On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

One Hundred And Ninety-Two

One Hundred And Ninety-Two

Of course with everything that was going on, there were still matters that needed my attention. I had to fire off a few messages to various people, and left a bunch of instructions for Karen-chan. It wasn’t as if we planned to be away for long, but according to Shaeula time in the lower Astral was even more distorted than the Boundary, and the Fae lands were also greatly unpredictable in that regard, which matched the stories mom had told me in my childhood. When Aiko and I were kids, did we think that the stories we heard mom tell us would end up being important, even true? The world is strange.

Now that Karen-chan had assistants, my old neighbours, I felt slightly less bad at overworking her. Next on the agenda was increasing the area that I controlled in both the Boundary and the Material. Seeing the Material as a dry desert of ether where there was only trace amounts, Shirohebizumi was a small oasis, which while it couldn’t compare to the lake that was the Boundary, the difference was still huge. Even more so in the small area that the Boundary to Material connection covers. Upgrading that will help, and I want the Ether Density Anchor Spire to Rank 2 and even Rank 3. Damn, so much time and expense, but so utterly worth it.

I wanted control, no matter how nominally, of the park that Shaeula’s Territory was in, as well as the communal graveyard that the Rhyming Tree occupied. Since they were state-owned, it wasn’t as if I could just buy them, but I only needed to own them. With donations, pledges to maintain them as they were, and some support from Fujiwara-san and my connections in the Diet… perhaps it would be possible. If I tell Suzuki-san that it might help me get more spiritual resources, he should lobby for me. He wants to see Haru-san again… Clasping my hands together in a brief prayer for Karen-chan, sorry that she would be dealing with some big-shots, I fired off the messages as well as sending a few to Hinata-san and Motoko-san for helping take the lead in the training sessions today. As I was finishing that up, the doorbell rang.

“Can you get that-that?” Shaeula asked, as she was doing something in her bedroom. I shrugged and went to the door, opening it up, to see Kana-chan there, her luxurious long black hair still damp and hanging free, her shrine-maiden hakama clinging to her, the white parts a little see-through and revealing hints of her skin beneath. Oh… that’s… damn. I had to look away, she was remarkably alluring, which made me feel guilty. On seeing my reaction, Kana-chan smiled brightly in relief.

Kana in wet shrine maiden garb

“Oh hey big bro. Can I come in? I want to speak to you. It’s… well, it’s important to me, anyway, and I don’t know anyone else I can talk to about it.”

“Sure, come in.” I held in a sigh. I owed Kana-chan, having put her in danger before, and besides, I thought she was a nice girl, and more practically, her gift of seeing abnormalities was likely useful in the long term, to say nothing of the potential of her expanding her ability to sense other’s thoughts, which was currently so infrequent and shallow as to be useless. That doesn’t mean it won’t grow to be awesome though, and it could synergise with Haru-san and the Hikawa twins… As I closed the door behind us, I asked her if her friends had gone home. I had allocated a budget for taxis, as there was no way I’d let such young girls go home alone late at night.

“Yeah.” She giggled. “They were shocked and awed by the fact we have a proper swimming pool on our land, and we get it pretty much all to ourselves. It’s awesome.” she paused. “We… we can use it whenever we like right, big bro?”

“Sure, of course, though for the next few days be sure to check there are no workmen about, as they have to furnish the rooms, gyms and lay the carpets and flooring still. Just consider it a perk of being part of my alliance. And also… an apology, for before. You know…” I scratched my cheek awkwardly, embarrassed. We’d discussed it, sure, but I still felt awful Kana-chan and Marika-san were put in such danger, and technically it wasn’t just once, as the US agents could have targeted the main shrine too.

“… I know.” She echoed my difficult words, that I found hard to express. “Look, big bro… wait, can I call you Akio too? I… I feel bad when Shaeula and Mori-senpai do.”

“Uh, sure I guess I don’t mind. We are pretty close, allies on the same boat, right?”

“Allies, huh?” she rolled that word around her mouth and grimaced a little, seemingly not liking the taste. “Is that it, then? Well, do call me Kana. I don’t need any honorifics. Not for you… Akio.”

“Sure thing, Kana.” Saying a girls’ first name like that was a bit awkward, but I had practise now, so I managed it without stumbling over it. “Anyway yeah, this shrine belongs to you and your family. You may have signed official ownership over to me, but I will not betray your trust. So sure, use any of the facilities in the training school you want. Speaking of… want a drink while you are here? I have tea, juice… whatever.”

“That would be great. I worked up a sweat playing in the pool. You should be sorry you missed it, Akio. I’m quite a good swimmer, and I look hot as hell in a school swimsuit!”

“I bet.” I couldn’t help but picture that image. Kana’s chest was big for her age and a Japanese girl, and her legs were long and slender. “Maybe another time.” I said, without giving it much thought. In the kitchen, I pulled out some cold tea and handed it to her. She took it gratefully, popped the top and started gulping it down.

“That hits the spot. Another time, huh? I’ll hold you to that.” She smiled once more, this one a little relieved. “So… like… my confidence is pretty shot recently, you know? I’m beautiful, I can’t lie and say I’m not… but one after another, the shrine has filled up with beauties my equal. I don’t lose…” she insisted. “But Shaeula, Mori-senpai, now these rich girls, Fukumoto-san, Tsumura-san… they rival me, for sure. And I have to wonder…” she chewed at her lip nervously, but her dark eyes met mine, unwavering, searching for an answer. “Just… just what is my worth? I always thought being beautiful and smart was enough. I’d find a decent guy who’d take care of me, and live an easy life of idleness. Just like… shopping for the latest fashions, eating out, a nice home, nice car… but I guess… I’m a frog in a well.” She snorted with derision.

I know that look. I’ve felt it before. Feeling that you aren’t good enough, that what you wanted was stupid, not what you actually wanted at all…

“I don’t think so. You’re just young.” I reassured her. “Look, Kana. I’m going to be serious now, all right?”

At her nod, I continued. “When I was your age, well, a little older, I made a mistake. I desperately tried to get out of my hometown. I told myself it was because the place sucked and I had ambition, but really… I was just running away. I was scared. I almost lost my sister and Eri when I was younger. Sure, I protected them, but that nagging doubt, that feeling that next time I’d come up short, that it wouldn’t be enough… so in my head, I thought… damn, this sounds so dumb to me now… I thought if I wasn’t there, they’d be better off, that someone more competent would take over. I drifted out of touch with them… and nearly lost them forever.”

“But you didn’t, did you? You’re even getting married. Lucky.” Kana rebutted. “Also… I may be wrong here, big bro… no, Akio. Feel free to shut me down if I’m out of line, but… if you are feeling guilty over when the shrine was attacked… well, you can, sure… but… you saved me, Marika-chan too, my parents and grandfather… you saved us all. Sure I was scared. So scared I… no, that never happened. Forget it.” Her damp skin flushed. “But… I wasn’t hurt. And… well, I found out something about myself. That when there was no choice… I could put others first. So don’t be letting it eat at you. Just… do better, so it doesn’t happen again. You’ve always done enough, all right.” she took my hand with hers. “So… be a little proud, okay?”

I’m feeling surprisingly touched by her kindness. Giving her hand a gentle squeeze, I nodded, and she carried on. “I get what you mean though. Don’t get me wrong. I still want a great guy to look after me. I envy those rich girls and their wealth, I want the same luxury lifestyle Shaeula and Mori-senpai enjoy. I… just know that I have to work for it. And I need something more. But I’m at a loss, Akio. The first day of training school has taught me that. What… what can I do, or find in myself, that’ll make me happy?”

“A great question.” My free hand rubbed her head, and she let out a sigh. I flinched, realising I was way too used to patting girls on the head, what with my sis, Shaeula and Eri, so I was harassing girls without thinking. As I tried to move my hand away she shook her head in denial.

“I don’t mind just this once. It feels… comfortable.” Kana whispered. “Anyway, I thought… you’ve turned your life around, right? Can I… can I do the same?”

“Sure you can. Look, the world is changing. What skills and jobs people valued before, might not hold much weight going forward. No, being a shrine maiden with abilities… it could be something special. Besides… you have it better than most.” I winked, still rubbing at her hair, her leaning her head into my chest. This feels a little too intimate, but… she’s just asking for advice. There’s nothing going on, I’m sure.

“Oh, how so?” she asked, curious.

“Well, the best place outside of the Boundary to train currently is this shrine.” I grinned. “It’s even better in the area right in the middle of the training hall. And well, you live here, right? If you work hard, you can master your skills faster than any of the others, right? Besides, Shaeula is here, and you can ask her advice. With her Eyes, she can guide you to further increase your efficiency.”

“That’s great. yeah, it makes sense.” She agreed. “But… if I do master these abilities, what will I do with them?” she asked me.

“Whatever you want. Though… I hope that you’ll continue to help me out.” I smiled at her. “If you do, then you’ll see the world we see, and it’s pretty amazing. Scary sometimes, but amazing nonetheless.”

“But you’ll protect me, right?” she asked impishly, and I nodded.

“Of course. All my allies, I’ll never let them come to harm. If enemies try, they’ll end up just like the damn yakuza did. So… don’t worry. You are young yet. There’s plenty of time to find what you want to do in the future, and bag that hot, kind guy you deserve who will pamper you. But until then, I suggest growing your own power. Hard work and power will never betray you.”

“I see.” Kana said thoughtfully. “Well, Akio, I’ll take your words to heart. Yes, there’s still time yet.” she giggled then, pleased. “Yeah, I let my confidence take a knock after all these events. But thanks anyway, Akio. You’ve helped me feel a lot better. Yeah, I can add value to my already attractive package, and then I won’t lose. I can get any guy I want then…” she turned a little red.

“You go for it! I’ll be rooting for you!” I encouraged her.

“Idiot…” she whispered, before acting like she hadn’t said anything. We spent a little more time in gentle conversation while she finished her tea, and then she left. Once she had, Shaeula appeared.

“Hey, didn’t you want to see Kana?” I asked, and she grinned slyly.

“Kana, hmm?” she raised one amber eyebrow quizzically. “No, I did not-not wish to interrupt her declaration of intent. There will be fun times ahead indeed.” She giggled. “Anyway, I have spoken to Ichika. The money we gave her has staved off her enemies for now-now, but soon we will need to crush them.”

“Of course. I have a plan. But for now… the Boundary…”


Once in our Territory not a lot had changed. Further small areas had been brought under our control, and Ulfuric’s training of our forces was continuing apace. In addition, we had extra numbers from some of our Barracks. The only issue of note, which was a bit concerning was…

“Our scouts thoroughly searched the area you indicated.” Ulfuric was rumbling, relaying the report to us. “However, they were unable to find this Territory, nor find any defenders.”

“I see.” That was… troubling, certainly. “I’m not sure whether they’ve been defeated, or worse. They could have also just moved elsewhere… I guess for now, keep scouting carefully, we don’t want to be caught out again like we were with Kondou. As for expansion, we’ll keep our growth up in the directions away from there.” Something else I need to look into. But not for now…

As Ulfuric slammed a meaty paw against his armour and then left to enact my orders, I once more felt thankful that he had agreed to support us for three moons. It was going to be a wrench when he left, but by then we should have built up enough to be able to afford the loss.

“Right, everything seems to be in order. Now we just need to select who is going to accompany us to the lands of the Fae. A princess like you can’t go unescorted, right?” I winked, and Shaeula snickered nastily.

“Indeed-indeed.” Her smile was wry. “Though there should be none-none of import to question us. Still…” her gaze went to her two maids that were waiting by her side as always. “… I suppose I must take these two.”

“Oh, me, me toooo! I must see the new home for master and mistress. It might be dirty, it might need repairs, I might need to warm the master’s bed!” she giggled, pulling at the buttons on her maid outfit again. The two weaselkin maids looked on in disgust.

“I have told you, boggart, you can not-not be trusted with Akio. Perhaps he does not-not even desire you, see how he looks away!”

“I’m looking away because she’s managed to strip surprisingly quickly.” I sighed. “Seriously, Hyacinth…” I said without turning around, the frantic rustle of fabric itching at my mind. “… from where I’m from, indulging with the servants is power harassment, and seriously bad. Besides, it’d be disloyal to Shaeula and Eri. And even if Shaeula doesn’t care if I dally with servants…” I pre-empted her. “… Eri certainly would. So please, please put your clothes back on and calm down. In terms of being a servant, I have no complaints, but…”

“Master is sooo very kind. Hyacinth just wishes tooo serve, is that sooo wrong?” she giggled. “Besides, is it wrong for a servant to love her master? If sooo the world is wrong!” she declared, and I heard something darker in her voice then, which made me shiver. Sometimes I forget that she’s … well, a poor unfortunate that fell to darkness. Still, perhaps I can heal her spirit if given time. She’s caused no real problems since I named her…

“I get it, I do. I disagree that you need to warm my bed, but I shouldn’t go without my own maid. After all, am I not the prince-consort to Shaeula?” I winked.

As Hyacinth capered, cheering, (and still with her maid unform around her waist, as my treacherous eyes noted) Shaeula looked displeased. “You would-would take an Unseelie into the realm of the Seelie Court? I can not-not approve of this.”

“I get it, I do.” I pulled Shaeula in for a hug, patting her head like I had done for Kana earlier. “As a Seelie, you have a natural, perfectly understandable wariness. But… your brother sent her to us, didn’t he? And you are trying to make achievements, right? Well, think of it this way. If we can rehabilitate her, bring her back to being a brownie, then doesn’t that mean other Unseelie could be redeemed? I’d like to see the other Seelie look down on you then!”

“Well, my idiot brother did foist her upon us…” she looked at the hopeful-looking Hyacinth, who still hadn’t covered herself. “And … I suppose having an Unseelie bound to you would confer a … certain … sort of status. Very well, she may come. But cause no trouble…” Shaeula eyed her sternly. “… else I shall destroy you!”

“Yay, mistress is kind, master is wise in choooosing her!”

Ignoring her celebrations, we further pondered our retinue. “Perhaps Tillyae and the musicians? Music strikes me as the sort of cultured thing a princess should enjoy.”

“Indeed, I agree. It will be quite-quite nice to have their playing during our stay.”

After further discussion, Shaeula and I would be accompanied by her maids, Hyacinth, Tillyae and her musicians, in addition to her three Kamaitachi. Again we had some disagreement on whether taking non-Fae into the Seelie Court was wise, but considering her mothers’ heritage I thought it was worth making a statement. As we all lined up outside the Faerie Ring gate, mystical red energies playing over the giant mushrooms, I squeezed her hand and gave her a reassuring kiss. When we separated, her face flushed, I grinned cheekily.

“I know what you are thinking. You were chased out in disgrace, your family unable to protect you. But things are different now. I’m your family now. And I won’t let anyone bully you anymore. Besides…” at my words and deeds she had brightened up somewhat, so she waited for me to finish. “… Shaeraggo chose this mansion because it was hidden right by the border of the Seelie Court, right? It isn’t like we will see anyone there. Damn, I’m excited. To think I’d get to see the lands of the Fae.” It was like being a child at Christmas again, I was giddy with anticipation.

“I find-find your world just as amazing. The Seelie Court is grand indeed, yes, but it does not-not have anime, games… many other things. Still, shall we depart?”

And with a last squeeze of her hand we stepped into the Faerie Ring Gate. Red energies blazed around us and my vision went black, only ruby and garnet lights shining in the darkness. It was briefly cold, and the entire top of my head was burning, prickling needles of pain passing through my chakra network. I could still feel Shaeula’s hand in mine, and it kept me sane during the long frozen moment of nothingness. Then my stomach lurched, the pain faded, and I emerged out the other side, Shaeula following.

Wow, just… wow. My sister and Eri would love this…

As the musicians and maids followed us out, Hyacinth was giggling something about “being happy to be hooome again”, but I barely had any attention to spare for her. The Faerie Ring Gate was similar to the one in our Territory, a series of tall mushrooms wreathed in red earth energies, but that was where the similarity ended. We were in a grove of tall trees, looking majestic and fae, for want of a better term. The trees were wrapped with vines that had many blossoming white and pink flowers that looked nothing like earthly blooms, and they were giving off an intoxicating scent. Through the trees I could see a low, two-story house, large and with old-fashioned architecture. It was reminiscent of old British-style homes for the gentry.

“Ahh, this scent. It has been too-too long.” Shaeula took a deep breath, savouring the smell of home. “Do not-not mistake me…” Shaeula looked at me warmly, her amber eyes glittering with happy tears. “… home is now where you are, but… I do miss the lands of the Fae. The ether here is pleasing.”

Indeed, if my earlier metaphor of the Material being a desert, and Shirohebizumi an oasis, the ether here was like a great lake, many times heavier than even the Boundary I had become accustomed to. My network was sucking it in greedily, generating aether, and I felt some discomfort from the amount, though it was quite bearable. Hmm, this could be good training for my silver cord and chakra network skills. I’ve felt close to a breakthrough for a while… In addition, there was a strange feeling I was being watched, somehow, as though the land around me was able to crush me if it wished, yet was allowing my presence. I wonder if that is the Seelie Court Territory… I’m a guest who was invited, so perhaps it chooses not to subject me to its effects…

“The sky too…” Shaeula looked up at the inky black heavens, and I followed her gaze, only to gasp, entranced at the sight. The sky was dominated by a truly colossal moon, easily outmatching the sun of the Material by a factor of ten or more. It was so large features such as craters and valleys could be made out with my excellent eyes, and it made one wonder whether it would be possible to travel there. “The moon is beautiful tonight, isn’t it?” I said, not thinking, and the grip on my hand tightened as Shaeula flushed once more.

“I know-know that reference.” She grinned, a touch embarrassed. “Yes, I know you love me, and I love-love you too. Though if you are trying to seduce me… later.” She licked her lips seductively.

“Fine.” I laughed. “I’ll hold you to that. So, shall we see the mansion your brother scrounged up for you? He might be a bit of a siscon jackass, but to get you a whole house… that’s dedication.”

“Hah, such irony. You can not-not tell me you would not-not find Aiko a suitable abode in Tokyo, should you have the chance? Though I suspect she would prefer to live with us-us.”

“Well, I guess you got me there. But please tell me I’m not as big a siscon as Shaeraggo.”

She only laughed in response as we entered the clearing around the mansion, well-tended flowerbeds full of purple, pink and white bell-flowers that glowed with a mystical light contrasting with sparkling fae-lights of fist-sized fireflies that flitted about, filling the sky with colour. “Damn, my sis, Eri… they have to see this. The noble girls, and Kana too. In fact… this might make everything worthwhile. To think I’d see sights like this…”

“Compared to the glory of the Seelie Court, this is but-but a rustic suburb.” Shaeula giggled. “Still, it pleases me to see you impressed by my home. After all, in future, I shall spend much-much time here, and it would pain me should you not-not be beside me.”

“Master and mistress are flirting. Save sooome for me!” Hyacinth muttered, but as usual I ignored her. On reaching the ornate door to the mansion, which had a knocker shaped into a weasel-head that looked disturbingly like Shaeraggo’s, I reached for it, when the door suddenly snapped open, and a dozen smartly-dressed weaselkin knights stomped out, forming up into two lines on either side of us. They were followed by four maids and a grey-furred butler, wearing an old-fashioned tailcoat and white shirt, looking rather comical. On seeing us, the maids and butler bowed to Shaeula.

“Princess Shaeula Tu Shae Dannan. It is a great honour to have you back with us-us!” they chorused. “Welcome home! Leave everything to us!”

“It… it is good-good to be back.” She whispered, tears falling, and I pulled her close, holding her until she stopped weeping…

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