On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Side One Hundred And Thirty-Seven – Shiratori Himeko, Shirohime

Side One Hundred And Thirty-Seven – Shiratori Himeko, Shirohime

“That sad face of yours is really starting to annoy me, you know?” I said, frowning. The young woman in front of me, a University student a year or two younger than I was, only looked more downcast. It’s damn annoying. Oh well, Shaeula will owe me a favour for this…

“But I…” the woman, Ichika said. She was really rather pretty, in an average way, and would probably be the target of interest for many men if she would just smile a bit more. As a case in point, Yasu was eyeing her with some interest, though most of his attention had been drawn by Arisu. Fortunately even Yasu wouldn’t try anything foolish with her or Suzu. At least I hope not, not after my warnings…

Speaking of Suzu, the girl was extremely excited, considering that before he left, Aki managed to get her assigned to the fundraising charity event that was coming up as one of the opening acts. She would only get to do a couple of songs and a brief chat with the audience, but even so, she was in extremely high spirits. Probably because as a performer, no matter how lowly, she’s entitled to go backstage and mingle with the other acts. Really, Aki takes everything so seriously. I can see him now. “Oh, she’s my vassal, so I have to make sure I meet all her needs…”

I frowned, and Ichika shrank back a bit, even though I wasn’t so much annoyed with her right now as Aki. Putting in all that effort for Suzu. I should be pleased about it, and I suppose I am, but it’d be nice if he stops showering affection on every pretty girl that crosses his path. No, I don’t even know what I mean anymore. So frustrating…

I suppose love is rather confusing, princess. I found that I do not understand it myself. Perhaps that is why the Buddha passed on by? But in this case, it is rather simple. You are jealous of Suzu.

Jealous? Me? Of Suzu? No way. I don’t want to parade myself in front of an audience and be on television…

You are being deliberately obtuse, are you not? You are jealous that he is spending time making others happy, when you wish him to look at you more. How sweet, how… unexpected. Since you became a woman in truth, you have changed…

I felt myself flushing, and hated myself for it. No, I’m the cool, composed, apathetic yet always beautiful Shirohime. I’m totally not always thinking about when our skins touched, and we kissed, and when we had sex, and how happy I was, and… shit, shit, shit… I cursed in my mind, realising it was true. I loved Aki, and what he meant to me, friendship, acceptance, happiness… but worse, I was jealous. I never thought it’d happen to me, Tan. I always laughed at those girls whose minds turned to mush when they fell in love. But now… I want to be in the UK with him. Shit, it’s so frustrating…

Tan’s laugh in my mind was all the answer she gave. Ichika continued to agonise, and luckily it was Aimi who came to my rescue, bringing us over some drinks, which I took gratefully, taking a big gulp of the brightly coloured cocktail. As the sweet taste and plentiful alcohol warmed me, I rejoiced that I could now do what other people took for granted, without collapsing and putting myself at risk.

“Konoe-san, I think what Shiro is trying to say, clumsily as always…” Aimi smiled at me wickedly. “…is that I think Shaeula’s already told you this. Dwelling on it just makes everyone unhappy. You don’t get to decide what friendship is. You like Shaeula, don’t you?” She got to the heart of the matter.

“I do. Of course I do.” Ichika said, a touch teary-eyed. “She was the only one that was able to help me. And she’s always so friendly and cheerful…”

“If you like her, and she likes you, you’re friends. It’s that simple.” Aimi said. “I get that you feel unworthy, but all Shaeula needs from you is you to be there, to have fun. After all, she’s got a busy, complicated life, right?” Aimi winked.

“Isn’t that the truth?” Eri said. She had offered to stay behind with Daiyu back at the Shrine, but there was no way I was leaving the two of them all alone while we went out and had fun. No, it was my responsibility to wheel her around, and it felt good, for once being someone that took care of someone else, rather than the one everyone had to look after. “Shaeula’s always busy now. I suppose being in charge of something as important as the Spring of Clear Reflections takes a lot of time. I miss having her around, but it can’t be helped. She says things will settle down soon anyway, the reconstruction is going well.” She looked at Ichika then. “So you think you are a bad friend? Please grow up, Ichika-san. When I first met Shaeula, despite her doing everything she could to smooth my path with Akio, I was simply horrible to her.” Eri looked down with her onyx eyes, her one good fist clenching. “I still feel awful about that, but what matters is, Shaeula forgave me and wants to be friends. No, not wants to be. We are friends. Like Aiko, she’s my best friend now.”

“So, I’m not your best friend then? I’m hurt, Eri.” I said, and she shot me an annoyed gaze, which was kind of cute. I see why childhood friends are so popular in manga. Eri’s definitely amusing.

“I don’t know you well enough yet, Shiro. But I do see you as a friend… or maybe a no-good older sister?”

Aimi laughed at that, and even Ichika smiled a little. “No good? I’m perfect. I’m Shirohime, the white princess, and your caretaker!”

“Yes, it’s talk like that which is what makes you no good.” Eri frowned. “But Ichika-san, the point still stands. If you feel guilty, do what I did. Just try harder.”

“Yes, it’s that simple.” Aimi agreed. “But for now, enjoy the party. We have to cheer a lot of the girls here up.” Aimi giggled. “The poor unfortunates who were left behind.”

“I don’t find that funny, Aimi…” I growled, teasing, and there was laughter.

“Oh man, Akio-kun has some real balls, leaving Shiro behind.” Yasu said from where he was sitting, having a drink with a rather unusual guest. “I hear he ditched your sister too, Hiroto-kun.”

At the informal address, the well-dressed man of around my age held in a wince, before nodding, drinking his beer slowly. “Yes, Hinata didn’t get to go. Well, she’s spending her time with Mayumi-sama tonight, so that’ll keep her mind off it.”

“The path of a harem king is hard.” Shugo said piously. “If it’s just three or four, it’s manageable, but Akio-kun is juggling a lot of balls. We even have the newbie.” He looked at Kana, who was talking to Daiyu cheerfully, Daiyu struggling to make sense of her Japanese. Though she does learn quickly. The benefit of the massively improved learning capabilities and memories from stats I guess. It’s already like she’s been learning for months, she can manage the basics.

“Well, we are here to have fun, not talk about Aki constantly.” I said, as we were here to enjoy ourselves, take a break from work, and take our mind off him, since he was with the other three. “But Kana… she was always going to get Aki in the end, right Eri?”

“Yes.” She let out a long sigh. “It was starting to get annoying seeing Akio treat her so badly. He wasn’t even really aware he was doing it. And I admit…” she spoke to Ichika again, who was listening with a dark expression. See, she really does think of Shaeula as a friend, she’s angry for her that Akio is, as she sees it, cheating on her a lot. People are so damn complicated, right Tan?

A snort was the only answer I received in my mind, as Eri continued on. “I really hated Kana when we first met, and I think the feeling was mutual.”

“It sure was.” Kana said cheerfully. “Luckily, we’re both able to see past our initial impressions, right?” Her face was red, and not just from the drink. The atmosphere of this very adult party was pleasing her, as well as the fact that this time, unlike our last event, which had been ruined by the events at Kyoto, here she wasn’t pleading for Aki’s attention, she was one of those who Aki had chosen. No wonder she’s happy… no, less thinking about Aki tonight, more fun!

“Yes. It turns out we have a lot in common. So… if even Shaeula, Kana and I can all get along, become friends, despite our horrible first meetings and disputes, then a girl like you should have no problems with being Shaeula’s friend. Or even ours. A friend of Shaeula’s is our friend too.” Eri said reasonably.

“Well said.” I downed my cocktail, and soon had another in my hand. Hinata sure is handy when it comes to organising these things. Even though she’s not coming, she did it for us. She’s a real cutie, even if it stinks of crime a bit when Aki gets his claws into her and Daiyu. Oh well, it’s borderline, but safe, as they’d say in baseball… “So, enough gloom. You’re ruining the mood.”

“White, do give her some space. I actually rather respect someone who agonises over what friendship is.” Arisu said in her usual frosty voice, as if she was angry. Though that’s just her normal tone nowadays. However… Just as Aki had pulled some strings for Suzu, he had people looking into Arisu’s scandal and her ex-fiancé, as well as the directors, producers and actresses who besmirched her. Already some interesting material had been unearthed, and with the promise of more to come, Arisu might just be able to clear her name and ruin those who destroyed her life after all.

Arisu stood and walked towards Ichika, who couldn’t help but flinch away, and we smiled at that. Arisu was definitely intimidating, especially in the deep black funeral-style gown she wore tonight. “You turned to her in desperation, and Shaeula repaid your trust with more than you could have hoped. Therefore you feel guilty that you have exploited her, that you are of no value to her. Well… loyalty is the only true value. Would you betray her, sell her out as you were tricked by your so-called friends?”

“No, never!” Ichika’s face radiated resolve, her eyes hard.

“Well then. Already that is without price. I had a lot of friends, supposedly. And even those that did not turn on me shunned me after the accusations were made. Would that I had one that stuck by me, even a bare acquaintance, I would have felt less alone. So… enough of this nonsense. When Shaeula returns from her labours, wherever they might be, you will make the first move and ask her out for drinks, shopping, a meal… whatever you wish. But just do it. She will be overjoyed, and you will see you have value.”

“I… all right.” Ichika nodded, overawed by her poise.

“Now that’s settled, yet again, that reminds me.” I said. “Before she left, Shaeula says the mansion that she and Aki burned down in the Fae lands is fully repaired. She wants us all to vacation there for a few days, since we should all be able to handle the higher ether density of the lower Astral now.”

Ichika looked confused at that, she knew a little about what we were doing, but only the barest, meagre amount. She hasn’t even had Chirurgery, but I know Shaeula wants to bring her in…

“Cool, can we come?” Yasu said drunkenly, and Hiroto shook his head.

“I think she means the girls. Really, you’re in the same position as I am. Basic Chirurgery without Lovers’ Link won’t get you very far. It’s good, don’t get me wrong, but it’s not enough. Well, I’m not jealous of my sister. So long as she’s happy…”

“Those are good sentiments. Though it’s just like Akio-kun to get an ability that strengthens girls he likes, I think.” Hayato said cheerfully, Hina beside him as always nowadays, looking on with a mixture of fondness and shyness as we all talked. When girls find love they sure do change. Hina’s even cuter than ever now. I like to see it. “Well, this isn’t just a gathering to have fun, though we should all enjoy it. It’s to celebrate!” Hayato continued. “We closed out the remaining work we had outstanding on our contracts, so from Monday, we’ll be working for Akio-kun, or does that mean we’ll be working for you, Shiro?” he teased.

“No way.” I replied. “Aki’s the boss, but if you talk about sub-bosses, it’s Shaeula and Hinata. They do most of the planning, the rest of us just try and help where we can. I’m just the buff-machine.” I snorted dryly, having already given out a number of blessings before coming here.

“Yes, Hinata sure is pushy. She had me doing construction work, of all things!” Kana said cheerfully, not sounding unhappy. “It wasn’t how I saw myself using the Divine Favour, but… being helpful feels great. I look forward to working with everyone.” She said, and that fool Yasu blushed at Kana’s sweet smile. Dream on if you think you have a chance at NTRing Kana away from Aki.

“Sorry about my sister.” Hiroto said, apologising to Kana. “Hinata can be very excitable when she gets an idea in her head. And she really wants this project to be a success as it’s a joint project with Mayumi-sama. She wants to stand as her equal.” Kana waved away his apology, smiling and saying she understood that was how Hinata was, and that she didn’t mind.

“Well, hopefully we didn’t make a mistake.” Shugo said. “Everyone’s career was just taking off.”

“No way. Aki has more money than God right now.” I snorted. “You know he won’t let you all down. Aki values loyalty and friendship. Just like Shaeula.” I brought the conversation back to Ichika. “So, have you thought what you’re going to do when you graduate? I know unlike me you’ve got a few years yet, but it’s never too early to think of your future.”

“I never considered it much.” Ichika said, a bit more relaxed now, taking a drink. “Up until recently, I thought…” her face fell, and I rapped her on the head with my knuckles, like Aki did to us when we were being stupid. She looked at me in surprise, teary eyed and red faced, rubbing at her forehead.

“Shit, enough of that stupidity. The past is dead. The future is bright. I’m sure Shaeula would give you a job if you asked. In fact, why not work part time for her while you study?”

“Part time? At what?” Ichika asked, puzzled.

“At anything. Hell, Aki always needs more secretaries, and Haru is screaming out for them as well.” I had invited Haru tonight of course, but she was spending the weekend with her father while she was able to get a break with Aki being abroad. She was a real daddy’s girl, nobody could deny that. It’s kind of sweet, though. Must be nice. It makes me wonder… should I go home and visit my parents? They’d be shocked that I’m engaged, that’s for sure...

“I don’t know. It’s a big step…” she said hesitantly.

“It definitely is.” I agreed. “So no rush. But at least think about it. Me… I’m going to live a life of leisure as a kept woman.” I laughed, and that lifted the mood.

“So, Daiyu…” Suzu was saying, trying to make herself understood. “You’re super cute, have you considered being an idol? I’m not sure if I’ll be allowed to use my backing dancers at the event, so I need some stand-ins. What do you say?” the blonde, with her twintail hairdrills and gothic lolita fashion, was cheerfully sucking on one of her lollipops as she barraged Daiyu with rapid-fire Japanese. Yes, Suzu’s cute, but they do say the dumber the child, the more lovable. And Suzu’s definitely not the smartest girl I’ve ever met. Then again, I doubt she’d have run away from home all the way to Japan if she wasn’t a bit of an idiot. She’s lucky nothing bad happened.

Fortune, or Fate. Who can say?

Not me. I’m not Tsukiko. I wonder how long it’ll take for her to live again. Well, Haru would make some sort of joke about it not being life, but if Aki gets her a body via a Throne, and she can do everything she could before, isn’t that life enough for anyone?

“I am… sorry? Yes, sorry.” Daiyu managed. “I have no wish …. To be delayed… uh, distracted from my Cultivation?” she brushed off Suzu clumsily.

“Oh, that’s too bad. I’d ask the boss, but she’d overshadow me, so that’s no good. And Arisu-san’s no good either, if I showed up with her, I’d be overshadowed in a completely different way. It’d sure be wild though.” Suzu giggled.

“No kidding!” Yasu said fervently. “I was shocked when I found out Shiro knew the Arisugawa Arisu! That scandal was all over the news back in the day!”

Yasu, you shitty idiot! I had warned him repeatedly not to mention anything about Arisu’s troubles. The last thing I wanted was for Arisu to kill him. I mean, I’d feel guilty about that!

“Oh, yes, it was a major event.” Arisu said coldly, and I reached out to intervene, but fortunately Yasu was less stupid than I feared.

“It’s even more crazy to know it’s all an evil conspiracy. Feels bad, knowing that I bought into that shit at the time. Sorry. I should have known a woman as hot as you couldn’t be a bad person!”

No, wait, he is as stupid as I expected, just luckily in a Yasu way…

“One’s looks have nothing to do with whether one is a good person or not. Many of my accusers could be described as beautiful. Beauty within matters more.” She said coldly.

“Yeah, well they are going to get what’s coming to them, right? To think Akio-kun has that sort of sway now. It’s cool though, like we are living in a movie. You think… you think you’ll go back to acting when your name is cleared, Arisu-chan?”

For a long moment she stared at Yasu coldly, before she shook her head. “No, not for the foreseeable future. I have a new path now, and I must see my pledges I made to White through to the end. Despite the… failures with the Raven and Daizen, she has not broken faith with me. Perhaps, when all this is over…”

“Yeah, I’d love to see it. Hell, maybe I’d try and get a starring role with you, make Aki jealous of all those men ogling me…” I laughed, relieved.

“There is no need to be so worried, White.” Arisu saw right through me. “I am not going to lose my temper and rage, as perhaps I would have in times past. I can see the ending. Not only will I crush those who spat on me, betrayed me, I was chosen for greater things, and they were not. When I stand at the pinnacle of the world, alongside you, White…” she glanced at Suzu then. Bunta wasn’t here, he was actually working, hard to believe as that was, helping out that Detective on trying to catch a problematic Chosen who was committing crimes in northern Tokyo. “… and I suppose Suzanne-san, Bunta-san and these others.” She looked at Kana, who grinned back.

“Yeah, no point having power if you can’t brag about it.” I smirked. “Speaking of… that reminds me. Yasu, you got over your little strop with Aki over your cousin yet?”

Kana burst out laughing at that. It had been quite the meltdown from Yasu. “Hisano-chan has changed. I’d say you should be grateful, Yasu-san.” She said. “In our class, she was gloomy and didn’t speak to anyone but occasionally Maiko-chan from Hisuikomushi shrine. Nowadays she’s… well, I’m not going to lie and call her outgoing, but she talks to people, she’s smartened up, and is actually decently cute. Confidence makes the woman… the man too, Yasu-san. Though we girls see through false, unearned confidence. Just a tip.” She winked, and I burst out laughing, as did Aimi, Hina and the rest.

“Oh wow, Yasu… even schoolgirls are lecturing you now!” Aimi wheezed as she got her laughter under control.

“She’s right though. If your cousin is blooming, be happy for her, man.” Hayato said, slapping him on the back heartily.

“I am, it’s just… well, I worry. She’s hanging around with Akio-kun, and he seems to attract girls, so…” he glanced at Kana and Eri, the latter of which rolled her eyes at his idiocy.

“She’s not hanging around, she’s training. And she’s mastered earth element. With that, if she keeps at it, she’s got a bright future in construction, if nothing else.” Kana laughed, a touch nervously, perhaps remembering what Hinata put her through. “I think she likes Akio, but not in that way, so don’t worry, Yasu-san. She’s just grateful he and Shaeula gave her a chance to make something of herself, and didn’t judge her. I feel a bit bad… I wasn’t so nice to her before. When you attend training, you’ll see for yourself. I have you all pencilled in.”

“Yeah, Kana is working hard. Aki has entrusted her with organising the new training rotas and more. But if you think you can look down on her because she’s a schoolgirl, Yasu, I wouldn’t. She could break you in half with a single punch, right Kana?”

“It’s embarrassing when you put it like that, but… yep, sure could.” She winked.

It was then the room was filled with the sound of beeping phones. Daiyu’s, Eri’s, Kana’s and mine all went off. As we fished out our phones and unlocked them, we all paused, looking at each other in confusion.

“What is it, a message from Akio-kun?” Hayato asked, guessing correctly.

“Yes.” Kana answered for us. “A photo. I… uh… well, wasn’t he just having Motoko play his fiancée? So what’s this…?”

As everyone crowded around those of us with the photos, there were a number of expressions of shock, of varying types.

“I see. Something must have happened.” Hiroto said, understanding Japanese noble customs best. “But to have Natsumi-san involved as well as that maid… I have to say, they all look stunning though. I wonder what Hinata will look like all dressed up on her debut.”

“We have our siscon quota filled with Aki, so don’t you start.” I chided him.

“Those dresses are gorgeous.” Ichika said dreamily. “Especially the one on Hyacinth. It suits her so beautifully. But it hurts to see. Poor Shaeula…”

“Shaeula would love to see it.” Eri disagreed. “If you are going to be true friends with her, accept the way she is. I had to. No, Shaeula will be plotting to get the rest of us into similar dresses. And yeah, seeing Hyacinth in something other than slutty maid cosplay really is fresh. She should wear real clothes more often. She’s beautiful.”

I burst out laughing. “Slutty maid cosplay. You have a way with words that’s quite cruel even when you don’t mean it, Eri.”

 “Yeah, that’s cold.” Kana agreed. “Hyacinth’s whole existence is being a maid, and looking sexy for Akio. Don’t destroy her reason for being.” She could barely keep a straight face at her grandiose defence, breaking into laughter as well.

“Hey, aren’t we missing the point?” Aimi said, frowning. “Sure. I’ll grant they are all stunning, but… that’s … the Queen of England, Princess Eleanor and Prince Henry, right? Why are they taking selfies with untouchable royalty?”

“That’s right.” Shugo agreed. “Wasn’t he flying out for business?”

“His business was with Princess Eleanor. Though, speaking of business, he has been updating us, he made an awful lot of money and some shares in a famous UK company, so we’ll be living in luxury for a while longer.” I giggled. Five million pounds, I nearly choked when I looked up the exchange rate. That was just a bit under a billion yen. To think I used to mock I wouldn’t date anyone who wasn’t a billionaire, and he makes that cash in a day…

“Yeah, but… that’s the Queen, man!” Yasu said, flabbergasted.

“Still think he’s after Hisano-chan?” Kana teased him. “When he’s mixing with Princesses and rich girls constantly? If he is, you should cheer her on, she’d be set for life.”

“Kana-chan, please stop.” Hina said politely. “Yasu-san’s spirit is escaping his body, you’ll kill him.”

“My bad!” She apologised cutely, and I realised anew why Aki liked her. Yeah, she’s… well, a lot like his sister in her attitude, and she has the same frank, flirty personality as Aimi. Although Aimi is more subdued now she has a boyfriend. Makes sense I suppose.

“If you consider that Akio-san is acquainted with Princess Mikasa of the Imperial Family, as well as all the daughters of the Three Great Houses, which now includes Hinata… I can hardly believe it…” Hiroto said, his expression wry. “… then this shouldn’t be that much of a shock. It’ll be the talk of Hanafubuki on Monday. Hinata can have some reflected glory, at least.”

“Don’t forget Shaeula is a Princess as well.” I pointed out, mostly to remind Ichika. “We’re not prejudiced here, the Fae royalty counts just as much as Earthly ones to us!”

“I… wow.” Ichika was lost for words at it all.

“Look, so Aki wants to show off.” I pursed my lips, ignoring Tan’s laughter in my head. “I get it. I’m not so vain I can’t admit the other girls are beautiful. Like you said, Eri, Hyacinth is stunning. Though the effect will be ruined when she opens her mouth.”

“That makes me wonder…” Suzu giggled. “Imagine an idol group full of Princesses? Nobody has done that before…”

“Then you would not be able to take part, would you, Suzanne-san?” Arisu shot her down, exasperated, and she giggled in reply.

“True, but maybe I could be their manager? Hey, that’s not a bad idea. I can be a producer as well! Japan’s best idol and Japan’s best producer! I’m fired up now!”

I exchanged a glance with the rather shocked Ichika, and I shrugged. “Life might be crazy, but it’s never dull, is it? After all, I hear the first times you met Aki and Shaeula were rather dramatic. If that’s not the world telling you that you were meant to meet and be their friend, I don’t know what to tell you, girl.”

Ichika blinked at me, again looking down at the phone held in Eri’s hand as she typed a message back. “I know that. I’m not superstitious, but it definitely felt like fate…”

“Yeah, maybe it’s all so you can meet me!” Yasu said drunkenly, and as Ichika flinched, I glared at him, while Aimi pulled on his ear, making him squeal. A small smile overcame Ichika’s worried expression, and our eyes met. No, I’m certain it’s got nothing to do with Yasu, even destiny can’t be that messed up…

 “Look at it this way.” Shiro grinned. “Aki’s got connections. Maybe one day you could even meet the Princess yourself?”

“Yeah, it’ll happen.” Eri said, exasperated. “He’s already picked up you and Shaeula. It’s all inevitable, at this point I’ve given up hoping for anything different.”

“Don’t be like that, Eri.” I laughed, hugging her when she couldn’t resist. “After all, we have the advantage. Childhood friend and University friend! We’re the dream combination!”

“Childhood friends are the clear winner.” Eri said after I released her. “I’m not upset. Really. It’s just… irritating.”

“Well, she’s very pretty.” Hina said, looking at Kana’s phone. “Tall and with a good figure.”

“What do you expect, that’s Western girls, right? Not that I lose in that regard.” I crossed my arms under my chest, before giving Yasu a glare as he couldn’t help but check me out.

“We should put that aside.” Arisu said at last, drawing our attention. “After all, you gathered us here for some fun, White. I cannot say I find it overly interesting looking at his conquests.”

“I imagine you don’t.” I snorted, amused. “Well, she’s right. Aki is having fun meeting Royalty, and flirting around with Motoko, Natsumi and Hyacinth, so we have to make our own entertainment! More booze!”

“I’ll pass.” Eri said. “I’m not much of a drinker.”

“I’ll take some more!” Kana giggled. “I always wanted to feel like a sophisticated adult.”

“Sure, but be careful.” I said, smiling slyly. “I think you’ll be busy tomorrow, if Hinata has her way.”

“That’s true.” Kana groaned. “Well, my stats should keep me out of trouble…”

As everyone celebrated I looked down at my phone one last time. Sure, you look like you’re having fun, Aki. But I know it’s serious business. Princess of Humans, huh? And she’s in great danger. There’s no way you’ll let that slide. I just hope this Princess isn’t an idiot and gives you less trouble than I did…

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