we took a bath together. The tub was a bit cramped, an ornate porcelain-style one, nothing like a modern Japanese bathroom had, but being crammed in together had its own charm, to be sure. We had declined the offer of maids to assist us, not that I would have accepted anyway as they still looked at me with annoyance and disgust, but Shaeula and I both enjoyed washing each other, so we did.

I then used aether to cleanse our clothing, a technique I was using more and more, recently, and then we were seated at the long table in the dining room. Our Kamaitachi were there too, and the musicians led by Tillyae were striking up a cultured, pleasant tune. Only Hyacinth is missing. Well, it is her punishment, so it can’t be helped. I feel sorry for her hard past, but if she’s going to work for me, I can’t have her running wild when she gets annoyed…

The maids, led by the butler-weasel, brought out a variety of dishes and drinks. It was rather lavish, and an experience one couldn’t have in the real world. A silver tray containing a massive, cooked rabbit-like creature was placed in front of us, and fruits and vegetables that ranged from similar-looking to Earth foods, to wildly unique such as purple ring-shaped or green pyramidal fruits, were heaped up, as well as orchid-like flowers that were served still full of sweet nectar.

“My brother has spared no-no expense stocking the larder, it seems. I seldom ate so opulently, even when I still lived with my family.” Shaeula observed, her amber eyes glittering with excitement. “I suspect he is trying to regain my good graces after his many-many blunders. I can appreciate the gesture, at least.” She elegantly handled some of the many knives and forks to sample some of the rabbit and flowers, so I did likewise, copying her so as not to embarrass myself. Ask me two months ago if I needed to learn Fae dining etiquette and I’d have asked in return how much you had to drink…

“Hey, this is definitely unique…” I muttered, the rabbit-like meat surprisingly delicious, even if it tasted more like pork. “This sauce is some sort of plant-nectar, right? It’s sweet yet works…”

“Indeed.” Shaeula dabbed at her lips delicately, before taking a mouthful of a new, yellowish wine that a maid poured her. Beside me a second maid filled up my glass. I followed suit and took a sip. Sour. But good!

“I must say, I am quite-quite pleased.” Shaeula said as we continued to eat and drink, the Kamaitachi also enjoying the novelty. “I get to show off for you, Akio.” She smiled cheerfully.

“Yeah, it’s pretty great. It certainly beats the pokey apartment we lived in to start with, right?” As we reminisced and I ate the nectar-soaked flowers for dessert, I was surprised by a notification that flared in my vision, silver letters bright.

Your Charm and Fortune have slightly increased. Your Aether has increased.

“Uh, Shaeula, some of my stats have gone up just eating these.” I remarked, and I could feel that my lunar chakra rather than my stomach was making the most of the nutrients the strange food provided.

“I see. Well, these are-are delicacies. As a mortal they may perhaps have a strange effect upon you. I know what you are thinking, such-such foods are not cheap or easy to obtain, even here. Still… Eri, Aiko… they should sample such as well.” She grinned. “I would most-most like to play the gracious host for them too.”

We continued to eat, and at the end some sort of trifle-style pudding was brought in, and after finishing that we relaxed, Tillyae and her musicians continuing to serenade us. “So, what now?” I asked, and Shaeula shrugged.

“How about a walk? I have not-not yet shown off the lands of the Fae. And you expressed curiosity about the Fae Stones.” She turned to one of the maids who was waiting patiently. “How far-far is the border from here?”

“A little less that a league…” the maid answered, doubtfully. “… we are-are at the far corner of the Seelie Court. But still, it is not safe for you…”

“Nonsense.” Shaeula scoffed. “Akio and I, we are strong.” She turned to all the maids who she had reunited with at this mansion. “I am not-not the weak, prideful idiot of a young female I used to be. So do not-not baby me and treat me as such a fool.” She reached out, and we clasped hands to reassure her, her hand warm in mine. “Together with my lover… we can defeat any foe! Now I wish to show Akio what he desires to see, so no-no more objections!”

With that, one of the maids was tasked to lead us towards the border. A league, huh? That’s an old measurement that varied by country and time. A very Fae unit of measurement, I guess. It’s usually between three and four miles, I think? That is pretty close to the border…

The forest surrounding the mansion was dense, filled with floating fireflies, glowing plants and mushrooms, small ponds full of strange, gem-like fish and many other wonders. It was significantly more on-theme than the Boundary, which was a curious mix of a mirror of Earth, jumbled with all sorts of outlandish structures, biomes and creatures. I had to wonder whether when my Territory grew, it would end up changing like this as well.

“We are here-here.” Shaeula declared, as we left the forest, a strip of grassland some two-hundred metres across delimitating the border, white monolith-like stones each the size of a large human scattered at intervals of around fifty metres, their surfaces glimmering with light, which was also radiated by the thin threads of silvery metal that ran through the rocks.

“Pretty. But not so much as you.” I flirted, and Shaeula grinned. “Can we take a closer look?”

“Fine, but do not-not stray outside the line of Fae Stones.”

We closed in, ignoring the distress of the maid who commanded us to “not damage the Fae Stones, else who knows what danger might-might sneak through.” in quite the angry tone. Shaeula didn’t stand for that of course, and chastised the maid until she retreated. I felt a little bad for her, but considering her tone, she was lucky Hyacinth wasn’t here or there’d have been further trouble…

“Alone at last-last.” Shaeula grinned, watching the maid disappear into the trees. Her humour faded then. “Still, they bring back unpleasant memories. They encouraged my arrogance, to complain about it now is most annoying. So…” she looked at me expectantly. “… what do-do you think?”

“I’m thinking I wish my Examination skills could see items too. I wish I knew how they worked.” I ran my hands over the stone surface, which was surprisingly smooth despite the mottled appearance of glittering shards of mica and silver veins. It gave off a soft warmth though, which was somehow soothing. “So… beyond this is what?” I looked out and after the next hundred or so metres of open grassland, I could see another forest, though this one was covered in fungus, giant mushrooms rising into the sky, while streams filled with choking reeds and mottled scum wended their way through, adding a splash of dark colour.

“It used to be the Seelie Court.”  Shaeula sighed. “It has been well-well over a thousand years, as you mortals reckon time, since the war against mortals and the separating of the lower Astral, the Unseelie then splitting from us. But here… time flows faster. It has been many-many thousands of years for the Fae. War with the Unseelie, uneasy peace, war again-again. Constant raids from the Wild Hunt. Clashes with other Territories. Dangers drifting down from the higher Astral.” She sighed, downcast. “Many times we lost ground, our Seelie Court shrinking. It seems that is one-one such place.” She pointed to the distant forest, where a strangely-shaped hill jutted out. It was a fair way away, but my keen eyes could just about see it now I focused. The hill was choked with dead and rotting trees, even more fungi growing everywhere. A dark mist was rising, and black streams were trickling out of the sides of this crown-topped hill, the ring of stones that gave it that appearance also overgrown with toadstools and other fungi.

“Really? Do you know it then?” I asked, and she nodded.

“I know-know our history. I had tutors of course.” Her dour expression worried me, so I pulled her close. She snuggled in, appreciating the contact. “I suspect it is the Spring of Clear Reflections. Once-once it was a beautiful and sacred site to us. The hill above gathered and reflected the moonlight to the lake within, and it was the source of many-many mystical waters throughout the Seelie Court and wider Fae lands. But-but no longer. It fell during a bitter war with the Unseelie, when the Wild Hunt also broke our borders, and vile-vile allies of theirs overran it, greedily plundering the pure, mystical waters and creating… that.” She snorted derisorily at the pestilent forest. “Once more we triumphed at great cost, but our borders were-were redrawn, and a new barrier of Fae Stones erected.” She looked sad then. “They are truly fools-fools, but the faction that wishes to leave and find a new home for the Fae lament the ever-worsening situation we find ourselves in. We have many, many enemies, and until the King recovers from his wounds…”

“It’ll be all right.” I reassured her. “Whatever happens, I made you a promise, an Oath, right? If you want to rule and save the Seelie Court, the Fae lands… well, I’ve got your back.” I glared at the corrupted landscape. “Seriously though, what the hell is that idiot Shaeraggo thinking getting you a mansion so close to that?

She managed a laugh then. “I blame him for much, but not-not that. The Fae lands are mutable, and the Seelie Court moves freely, twice a year following the pull of the moon. What is beside us now, may not-not be in a short while.”

“I see. Must be hell for mapmakers.” I shook my head. “A grim story, but… I know a bit more about you and your history now, so I’m happy. Come on, shall we go back?”

She nodded. “It is a shame I could not-not show you a pleasant vista, there truly are many in the lands of the Fae. Instead… we saw this.

“Hey, as long as I’m with you or Eri, even a garbage dump would be beautiful to me.” I boasted, and was rewarded by the first genuine smile since we had discussed the Fae and their bitter pyrrhic victories against their many foes.

“Flatterer. Your tongue has turned silver since you wooed Eri and I. So now, you must make it up-up to me.”

“Sure, but how?” I asked, and she liked her lips lasciviously.

“You know-know how.”


Lying on the bed, Shaeula tugged off my trousers, greedily sucking on my rapidly hardening cock. Her hands were roaming over my body, one small hand massaging my balls, while her other searched for my chest, playing with my nipples, which was an unusual situation. Still, I was not going to let her toy with me one-sidedly, so with my own hands I started playing with her small breasts and ass, remembering what I had done to Eri previously.

Kneading her hard bead, her breast sitting comfortably in my palm, the hand on her ass started touching her butthole, gently kneading around the outside, causing her to tremble. Her eyes went wide, brilliant amber orbs staring up at me wetly, but she continued to suck me off, her tongue licking my precum-soaked dick across the head, before sliding down my shaft, which was already melting in her warm mouth.

I slid the hand on her breasts downwards, tracing lines along her trembling belly, before starting to toy with her clit, the little ruby exposed and already damp with her sweat. Using one finger to vibrate it, my others slid through her amber pubic hair and started fingering her, stroking the inside of her pussy. She started shuddering, her blowjob getting sloppy but no less enthusiastic, and as she trembled, I took that opportunity to slide a finger into her ass just a little. She tightened up, eyes going wide, and that just made me want to toy with her more. My fingers slid further into her pussy and ass, stimulating her greatly, and the melting expression she showed drove me to orgasm, filling her mouth with my cum.

As she swallowed, I gently pulled my fingers free, stained with her juices.

“That was my-my bottom. That is not-not a hole for sex, is it?” Shaeula shook her head, her entire body flushed, the new sensation stimulating her. As she sat naked next to me on the bed, I pulled her in for a hug, my erection still undiminished.

Shaeula on the bed

“It can be, but I just wanted to tease you today.” I admitted. “Damn, you were amazingly cute as I toyed with both your holes at once.”

“Hmph…” she tossed her head, clearly embarrassed. “Well, do not-not do it again without my permission. it surprised me."

Permission, huh? Well, maybe another time. I could see love nectar seeping from her pussy, so she was about ready to go. After a kiss, I lowered myself to her body and pushed my dick inside, revelling in the warmth and sensations as her pussy tightened up on me. I was about to start moving, when Shaeula stopped me.

“What’s up? You need a minute?” I asked, and she shook her head.

“No, I just had an idea.” She grinned, kissing me savagely, our tongues inside each other as my dick was inside her. When she pulled free, our saliva scattering, she spoke, breathless and horny. “What if we were to make love in the Fae way, while-while you take me the way you mortals do? Surely the pleasure then would be nothing like we have ever-ever felt before?”

That’s… quite the idea. “Do you think we can? Mixing our elemental essence and aether takes quite the amount of concentration.”

“Well, you love training, do you not-not?” she smirked. “And you love me! We can-can combine the best of both worlds!”

“You’ve got me there.” I kissed her again. “All right them. I’ll start slow, and as we merge, I’ll speed up, all right?”

At her nod I started releasing my aether and elemental essences, the flame, wind and earth. In return I received her wind and flame. Having to control my physical body and my spiritual powers was a challenge, but it forced a clarity on me, and I could feel Shaeula more clearly than ever, her every fold, bump and wet secretion hugging my engorged dick as it pistoned her, slowly at first but picking up speed.

“Yes-yes… this is… bliss, ahn!” Shaeula gasped, arms around me, holding me close. We kissed again and again, just as my dick kissed her deep insides, and our essences penetrated each others’ souls. “I think… I’m about ready to cum…”

“Yes-yes, wait, just… a little-little longer…” she gasped. “Until… our circulation is complete…” energy flooded into my lunar chakra, carrying her thoughts and feelings, and then mine too was within her lunar chakra. At that moment she convulsed, her body reaching a matching orgasm to her spirit, and then I was also gushing forth, in a torrent that showed no signs of stopping as I continued slamming our bodies together, forcing her powerful orgasm to continue. It was as if we were melting together… body and soul… and then everything went dark, and I fainted, the pleasure too much…


How long have I been out? Beneath me, Shaeula was snuggled against me, flushed and happy. On seeing I had awoken, she grinned, her amber eyes bright. “Was it too-too much for you, sharing so much with me?” she asked cheekily, so I gave her my answer by fondling her sensitive body, wringing damp moans from her. “No-no more. I relent. The experience was indeed too brilliant.” She gasped.

“Yeah… that’s something that shouldn’t be done lightly.” I admitted. “Still, I doubt many people can claim to have done that, neither mortal nor Fae, right?”

“Indeed.” She sighed, her eyes looking deep into mine. “I could feel it, all your energies. Even the earth element that I hate so, and it felt… warm, comforting. Like I understood it. Like I understood you.”

“Well, what’s to understand? All you need to know is I love you.” I grinned, and we kissed, before she rapped me on the head with her knuckles playfully.

“Fool-fool. Of course I know that, as you know I love you!” she breathed out lustily. “And since that-that is the case…” she eyed my limp penis, before reaching out and clamping her small hand around it, stroking it gently, bringing it new life. “Why not-not one more round? My belly feels warm-warm and full, but I believe I can stand a little more…”

Oh Shaeula, you are insatiable… responding to her touch, I grinned, pulling her close once more…


The next morning after I had consoled Shaeula rather passionately, her hunger for my warmth greater than normal, perhaps driven by being back in the Fae lands, and the scene we witnessed of the stolen land of the Seelie court playing on her mind and emotions, she seemed back to her usual self, so after the maids served us breakfast, and a tearful display from Hyacinth, who was free of her punishment, we spent the rest of the day training, the night spent with more intimacy. Another day passed this way, and then on the morning after, Shaeula came to a realisation.

“I see-see. It shall not-not be long until the last of our kin returns.” Two newly reborn weaselkin mages were bowing gratefully to us, and now the only spirit light that flew around Shaeula was the bright one of her last Kamaitachi. “With the plentiful ether and both-both our bonds, we have hastened their return.”

“Great. Well, we’ll be cutting it fine, or maybe not… damn, I wish we could make a device that could work out what time it was on Earth, the Boundary and here, some sort of magical watch…  but I guess we can spare another day, if it’ll finally restore the last of your Kamaitachi.”

“I appreciate it.” She grinned. “Well, shall we continue our training then, until dinner? Or would you prefer to do something more fun?

“Damn, you really are insatiable at the moment. That comes later. I want to keep hold of the feeling I have right now, the breakthrough is so close I can taste it.” I’ve acclimatised to the higher ether density now, and I can feel my Eight Moons Chakra Network is stronger, and my Silver Cord is thicker…

“Fine then. Let it not-not be said I am not-not a supportive female.” She snorted, going back to her own training. I focussed my mind, and was lost in thought for an indeterminate period of time until a quiet ringing noise snapped me out of my reverie.

Oh, is it time for dinner? I looked up, hearing the bell ring quietly again, only it wasn’t the silver, but the reddish bell. Shaeula was likewise looking at it.

“I see-see. Someone has breached the Fae Stones. But the bell rings quiet and slow. It is far-far distant. The Wild Hunt is active, they are likely the ones, they are crafty and cunning, ever-ever probing for our weaknesses.”

As if to echo her words the butler rushed in. “Do not be alarmed. The Bell rings, but the enemy is far-far away. The Way-Wardens will be alerted already and rushing out for battle. You will be safe, princess, I promise!”

“Of course I will-will.” She scoffed. “If the worst happens, we can use the Faerie Ring Gate and destroy it behind us. It would be a shame to lose the mansion, but-but lives come first.”

“In any case, they are far-far from here, so there is no chance of a battle…”

“Hey, that’s a flag, man.” I complained, and he looked at me puzzled while Shaeula doubled over, laughing. After a short while the bell stopped ringing.

“I guess the Way-Wardens handled it then?” I asked, and Shaeula nodded, only for the bell to start ringing again. It was still soft and slow, but then a second pattern began, also far away.

“I hope you have a lot of Way-Wardens…” I grimaced, as a third pattern of chimes started.

“It should-should be fine, we would know if it was a major Unseelie invasion…” her words were drowned out by a sudden ear-splitting, rapid series of noises, the bells bonging wildly.

“No-no, that loud, that fast… there must be enemies passing the Fae Stones within a league of here, maybe closer…”

“Yeah, we definitely tripped that flag.” I looked at Shaeula. “Like you said, we can run away easily enough, but without trying to defend the mansion your brother gave you… fuck, if my sis lost a house I got her as a heartfelt gift I’d be pissed off. I feel for Shaeraggo if we don’t at least take a look.”

“Indeed. We are strong.” She boasted, puffing out her chest. “We have-have the Kamaitachi and Hyacinth to support us too. We can evacuate the maids and butler…”

“I can’t leave you, princess…” he began, before she shut him up with an imperious glare.

“You can-can and will. I can not-not fight to my utmost until I know you are all safe! Now obey like the servant you are!”

With that we hustled them out, towards the Ring Gate. Hyacinth hurried up to us, her face set sternly. “Master, mistress. Is it enemies? Are they going to destroooy the home I have cleaned and mended? Unforgivable! I shall strangle them, crush them, tear them…” she growled. “… nothing must threaten the hooome!”

“Well said indeed.” Shaeula approved of Hyacinth for once. “This place is ours and I shall not surrender it without a matching toll-toll in blood!”

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