On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Two Hundred And Eighty-Five / Side Ninety-Four – Mori Eri

Two Hundred And Eighty-Five / Side Ninety-Four – Mori Eri

Taking her soul? Turning my attention from the worthless Yamato-san to the things that mattered, I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach. There was no way I would accept Eri getting hurt, or worse killed, but there was always the voice in the back of my mind that said that if the worst did happen, there was always Kin Restoration. We would grieve, but Eri would return to us in time, even if she was limited like Haru-san. But… it isn’t the answer to everything, is it? First Mine-san, and now Eri’s situation. I’ve perhaps been bolder and less careful than I should have been because of having that safety net. Now… The skill was still amazing, incredible, and I was sure that having it would save us so much grief and hardship in the future, but not now. At least if the souls of the poor apprentices from our training school were taken by that Kijo bitch, then they should have been released to go wherever the dead do on her death…

As I pondered this, Shaeula spoke up, addressing her arrogant cousin. “I am not-not a half-breed. I am a pure breed twice over.” She laughed, shocking everyone around her. “Such words did haunt and torment me for long years, exposed to mockery and insult in the Seelie Court. But now I know my own-own worth, and my worth in the eyes-eyes of others. Mother…”

“Yes?” Urakaze sighed, looking at her daughter with a complicated expression.

“I can not-not stand for Eri to face battle. I ask that you intercede. Then, though I have nothing to prove, I shall-shall show my foolish cousin his errors.”

The Kijo Matriarch screamed her disapproval, and Urakaze sighed. “I cannot do that-this. She has the right to her anger, and while I am strong-mighty, I am no tyrant. Lord Nurarihyon dictates our rules, but essentially we are free spirits. Look-gaze around you, daughter of mine. They are only keeping their peace because entertainment is precious. Well, Red and Blue here are fools-easy, so their anger is mollified by some alcohol and apologies-sorrow, but…”

“Ya really are a cold bitch.” Blue complained, and the Red Oni shook his head, irritated. Even so, they kept their peace.

“I am quite-quite disappointed.” Shaeula sighed softly.

“I do not care-care whether you are…” her cousin began, but Shaeula’s glare made him step back, before he recovered, angry at his own momentary weakness.

“Enough, cousin. Stop your yapping, we shall let our fists and winds talk-talk shortly.” Shaeula continued to speak, and while I had a lot to say myself, and Eri did too, huddling close to us, intimidated by the maddened Kijo, I left it to Shaeula for now. “Such pointless cruelty. What-what does it serve? We defended ourselves, and thus there was death. Do we not-not have a right to life? If we were all slain, then none-none would have wasted time on such petty things as vengeance.”

Yeah, that’s totally a lie. Hyacinth would be here turning this into a new Myconid Forest, I expect…

“Eri is my dear sister, as dear as Shaeranna or my brothers to me-me. More important than you who I have never met, cousin. Though being family, perhaps we can become close-close in time.” He roared angrily at that, only the circle of watching Yokai preventing him from losing his mind completely and starting a battle. “If Eri is forced to fight, then Akio and I shall. This trash too.” She nodded at Yamato-san, a sour expression on her face. “I have little-little hope we can take the entire Hyakki Yagyō, I am not-not such a fool…” her sour expression had changed to a rueful grin. “… but the streets of the Boundary Kyoto shall be awash with blood when we are done. I will not-not ask you to stand with me, mother, nor my Kamaitachi kin, after all, I am a stranger to this land, for now-now. But you shall watch our lives blaze out, and the dead will pile to the skies.”

“That’s right.” I agreed. “Eri is Shaeula’s sister in ways thicker than blood. Love binds us, and I’ll harden my heart and send as many of you to Yomi as I can, if she is harmed. There has to be another way. After all… the world has changed. You can’t exist in a vacuum, doing evil deeds, forever. It isn’t just the mortal world that will be swept away with what’s coming, the Boundary and lower Astral will be invaded and destroyed too.”

“Evil? Ya misunderstand.” Blue said suddenly, and Red agreed.

“Yeah, evil? That is for you man-things to decide. Back when we roamed the Material, mortals didn’t think it evil to enslave and kill one another for trivial reasons. Killing you for my poor dead, stupid, possibly-illegitimate bro is a noble reason in comparison.”

“Evil is a sign of the times.” The four-tailed fox woman, her golden-red hair cascading down her voluptuous body, clad in a yukata that was open at the front, revealing vast expanses of her massive, pale bosom, came forwards. In one hand she held a long golden pipe, which smoked with some foul-smelling herbs that made my head hurt. “There are no absolutes.”

Shaeula’s mother and the Oni greeted her respectfully, and the Kijo Matriarch was silenced at her words. She’s a big-shot indeed. I wonder what rank she is in the Parade. Higher than Twenty, that’s for sure. The fox walked over and reached out, stroking my face, at a speed I would have struggled to avoid. Shaeula narrowed her eyes and Eri hissed like a cat, but the fox-woman merely smiled alluringly. Ugh, she’s beautiful. No, I mustn’t be fooled. Charm, Majesty and League, I released it all, barely fighting off her allure. She gave me a slight grin, before turning to Shaeula.

“Well, aren’t you just a surprise? Your poor mother, how she was scorned and disdained for falling for a foreign prince, and even more shame when she was forced to return without you, the rumours of your… character and competence… unkind.” The fox smiled, and I had the urge to punch her in the face. Sensing that, she raised an eyebrow at me, amused, tails wagging. “But just like you humans change what is good and evil as the times change, we all have our own ways. Even the Fae…” she smiled at Shaeula’s surprise. “Oh my, yes, I have journeyed amongst them too. The Wild Hunt, the Unseelie Court too. I am welcome anywhere. After all, with mother and the rest of the foxes with many tails slain, hiding or imprisoned, I remain the strongest of us all. Well, I know the Fae, even those you would call good steal children and leave changelings in their place, trick with fools gold, start fires, lead travellers over cliffs and into swamps… there is no universal good in this land. Only power sets precedent. So do not be children.” She advised us. “You appeased the duo here, but Red and Blue, despite their fearsome appearance, are surprisingly pleasant for Oni. Perhaps because they actually have brains.” She snorted, sucking on her pipe, blowing steam and fog.

“Shut ya mouth, big tits.” Blue complained and the fox laughed.

“I don’t want to hear that from you, melons.” She giggled girlishly, belying her appearance. “Anyway, you could fight and die. Die you would. But… what we long for is entertainment. Make us an offer.”

Urakaze nodded. “Matriarch of the Kijo, I have little-no wish to see my daughter die before me. My fool nephew wishes to fight her, but what mother wishes her own daughter to be hurt, even if she is disappointing-pathetic?” He had the grace to look abashed at that.

I see. I get it. Just like the Fae with their Trial of Three. There’s a narrow spiderweb of hope to cling to, if we can just climb it. Shaeula had realised too, and strangely enough, so had Eri, shocking me. But then she always was smart, and being quiet, she looks around and thinks a lot…

“I killed the Kijo.” Eri said suddenly, drawing all eyes. She shrank under the gazes, before taking a haughty expression. “And why not? Even if it wasn’t for vengeance, it was to protect my husband and dear sister Shaeula. Besides… soul-takers… can’t dead children have peace even in death?” she scowled, her black eyes hard, her grip shifting nervously on her axe. “I get it though. Listening to your talk.” She nodded to the fox and Urakaze, getting amused looks in return. “You are saying you aren’t evil, just doing what your culture dictates. I guess it’s like how in some countries you can still be imprisoned or executed for adultery and stuff like that. We best never go there.” She managed a smile, forced though it was. “Well, then let me say, I was justified in putting the axe through the head of that bitch. As my culture is that as long as Akio and those he loves and wants to protect are safe, the world can fucking burn for all I care.” She swore crudely and the Kijo Matriarch was practically gibbering in rage at her insolence. “If you are evil, I’m evil too, the evil of indifference. I was sad when the other girls died. Nobody likes seeing those around them die, and I knew them a little. But I was mostly sad because it hurt Akio. So, if you hate me, then I’ll fight you. But… Akio and Shaeula get to live, and I’d ask… you at least let my soul remain free to enjoy peace in death. If you do that, I’ll entertain you all.” She looked the crowd in the eyes boldly, though I could see her hands and knees shaking.

Clever girl. That way… we can at least use Kin Restoration…

“You think you can bargain, you slayer of my sister?” the Matriarch growled. “I’ll tear you limb from…”

“I too will entertain, then.” Shaeula spoke up. “My cousin, whose name I do not-not know, nor care to right now…” she threw a casual insult at him. “… well I shall take him on as he wishes. If I am defeated I shall suffer a suitable punishment. However…” she grinned, her smile reminiscent of when she was pulling a prank. “… I rather-rather feel a wager is in order. After all, I am Yokai, one of the Hyakki Yagyō, but I am also Fae, a Duchess and princess of the Seelie Court. We do so-so love our wagers.”

“A Trial of Three?” the foxwoman smirked. “it’s not our way, but…” she looked at Urakaze, who nodded.

“You are bold indeed, daughter. So, speak. I know-understand of these traditions. They will not bind-compel us, but I would not cheat my returning child after all these years.”

“If I lose, then from Akio, Eri and I, three prices can be demanded. Our lives-lives, souls, whatever you wish.” She declared, gasps spreading around the crowd. “I care not-not. For we live and die together anyway. Besides, there is no-no way I can lose to this idiot.” She riled him up, getting the crowd excited at her insolence, some impressed, others wishing to see her humbled.

“But if I win, then first, Eri’s…” she began, but the Matriarch roared in rage.

“No, I shall not allow her to escape my fury! My sister cries within me for her blood and suffering!”

“… why is everyone here so rude-rude?” Shaeula sighed magnificently. “… no, I understand your hatred will not-not be quenched so easily. But putting Eri against yourself, one of the Hundred of the Hyakki Yagyō is no fun, is it?” she goaded the crowd. “At least send an opponent she will be able to display some sport against.”

Damn, that’s cold, but we are playing poker with no cards, so any result is welcome. Eri understands that. She’s listening intently.

“No, I wish to tear her apart myself!” she cried, only for the foxwoman to shake her head, luxurious locks flowing, bosom heaving.

“Now, don’t be like that. Send one of your sisters. That would be far more poetic. She’s just a mortal after all, what can she do against a Kijo alone? Or are you telling me she overpowered your sister all by herself?”

“If so, she’d be pretty pathetic.” The Red Oni laughed as he took a refill of his bowl from Urakaze. “If she was still alive, she could have married my useless adopted bro.”

“However…” she began, only for the fox to fix Shaeula with a glare. “We can even consent to not keeping her soul for eternity, but…” she gestured, and a disturbingly handsome, almost feminine fox came out. “This Kitsune is interested in you, girl.” She smirked. “Just death will not satisfy the Matriarch, I am sure. So… a year and a day. He will keep your fallen soul for that time, girl. Although, should you wish to stay after that, well… I’m sure he wouldn’t mind.”

The grin of the golden-tailed fox was lascivious and disgusting, and I felt the immediate urge to murder him and the damn Kitsune queen or whatever she was. Eri blanched, prepared for death but not for such a fate, and Shaeula bit her lip, looking troubled. My Foresight is still telling me the danger is intense around those close to me, but not me. Why? Is it because I was destined to not fight here, while everyone else suffered and died? Perhaps the answer is fire… if I blast Foehn in all directions, use Yamato-san as a distraction, maybe we can… no, it’s hopeless. That would never work. Overhead flocks of Tengu and other aerial Yokai flew, so there was no escape.

“I don’t want that…” Eri said. “He looks a pervert, and… nobody should ever touch me but you, Akio. I can face dying, but…” tears were leaking from her black eyes now, stirring my heart.

“Well, that’s why it’s a wager, no?” the Kitsune said, grinning. “Don’t worry, after all, the pleasures of the spirit can often exceed the pleasures of simple flesh. Though maybe…” he looked at the foxwoman with her four magnificent tails, expression sly. “… could you fashion her a body to house her spirit, you old hag?”

“If the price was right. And you manage to calm your insolence, youngling.” She grinned.

“Then… only if I lose.” Shaeula declared, panicked. “If I win, then such a punishment can not-not…”

“Ah, no. You are stacking rather too much on this. It won’t be fun.” She answered, blowing more scented, cloying smoke.

“Then… if Shaeula wins, I get to fight.” I declared suddenly. “I’ll fight the bastard first.” As soon as I said that, from the triumphant grin on the faces of the foxes, I knew this was the result they were looking for. Though strangely, the danger around me personally doesn’t seem to have increased. Well, it’s not that Foresight is actually reliable anyway…

“Daughter, tell your husband to withdraw. That Kitsune is dangerous-trouble. He has risen-soared up the Hundred rapidly of late. He is not-never one to trifle with. His strength…” she raised one furry eyebrow disdainfully. “… well, it is middling-average, but his cunning and trickery has defeated many stronger opponents.”

“You did claim to be Ninety, human.” The male Kitsune smirked, looking annoyingly beautiful in the way men shouldn’t. “Well, I am Seventy-First. And I do believe I can reach higher.”

Still, I have no choice. Eri… she’s prepared to die, but she’s not prepared to be the toy, the plaything of someone else. And I’m not prepared for it either. I’ll die first. Kill first. Shaeula and Eri were both watching me, and I clenched my fist. “Fine then. Should be entertaining, but… since I can’t claim the rank, when I kill this fox who reached a hand for what he should never have touched, how about you give it to Shaeula?”

“It doesn’t work like that, man-thing.” Red disagreed.

“Why not? All I have is Shaeula’s, after all? And if those cats can both be Ninety, and you can both be whatever rank you are, well, I don’t see the issue sharing with Shaeula.”

“Well, I doubt very much he can beat our proud Seventy-First here.” The foxwoman teased. “So I see no issue. If the prodigal Kamaitachi who has returned from foreign lands is able, she will keep the rank, if not, well challenge will soon reveal that.”

“I don’t mind. Though…” the Kitsune added a condition, egging on the crowd. “I won’t kill you until after our first night.” He sneered, mocking me, before grinning at Eri, who shrank away, and the crowd went wild with amused laughter and catcalls.

“I will kill you though.” I vowed, earning another seductive, repulsive smile.

“Well then.” Urakaze sighed. “Daughter, you could-should have let that one die.” She looked at Eri sadly. “Now instead your hard-won plea of safety-succour has been squandered.”

“Hardly.” Shaeula shook her head. “Do not-not count us out yet. Now as for my third request. I call on you, my mother.” She said, surprising everyone. “I am grateful for the Kamaitachi you sent me for my exile, without them I would surely-surely have been slain long before I met Akio. Even if they are not-not more than runts of the litter.” She grinned, and at that Urakaze cocked her head, puzzled. “… but it shames the Hyakki Yagyō that the Fae are providing me with most of my army, when I am pure-blooded on both sides.” She emphasised that again. “So I would ask, when I triumph, you provide me with further Kamaitachi and weasels to fortify our Territory.” She looked around, meeting the gaze of the great and the mighty of the Night Parade. “If any of you wish-wish to earn our favour and provide assistance, we will gladly-gladly take them. And for those who wish to walk the mortal world once more-more, the Material… well, if you are strong and willing to be loyal, we shall not-not turn you away.”

Her pitch finished, the Night Parade came to a conclusion, and it was as expected. “Very well then.” Urakaze said. “I would ask more about my Kamaitachi, but should you win-defeat your cousin, I shall allow you to select further kin to accompany-follow you. but it is likely you will be going home alone and a widow. You overreached. Greed is poison, daughter. It is a lesson you need to learn.”

She’s right. We’ve taken too many risks and been too greedy at times. But some things aren’t greed, they are necessary. I can lose Territory, lose allies, even lose my powers, but I can’t lose Eri, Shaeula or the other girls who love me. So we have to find a way out of this where we keep those, even if we suffer other losses…

“As for him…” the Kitsune sneered at Yamato-san, her tails swishing. “Do you not ask for his safety? I daresay there are many who would love to deal with a fool from hallowed ground who acted so unwisely.”

“Yes, you need to ensure my safety!” Yamato-san agreed desperately, but we all brushed him off.

“If Eri or Akio are hurt, I will make sure-sure you pay for it too.” Shaeula warned him, and he slumped to his knees in despair, knowing he had no friends here, only those who hated him.

“Very well then. I shall follow the example of our dear Urakaze of the biting winds and offer up libations for the celebrations.” The foxwoman declared, the other Kitsune now eyeing Shaeula as well. Yeah, he’s definitely dead… Cheers erupted, and soon a small arena had been prepared, Shaeula facing off against her cousin.

“I shall show the Parade what-what you are! Aunt Urakaze could be higher than Twentieth, if not for the shame of her dalliances with foreign scum. Father says so. She is strong, yes, but she has shamed the Night Parade, and us Kamaitachi as a whole.”

Shaeula twitched at that, her expression grim. “I do not-not appreciate such slanders. Love knows no boundaries, nor should it. I do not-not know uncle, and I do not-not see him here…”

“He is no doubt causing trouble-strife somewhere near. He is quite the sadist.” Urakaze chimed in, fixing her nephew with her golden glare. “As for you, do not insult-slander me to my face. I am tolerant-kind, but even so…” a blade of nearly invisible wind passed him, and fragments of his red fur scattered, floating to the ground. “… I am Twentieth.”

“… my thanks, mother.” Shaeula bowed to her, earning giggles from the surrounding Night Parade, who were not used to such mortal niceties. “Well, cousin. It seems we must talk with our elements and our fists.” She wound up her remaining pinwheel, not believing she needed it. “You may go first. Consider it a gift-gift to the cousin I am meeting for the first time.”

Eri smiled at Shaeula, as did I, reassuring her, and the look she gave me back told me to comfort Eri, so I pulled her into an embrace, shielding her from the eyes of the male Kitsune who was watching her cruelly. “looks like we managed to get to the endgame betting with no cards in our hands. Now we need a series of miracles to make them fold… but Shaeula…”

“She won’t lose.” Eri affirmed. “But, I’m worried. What about the fox pervert?” she shuddered, trembling in my arms. “He’s strong, right?”

“One worry at a time. For now, we have to support Shaeula, right? Just like we did against Ulfuric. Déjà vu, I guess?”

“Well, this time I’ll need to wield an axe fairly.” She sighed, still afraid. “But you’re right. Come on Shaeula, beat up that jerk!” she called.

She turned, waving back, and at that moment her cousin attacked. He silently unleashed a blitzing hail of jade blades, and I could tell they were decently compressed and vibrating. He’s good, but…

Shaeula merely raised one hand lazily. “Foehn.” With that, the oncoming wind was consumed by her own emerald energies, and it was returned to the surprised Kamaitachi, strengthened by her own winds, which had grown in intensity and power more than tenfold since we had met. The red-furred weasel barely had time to scream before he was pummelled with the cutting blades, the edges manipulated by Shaeula to be finer and sharper, and blood scattered, the same ruby red as the fur that filled the air, silver mist rising as the Kamaitachi screamed.

“That was quick.” Eri said, jaw dropping. “I know she’s amazing, I’m always jealous of her, but…”

“Well, wind doesn’t really work against Shaeula since she has Foehn. For me, it’s flames, but for her, she eats wind.” I grinned, listening to the cheers and boos, curses being slung down on the fallen weasel.

“Daughter, that was…” Urakaze, asked, puzzled.

“That was a Unique wind. I gained it travelling the world with Akio. Las Vegas was fun-fun.” She smirked. “I am afraid that wind is useless against me. So, cousin. I won, did I not-not?” she looked at her fallen kin, who was struggling to his feet, numerous deep but non-lethal cuts scoring his fur and flesh, and half his face was shaved bald by the blasts. Eri couldn’t help but giggle, and he furiously glared at her, only for a burst of wind to clip his ear.

“You do not-not get to scowl at Eri like that.” Shaeula proclaimed. “Cousin, declare your defeat!”

“No. NO!” he insisted. “You cheat-cheat! We are the wind, to fight that way is surely abhorrent to who we are-are! Aunt, do tell your vile daughter!”

“Fine then.” Shaeula said, surprising everyone. “I am magnanimous, as all good princesses should be. I shall not-not use my wind-eating breath. If you care to try again, I shall face your wind head-on.”

Her cousin spat blood, before sneering at her. “Very well-well. At least you have some honour. But your tricks will not-not save you now.”

He leapt backwards, and unleashed more powerful blasts of wind, drowning out the cheers and carousing around us. As they closed in on Shaeula she merely smiled a little, before a torrent of citrine energy poured from her, swallowing the wind, a cascade of fireballs pelting her cousin and the surrounding areas. He screamed, hopping and dodging as his fur smouldered. “What-what is this?”

“Nothing special. Why stay fixated on the wind? Fire is good too. Hmm…” Shaeula smirked. “Light too. Try this-this. Akio described it to me, and I believe I get the idea. I have seen it used in that Anime with the witch magical girls so… Flashbang!” There was a blinding flash of light and a concussive detonation of sound. Her cousin was momentarily stunned, only for his consciousness to return finding Shaeula flying at him, fist raised. He tried to lift his cut and burned arms, but he was too slow, and her small fist struck him in the jaw, sending him tumbling to the ground, where she stomped on him ruthlessly. “Done yet?” she asked, and as he struggled, she conjured more fire and wind in her hands. “I can burn and shave you bald if you do so-so wish.”

“Enough.” Urakaze called. “I think we have our victor-winner.” She said, her gaze softening. “Daughter. Shaeula. You are strong. I believe Ninety might not be your limit-barrier.”

Kicking aside her fallen cousin, she strode over to her mother. “Indeed. And I grow stronger all the time. Because I am with Akio, Eri, Aiko, Hinata, the others. Even idiots like brother Shaeraggo and Sister Anna are important to me.” She turned to her cousin. “You could be too-too, if you end your arrogance and apologise. Kin matters. If not-not…” she glared. “I will take your sickles as a lesson.” At her grim words, her mother and the other watching Kamaitachi gasped.

I guess that’s a pretty cruel and humiliating punishment. It seemed to have got through to her cousin, who scampered away, acknowledging his defeat. As he left, Shaeula addressed the crowd. “Can we not-not stop this farce? There is no need to fight. Just as I have benefitted from meeting and working with mortals, Fae, Yokai and more, can we not all…”

“No, I deny this!” the Matriarch snarled. “My sister cries out for vengeance! Her curse yet lingers!”

“I am afraid not as well.” The Kitsune woman grinned. “After all, that would be quite boring.”

“It’s fine, Shaeula.” I said, shaking my head. “There was no way we were getting out of this. You’ve done your part.” I turned to her mother. “Whatever happens, mother-in-law, make sure Shaeula stays safe. I trust you to ensure fairness here.”

She nodded, eyeing me. “In that case, let me warn you. That troublesome fox likes to play tricks-torture on the mind. Be wary-cautious.”

“Now, don’t be giving away all my strategies.” The Kitsune grinned maliciously as he stepped forwards, bushy tail wagging behind him, as he leered at Eri. “Mortal girls are always the best. Yokai just… don’t have the emotional range. I’m a sensitive soul, I like my lovers to have depth.” He looked at me then. “Don’t worry, I’ll let you see her happy before you die.”

I hate this guy. I know legend says foxes are treacherous and lecherous, but even so…

“For that to happen, Eri and I both have to lose.” I warned him. “I have no intention of losing, and even if I do…” I turned back to Eri. “You worked so hard. I’d like you to be stronger, but… you did your best. So, believe in yourself.”

“How touching.” The foxwoman sniggered, sucking on the inlaid stem of her pipe. “And true. If you want her, you’ll have to win, little fox.” She teased the other Kitsune, who shrugged, annoyed.

“Keep laughing, old hag. One day I’ll be the highest rank of the Kitsune, and you, who coast on the strength of your bloodline, you’ll kiss and lick my feet. Effort and skill will always defeat talent!”

“Well, if that day comes, I’ll do it gladly.” She smiled, seemingly unphased by his insult. “But first, this mortal… well, no, not exactly mortal…” she smiled. “… this being stands in your way.”

“Akio, Eri…” Shaeula declared, coming over. She stretched up to kiss me, and I was surprised, as it was the first time she had done so in her Kamaitachi form. Whoa, strange. Her tongue feels different, rougher, more flexible. And her fur… it tickles. As she parted from me, she hugged Eri, whispering into her ear.

“Do not-not rely on Akio. He will win-win, I have no doubt, but even if he does, you will have to fight. So… know that I am proud of what you have achieved. So be proud of it too and do not-not give up.”

“I won’t.” she promised, her dark onyx eyes damp with tears, but her trembling had stopped. “I don’t want that bastard to have my soul. If it was just death…”

Just death…? Well, I can see why you would say that-that.” Shaeula sighed. “Anyway. Akio, Eri. May the fortunate winds go with you, leading your way through this trial ahead!” with that, shimmering verdant energies bathed us, and I felt our Fortune increase dramatically. “Now Akio, go. Wipe the smirk off that worthless foxes’ face. I do-do so hate foxes. It must be in my blood.”

“Akio, be careful.” Eri kissed me too, and with that, I was facing the Kitsune, who was still smirking at me.

“How was she? Good? It looked it.” the fox grinned. “As for the daughter of the Twentieth there, weasels aren’t my type, but that mortalform was sweet. Maybe I’ll console her in my arms when you are dead and gone?”

I merely yawned at his provocation, which was effective in riling him. “Really?” I kept my irritation inside. “Now that will never happen. Even were Eri and I to die, Shaeula would never turn to scum like you. You aren’t even that charming, not like her.” I nodded to the four-tailed woman who was waiting to start the bout.

The fox twitched, enraged. “Well then, we shall soon see. Old hag, get on with it.”

“Why so rude? I helped you get this far. Younglings today… no patience or dignity. Not like the olden days. Ah, I miss them so, my mother and sisters too. Well…” she used her pipe to gesture. “… begin.”

The crowd started roaring and cheering as I leapt forwards, Body Enhancement thrumming, Split Thoughts searching for attack vectors. The Fox eyed me calmly, and then flourished five talismans, each with a strange symbol on, a cross between Chinese and Japanese, archaic and old. Damn, I wish I’d had more time for my studies. Uhh, that one looks like the character for ‘ear’ maybe, and that one is… a river? No, it’s…

“Five senses stealing. Silence.” The fox declared, leaping backwards, one talisman burning to ashes. Suddenly the noise of the arena fell into silence, and my balance was compromised, my charge missing, darting past him.

“Oh, too bad. It’s amazing how much you rely on your sense of hearing for balance. Well, a true warrior can readjust quickly, but…” I couldn’t hear his words, but I could read his lips and get the gist of it.

“This won’t stop me!” I called out, not hearing what I was saying being an eerie experience. Foehn flickered into being in my hand, and I cursed him, only for a second talisman to burn away, seizing my vocal cords.

“… stop polluting my ears.” I read his lips, his smug grin aggravating.

Foehn scattered as I hurled it at him, and he dodged, though I could see worry in his eyes, as he must have recognised the cruel power of it. I also launched blasts of wind and earth at him, sending him dancing around, only one step ahead of him. With my mental stats, I was getting my balance and accuracy back. My Spiritually Pure Physique was also fighting against the curses, though the lack of spirit water I had within me was hampering it. Even so, it was only a matter of time before I could break it. I can do this…

Then my world went dark, and I could no longer see or hear…


“Five senses stealing. Speechless.” The Kitsune declared. I was terrified of him, not because he was strong, though he clearly was, but because of what he would do if I died. When I die? To think I’m caring about things like that now. I… can’t think about that. Akio is strong. If he beats the Kitsune, even if I die against the Kijo, one day I’ll come back to Akio and the others… but… no, he’ll win, I know it! Akio always stands in front of me, protecting…

I shook my head, bitter that I’d seemingly learned nothing. I begged to come along, and now Akio was in danger, all because I thought I was good enough. I’d worked hard. I’d trained. I’d grown strong. All true. But also lies. I’d worked hard, but I’d avoided things that upset me. Unlike Aiko, I didn’t talk to those two perverts at school, and because of that she learned how to master fire even before I did. I’d trained, but I could have always done more. I had heard of how Shaeula and Akio had suffered to level their Ether Healing, and I never went that far. I’d grown strong, yes, but compared to the Yokai here, I might as well still just be an ordinary girl.

Akio threw his nasty flames at the laughing fox, following it with blasts of wind and stone, the ground erupting. Akio had him on the back foot, sure, but… the Kitsune still looks confident…

My fears were confirmed a moment later, as he called out again, another talisman in his hands flaring to black ashes, blowing away as he moved. “Five senses stealing. Darkness.” Akio stumbled, nearly falling, and his attacks were flying wild, going in all sorts of directions.

“Three senses down. Well, sealing your mouth was more for my own pleasure.” The Kitsune laughed. “But without sight and hearing, what can you do, bug? Well, I’ll take your taste and touch soon enough. I’m very kind, you won’t even feel the pain from your defeat. Until after.”

I was about to cry out when that slutty female fox strolled over, grabbing me by the arm. I was too shocked to protest as she hauled me off. Shaeula was enraged, asking her what she was doing, and the foxwoman merely smiled broadly at us, foul smoke streaming from her pipe making my eyes burn and water.

“Why, it is time for this girl to face her opponent. Why, the Matriarch of the Kijo is desperate for her vengeance. She cannot wait any longer!”

“But you said Akio would go first-first!” Shaeula snarled, and the Kitsune merely shook her head, long hair swaying to match her tails.

“And so he has! He is battling first. Nobody said he would finish before she started!”

“No, that…” Shaeula growled, turning to her mother, who was looking on over the battle between Akio and the male Kitsune, who had burned a fourth talisman, and was toying with Akio, making little effort to attack, dodging his blind, directionless strikes. Just watching it made me forget my own fear for a moment, my stomach burning with anguish.

“Mother, this is not-not fair! You can not-not allow…” she trailed off at the look in her mother’s eyes, and even as I was being dragged away, looking back, I shivered. It was so cold, detached.

“Why not? Your father is a Fae, is he not? You should understand-comprehend nothing has been done unfairly here. I believe that we have been quite-rather generous. After all, the Matriarch should have rent her limbs from her body, and captured-enslaved her soul. Instead, she has a small-little chance to save herself. Do not mistake me, Shaeula.” She looked a little proud them, even if still distant. “Your return has pleased me greatly, and your growth-progress also. But… I am Twentieth. I can not let my own petty-selfish desires cause trouble with the others, unless they give me cause. This is still within the bounds-realm of fairness. You must surely see that.”

As Shaeula was cowed by the force of her mother’s will, I called out to her. “it’s fine. She’s right. It’s better than us fighting the whole Night Parade and dying. Whatever happens… Akio doesn’t want you to die. You don’t want him to die either. I…” I couldn’t look at the battlefield, the jeers and mockery telling me all I needed to know about his progress. “… I’ll take responsibility, for forcing myself into this, when I should have stayed with Aiko.” I tried to inject some levity into my voice, but I had a feeling I was failing miserably, judging by the look Shaeula was giving me. “… I’m still not beaten. Maybe I can win, right? It’s not like I’m up against this Matriarch herself.”

“No, indeed that would be no sport.” The foxwoman agreed. “Which is why you are fighting now, rather than waiting. It’s the tension of not knowing your fate if you lose that makes it fun.” She grinned, revealing sharp teeth, incongruous in her human face. “We are the Night Parade. You are not in hallowed ground. Consider this grace a favour for the return of a prodigal daughter.”

“See? Nothing we can do.” I said cheerfully, my insides knotted with grief and fear. “Just… if I do lose, tell Aiko and my parents I’m sorry, but… don’t tell them the rest. Okay?”

Shaeula returned my gaze with a look of anguish, before nodding. “I shall believe in you, Eri. And in Akio too. Even if you fail, which you will not-not, then Akio will surely triumph. I know it. I do.” She said, as if to convince herself, but the situation was grim, I could tell without looking.

“Well, enough talk.” The Kitsune tossed me out in front of the baying crowd, Tengu, Kappa, Kamaitachi, Oni, and stranger, more aberrant things drunk and capering, cheering and crying for me to be tortured and killed. I clutched my heavy axe, the edge pitted and chipped, and the trembling stopped. I’m still scared though. I think I’ve just gone so numb I can’t feel it anymore. Oh well… mother, father. Father-in-law, mother-in-law. If you are watching my Material body now, I hope… well, just try not to grieve too much.

My opponent stepped out, the Matriarch of the Kijo instructing her to make me suffer, but not kill me until I had watched the defeat of Akio, my one hope. That… gives me a small chance, right? No, I’m too weak. Why am I even here? I’m such a fool. Too greedy for my own good. I hated the fact that Shaeula and Hyacinth could stand beside him in places like this. I was his first, I should have this too. Well, I got what I wanted, and… it’s too large for my hands to hold.

My opponent strode out under the baying of the drunken crowd of monsters. This was nothing like Akio’s Territory, where things were quiet and largely peaceful, or even Nishimorioka, where the enemies were mostly strange animals and insects, with the occasional undead thrown in. No, this was a tale as old as Japan itself. The Hyakki Yagyō. Well, I suppose… at least I’ll see out my end as part of a myth. Though nobody will ever speak of me, no doubt…

“I will peel the flesh from your bones and keep you alive even then!” the Kijo called. She was a vile Oni, her horns yellow bone and dripping pus, while her ragged robes were likewise stained and matted. In one hand she carried a long cleaver, dripping with darkness element, an azure blue glow suffusing into the surroundings, and in the other some sort of four-pronged rake, the nails at the end dirtied with dry blood. Just looking at it made me sick.

“Sure, you do whatever you want.” I drew a long shuddering breath, glancing over to where Akio was struggling blindly against that pervert. It seemed there was some commotion towards the back of the Parade as well, but I paid it no mind. I had to focus. If I can’t win, then why should I be scared? The result is a foregone conclusion, so all that’s left is to go out proudly. I asked to be here, now I have to pay for that. I can’t disgrace Shaeula, not in front of her mother. She said it herself. We’re sisters. And she is, just as much as Aiko is. Having reassured myself, I swung my axe a few times, loosening up my tense, tired muscles. “But don’t you think it’s pathetic? You Yokai sure aren’t as frightening as I heard, you are just petty children, throwing tantrums and picking on those weaker than you. And then you complain when the weak fight back?” I snorted, annoyed, the warm embers of anger starting to push away my fear. “Come on then. Be the big, scary Kijo and take me on!”

Laughter rippled around the audience, and the Kijo roared in rage, spittle flying from between dirty needle-like teeth. It howled some words, but they were incomprehensible, so I readied my axe, channelling flame into it to heat the metal again. This really was a nice axe. It looks good and it takes to elemental energy really well. The dress… I like it too. I’d never have thought to wear these sort of frilly clothes before. A shame it got ripped. I gnashed my teeth at that, anger staving off dread. I swung my axe down, but it was blocked by the cleaver, the impact nearly jarring the axe from my stinging palms. It was as if my bones were cracking under the impact. I let out a grunt of pain, before that was driven from my lips by a pained screech as the rake dug into the tear in my dress and pierced my skin. It was a shallow wound, but feeling my skin being ripped away was excruciating.

“Eri, careful!” Shaeula cried, but I didn’t have time to reply as I brought my axe down again.

“Useless. You worm! My sister will have peace knowing her slayer is dead!” The Kijo kicked me and sent me flying. I landed heavily, air driven from my lungs, only to see the brute rushing at me. The cleaver fell, and though I tried to get out of the way I suddenly froze, as the force of her presence stopped my mind for a second. There was an impact, and a feeling of cold heat, as impossible as that sounded. I reached for my axe, only to look down dumbly, unable to process the sight, as … I had no arm.

“Uh… awa?” I cried, my brain frozen. I could hear Shaeula raging, and I turned my eyes away from the sight, seeing her being held back by the pair of White and Black Kamaitachi, who were ignoring the injuries she was inflicting upon them in her anger. Oh, Shaeula. Don’t worry. I’m fine. I just need to… blinding pain flared through my arm, my nerves catching up with the injury, and I vomited, only for my back to be ripped open, flayed down to the spine, flesh peeling.

“Feel the pain of my slain sister! Feel the wrath of the Kijo!”

This… yeah, I couldn’t do it after all. I just… my mind was sinking down into darkness. More flesh was flayed from me, and the cleaver hacked down, severing my leg at the thigh. I turned, flapping my broken body so that I could see Akio, but my sight was already dimming, sinking into inky blue darkness, sparks of indigo and green flecking my vision. Stupid bitch. I thought you were keeping me alive, I’ll… die for sure. There was another impact, but my body couldn’t feel anything anymore. I could see Akio, he was struggling, yet every time the Kitsune approached, he would dart back, avoiding the constant output of attacks Akio was throwing in all directions. Even so, he’ll have to tire soon. He’ll get tired. Like me. I’m… so… tired. More impacts, more numbness. It was as if I was under the same curse as Akio.

If this is the end, I don’t mind. I just… don’t want to come back, if I’m not with you. That’s… not a good ending. Even so… it was fun. Not this dying though. That’s not fun… at all. Regrets? I have some. I’m a greedy girl. I wanted… to be with you… always. Her remaining hand reached out, instinctively, towards Akio. A bond. I have it. Lovers’ Link. That was proof… I loved you, and you… loved me.

It was as if my mind was sinking, now all there was to see was an ocean around me, deep blue and indigo, green lights floating up like seaweed or kelp towers. It was a strangely beautiful way to die. I reached for them, the green lights drawn into me, tingling and buzzing. My consciousness was barely a whisper, and I could feel something terribly cruel happening to my body, but it was like it was happening to someone else, my mind drifting free.

I guess the fortunate winds weren’t with me. Or is this lucky? If I die first, maybe they can’t get my soul? Or… no, I can’t expect that. My mind cleared, green light all I could see now. I need… I need to get to Akio or Shaeula. Otherwise… the thought of that Kitsune having me nauseated me, even without a stomach. No, maybe if I pull myself their way, they can take me away. Even if I have to sleep for years, as long as I wake to them one day… so I can wipe away their tears and apologise… I’m too greedy to die now! No, this isn’t me! I wanted Akio, I overcame my fears! I don’t… want… this!

There were strands all around me, threads of thoughts and emotions, a great tangled rope. Instinctively I could feel that some were larger than others, and the whole mess was concentrated around two people. Shaeula. Akio. I can feel them. Feel… Shaeula was angry, furious. The rage boiling from it was so intense, so full of hatred, that my hand… hah, not my hand, my imaginary one, I guess… recoiled from it as if burnt. Turning to the other, Akio’s strand, I could feel calmness. He still wasn’t panicking. And love. And trust. And faith. In Shaeula? Yes. Of Course. But… deeper, I could feel it in me, as well. He believed he would win, never letting that fox have me. And that I would somehow find a way to survive, even if I had to die for it. Well, that was my plan, until those Kijo bitches ruined it. But maybe I still can… it would have been safer to reach for Shaeula, but that was impossible currently. My strength was fading, my consciousness now down only to a dwindling point of green light, so I had but one choice. Reaching out, I grabbed one of the threads and pulled, dragging myself inside. It would take a miracle for something to happen, but I felt a breeze, despite being only consciousness, and then a surprised voice spoke to me, one I had never heard before.

“What do we have here, Nya?”

I was surprised to see a figure there, a naked woman, bound in threads. It was pitch black, yet I could still see her clearly, her silver hair and tail glowing, her cat ears twitching. Wait, cat ears?

“Another trapped soul like me? No, a visitor. The strings bind you, but… something is trying to pull you out, Nya. You look dreadful. Must have had a bad time, Nya.”

I looked at myself. I was just a deep blue shadow, a torso, head and single arm, missing all my features, an inky blue gash in the deep black void, holding one single string, the thickest one, that wrapped around the catgirl in front of me, faint green lights fading around my touch. Uh… if that’s what my body looks like… I guess I’m better off dead. Still, at least I have someone to talk to in the end. And if I cling on… I tightened my grip on the thread.

“Nya, that smarts. Don’t be so rough. Do you think I want to be trapped here? I can’t reach my brother either. Well, I suppose I was greedy. This skill… it’s not to be trifled with carelessly, Nya. Well, I never guessed that handsome devil would kill me like that. So brutal. So… hot, nya.” She purred, and I wasn’t sure whether she was annoyed or happy. Still, I know I don’t like her.

“You mean Akio? Why else would you be here?” I asked, and she nodded.

“Nya, yes, that’s the one. Well, I really wanted to kill the princess and take her skill, but then he just had so many perfect ones to take, including the one the princess had that I wanted, so… well, I’m greedy, nya.” She shrugged. “Guess I got stuck here, trapped by my own greed. Well, I am a thieving cat, after all. But I’ve been here what seems like an eternity. I think I’ll be stuck here forever, and I don’t like it, nya.”

That’d be nice, in a way. With Akio forever. “Well, if you are his enemy, I doubt he’d be willing to bring you back to life. Ugh, the tugging is getting worse. I… I don’t think this will work.” If I could cry I would have, but I wasn’t really here. Was this all my imagination as I was dying? I didn’t know, but if it was, it was a peaceful, if weird end.

“You want to be here, Nya?” the catgirl asked, and I sighed.

“Well, I’m dying. I might already be dead. And now some piece of shit whore called the Kijo Matriarch is trying to give my soul to some perverted Kitsune. Obviously I’d rather sleep inside my Akio, even if I can never come back again. I struggled to come here, feeling my way along the bond, but… I’m weak. Pathetic. I thought I’d grown stronger. But no, I was a burden until the end. Maybe… maybe I should have let Akio go, left him to Shaeula. Stayed alone in Nishimorioka…”

The cat gazed at me, searchingly, her eyes gleaming in the unlight of this place. “You don’t mean that, nya. You’re greedy, I know. As a woman should be, nya.”

“No, I don’t mean it.” I lamented. “But I’m feeling sorry for myself! Wouldn’t you be? I’m dying and someone is taking my soul! My only mercy is I’m not feeling the pain!”

“Just like me, Nya! So I understand you.”

“Well, you were trying to kill Shaeula to steal from her, so I doubt it. I was just trying to protect people. It’s not fair.” I took out my anger on her, as she was the only person around.

“So catty, nya! I’m the thieving cat, of course I steal! It’s like asking a mortal not to breathe!” she protested. “Well, being here is hardly all good. I think I’ll go crazy from the boredom, nya, and he thinks bad things about me and my brother all the time on purpose. Nya, hot guys can be so cruel.”

I surprised myself by laughing. I guess even in the most horrible of circumstances, gallows humour is a thing. But then, I was always strange. Everyone used to say I was too shy and withdrawn, not good at understanding or caring about others. I’m supposed to be a nice girl, but it’s really just an absence of interest in others. Why be mean or cruel when you simply don’t care? Although I have started to care for some others now. Progress, I guess? Though that Kijo… all of them… I’d cheerfully show them what cruelty is. “Well, sorry to say, I don’t think I am going to be here for much longer, so I can’t keep you company. “ my blue thought-form was unravelling, the mist being dragged away. “I would wish you good luck, but I doubt you’ll ever be reborn, Akio has no reason to. So goodbye, catgirl. Enjoy an eternity of solitude.”

“Nya, I’m Ginneka. The Thieving cat, Ninetieth of the Hyakki Yagyō. Well I was.” She sighed. “Now I’m just a fool, trapped in the darkness. So… uh, you’re close to the guy that killed me, right?”

“For now. If that fox has his way I’ll be nothing but a brainwashed toy. Fuck, I wish I could extinguish my soul right now.” I had accepted my death, but not… not that. I suppose I could be consoled that I probably won’t care… no, no. There’s no consolation to be found here.

“So, uh… how about you put in a good word for me? If I get out, I promise to kiss his feet or be his toy, or whatever. I can kiss yours too, nya!”

“Disgusting!” I spat. “Why would I or Akio want that? Besides, didn’t you hear me? I’m dying. I can’t beat a Kijo. Even if it’s not the Matriarch, just one of her sisters.”

“Her sisters, nya? Well, they aren’t weak, but… hey, come closer.”

“I can’t, I’m not really here, and I’m being pulled away so hard, it’s all I can do to hold on.” I protested.

“Fine. Then reach out.” Ginneka stretched her tail towards me. I sighed one final time, knowing I had only moments left, grabbing her fluffy silver tail.

“Nya!” she shrieked, blushing, and I gave her a flat look, or would of, if I had a face. “Sorry, nya. Caught me by surprise. The first contact I’ve had in like… forever. And my tail is sensitive. Still… nya, you suck. Even if I ignore the horrible damage to your body, you’re a piece of crap with hardly any ability.”

I had a good mind to let go, but as this might have been my last conversation with someone sane, I let it slide. “Well thanks. I know I’m weak. Otherwise I wouldn’t be dying, would I?”

“Can’t use Void Motion, no spatial element.” She pursed her lips, frowning. “And your body can’t sustain much. There’s just… hey, what’s your name? I told you mine, nya.”

“I’m Mori Eri. Remember it. If you ever do get out, tell Akio and Shaeula I’m sorry I was pathetic in the end.”

“Well, Mori Eri. You’re lucky. You grabbed two strands, Nya.” She looked down, and it was true. I thought I had only pulled one, but it seemed two had become tangled together. “Looks like heaven smiled on you. You’ve used a lifetime of Fortune in one day. And … if you think that he would be willing to share with you, maybe, just maybe…” Ginneka sighed. “If you think you can double-down on the luck, and I help you… can you promise me, tell him to let me out, Nya? My brother too, but… I’d settle for just me! Like I said, I’ll do anything!”

“Help me?” I asked, my grip on her tail loosening. “How?”

“Well, thing is, I’m still tangled up here good with his skills. The princesses too. I can’t get out, but I’m still conscious, I still exist. And so… well, a cat that can steal can always give back, nya.”

“Even so. Akio’s skills, Shaeula’s skills. I’m a limbless husk. Even with those…”

“Got no limbs, huh? Those Kijo bitches, never liked them, nya. Do me a favour and tell them Ginneka says eat shit!” her tail started to glow, and I felt something invade me, and energy start to be pulled through one of the strings I held, the warm feeling of Akio seeping into my ravaged soul. “Well, let me tell you, as long as you have a head, who gives a crap? Now, nya… don’t forget your promise.”

“I never promised anything…” I said, and her eyes gazed at me sorrowfully.

“Are you going to cheat me? I’m giving away my very identity here, Nya!”

“… fine. If I live thanks to you, and can see Akio smile again, I’ll call you my damn sister and respect you for life!” I’d worship any devil if they could give me that now. I don’t… I don’t want it to end like this.

“Nya, cute sister! I like. My brother isn’t cute at all! Now, time to go. I’ll… be waiting, nya!”

I could suddenly see again, opening my eyes. I was being dangled in the air by my arm, my one arm, by the bitch of a Kijo. Below me was puddles of gore and my legs. I felt the urge to be sick, but my stomach was already empty. I caught sight of Shaeula then. Injured and dying Yokai were scattered around her, and she was covered in blood, weeping crimson tears, her teeth cracked from the force of her rage, the Red and Blue Oni now restraining her, while Akio was still desperately hurling out attacks against the taunting Kitsune. Good. Akio hasn’t lost. Nor will he. Shaeula though… my heart ached at the pain in her eyes, and once more I affirmed that letting her love Akio too was no mistake. Perhaps some of the others I wasn’t too fond of, and in future there would likely be girls I hated, but… Shaeula was someone who loved me and I loved back. Now… now I have to step up. I’m done. I’m done being pathetic!

“You returned?” the Kijo leered at me, jaws clashing. “I pride myself on my flaying skills. But you were just so… weak. Oh well, that fox likes submissive women, so…”

I couldn’t look down. If I did and saw my ravaged body, I know I’d break, my mind unable to take it. But… “Hey, Kijo…” I croaked, my words barely audible.

“What, limbless worm?” she chortled, spittle drenching my face.

Drawing deeply on the threads that I had caught through an incredible, one in a thousand stroke of heavenly luck, aether surged into me, my ruined network shifting and twitching as if it was alive.

“Still got a head, haven’t I?” The pain was… excruciating. My whole body apart from my head basically disintegrated to aether, before reconstituting itself, now with embarrassing cat ears and tail swishing about. I was standing on the Kijo’s arms, looking into her face, and my nails, now sharp talons, like those of a panther, glittered dully, reflected in her eyes. “Oh, by the way…” I shouted out. “Matriarch of the Kijo, Ginneka says one thing. Eat shit, fuck you, die painfully and go to fucking hell!” That felt good. I adlibbed a bit, but I got the point across. Now then… Akio, Shaeula, lend me what you can. And in return, I’ll stop being a burden. This time I mean it… “Foehn!” My fingernails burst into yellow flame, burning me cruelly, but it was only for a moment, as I jammed them right into the eyes of my tormenter, burning claws piercing deep, as the roars of the Yokai around me changed, boredom becoming wild delight…

catgirl Eri

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