On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Two Hundred And Eighty-Four

Two Hundred And Eighty-Four

“Har. Har. Har.” The Red Oni barked a magnificent laugh, echoed by the jeering host of Yokai around us. A quick glance revealed many of them had broached barrels of sake and other spirits, and some were roasting meats and strange, misshapen vegetables over fires, as though it was a festival. Eri shrank in closer to me, the atmosphere intimidating her, and I whispered that it would be all right. It will be… no, I hope it will be. No more naivety. Bad things can happen. But… I’ll not see them, because if Eri dies I’ll be dead first…

Yamato-san tried to creep closer to us too, but at my glare he faltered, left exposed surrounded by the host on all sides of us. Still, he was a matter of little concern. It was the huge Red Oni that was our current problem, and I waited to see how he would respond to Shaeula’s unexpected declaration.

“You are one of us, you say? Ninetieth?” the Red Oni sniffed, taking another gulp from his massive gourd. “Hey, that’s those pair of stupid cats, right?” he addressed the Blue Oni, who nodded, her long hair swaying.

“Ya, that thieving cat and her dumb brother. I remember when they stole that wine from me. Ya, I caught and punished them good.” She snorted. “I know those cats are good at disguise, but ya can’t fool me. Ya certainly aren’t them. Although…” she sniffed the air. “Ya do smell a bit like them.”

Shaeula looked at us, her gleaming amber eyes questioning, and I nodded. I guess it can’t hurt to try diplomacy first. I’ve almost finished healing and topping up Eri. I’m trying to break down the curse, but my skillset doesn’t lend to it. But with more time, maybe I can at least hasten it’s dispersal…

“Well, that makes sense, does it not-not?” she let out a fearless laugh. “Those foolish cats did try-try to slay me, and instead, I killed the foolish male.”

“Well, I’m not going to be sorry to see him dead, but ya can’t just kill one of us and take their place, unless ya already…” the Blue Oni paused, mouth hanging open as Shaeula transformed from her human form to that of a Kamaitachi, gleaming golden-amber fur and eyes matched by elegant jade sickle-blades at her wrists and ankles. Yamato-san was also gaping, shocked at her sudden change in appearance.

“You were-were saying?” Shaeula interrupted proudly, as she always was when she showed off her pure Kamaitachi form. 

“Ya be a Kamaitachi?” the Blue Oni said, puzzled. “Really now? Well, the weasels of wind be Yokai for sure.” She seemed at a loss. I could see there were other Kamaitachi in the crowd around us, as well as some other types of weasel Yokai, and a number of them made ribald comments, remarking on her figure, fur and blades. Don’t think I can’t hear you, and that I’m not remembering this…

Eri, despite her stress and fear, whispered to me reassuringly, an impish smile on her face. “Jealous, Akio? Well, shouldn’t you be proud instead? That she chose you?”

“True.” I whispered back. Shaeula was similarly offended though, as she puffed out her cheeks angrily, which I of course found adorable.

“Yes, really now.” she snorted. “So I believe that means my conquest should be accepted, should it not-not? I found those Oni killing and torturing those under my protection, and I took-took issue with it. Such is simply the way amongst the Yokai and the Hyakki Yagyō, is it not-not?”

“Under your protection? Humans?” the Red Oni scoffed. “You were going about aping one too. Puzzling.” He gnashed his great fangs, irritated. “I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before. And if I had…”

“Ya would know not to mess with our kin.” The Blue Oni finished for him, and a murmur of agreement went though the raucous crowd. “Should have just let his idiot brother have the humans and be done with it. They were outside hallowed ground at night, ya know. No sanctuary, they had it coming.”

Outside hallowed ground, no sanctuary? Is that why the Night Parade was avoiding the shrines and temples? Is there some sort of agreement we aren’t aware of? As I pondered that, the tense conversation continued.

“Even so, what is mine is mine, and surely you would not-not expect me to overlook it, just like you did not-not overlook the death of your brother, no matter how deserved it was?” Shaeula retorted, her experiences in front of the nobles of the Seelie Court recently giving her a noble poise. “Can we not-not put this behind us, as an unfortunate misunderstanding and clash of ideals?”

“I think… not.” The Red Oni shook his giant head peevishly. “I don’t know you, weasel-thing.” He said rudely. “But if you killed those cats, more power to you. I can tell, now I look at you, you are part of the Hyakki Yagyō. It’s strange, but the rules are the rules. The great Nurarihyon likes order within the chaos. Even so…” he looked at the Blue Oni, who took over.

“Ya be what, Ninety? Sure, that might give ya the right to push around his dumb bro, but us, see… you think we are as low as ninety?” she smirked. “Ya ain’t got no right to talk back, unless ya can beat us?” she flexed, her massive muscles rippling under her deep azure skin. “Well, ya will get a chance, sure enough. But Red here, he’s pretty mad, so best ya can hope for is a clean death, right?”

This conversation has bought us some time, but even so, I can’t figure out the curse. My Eye was inspecting deep into Eri, and I could see the curse was a combination of darkness and light elements, darkness to bite in, and light to supply the energy that prevented Eri from returning to the Material. It’s surprisingly clever, I’d be impressed if it wasn’t putting Eri in a ton of danger.

“So then…” Shaeula’s shoulders were shaking a little, and her voice was higher-pitched than normal. I didn’t think it was fear of the Oni or the Parade, not fear of them, but… This is a moment she has longed for since her childhood. And these are not the circumstances she wanted.

“What are we going to do?” Yamato-san hissed, terrified.

“Shut. Up. Let Shaeula handle this.” I responded, unwilling to talk to the bastard any more than necessary.

“… if I had someone to vouch for me, that would suffice, would it not-not?” she asked, and the Blue Oni sniggered.

“On par with us? Ya be reaching, stranger. None of the other weasels around here have ever seen ya before. Ya think any of them will vouch for ya and help pay ya debts, against us, of all Yokai?”

“Oh, yes, I have not-not met any of these before.” Shaeula agreed. “However, there is one-one I do know.” Steeling herself, she drew in a long, shuddering breath before calling out, her voice shimmering with jade wind energy, shockingly loud. “Mother, I have come-come back to you! It is I! Shaeula Tu Shae Dannan, your daughter! Mother Urakaze, the superior biting winds, I, your daughter am here!”

Yamato-san was stunned. We had mentioned ways to deal with the Night Parade idly in passing, but he had never expected that Shaeula was going to declare such. Nobody else had expected it either, and the Blue and Red Oni were looking at her dumbly, as the raucous atmosphere exploded around them into chaos. The weasel Yokai, especially the Kamaitachi, were all thrown into a frenzy, speculating and appraising.

I think that’s the first time she’s named her mother to me. Well, she always used to put more stock in the Seelie bloodline, it makes sense since she felt she was abandoned, but… well, I promised her she’d meet her mother again. I just wish it was under better circumstances.

“Ya what?” the Blue Oni gaped. “You’re the daughter of that cold bitch? Nah, there’s no way. I know she left a kid behind in some far-off land, pissed off a lot of her suitors, but… that was some half-foreign trash, ya know?”

I clenched my fist at that. “Shaeula’s no trash, Oni. If you say that again, I’ll make you regret it.” I know I shouldn’t be provoking her, I can feel the power radiating from the two of them, they are on par, maybe more powerful, than Duke Myrcolaxriath. Definitely more dangerous if his spores are neutralised. Even so, in front of her mother, I won’t let people insult her.

“Shut your mouth, man-thing. Those of the Hundred are talking here. In time, I’ll take your skull and drink my sake out of it, I’ll even give a toast to my dumb, pathetic fool of a bro. To think he got done in by a man-thing like you. Maybe he wasn’t a true-born Oni. Now, I want to see if she’ll rise to your bait.” I followed his gaze, as well as most of the Parade. A silence was spreading, expectant and tense, waiting to see if an answer would indeed be forthcoming.

Shaeula too was waiting, holding herself tall and proud, though I knew her well enough to interpret the small signals of panic and anticipation that were rocking her. Even so, the imperious gaze she gave, even in her Kamaitachi form, was unwavering. A princess indeed.

One of the numerous carriages rolled out of the throng. A few scattered Yokai, a turtle-like Kappa and a living pot, a Tsukumogami, were unable to get out of the way in time, and the horses trampled them, the carriage wheels running over their fallen bodies, crushing them without a care. The carriage then stopped, and the door opened, a blanket of deep blue and green energies spreading out from it like a thick fog. Steps were lowered from the carriage, and a pair of Kamaitachi hopped out, both larger and stronger than the ones back in our Territory, one black-furred, the other white. They looked at Shaeula, their deep blue eyes searching, before stepping aside.

“Is that…?” Eri said, surprised, and I felt the same. I could feel power from the figure that emerged, similar to the Oni. Without his spores, the Duke would definitely be no match for this creature. No, calling her a creature is rude. This… this surely is her mother. Urakaze, huh? Is that where Ula comes from? We Japanese don’t really differentiate between l’s and r’s.

“She’s very impressive.” Eri conceded, her grip on her axe sweaty. Yamato-san was looking on, stunned, his eyes darting in all directions, looking for a way out. Not that there is one, not if we have to fight. I’m not confident taking on even one of the powerful beings around here. I guess this is what it must be like to stand in the Seelie Court, surrounded by their nobles. “Strangely… beautiful too?” Eri finished. “Maybe I’ve been friends with Shaeula for too long, but her mother seems attractive?”

“I think it’s the aura, the dignity.” I said, and I could see Shaeula’s ears twitching in pleasure as we complimented her mother. She had complicated feelings about her abandonment, sure, but she had always wanted to ask why, hoping it wasn’t because she was a disappointment, so hearing Urakaze praised must have pleased her.

As Urakaze strode down the steps, her tail lashing behind her restlessly, I admired her. She did share the same amber fur as Shaeula, though it was more to the golden, and the fur shaded to red at the tips, and her amber eyes were also flecked with ruby sparks. Her own sickles were a deep green, like Shaeula’s, but threads of black, gold and red wove through them, so they shimmered in the unlight of the Boundary as she moved. In terms of clothing, she wore a simple dress of white cloth, yet the fabric hung heavy with ruby and jade chains and brooches, and they tinkled in the constant breeze that surrounded her, barely visible, only the faintest flickers of green energy shining.

“Go on.” Eri whispered. “Shaeula needs us now.” Seeing the resolve in her eyes, I nodded, and we moved forwards. I stood on her right, Eri on her left, and we both took her small, furred hands. Around us, that seemed to anger many of the Night Parade, especially some of the Kamaitachi, including the black and white ones, who gaped at us, stunned.

“Bold indeed.” The Red Oni snorted, taking another long drink of sake.

Urakaze’s face twitched as she saw her daughter holding hands with two humans, but then she frowned. “Shaeula, daughter. It is you. What a… surprise-shock this is. You have… changed.” She narrowed her gorgeous eyes. “Why, your Kamaitachi blood seems to have become dominant. I do not know what your father would make-see of this. And… yes, you are part of the Hyakki Yagyō. I admit to being rather shocked-stunned. But…” she turned to the two Oni, her expression relaxed. “… this is a happy-joyous day. My daughter has come home. I will not let-allow you to harm her.”

“Not allow, ya say?” the Blue Oni began, annoyed, but Urakaze shook her head.

“This is a celebration, we should be joyous-merry.” She signalled to the Kamaitachi guarding her wagon. “Break out the offering sake, fill everyone’s cups and bowls. We shall revel-celebrate.” She looked at the two Oni. “Why should we clash over this? Your brother is an idiot-fool. You have considered killing him yourself many-lots of times. A clash between us over this would be foolish-stupid!” As the first barrel was brought out, the white Kamaitachi brought it over. A flash of wind, with incredible precision, and the cask was broached. Sweet-smelling liquid gushed out, and she produced a jade-inlaid bowl, filling it, before passing it to the Red Oni. “My daughter is unaware of the … niceties… of the Hyakki Yagyō, being raised in that court of liars. Our ways are much more honest-fair. So do forgive her, and I shall consider a favour-price owed. She has the Night within her, I can sense it. As can you all, no?”

Seems like it’s going well. At least… she’s welcoming Shaeula. The worst case of Shaeula being rejected seems to be avoided. Even so, Shaeula was squeezing our hands for reassurance and strength. Around us, the celebrations were intensifying, drums, flutes, horns and bells joined by unearthly singing.

Another bowl was passed to the Blue Oni, and as they looked at each other, the Red one shrugged, downing the contents of the bowl messily. Once he was done, he belched. “Well, if it’s you, there’s no profit in a battle. I know how far you’ll go for revenge, you icy wench.” He sighed, a great, cavernous exhalation of resignation. “My bro, he was always going to piss someone off in the end. I am not prepared to kill your daughter over it, since it seems she is a numbered. However…”

However? He suddenly swung towards me, eyes glaring, glittering with malice. “He’s the one that actually killed my bro, I can smell the death on him. Killed most of the Oni too. And you should be equally angry, right?” he asked Urakaze. “After all, this man-thing is holding your daughter’s hand like it is nothing. I expect you want to flay his flesh from his bones, letting the wind whistle over his corpse as a lesson to others, right? But I’d ask you to let me have my revenge. Armless and legless, he’ll suffer and in the end I’ll drink sake from his empty skull.”

“Yes.” Urakaze said, fixing us with her fiery stare. “Daughter, I was wondering… just who are these pair-two?” her words were cold, and I could feel a breeze stirring as she spoke, so thick was the presence of her wind. “Shaetanao was quite-much the possessive father and husband, I doubt very much he approves of you even talking to other-many males. As for me, I am more free, accepting, but even so… for a daughter of mine-ours to consort with a mortal… I am angered-displeased indeed!”

“Oh, my apologies for the late interruption.” I said, stepping forwards boldly, unwilling to back down in front of Shaeula’s mother. After all, she’ll be my mother-in-law soon. “I am Oshiro Moonstone Akio. And I am Shaeula’s chosen husband. And I do have permission from her father, though I have only met her brother Shaeraggo and sister Shaeranna.” I turned to the Oni then. “I’m… no, I can’t lie and say I’m sorry your brother died. Fighting and killing is one thing, my hands aren’t clean, but he enjoyed torture and cruelty. Besides, those that live by the sword, die by the sword. They were our people, under our protection. Just as Shaeula is. So while I intend to claim no further retribution for your unprovoked attack on our people, I would be grateful if you’d let it go. Besides…”  I smiled slyly. “… I killed Ginneka, that thieving cat.” I felt the sting in Kin Bonding, where her soul was stuck, trapped by her own usurpation of the skill, then her death. “I’m not sure what rank she was, if her brother was ninety, but I’m it now.”

Urakaze and the Red Oni gave me long, baleful, appraising looks, while the Blue Oni smirked, still helping herself to Urakaze’s peace offering. “Cheeky little shit aren’t ya? Stupid one too. Surrounded by the Night Parade, cursed and unable to flee… if I were ya, I’d show a little more humility.” Her grin was vicious. “Besides, unprovoked? Outside of hallowed ground, we can do what we like, ya get it? More fool anyone like ya who is out here all alone. As for killing that bitchy cat who was always stealing our stuff, good luck to ya. Just like Red and I, the pair were both Ninety. But ya don’t have the Darkness inside ya, you’re no Yokai. Ya don’t get to join the Parade, fool.”

“Yes.” Urakaze hissed. “So, you took my little daughter? Well, all creatures love-lust, I am no prude. But you are not worthy of…”

“Mother! Cease being so rude towards Akio!” Shaeula interrupted, surprising everyone. “I do not-not know why you left the Seelie Court. I hope and pray to the moon that it is not-not because you were ashamed of how pathetic and weak I was. But I have changed. No-no, Akio aided me with my change. See? I stand here before you now, a proud Duchess of the Seelie Court, and proud Kamaitachi of the Night Parade as well. Both-both sides, united as one-one.”

“Duchess?” Urakaze was surprised by that. “But your father… no, he would not disown-disgrace you like that, he dotes on you almost sickeningly. So why-how…?”

“There is much to say, mother. And I would most-most dearly like to spend a long time talking, catching up. I… I have missed you.” She said, her eyes tearing up. “But… now is not-not the time. All I will say is, Akio saved my life many times, and aided me to my dream of becoming a noble of the Seelie Court through merit, not-not my blood. We reclaimed lost lands from the Unseelie, and slew a Duke. Akio is not-not merely mortal. So… as my husband, who I have shared all-all I am, all a male and a female can, can he not-not also be considered part of the Night Parade as well? He did-did indeed slay that cat. Assassins, who I may add, were dispatched to slay me in my own-own home.”

At the word assassin, Urakaze seemed angry. “Some of the Parade would aim-strike at my daughter, who I left so as to keep her safe-well?” she turned to the Black Kamaitachi, who bowed. “Make queries-entreaties. I must know about this. And if I find out who was behind this…” her threat went unspoken. “… so, my daughter has grown strong. I am pleased-happy to see it. I too would like to talk, but matters are seldom so simple-easy.” She glared at me. “What can you offer-give my daughter? Why should I not rend your flesh down to dust now, invisible-unknowable death claiming you?”

I glanced at Eri quickly. She was trying to absorb the darkness part of the curse, the darkness congregating around her throat, though it was hurting her noticeably, though she was keeping her face impassive. Even so, the curse was weakening terribly slowly, and it would surely be hours before she was able to flee. We still need more time. Bowing to Urakaze, I put on my best smile. “Mother-in-law, it is an honour to finally meet you. I have already introduced myself, but let me assure you I love your daughter, and I’ll be sure to protect her, cherish her and support her towards her dreams. One of which came true right now. I would find it an honour if I could join the Parade alongside Shaeula. After all, mortal, Fae, Yokai… aren’t we all the same in the end? We live and love. I can see there was some dreadful misunderstanding here, caused by an idiot, who will surely pay for his sins.” I glared at the pale Yamato-san, who was finding it hard to keep up with the ever-changing conversation and the information presented within. “There’s no need for further bloodshed. In fact, I would be delighted to mediate between the Hyakki Yagyō and humanity, if required, just as I am with the Seelie Court. Well, Shaeula is mostly handling that.” I admitted, praising her, and she grinned, her weasel-face cute. Ugh, still not a furry, but… Shaeula is always pretty, no matter what form she’s in.

“If you try and slay Akio, good Oni, I shall fight you, and if I must-must die, I shall.” Shaeula warned them. “It would grieve me to die in front of my mother when we are just reunited, but if needs be, I shall have no-no hesitation.”

“You have indeed changed, daughter. A selfish cry-baby no longer.” Urakaze observed. “I find it somewhat bittersweet-melancholic. It is said that mortals are creatures of process, while us Yokai and other spiritual beings are creatures of emotion. Obviously mortals have emotion, and we have processes. But emotion changes-shifts and is mercurial, processes are solid, consistent, less prone to change. You have become more like a mortal. I do not know whether to be sad-cry or laugh-weep.”

“Ya think we should drop it, Red?” the Blue Oni sighed. “Now that I look at him, he’s not really human anymore. He’s no Yokai, ya get it, but… he’s not entirely unlike us.”

“Fine. As the husband of your daughter, I’ll chalk this off to bitter misfortune, Urakaze. Once.” The Red Oni rumbled. “A bit excessive though. Three or four of ours for every one of yours who died. Gonna be one hell of a funeral. Well, since this cold bitch… uh, Urakaze is breaking out her supply of ceremonial liquor, I guess we can hold a wake.”

“I thank you. Perhaps I can return the favour, should you care-care to visit the Seelie Court, one day.” Shaeula said grandly. “Akio and I will be delighted to show you around. The mortal world is delightful too. I do rather enjoy-enjoy the alcohol there.”

The Blue Oni raised an eyebrow at that. “Ya know what mortal booze tastes like?”

“Of course. Akio brought me to the mortal world. I can come and go freely. And I am quite-quite sure any that allied with him would be similarly rewarded in due time. Beer, Wine, Sake, Shochu, Whiskey, Cocktails… so many-many delightful drinks. And the snacks, one must not-not forget the snacks…”

Red and Blue were drooling, and as Shaeula went into the description of Faerie Wine and other Fae delicacies, they broke down.

“Fuck, yeah, my bro… I’m sure he was a bastard, or adopted. Oh well, I’ll pour one out for him anyway.”

I see. Emotion and Process. Yokai and Fae have great, deep emotions, but they change like the wind or the tides. Shaeula used to be like that, shifting between emotions swiftly, but now she is more grounded, consistent. Fascinating…

“Of course, that does leave one-one issue.” Shaeula said, having dragged them to her pace. “Eri here. My dear sister and fellow-fellow wife of Akio. She should bear no guilt, and I implore you to allow her to join us in the celebration, and leave unharmed.”

“What about me?” Yamato-san hissed urgently, and Shaeula scoffed.

“What about you, Yamato? This is all-all your fault! The blood is on your hands, and worse, you have wounded Akio’s heart quite-quite deeply. Get yourself out-out of your own mess.” She continued imploring the high-ranking members of the Parade, her mother and the two Oni, as well as several others who had come to watch, radiating power. There was a voluptuous fox with four bushy, golden tails that radiated even more power than the Oni and Urakaze, a massive white giant with one leg and a pointy head, some sort of snake-creature with a wizened human head, and others too.

“I can not-not allow Eri to be harmed. After all, she has done nothing but defend…”

“This cannot stand!” a shrill, feminine voice screamed, and at the same time, another voice, colder and male, called out a complaint as well.

What now? As we tensed, a female Oni came stomping out of the crowd, dressed in ragged ceremonial robes, every inch of the dirty cloth covered by talismans and fetishes. She carried a huge staff topped with cracked and rusted kagura bells, and her face was similar to one we had seen recently.

“Matriarch of the Kijo, what is this?” Urakaze asked. “Do you object-disagree? Would you fight me over my daughter?”

“No, I would not challenge you!” the ragged woman declared, her hair streaming around her like a halo of writhing snakes, even more talismans in her dirty, matted tresses. “But that mortal wretch killed my sister!” she pointed to Eri. “I would have her soul as recompense!”

“Ya got like a hundred sisters. Most of them are ugly harlots.” Blue said, unhelpfully. “Can’t ya let one go, like Red did?”

“Why should I?” she moaned, enraged. “She is outside hallowed ground at night, so by the compact Lord Nurarihyon agreed, I can take her. A lot can be made from such a soul. It isn’t virgin…” Eri blushed at that. “… but even so, there is a purity to it. And it takes to darkness well.” She giggled cruelly, her withered tongue licking over cracked lips.

“I also object! I do not care-care about the mortal…” a massive Kamaitachi, red-furred with bright green eyes, declared, striding forwards. “But aunt, your daughter is well-known as a failure, a disgrace-disgrace. Her words could be all-all lies. How do you know her father approves of this-this mortal, that she has done the deeds she claimed? The cats were strong yes, but fools. I would not-not put it past them to have grown careless. She could have killed them sleeping.”

My bond protested at that insult. Before anyone could speak, Shaeula asked him who he was, and he snorted. “You would not-not know me, half-breed failure. Shame of the weasels. I am your cousin. And I shall show-show everyone here that you are nothing.” He looked at Urakaze. “Give me leave to show you just what-what your daughter truly is!”

“I ask for no leave! My right is to take her life!” the Matriarch howled, pointing at Eri, who was raising her axe, expression grim. “Afterwards, if you choose to make me your enemy, so be it, but even you would not want to oppose all my sisters, you of the biting winds.”

Urakaze remained silent, and I considered the situation. Well, we bought some time, but… it’s not enough, and now we have to fight. Where the hell is Grulgor, although… strong as he was, adding Grulgor would hardly make a difference when we were outnumbered by so many powerful foes. My only consolation is that Yamato-san is shitting himself. If we go down, he’ll go to hell with us…

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