On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Two Hundred And Fifteen

Two Hundred And Fifteen

“Well, here we are then. Make yourselves comfortable.” I said, gesturing to the chairs around the penthouse-style room at the top of the training school.

“I thank you.” Motoko-san said, sitting elegantly on one of the chairs, looking very comfortable in her shrine maiden outfit. Which makes a lot of sense considering she wears hakama normally for training, I guess. Natsumi sat beside her, while Shaeula and Hinata took up positions on the other side. Only Shaeula was dressed differently, in her usual yukata. Still, she was grinning, and that filled me with some disquiet.

“Would anyone like tea?” I asked, and at their nods I went to the kitchen area and started preparing. I couldn’t help but cast sidelong glances at Motoko-san and Natsumi-san while I worked. The two of them were good girls, definitely, but I found their presence difficult, at the least. When they had taken dogeza before me I was shocked, and rather upset, really. I don’t like being pressured, especially by girls. I find that… difficult. Hinata was the same, though despite her being a noble daughter, she was more upfront and impish, and I actually felt that she did like me, even if she was a bit tsundere about it. But Motoko-san and Natsumi-san, as far as I could tell, they had no particular fondness for me, and were just interested in what they could gain from a marriage of convenience.

Well, it isn’t like I blame them or anything like that. It’s they way they were raised, and let’s face it. If I didn’t already have Eri, Shaeula and now Hinata, and two girls as pretty, elegant and charming as them were proposing to me, even for fairly bad reasons, well I’d have jumped at the chance, wouldn’t I? Ignoring the little voice in my head that said if I didn’t meet Shaeula and reconcile with Eri, I would still have found a way to turn them down, I considered it as the kettle boiled. Objectively speaking, Motoko-san is an elegant martial arts beauty, from an excellent family, and Natsumi-san is a mixture of refined and cute. I’m cursed with a wandering eye, and if I saw them in the street I’d certainly look twice. But none of that matters. No, there was one woman on my mind right now, and she wasn’t even human.

“Here you go.” I said, passing them the tea, not failing to notice Motoko-san’s hand shaking as she took it. I passed the next to Natsumi-san and she shot me a brilliant smile, her brown eyes bright. “Thank you, Akio.” She said, and the lack of honorific surprised me.

“Yes, I should thank you as well. Akio.” Motoko-san said, catching me off-guard despite my suspicions. After she took a sip she smiled charmingly, her face red, quite unlike her usual composed appearance, closer to when she had tried to propose to me. “This is not bad. The tea seems expensive, and you have prepared it well. Still, I am well trained in tea ceremony and would be pleased if you would try some of mine?” She looked me boldly in the eyes, quite unlike the way she had been rather nervous around me recently, the few times I had trained with her in the school before the Myconids had taken up all my focus.

“Here, you are busy.” Shaeula said, taking the remaining cups from me, passing one to Hinata, who was watching, an approving expression on her features. “I shall-shall help. Yes, this is quite nice.” She took a sip. “Though I would rather have some whiskey or beer. Perhaps after this talk?”

“Perhaps… maybe some sake?” Motoko mused, surprising me again. “It might be appropriate to toast… no, I am getting ahead of myself. I must be calm. Tsumura style requires the finishing blow to be precise and without distractions, the mind clear.”

“Oh Motoko.” Natsumi giggled. “Calm down, you can do this. But maybe I should go first?”

Yeah, I don’t like this. It seems the same as before. I had better head this mess off. I am resolved not to be pushed around anymore! “Motoko-san, there’s no need to stress over this. I’ve told you before, there’s you don’t have to marry me just to carry on your legacy. I want to help you, sure, you are a nice girl, but I can do that many other ways. We can find you a husband you love who will accept your arts.”

“But you are marrying Hinata.” Motoko-san said, before draining the rest of her tea, the cup rattling on the saucer. “Did you not make her the same offer?”

“I did, but… well, it’s a bit different. Hinata seems to like me for some reason, and… well, she was hard to turn down. But I’m only falling for that once!”

“They way you say that, it sounds like you don’t want to marry me. I’m hurt!” Hinata pouted, through she didn’t seem truly upset, probably as she knew I had made my resolve.

“You know I want to.” I promised. “It isn’t how it started, but how it ends, remember.”

“Exactly!” Motoko-san bolted upright, before bowing deeply to me. Oh no, I hope she isn’t going to propose again. I think I’ve been making it clear enough. Still, her next words managed to surprise me again.

“Akio, I am deeply, truly sorry. I shamed myself before, with my own impatience and selfishness. Natsumi, you apologise too!” With that, Natsumi-san was also bowing beside her, and I felt panic rising as Shaeula chuckled. Seriously, I look like a true villain, browbeating pretty girls into apologising to me, nearly in tears.

“You don’t have to…” I waved my hands frantically, but Motoko-san lifted her head, and at her gaze, strong and yet full of unshed tears, I shut my mouth, unable to say anything else.

“I do have to.” She shook her head. “I was utterly wretched and selfish when I prostrated myself and begged for your love. I was not thinking of you then, I admit it, only the answer to my prayers, the chance to snatch my dreams. I did you a grave disservice.”

“Yes, I was selfish too. I didn’t want to be separated from Motoko, and becoming your wife too was the best way. I didn’t look at you as a person, which is wrong. Can you forgive us?”

“If not, I shall understand.” Motoko continued. “But trust in me, I am looking at you now, Akio, my teacher in this strange new world. And I am rather pleased by what I see. I am also looking at myself critically, and that… that pleases me less.” She took a deep breath, and I saw her hand snake out, to be grasped by Natsumi-san’s. “If we may have one selfishness, could I ask that you forget everything that has transpired, all the pressure we put you under, the potential for arranged marriage my grandfather wished for. Everything. I would start afresh, as your pupil only.”

“I ask as well. Please forgive Motoko. And forgive me too.” Natsumi-san pleaded beside her. “Although if you can’t, because I was even more selfish, then at least forgive Motoko.”

Well damn. This is both better and worse than I was expecting. Now I feel guilty that I’ve been sort of avoiding them, not being as nice as I could have been. They know what they did wrong, so…

Shaeula coughed behind me in a terribly fake fashion, and I stifled a bitter grin. I know, I know.

“Fine, raise your heads. Please.” I reached out, grasping their hands and pulled them up. As their eyes met mine I could read a mixture of sadness, hope and yearning. “I admit, I hated the pressure. I’m… oh gods, it’s laughable to say it now, but I still see myself as an ordinary guy. It was hard enough to accept Shaeula, and I think I’d loved her for a while beforehand. Hinata, well, that was a problem too. But now. I have three women. And…” I can’t tell them I am considering a fourth, the poor creature.

“I understand. What we assumed was normal, is not for you.” Motoko-san sighed. “Again, I am sorry.”

“Well, I forgive you. I am partially to blame too. I should have shut this all down when I realised it was a likely possibility. Instead, I got hurt, you got hurt, everyone got hurt. So, it didn’t happen. Are we all agreed?”

“Fine by me. Just so long as you don’t try and tell me our engagement is forgotten.” Hinata joked, and I waved it off.

“I do not-not like to see you sad, Akio. Nor these two, they are good females indeed.” Shaeula also approved, and the two sighed in relief, sitting down again.

“Fine. Shall we get down to business? Hinata, you can call Kazumi and we’ll start…”

“I have a question first, if I may?” Motoko-san asked, interrupting me, which was unusual for her.

“Sure, fire away.”

“I am very curious. You have known Hinata only a brief while longer than us. So why do you seem so pleased to have accepted her?” Motoko-san said, and I considered it.

She does seem like she genuinely wants to know. I wish I knew myself, really. It’s for a lot of reasons, though too many of them make me seem shallow. Still, the most important is…

“When I thought about her looking sad, on the arms of someone else that didn’t appreciate her, not seeing her drive, charm, willingness to go against the nobility itself, I felt bad, angry even. The fact that she’s cute helps too, and that she sees who I am, as well. I guess I’m selfish, considering I want to keep Eri, Shaeula and Hinata all to myself. I still worry about the fairness of that, you know.”

“Foolish Akio. Always worrying about what does not-not matter.” Shaeula said fondly, and Hinata echoed her, saying she was more than satisfied to share.

“I see. Thank you for being honest with me.” Motoko-san said. “Yes, I now see my mistake. I only saw what I could gain from you, not your own spirit, which is noble.” She smiled then. “In both ways. Your strength is something I deeply respect, and your ability to capture multiple women is something we recognise as noble.” She smiled once more, and Natsumi giggled gently at her joke.

“Well, I’m happy I could help…?” I trailed off as Motoko-san stood once more, reaching out for my hands. I could easily have dodged, as while Motoko-san was quick on her feet, being trained, she paled compared to me. Still, her hands hesitated, before moving to grasp mine, so I allowed it, and her warm hands clasped me, still faintly trembling.

“Akio. I… would it not pain you to see me taken by someone that did not appreciate me? I have the drive to fight alongside you, no, not the drive, the desire. I have spent long years training my charm, learning to be a good wife. My very existence denies the way the nobility treats their daughters. I am supposed to be a flower, to be admired and then placed in a vase behind glass when I am not needed. But I am a rose with thorns. And… it pains me to say it, for I am modest, but I think myself beautiful.” She smiled shyly then. “And I see who you are. Now I do. I am looking.” She stared deep into my eyes, her head wandering closer. “I feel jealous myself, when I see you smile at Hinata. I thought I was being bold, brave and decisive, aiming for what I wanted. Instead I was mistaking cowardice for wisdom.”

Oh man, she’s close to me, her breath is tickling my face. But she is looking at me. Ugh, my heart is starting to beat, in a different way to when she threw herself on the floor and pressured me. At the time I managed to talk them out of requiring any immediate commitment from me, and though I thought they misunderstood, Motoko-san started acting far more nervous around me, taking distance. But now…

“Motoko-san, I think…” I began, but she again interrupted me.

“Please, call me Motoko. I… I am not going to lie to myself anymore. Grandfather could have found me another man to marry, another like you. Ichijou house has apparently found several, and there are even some within the Three-Hundred that have been unearthed, though they are likely being chastised by Fujiwara-san for trying to hide it.”

“It’s true. Mayumi was bragging about it, saying they would be better than you.” Hinata said. “I laughed in her face through. Better than you, Akio? That’s foolish, right Shaeula?”

“I should say so indeed!” Shaeula snorted, fiddling with her orange phone idly, as she watched Motoko and I hold hands. “Akio has defeated Kondou Kazuo, armed assailants from a foreign land, many-many powerful opponents such as one of the Night Parade, and he will lead-lead us to victory over the Myconids, reclaiming the lost lands of the Fae. Better. Such foolishness.”

“I think the same. I turned grandfather down.” Her breath was hot with every word, and I noticed her lips were trembling as she spoke, her expression tense. “I want to wield my weapons, but not just to keep the family arts alive. I want to use them for something meaningful. For someone meaningful. You never mocked me, were supportive, even when I hurt you, pressured you. And so I think… wielding them for your sake would be joy for me. For you, I would cut down any foe.”

“Oh wow, she’s doing it!” Hinata squealed, face flushed, but I barely noticed. No way. She’s confessing again? But she asked me to forget everything, start over from scratch… wait. I still wasn’t the sharpest when it came to love and romance, I knew that. It was odd to say for a cheating harem bastard such as myself, but I still had a tendency to deliberately tell myself things were more innocent than they were, or that I was misreading things. It’s still only been just over a month since I started dating Eri. I’ve changed a lot, we all have. But we are still the same inside. We can’t change who we are so quickly. So if she asked me to forget the past, as she realised what she had done then wasn’t so much a confession as a business deal, wrapped up in gain and loss with no love, happiness or romance, only a cold cudgel of forced sympathy designed to make me yield… then is this time…?

“I too want a husband that respects me, but has the respect of the nobility. But more, one that I can respect. You are strong, willing to fight for what you want, those you love. I am so envious, wishing that someone… no, not someone…” she shook her head, her long brown hair tickling me as she bit her lip hard enough to draw blood, angry at herself. “I suppose I was still lying to myself. I thought I merely had positive feelings for you, but it seems I was wrong. It all seems so clear to me now, like a light within my mind. I do not want someone to fight for me, I want you!”

Yes, that’s definitely a confession. And… a good one. My own treacherous heart was beating fast now. This was different. There was no force implied, no pressure from her family, like with Hinata. The rest of the room seemed to fade away as we locked eyes, our faces almost close enough to touch, as she shared her true heart with me. And it’s delicate, fragile like glass. Hinata had strength despite her youth, but Motoko, despite being older and a warrior… she’s made of crystal, which looks strong and beautiful, but with one cruel blow will shatter, forever destroyed.

“I want a husband who will cherish me, not because I am a Tsumura, or because I am beautiful, or even because I am strong! I want love! Is that so wrong? I want… I want your love!” She started to cry, deep heaving sobs that made her chest shake under the hakama.

“Hug her, fool-fool!” Shaeula snapped behind me, and I moved instinctively, pulling her close. She stiffened, unused to being touched by the opposite sex, having always been conditioned to avoid men, so that her husband would be the first to ever touch her. Shit, the nobility is vile to women. Sure they get to enjoy wealth, privilege and more, but at what cost? The nobility may do a lot of good for Japan, but Hinata is right. It needs reform. We can keep and reinforce the good, but the bad… it goes.

“I… I…” she sniffled, tears and snot running down her face, a display she had likely never shown to anyone before, a crack in her crystal heart letting out what dwelt within. “It has been so hard. Only Natsumi understood me. Even grandfather… he only thinks of tying you to us. I only thought of that. That and myself! How I would finally be free to follow my heart. But what use is a heart if it is empty?”

“Oh Motoko.” Natsumi sighed. She stood, her own mind made up and walked over, putting her arms around Motoko, before pulling me in as well, pressing me up against her body. She was lobster-red, embarrassed, and teary, but also making her stand.

“I was even more selfish. I would understand if you hated me. I think I hate me.” Natsumi said. “I didn’t even have the excuses Motoko did, that her family wanted it, that it would stave off all the cruel rejections and laughable marriage proposals she was burdened with. I didn’t even tell my parents I offered to be your concubine.” She said, surprising me. “All I thought about was this is my chance, I can stay with Motoko forever, continue the happiest times I’ve had, not lose them to marry someone who doesn’t care about me.”

At that everyone was shocked, and she tilted her head cutely, though I could see the pain in her eyes.

“Seriously, you never said that when we talked about this.” Hinata frowned. “So does that mean…”

“It does.” Natsumi said. “I don’t care anymore. Akio. I’ll not lie anymore. I do want to stay with Motoko forever, and I love the Tsumura arts. I love learning from you too, and the thought we will fight together, our lives having meaning. But I know you could give me that without marriage. You are kind, too kind, and everyone here has sorely taken advantage of that, of you!”

At that Motoko murmured her agreement through tears. Hinata also agreed, shaking her head. “No question, I set it up with my grandfather knowing you’d find it hard to refuse. I’m not stupid. I feel bad, but… I want your love, and I’ll give you mine. A fair trade for a businesswoman like myself.”

“I indeed have prevailed upon your kindness from the moment we first met-met.” Shaeula also shook her head, but there was no guilt on her face. “I should have been slain by you, or worked as a slave-slave. Instead you have shown me joy I shall never-never forget. But I have no guilt. None. For I have and will repay you more than I receive, because I love you!”

“That’s right. I love you too. You chose me when you could have walked away, you always did. I’ll never let you regret it.” another voice said, surprising me.

“I don’t want to take advantage anymore.” Natsumi said. “Nor does Motoko.” At that, the crying girl nodded fiercely, and some of her tears splashed onto my face, trickling down to my mouth, tasting of salt and sadness. “In fact, just like Motoko… I want you to take advantage of me.” She smiled wanly. “I don’t care what my parents say. I’ll give it all up, abandon the Hori house, if I can only stay with the two of you forever. No, not the two of you! All of you!”

“Natsumi…” Motoko whispered. Then her eyes turned to mine. “I shall do it too.” She swallowed, choking back her tears. “If the only way to make you forgive me, make you jealous of those who would take me, to make you wish to cherish me, is to show I value you… I will throw everything away. My house… my pride. If you need more, I shall do it.” The words seemed dragged out of her, and it was my heart that shattered.

I seriously don’t get how these girls are prepared to throw that away for me. It was the whole reason Motoko needed me in the first place. I think…

“Are you a moron?” I heard a familiar voice, though she didn’t often criticise me like that. “Kiss her Akio! Damn, even I feel sorry for her!” Eri? What the… still, she was right. I needed to do something to stop her tears. So I leaned in that fraction closer and pushed my lips to hers.

Motoko’s eyes snapped open as our lips met, and her mouth gaped in surprise. Instinctively, I thrust my tongue inside, into her damp warmth, and her hands that were still holding mine clenched me tightly. Wet slurping sounds could be heard in the sudden silence, and as Motoko flushed, she began to respond, having no clue what she was doing, her own tongue licking back clumsily, tangling together. For what seemed like an age but could only have been a mere thirty seconds, I greedily stole her first kiss. It’s different to Shaeula and Eri. The tongue, the texture, the taste… Separating, a thin thread of silver saliva connecting us momentarily, I breathed out, a long sigh. Motoko too was breathing heavily, her face flushed. She released one of my hands and brought it to her lips in wonder, touching it delicately.

“A… my kiss. I was supposed to save that for my wedding night.” She muttered, dazed, and behind me Hinata was pouting.

“Hey, I haven’t even kissed my fiancé yet! Motoko beat me to it!”

I ignored the buzz of conversation behind me, focusing on the girl in front of me. It was difficult, as Natsumi was still holding us, but I gathered my Determination and Resilience, pushing everything extraneous aside. Motoko. Everyone has bene telling me she wanted to marry me. Motoko herself, Natsumi, Hinata, Shaeula. But I don’t think she really did. She only thought she did, to get what she wanted… no, to protect what she had already. But now she seems different, honest. But what do I think about her?

Motoko was a girl any man would be happy to marry, that was for sure. Beautiful, dignified, brave, yet with a surprising fragility underneath it all that made one want to protect her. “You… well, you shouldn’t go kissing people for no reason, as it’s an intimate act, but you certainly don’t have to wait for your wedding night for that.” I reassured her as I thought about it. Yes. If I heard that Motoko was getting married, how would I feel? Could I be happy for her, knowing what I now know, or would I just feel sad and jealous?

“Even so, a kiss. It is a declaration of love, is it not?” She was scarlet with embarrassment, still touching her lips, but her eyes were wet with passion now, not tears, and I liked that look more. It suited her better, a scrap of her usual boldness and strength shining through her fears. “I… I certainly believe so. Does this mean you have accepted my sacrifice? Will you…”

“No I will not!” I declared firmly, and everyone froze. The look of hope on her face crumbled away instantly, and I immediately felt awful. Seriously, how can someone supposedly so intelligent as me make the same mistake constantly? Before the situation could spiral further, I continued, fixing my words. “Sacrifice? Fuck that.” I swore. “You think I’m fighting against terrible enemies, training every day, doing all this, just so that my friends and those around me have to sacrifice?” I shook my head. “Look, Natsumi, can you let go, please? This is serious. I know you are trying to make your own case but… Motoko. We have to talk calmly.”

Natsumi nodded, releasing us. She was suffering too, but understood my intentions. Meekly she slid away from us, yet hovered close, ready to leap to Motoko should she need her support.

“I’ll… I’ll talk to you in a moment.” I thanked Natsumi, before giving the surprisingly frail girl in front of me my full attention. She didn’t know what to think, and I hadn’t helped with that. So I needed to set things right. “Motoko.” I said, squeezing her hand that was still clasped in mine. “The one thing I would never do is ask for you to give up things that are precious to you. That’s insane and makes no sense. If I was to accept you, I’d want you to have more joy, not less. So never talk about abandoning your family or your pride, or worse. If it matters to you, it matters to us, right?” I looked around the room and everyone nodded. I could see Eri on the screen of Shaeula’s phone, and she looked…  more composed than I had expected. Even so, seeing her face reminded me of the fact another girl was confessing to me, and it hurt, like iron bands constricting my chest.

“If… you were?” Motoko said quietly. “So, even with this it is not enough.”

“I don’t get it. I really don’t.” I shook my head, confused. “I’m not worth all this struggle, all this sorrow. A beautiful, elegant girl like you, who is looked up to by everyone… you can do…”

“No, I cannot!” she declared angrily, and this time it was her kissing me, her tongue clumsily licking at me, her chest pressed against me through the cloth of her hakama. As Shaeula whistled sarcastically, I considered for a moment pushing her away, but to do so would be to dismiss her resolve. Though kissing another girl in front of my fiancées… ugh, could I ever complain if they cheated on me? Not with a clear conscience, that’s for damn sure…

As we parted again, Motoko spoke, licking her damp lips. “A declaration of love. I think… no, I know… I love you!”

“But that doesn’t…” she stopped my protests with her mouth again, and she seemed to be a quick learner, as her kissing was becoming better, more passionate. As she pulled away, her eyes looked deep into mine, and she smiled then, somehow both full of sadness and joy.

“Just stop that, Akio. You do not get to tell me how I should feel! Not unless you truly wish to be a noble, treating me like something to bend to your will.” She shook her head, still pressed against me. “At first it was admiration and respect. Worthy emotions, and ones a fool such as I would feel were enough to justify marriage. Perhaps they are enough. I am a clumsy girl indeed. But then I grew confused, worried, as you did not seem to want me. I felt hurt, angry… that you would not jump at the chance to take me! If I was to give up the Tsumura arts, any nobleman would propose to me in a heartbeat.” She sighed, her frustrations finally being freed. “I hate it, and I hate them! The one thing I would never do is ask for you to give up things that are precious to you. You are the only one who would ever say that to me, to us!”

“Right.” Natsumi agreed. “I know you were speaking to Motoko then, Akio. But you meant it for me as well, right?”

At that I nodded. Whatever happened, Natsumi was my friend now, a comrade at the training school, and the last thing I wanted was for her to do something foolish like toss away her family. Family was important.

“Hinata says she fell for you at first sight. I did not, though I admired you. But when Hinata was declared your fiancée, my resolve wavered. Luckily Natsumi was here for me, to push my back. I… I did not love you then, but I do now. As we talked, as I realised how kind you are, how strong, how you would do anything for those in your heart, it was as if I could finally see you clearly, and everything I liked about you seemed to grow, looming in my heart like mountains.”

Uh, damn, that sounds an awful lot like… Before I could finish the thought Shaeula was speaking to Eri and Hinata. “Akio is indeed very much like a Fae now-now, a noble one at that. His League and Charm are great. Those who fall for him will fall very-very hard indeed.”

“I don’t think it’s that. Well, maybe it helps.” Eri said, surprising me. “it’s just… well, we talked, didn’t we, Motoko?” Eri continued, and she nodded. “At the time you gave me good advice. I do need more. And I’ll find what I wish to do. Though being by Akio’s side will never change. So in return let me tell you something important. You noticed Akio believes in you, without caring for what he can get from you. He’s a fool, a terribly kind fool, and that’s why I love him. You were yearning all this time for someone who will acknowledge who you are, what you are, what you love, and not just acknowledge it, no, believe it to be worthwhile! Damn his Charm or League or being a Fae or any of that bullshit. Aiko and I loved him long before he had any of that, when he was just a normal, foolish boy who would not just die to keep us safe, but would somehow live so that we wouldn’t have to suffer from the guilt. You like him, no, you love him because when he looks at you, he sees the true you, no, the you that you wish to be!”

Oh Eri! I love you too! Her speech was passionate, from the heart, and I once more realised perhaps just why Eri was suited for the darkness element. From being so quiet and withdrawn as a child, to only opening up to Aiko and me, to now being able to rage, cry, laugh, fight and even give advice to others. Her emotions were always so deep.

“Yes, you are right, Eri. I thank you. and I apologise for being harsh to you. I think I was jealous of you as well. After all, you are my goal. You are growing stronger every day, and you have everything I want. Family, love, pride. Please forgive me.”

“What’s to forgive? If you need anyone’s forgiveness it’s Aiko, as I was supposed to be helping her level up and look for some fire element for her, but instead I’m here doing this.” She snorted unhappily. “Still, we will be sisters, so consider this advice from an older to a younger sister. Don’t ever miss out on happiness. I nearly did, and it is the only thing left in my life that scares me, that I’ll one day wake up to find this last month has only been a dream.”

As Motoko looked at the phone with tears in her eyes, of gratitude now, not sorrow, I had to ask. “Eri. Does… does that mean you want me to accept Motoko? I… I just feel so wretched. Not that I dislike Motoko, she’s a nice girl, and now I’ve seen her sadness, I want her to be happy. But… shit, I feel like I’m the worst guy in the world, and that you’ll all cheat on me in return, and I wouldn’t be able to complain.”

“Well, you should worry about it!” Eri sighed. “Though don’t be stupid. A man other than you is only a cockroach.”

Ouch, that’s harsh… but very Eri, I guess. My sis does joke she’s a classic yandere and even has the axe for it now….

“Still, if you think hard on that and it stops you picking up random girls, I’d be more than happy to let you worry just a bit. I’m not Shaeula, I don’t enjoy you having other women. But… well, that fucking Tyr, right?” She swore vehemently. “Who the hell gives you a power that makes it so that you attract women and make them stronger? It’s basically saying to save the world you need to have a harem. Fucking shitty god! Why couldn’t you be chosen by Okininushi, or one of the other gods of monogamy and faithfulness? It’s enough to make me a damn atheist!”

“Well, actually, I kind of got it from…” I began, but Shaeula was shaking her head, laughing. “Well, never mind then.”

“So, yeah. Akio, if you like Motoko, Natsumi too, then fine. We five will keep a close eye on you. I know your biggest worry is you don’t have the time to love us all properly. I get that.” Eri continued, as first wife speaking for the others. “It worries us too. Of course we want to spend as much time with you as possible. But Motoko was right. We all need to have lives as well. Shaeula is going to rule the lands of the Fae, right? I’ll… well, I’ll do something!”

“I want to be your businesswoman, in charge of your financial and property empire!” Hinata smiled.

“And Natsumi and I will have many duties, as well as battle.” Motoko said, understanding.

“Well, in the lands of the Fae, time runs far-far faster, usually. I would invite you all to our mansion there, except it got burned down by some troublesome cats recently.” Shaeula sighed.

“That sounds rough. Want to talk about it?” Hinata said, curious.

“Later, perhaps. For now-now, this issue. We must resolve it.”

“When I look into your eyes, I see reflected the me you see.” Motoko said. “And that is the me I wish to be. The pressure I have been under all these years. If not for Natsumi, I believe I would have broken. But even so, Natsumi and I cannot fight alone against the tide forever. Not alone. So I ask you again, not just you, Akio, but Hinata, Shaeula, Eri. Please, I would be yours. I pledge my sword, spear, bow, my strength, my lips…” she flushed and let out a shy giggle. “… and my heart. Let me be your strength, as you shall be mine.”

Well fuck. There’s an awfully large piece of me that is thrilled at this development. The Motoko in my arms is a beauty too. Different to Eri, Hinata and Shaeula, but gorgeous nonetheless. And my conscience is screaming at me that I can’t let Motoko break down, crushed by the weight of the world. But just as much of it screams at me that I’m being unfaithful and betraying those I love. Fuck, this is one hell of a Morton’s fork. Damned if I do, damned if I don’t. but if I’m damned… I’ll damn myself by doing. I can always spend my life making reparations to the girls, but if I let Motoko go to suffer alone, that I can’t fix.

“Are you really sure? You’ve been uncertain, reckless. But… there’s no going back.”

Her answer was another long kiss, and as we tangled tongues, my hands went to her back, stroking her long hair. As we separated, she looked up at me, and her expression was so very beautiful, her resolve shining through, the warrior woman I first met, just without the shadow in her eyes, and the hesitation in her soul. “Eri said it best. Don’t miss out on happiness. I will not miss this chance again. after all, you do not wish me to sacrifice anything.”

“No, I guess not. So… uh, my best regards about being my fiancée then.” I said lamely, and there was laughter, except from Natsumi, who was fidgeting restlessly. When everyone looked at her, she shrugged.

“Well, I’m very happy for you, Motoko! And you too, Akio! You are lucky, having Motoko finally understand she likes you. but… after her confession and that deep moment, I feel kind of left out. What do I do?” she shook her head. “I like you too. No, seeing the way you’ve considered everything about Motoko, I don’t just like you. I know I’d be happy with you. But…”

“Foolish.” Shaeula snorted. “Just say your feelings honestly and ask Akio to embrace you. then kiss.” She smiled.

“No way!” Hinata decreed, leaping up. She raced over to me, stood on her tiptoes and pushed her lips to mine. Motoko stepped away, a benevolent smile on her face, as Hinata’s soft lips sucked on mine. She widened her eyes as my tongue darted inside her opened mouth, but she quickly found it pleasurable, and we hugged, until she ran out of breath and parted from me, flushed and gasping. “I could get used to that.” Hinata giggled. “And there’s no way I could be the only one who hasn’t kissed. It’s pretty amazing. I can see why our parents and teachers warn against it.”

“A kiss is nice indeed.” Shaeula agreed. “But it is not-not a fraction as good as sex. Besides, you can grow stronger with Lovers’ Link.”

“Only with Akio.” Eri broke in. “Don’t confuse them, Shaeula. Most men are garbage cockroaches. Stay away from them. Your teachers have it right.”

“Lovers’ Link, huh? I guess I want that, but… my parents would never approve. Sex is for the wedding night.” Hinata said sadly.

“There’s no rush.” I said, hugging her once more, before we separated. She straightened her clothes, before looking at Natsumi.

“Sorry to interrupt, but I wasn’t going to let anyone else get ahead of me.” She smirked. “Natsumi, if you really want to join us, and are prepared to honestly love Akio and get along with us all, show it with deeds, not words.”

“I see. Excuse me then.” She blushed, but stepped up to me. “I’m sorry if I’m not good, but I’ll learn.” And I received yet another kiss, her cute face flushed red and her breath hot. Her kiss was different yet again. if Hinata was aggressive, and Motoko slow and elegant, then Natsumi was quirky, her tongue going in strange directions, licking at my teeth, lips and more. I hugged her too, and as we broke apart, drool scattering, Natsumi smiled. “So, I’m a wicked woman now. You’ll take responsibility, right?”

I nodded. “I will. Natsumi, Motoko. We’ll be together a long time. I’ll be sure to make you both happy.”

“I already feel it.” she grinned, tossing her head, cute curly locks bouncing. “I would be honoured if our wedding gowns could be made by my family. I’ve always dreamed of seeing Motoko married wearing one, and I’d quite like to do so myself.”

“A wonderful idea!” Shaeula declared. “The five of us, all matching, would be most-most delightful!”

“So, do you like Japanese-style, Shaeula? You are almost always wearing Yukata. But sometimes I think Western-style is good too.”

“Why not both?” Eri said suddenly. “We will likely have to hold several weddings to make things work.”

“So, that would be ten gowns, and we would probably want yukatas for the after-ceremony reception as well…” Natsumi began, the girls all talking so delightedly about it, a world men didn’t understand.

I really hate to interrupt, but this is the time for honesty. “Well, this is… hard to say, but… it’s probably going to be six. Not five.”

Everyone paused, and Eri was the first to speak. “I… ugh. That Kana. I knew she was trying to seduce you. Does it really have to be her?”

Kana? Why? She’s a nice girl, but she’s set her heart on marrying a rich man who’ll cherish her and doesn’t like the idea of sharing. She’s told me that often enough. “No, not Kana. Well, there’s this girl, and… well, I do feel sorry for her, but it’s not like I’m picking up charity cases, I don’t choose my women just for that, honest!” I protested pre-emptively. “She’s… well, she’s cute, if crazy, and there’s just something I like about her. She’s also doing something very difficult for us, something so cruel and monumental she deserves happiness in exchange.”

“Hyacinth. I see.” Shaeula nodded. “But she is a servant, she would be pleased enough just-just receiving some of your love on occasion.”

“Servants?” Motoko frowned. “Having relations with the servants is nothing unusual, but it can definitely cause complications. There are many stories at school of houses brought low by the servants becoming pregnant.”

“Well, if Shaeula knows about her, she’s not a human, right?” Eri asked, and Hinata agreed, saying she suspected as much.

“She is a pitiful creature indeed. A brownie that has fallen to boggart, an Unseelie. I did not-not warm to her at first, but I admit, she has proved herself. Besides…” Shaeula looked at me, her amber eyes warm.

“I get it.” Eri took over. “I love the way Akio is so kind, even if it does make me so jealous. She’ll have to follow the rules though, right? As a servant she should be used to that?”

Rules? It doesn’t matter. What does is that I’m being honest, and there are no more girls for me to spring on them. Six girlfriends. No, six wives. Damn. I’m going to have to work myself to death to keep them all happy.

“I’m relieved though.” Hinata said. “Akio, you need to be more strict in getting paid for your efforts. You can’t give without limit. Just like you realised what this Hyacinth is doing for you requires your love in exchange, you need proper compensation.”

“Isn’t that too mercenary?” I asked. “Charity is a thing too, isn’t it?”

“For others. Not for you.” Hinata shook her head. “You told me that the future of the world depends on you. So don’t let yourself be torn apart by the greedy hands of the billions of people in this world. If you give, you should also receive.”

“Yeah, well it isn’t like I can take as my wife every girl I help. Otherwise I’d have to marry all the shrine maidens here, as well as Karen-chan, Ichika-san, Asha…” I shook my head, irritated. That would just be stupid. There’s only one of me, I don’t have a damn Shadow Clone skill to multiply myself!

“That is not-not what she is saying.” Shaeula chimed in. “Though if you offer aid to a female you like, and she is receptive, then you should definitely take her. It is only-only fitting!”

“Shae-u-la!” Eri complained. “Stop that! But… I don’t disagree entirely. Shower your love on those of us who deserve it, don’t waste it on others. A little charity is fine, as I love your kindness, and an Akio that isn’t kind isn’t right. But save your strength for those you wish to help because you like them. You aren’t a God. If you have to save the world, you won’t be able to save everyone. So you’ll need to learn to choose.”

“Yeah, that I do understand.” I admitted. It was something I had been thinking about. Even now, all around the world, people were suffering, and I could only help those within my sight. Even Asha would have died eventually if not for our chance encounter. “So, what about men, huh?” I asked, a touch sarcastically.

“No, I don’t care what other men do, if they want to love each other, that’s fine!” Eri decreed. “In fact, they should all pair off! But you need to stick to girls! I’d love it if you made do with six, but… I don’t hold out much hope.”

“No, I seriously intend to keep it to the six of you now!” I protested, though to be honest, one more girl did come to mind. Though it would never happen. She’s too… well, they did say I should spend most of my help on those I like, so it fits.

“For men you help and girls you aren’t interested in, you still need compensation. Money, favours, support, their strength in battle. Whatever. Just don’t let yourself be exploited. If you do, those in power will look down on you and won’t respect you. As your wife I shall never allow that!” Hinata lectured me, the others joining in, and I had an uncomfortable time listening to a long listing of my flaws they would have to manage. Damn, nobody needs to be subjected to that, but to be fair, I just doubled my fiancées in about an hour. I had it coming.

“All right then. Shaeula, I’ll trust you can bring this Hyacinth to heel. Now, Akio, time to get out. Us girls need to have a long talk.” Eri said, and the others nodded. Shaeula strode over, grabbed me and dragged me to the door, opening it and throwing me out.

“Go check on the training for a while-while.” She smiled, amber eyes glittering with mischief. “This is not-not for you to hear.” And with that the door slammed shut. I see. Well, I should be thankful they are all getting along, I guess? idly scratching my head, I headed down towards the lower floors…

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