On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Side One Hundred And Thirty-Six – Takatsukasa (Fukumoto) Hinata

Side One Hundred And Thirty-Six – Takatsukasa (Fukumoto) Hinata

“Is this champagne?” Mayumi asked her, and Hinata smiled impishly, pleased at eliciting surprise from her friend.

“Yes, it’s a good vintage too. Courtesy of our deal with LVMH.” She puffed out her chest, looking proud. “Don’t worry, I brought some for Kira-sama too, and also your parents. I do have good manners, you know.”

Mayumi snorted. “I suppose you do, but you are still as cheeky as always.” They were in Mayumi’s house on the grounds of the Ichijou mansion. Mayumi had her own cottage-style apartment, separate from the rest, where she could host those few she considered her friends and generally be at peace. Well, it is hard being the daughter of one of the Three Great Houses. Don’t I know it? Regardless of that, Hinata was more than happy to shoulder that pressure, as she had always dreamed of being fairly recognised, like her cousin Sakura. While I think about Sakura…

“I’ll open up the champagne.” Mayumi said, her strength after Chirurgery more than up to the task. As the cork popped and cold steam left the icy bottle, Mayumi searched for a pair of long glasses and poured in the cold, bubbling liquid, as she had dismissed her servants for the night. “Here. A toast, to my cheeky junior!”

“To friends!” Hinata returned, and the glasses clinked together. Taking a sip, Hinata was pleased by the flavour. It’s definitely good stuff. Mr Arnault is sparing no expense. Well, he did buy a miracle, so…

“I really would have liked to invite Miyu-san and Honoka-chan here, as well as Sakura-san…” Mayumi mused, enjoying the champagne while they lounged on antique furniture inside the smartly decorated sitting room, both of them in informal, casual clothing they could only wear in private or with those they trusted. “I think now things have been stirred up, it’s time to reevaluate how us daughters of the major families do things. Hanafubuki could use a shakeup, don’t you agree?”


“Oh, definitely” Hinata smiled. “Of course, you want to still be at the top, right?”

“Well, I am the oldest… no, that’s not exactly true is it? Miyu-san can be rather forgettable, so I often discount her, but she’s changed. Do you know much about that?”

“I do, of course. Miyu is a good girl.” Hinata proudly called her without honorifics, due to the circumstances in which Miyu became Akio’s vassal. “It’s impossible to remain timid and shy when Akio and Shaeula are pushing you constantly to be better. Besides…” her smile was wicked. “… her Divine Favour is amazing. It really helps with constructing the Territory. Apparently she has a combat-focused dance too, but Akio says if we are ever in the situation we need that, we’ll be in real trouble. She’s still undergoing some training though, just in case.”


“That Boundary, as you call it, is rather impressive, I admit.” Mayumi’s eyes sparkled, and Hinata had a bad feeling.

“Uh, Mayumi, you’ve not been exploring the Boundary by yourself, have you?” It would certainly be possible. With Chirurgery and the networks Akio and Shaeula are currently giving out, gathering the aether to enter is trivial. “Akio’s Territory may look safe and fantastical, but I’ve heard all the stories. They’ve almost died a number of times forging it out of nothing. Most of the Boundary is full of dangerous creatures and worse. I don’t want you to die or be horribly injured just because of your whims.”

“Oh, are you worried for me? How sweet, and how cheeky.” Mayumi smiled, though her face and ears were red. “I… can’t say I haven’t considered it. Isn’t it exciting, a whole new world waiting for exploration, for conquering? Ichijou house should surely be at the forefront of claiming this shadow of Japan!”

“Well, you can set your Chosen that Ichijou house has gathered to do it, right? Kira-sama would grieve and all the girls of Hanafubuki would be heartbroken if our beautiful, proud Mayumi was scarred and mutilated due to her own stupidity and carelessness.”

“Oh, are you worried about me? How sweet. But I can’t help but detect…” Mayumi said, smiling, as she took another gentle sip of her champagne. “…that you threw in a few insults there.”

“Me? Surely not. I genuinely would hate for you to do something stupid, Mayumi. After all, you’re my best friend.”

“Yes, I am, aren’t I? I still find it hard to believe, but you always had something about you. Charm, ambition… only your pedigree was lacking, and even then, well, we could make an argument that was just misfortune. But if I was hurt, you’d ask Akio-san to heal me, right?”

“I don’t know. What would you be willing to pay?” Hinata smirked, and Mayumi shook her head.

“I know you don’t mean that. Besides, he already has a ten percent stake in Ichijou Heavy Industries. What more could he want?”

“That stake isn’t enough for what he’s offering.” Hinata said firmly. “But really, he did it partially for my sake. I feel bad…” she admitted. “I was such a child about it. I wanted to be accepted by everyone in the nobility, but by you most of all, Mayumi. As an equal, a friend as I view friendship, not through the narrow lens of the nobility. So he was prepared to offer concessions to bring us closer together. Now you work with him on this joint project, we’d have ample time to meet.”

“How sentimental. Well, I don’t hate that.” Mayumi said, before her smile matched Hinata’s in slyness. “And here was me thinking that Akio-san had taken a liking to me, and just wanted to keep me close. I am quite the catch.”

“Dream on!” Hinata snorted. “He has no interest in you in that way. If he wanted more noble brides and ties, he’d probably ask Miyu. He likes her.”

“I don’t see it. Besides, Miyu seems very close to her bodyguard, that Michiru, the flashy ninja. It’s not so unusual, our school is full of such emotion.” Tonight both of their bodyguards were at the main house, so that the two of them could spend time together freely.

“Oh yes, Michiru and Miyu are definitely in love.” Hinata smiled. “But Akio would hardly come between such things. And just because they love each other doesn’t mean they couldn’t love someone else. It would solve a lot of her problems, even a marriage in name only where Akio didn’t touch Miyu would allow her dignity and the freedom to pursue love without damaging Fujiwara house. I don’t see it happening though. Akio is worried he’s splitting himself too thin, and he’s not even thinking of all already under his care.”

“Oh? Interesting, do go on.” Mayumi said, enjoying the gossip as they drank.

“He’s looking after the Chinese girl, Daiyu, as you know, and I think they’ve worked things out. Also, he’s finally made things clear with Kana. So there’s those. But he hasn’t even realised that he’s already married.” She laughed as Mayumi raised one eyebrow, shifting her bare legs under her to change position on the sofa.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“You’ve been to the terrace on top of the Tree a few times now, right?” At her words, Mayumi nodded.

“Well, if you speak to Asha, she’ll tell you they shared a kiss, which she can only give once.” Hinata giggled wickedly. Poor Akio. If he will go around saving people from dreadful fates, he has to expect that he’ll win hearts and minds. Really, I see why Eri is having such a hard time. Shaeula was clever, pushing the status of first wife onto her. Well, we’ll all help out where we can…

“I see. Fascinating.” Mayumi laughed. “Well, back on the subject of marriages… what about Sakura? I know you want to get along better with her, since she’s your cousin… well, no, now she’s your sister.

“Yes, it’s frustrating. Our roles have reversed. Before, she was exasperated and worried by me and my actions. I understand she was looking out for me in her own way, even if she was so insufferable about it. Now… now things have changed, and I am the one concerned about her. I want her to be happy. She’s not lost anything, she wouldn’t have been heir anyway, but she can’t accept how our statuses have diverged.”

“That’s being a noble daughter. We bear a burden for our privileges. Hmm, more champagne?” she asked, and Hinata nodded, as Mayumi refilled it for her, something unthinkable only weeks ago. “Sakura is a model daughter, polite and refined, but she isn’t good at dealing with matters that cross the boundaries of noble culture. I found it a shock myself. And it’s mostly down to you.”

“Me?” Hinata said innocently, fluttering her eyelashes. “How so?”

“You know how so.” Mayumi snorted dryly. “You were always pushing against the boundaries of what was acceptable. Bringing a bodyguard even though you were of the Three Hundred. Then your engagement to what was an outsider, with no heritage. Then together you somehow managed to worm your way into the heart of the nobility, garnering huge support.” She sighed. “Akio-san… why did Ichijou house not find him first? I confess, the Chosen we have contracted are disappointing in comparison.”

Well, the answer to that is simple. “It’s fate. It was my fate to meet him. I simply seized it. Jealousy is a terrible thing, Mayumi.”

“Jealous, me? Surely you jest. Insolent girl.” Mayumi declared, though her smile belayed the insult. “No, I’ll leave him to you. But if I had found him first, I’d have negotiated a better deal, and wouldn’t have let him marry all those other girls. Being happy with Ichijou Mayumi should satisfy any man!”

“I get it. I won’t say I never have regrets, but they quickly vanish when I think of what I have, how I’m loved. Well, as to Sakura… I’ll earn Takatsukasa house enough wealth to give her a chance of doing whatever she wants with her life, be that marriage, starting a business or anything else. After all, things are becoming more interesting, wouldn’t you agree?”

“Yes. Grandfather says BAE Systems, one of our rivals, contacted us to try and get in on the projects we are working on. What magic did Akio-san use?”

“The magic of being the best.” Hinata said, grinning. “Oh, he’s modest, so he says there are probably stronger Chosen out there, and maybe that’s true. Maybe. But in terms of connections and political influence… Mayumi, just imagine it.”

“Imagine what?” she said, leaning forwards.

“You mocked him for being a nobody when I first met him. I haven’t forgotten.” Her eyes narrowed. “But you’ve seen the Boundary. Beyond that lies the Seelie Court, the lands of the Fae, and many other realms in the lower Astral. Beyond even that supposedly lies other universes, with worlds like ours. Eventually… Akio will take us there, and we’ll make new alliances, perhaps even conquer hostile enemies. We think of Japan, as nobility, right? Well, Akio’s influence on Japan will match any. But then, the wider world… isn’t he in the United Kingdom as we speak, making allies there? But beyond even that… Astral Emperor. He’ll be an Emperor of things you can only dream of, Mayumi! And we’ll be Empresses at his side.” She giggled. “When that happens, maybe I’ll let you be my maidservant. You’d look cute in an outfit like Hyacinth wears.”

There was a frozen moment of silence, Mayumi gaping open-mouthed, stunned, and Hinata struggled to supress her giggles, turning pink. Then Mayumi let out an explosive breath. “You had me going for a moment there, Hinata. Your cheekiness really does know no bounds. Empress, huh…”

“It’s all right. Akio doesn’t molest the maids… well, except for Hyacinth. But then, she loves it.” Hinata kept the joke going, before smiling. “I’m half-serious though, Mayumi. I honestly believe Akio can rule this world at the least. He’ll have to. Just look at history. Even our own Japanese history tells us that when the strong meet a weaker nation or peoples, the strong aren’t kind. Enslavement is the softest option. Genocide is common. Akio doesn’t want Earth to be the weaker in that scenario. He fights against it, but the reality is, he’ll have to rule. And those of us who love him will support him. But… there’s room for friends too!”

“Careful, if you make him sound too enticing, I might steal him away from you.” Mayumi chuckled, perhaps a little tipsy from the champagne.

“As if you could.” Hinata snorted. “Dream on. But as my friend Mayumi, you can ride along behind us. Even the table scraps left over from our feast should be enough to satisfy you!”

“Damn, you know how to taunt me, Hinata!” Mayumi laughed happily. “I’m still not sure how a girl with your parentage ended up so insolent and bold. I don’t dislike it though. Better that than false deference and fawning. Yes, it’s appropriate to show me great respect, I am Ichijou Mayumi after all, although… I never really thought about it until now, but it’s a little lonely…”

“Yes. The higher you are, the less you can connect with others. I want to shatter that. I don’t want to throw out the grace and elegance we noble daughters have. Not at all. But I want us to be less caged birds, and more powerful raptors, beautiful birds with claws.” Her grin was fierce. Really, Motoko is what a noble daughter should aspire to be. She has the elegance and the dignity, while also having drive and willingness to achieve her dreams.

“Yes, next time we’ll invite Miyu-san, Honoka-chan and Sakura-san. We’ll make a gathering of it. You can provide us more champagne as well.” Mayumi said happily.

“Motoko and Natsumi too.” Hinata countered.

“I suppose so. You are all very close-knit. Well, while we are at it, how about…” she rattled off some names of other noble daughters of some lineage, most of them with families involved in key industries.

“Yes, that’s a good idea.” Hinata agreed. “I’d like to pull more support in for Akio. If we convince the daughters, they can talk to their parents… and speaking of projects…” Hinata stood, grabbing the bag she had brought. Unzipping it, she revealed some documents. “… why not talk about these?”

Mayumi’s eyes brightened. “Are they the updated plans? Work has started on the site of the factory, but there are still some unanswered questions…”

“Of course there are. This is a huge undertaking. And it’ll be hugely profitable too.” Hinata pointed out the ground surveys. “There are some issues, having such a massive underground facility, even in the outskirts of Tokyo, it isn’t easy…”

“Yes, even if we can build it, will it stand up to earthquakes?” Mayumi asked responsibly, and Hinata puffed out her chest triumphantly.

“We’ve done the calculations and the first testing. Kana’s been really helpful., She can use a decent amount of earth element now, and her Divine Favour is excellent in that regard. Even with the effects being much less than in the Boundary, it’s still provided the data that we needed.” She looked wistful, and Mayumi asked a question that had been on her mind.

“Hinata… do you want one of these Divine Favours? I mean, it should ordinarily be impossible for that, shouldn’t it, but Akio-san seems able to transfer them somehow, I believe?”

Well, Mayumi is perceptive, and she’s been around me and some of the others enough to know a surprising amount of what goes on. As does Kira-sama. “That’s a question that troubles me.” Hinata admitted. “There’s honestly nothing more precious in the world right now. So obviously I want Akio to think I’m worth it. But taking it up means using it to its fullest. Fighting scares me, you know?” she shuddered. “I’ve fought a few battles, to gain some levels, but it’s all been under supervision and very safe. With a Favour though, that won’t always be the case. But… in the end, I would take it. But even if I don’t…” she looked at Mayumi then. “… there’s still a lot I can learn. You don’t come to the training school much, do you, Mayumi?”

“Of course not. I have many demands on my time. Besides, I can’t just hang around with all those commoners from the shrines, I have my reputation to uphold. There are men there too!”

“I see. Poor Mayumi, so short-sighted.” Hinata grinned. This is fun. I do enjoy teasing her, like an equal. “Just like a noble son or daughter with no manners, simply vulgar, would be looked down upon, I believe in the future a noble who has no skill in controlling aether or elements will be seen as a useless, low-class fool. Such a pity.” She clicked her tongue, purposely inciting Mayumi, who glared at her dangerously.

“Oh, and what do you mean?” she sniffed.

“Think about it. Not just anyone can learn these skills.” I’m exaggerating a bit, apparently anyone at all should be able to learn the basics through enough practise, even if it takes months or years and will hardly reach the heights of what Akio and Shaeula can teach. “Ether Healing and Aether Manipulation are surely a must. Ether Healing keeps one’s skin and hair perfect, free of scars and blemishes, and protects from the side effects of alcohol and other substances. Aether Manipulation is the basic of the basics. I’d say an element or two would be required as well. We already have the training at Hanafubuki regarding religion from Kudou Shiori-sensei, so I wouldn’t be surprised if Kira-sama and the others will try and institute real training into our curriculum as well, when matters are finally exposed to the public. It wouldn’t do for one of your status to fall behind, would it? That said…” Hinata warned seriously. “No experimenting on your own. The Boundary is dangerous. But I don’t mind spending a little time teaching you the basics.”

“I see. Well, you might have a point. I do hate there being things that I can’t do.” She shrugged. “Enough. Back to the plans. You said that Kana girl…”

“At least address her politely, Mayumi. She’ll be my sister now.” Hinata chided gently, and Mayumi reddened.

“Fine. Kana-san, you said she ran tests?”

“Yes, and the details are here. See, we can strengthen the foundations and vaulting with earth element, and obstacles that ordinarily would take us a significant effort, such as rerouting pipes and underground cables, well, Kana can do it with ease using her Divine Favour, and other earth element users should be able to replicate it. If we get labour from the military…” I love this. Most of the other girls aren’t too interested in these sorts of things. So it’s fun to have a friend I can talk to, plan stuff with…


“So, Hinata-chan, thanks for coming to spend time with Mayumi. She appreciates it.” Kira-sama had come to Mayumi’s cottage, letting himself in.

“Grandfather!” Mayumi said, embarrassed by his words, but Hinata merely giggled.

“I know. She’s not honest. But she’s getting better. Well, with Akio and a lot of the others away, I was at a loose end.” Her grin was mocking.

“Don’t make it sound like I’m an afterthought, cheeky girl.” Mayumi snorted. “So, grandfather, what do you want?”

“Nothing much.” He looked down at the blueprints and documents on the table, as well as the empty champagne bottles. “I see you’re looking at the latest details. Quite the surprise when I heard from the chairman of BAE. Well, old rivals working together for mutual benefit is a good thing. Akio-kun certainly has been busy. Do you miss him?” He grinned, and Hinata found it a little annoying, but she nodded.

“Of course, Kira-sama. With Akio away with Motoko, Natsumi and Hyacinth, and Shaeula back at the Spring, it’s quieter, certainly. So it was the perfect time for a visit. I hope you enjoyed the champagne.”

“I did, it was rather nice.” He grinned. “My son and daughter-in-law are enjoying some now. Don’t worry, your bodyguards are being entertained. So, what of the others?” he asked, and Hinata shrugged.

“Shiro is taking them all out tonight. She’s meeting up with some of her friends, but didn’t want to leave Eri or Daiyu alone, considering their circumstances.” She paused, smiling. “Shiro seems to have fit into the mother role, a little. If you tell her that though she only gets mad.” She shouts that she’s still a young woman, and that she’s only looking out for us as we’re younger than her. It’s surprisingly adorable for such a cold-looking woman. Well, she’s far more expressive when Akio is around.

“I see. So, I hear you made quite a killing off your last round of Healing?” Kira-sama asked, sitting down in the vacant seat, smiling.

“Yes, we did.” Hinata agreed happily. “Hence the champagne. We got sent a number of dresses and accessories too for everyone. We’ll all play dress-up at some point, it’ll be fun.”

“I’m sad I missed out. It was very profitable, referring miss Lindiwe.” Mayumi sighed.

“That’s why you missed out. You got too greedy! Next time, make a good referral and take a modest profit, and I’ll allow it…” Hinata paused as her phone beeped. “Oh, it’s Akio. A photograph… huh…”

Wait, that’s Princess Eleanor, that was part of the plan, But… the Queen? And what is Natsumi and Hyacinth doing? As she looked at the photograph, stunned, Mayumi leaned over, curious.

“Is that from the United Kingdom? Let me see…?” Mayumi paused, blinking.

“Oho! Very bold.” Kira-sama said, also looking. “Three at once? How domineering. So, her Majesty looks rather impressed, don’t you think?”

“Wasn’t the plan supposed to be for Motoko-san to be having her engagement debut?” Mayumi asked, puzzled. “So why Natsumi? The maid makes even less sense. Though I have to admit, she looks rather gorgeous in that flashy dress.”

“I’ve never seen Hyacinth wear something like that.” Hinata agreed. “I’m jealous.” She leaked a long sigh.

“Wishing it was you, Hinata-chan?” Kira-sama teased her, and she nodded.

“Of course. I said I was jealous, didn’t I? But… my turn will come. I’m happy for Natsumi as well. Hyacinth too.” She frowned, thinking. It’s not like Akio to be so proactive, unsubtle. Something must have happened to provoke him, or there was a need for it… “I’m guessing he felt the need to make a statement.”

“And quite the statement it is. Legally speaking, he’s entitled to marry them all now, so…” Kira-sama mused. “If I had to say from looking…” he appraised the photograph with his long years of political experience. “The Queen looks as dignified as ever. This is Prince Henry, he looks a bit uncomfortable, but… his girlfriend, and Princess Eleanor, they are trying to hide it, but they both look unhappy. Of course, as people used to being in the spotlight, their expressions dissemble rather well. Only old heads such as Shige and I would notice. No, this is a fabulous endorsement for Motoko-chan and Natsumi-chan.”

“So, how will I top this for my debut, grandfather?” Mayumi said slyly, as she tapped away on her own phone. “Send me the picture, Hinata, I’ll send it to some of the other daughters, let word spread.”

As Hinata sent the picture to her, Kira-sama laughed loudly. “So you want to top that, huh? I’ll see what I can do. Are you in a rush to get married then, my dear?”

“No, not especially.” Mayumi shrugged. “In fact, I’m having far too much fun now. After all, it’s not just this world up for grabs, right Hinata?”

At her words, Hinata smiled, and Kira-sama looked at them with a sparkle in his eyes. “Not just this world? I see you understand well. So, if you’ll forgive this old man for intruding, why don’t we talk more about our joint ventures? Is that fine with you both?”

It isn’t like I can refuse you Kira-sama, but I do want to progress a few plans. Ten percent is going to be selling us woefully short. A deal is a deal, but if I can make another on top… “Of course Kira-sama. I’d be happy to. As you are aware, we have big plans…”

“Well, if Hinata doesn’t mind, I’ll allow it, grandfather. But this is my fun time with Hinata, so at least be useful!”

“I bet you don’t talk to your grandfather so coldly, Hinata-chan?” Kira-sama joked.

“Only when he’s being annoying.” Hinata replied, earning another chuckle.

“Well, I’ll try to play nice. So, now that we have interest from overseas companies, and Mayumi here has secured good access to raw materials at a cheap price, the question is, how can we maximise profit and minimise costs?”

“That’s a good question.” Hinata said, smiling. “Ideally, we want to further increase the ether density over the site. There’s three ways to achieve that, with the second Rank of the Ether Density Anchor Spire, which is in progress, and also by upgrading the Boundary to Material Connection to Rank 3. The cost of that would be significant, and delay our push to Territory Rank 4, which would be the biggest boost of all and the final method, but…” Yes, even if we are splitting the profits for this venture, if we bear the costs such as the Alchemy Devices, ether and power generation, then I should be able to make our share a much larger slice of the pie…

“Careful, grandfather. She has a hungry look in her eyes…” Mayumi laughed, and Hinata didn’t deny it.

“Of course I’m hungry. After all, I need to show my good side, don’t I?” Spending time with Mayumi is fun, now I’m on her level and can be genuine friends. But it’s even more fun, planning the empire we’ll build, through Japan, the Boundary, the Fae Realms, the United Kingdom and the whole world… Hurry home, Akio, Motoko, Natsumi, Hyacinth. There’s so much more fun we can have, dreams we can realise…

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