On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Two Hundred And Sixteen

Two Hundred And Sixteen

“So, they threw you out?” Kazumi-san grinned. She had been waiting outside during the discussions we had been having, which was quite the concession, considering how fervently she took her bodyguard duties. I guess it must be a sign of her trust in us now?

“Yeah, apparently it’s time for the girls to talk alone.” I said wryly. “Are you going to wait here for Hinata? And don’t worry, we haven’t forgotten we are going to adjust your chakra networks again. it’s just… other stuff came up.”

“I think Hinata will be fine. After all, it’s just sisters in there now, right?” Her smile broadened as she poked fun at me, and I was once more struck by the change in her demeanour since I had accepted engagement to Hinata.

“You got me.” I raised my hands in defeat. “But this time I made my own decision. They didn’t pressure me into it. Well, not much, anyway.” The fact that Motoko and Natsumi seemed genuinely interested in me, for myself, not for their gains… that changed things. Perhaps I still could have refused them, but really, other than my own gnawing sense of guilt, why would I? Even Eri seems to accept them. She even seems a little friendly with Motoko, surprisingly enough. I guess when they hung out at Nishimorioka they got closer than I thought.

“Well, congratulations then.” Kazumi-san laughed. “You really are an important man now, marrying a Tsumura daughter. There’s no escaping from the nobility. But seriously…” her jovial good humour vanished, and she looked at me calmly, eyes determined. “… don’t just get sucked into the world of nobility and fall into their biases. Hinata is so lively now, excited at how she can show herself to be the equal to Mayumi-sama and the other noble daughters, eager to make you proud of her. She’s putting all her drive and hopes into you. If you betray that trust I’ll kill you. Well, I guess I’ll try, not that I could.” She shrugged.

“Yeah, don’t worry. I can’t exactly say I’m a good man, since I’ve just accepted more fiancées. But what I can promise is, other than my abject lack of faithfulness, I’ll do everything in my power to make sure they all achieve their dreams and live happily ever after. And I hope ever is a very long time.”

“I’ll hold you to that. And I’ll always be watching, right, since you are going to hire me. I haven’t forgotten that.” Kazumi-san answered my pledge. “Anyway, there’s no point standing out here. Haven’t you work to do?”

I nodded. “Yeah, I might as well see what I can do to help.” And with that, we headed down towards the training gymnasium, where outside I saw a rather unusual combination. Ren-san and Hiroto-san, huh?

On seeing me coming Ren-san paled, making his excuses to Hiroto-san before scuttling back inside. He did give me one last look as he did so, and I could see nervousness in his eyes. I guess he really didn’t enjoy the torment of the Chirurgery. Damn, I need to make it as painless as possible for the girls later…

“Well, just what has him so worked up?” Hiroto-san asked, shaking his head. “Oh, well hello, brother-in-law.” He smirked at me. “So, Hinata told me that you’d be getting engaged to Tsumura-san finally. Was she right?”

That Hinata. Of course she knew. Everyone knew. Except maybe Shaeula, but then why would she be calling up Eri if she didn’t know? Was I the only one in the dark? Still, no point worrying about it. One thing Resilience was good for was that once I genuinely accepted something, even if it was difficult or frustrating, it did seem to significantly reduce the amount of annoyance or guilt I felt, placating it. Though of course that raises other problems, but I’m definitely still me. My thoughts may be a little different, but my decisions are still my own. Anything that calmed the sting of my guilt was welcome too, and though it was still a weight in my chest, the stronger, positive emotions outweighed it.

“Yes, she was right.” I conceded. “Motoko and Natsumi... this time it was for the right reasons. I couldn’t turn them down. I didn’t want to. I still feel a right bastard though.”

“Hori-san too, I see? Well, don’t worry about it. You’re living the dream, brother-in-law.” He clapped me on the back heartily. “Who wouldn’t be jealous of the five beautiful girls you have now? Though just be sure to treasure Hinata, or else I’ll have to take action.”

“Don’t worry. Hinata wants to be my special businesswoman, if I upset her, she’d take all the money and run!” I joked to lighten the atmosphere, and Hiroto-san managed a laugh.

“I guess so. I can see my sister doing that, she’s very passionate.” He shrugged. “Seriously though, Hinata has been very happy recently. I like to see it. And it’d be great to see her one-up the other noble girls. Not that there’s anything wrong with noble girls.” He corrected himself, realising I was about to marry some. “I am hoping to get one for myself now that Fukumoto house is on the up. Just… well, damn, you get it, right Kazumi?”

She nodded. “I have told him much the same. We will not tolerate him neglecting Hinata.”

“Right. Grandfather would have his head too, even if he had to bankrupt Nichibotsu to get it. Speaking of, what the hell was up with those land purchases?” he asked, and so I started to explain…


“Thanks. I kind of get it now.” Mio-san was saying, as I trickled aether into her in the direction she needed to draw her own energies. “You’re a pretty good teacher, you know that?” she winked. “Still, it feels funny in my belly when you do that, you know? All hot and tingly.” Her smile turned impish.

“Mio-chan, don’t be lewd!” Kana scolded her, from where she was sitting with her classmates and the Hikawa twins. “This isn’t a joke, all right?”

“Yeah, I get it, I do!” Mio-san laughed. “Just having some fun. I still don’t really understand what this is all about, but I signed the contract and am even getting paid, so for a part-time job this is pretty cool. The perks are good too. Want to go swimming later, Kana-chan? Or use the sauna? You can come too, big brother.” Her tone was suggestive, but I knew she was joking.

“Sorry, but I’ll pass. I have too much to do.” I saw Marika-san working with several of the shrine maidens from the shrines Hikawa-san brought in recently. I was pleased to see her getting along with everyone. I definitely have to make time to make sure she’s happy here. Damn, there isn’t enough hours in the day.

And there were others, including Kana’s father, who were clustered around a white-haired man, his eyes bright with curiosity, his outfit a strange set of overalls filled with pockets and loops to which he had attached various devices such as mobile phones, an obsolete handheld gaming console, some torches, and endless hammers, screwdrivers and even some power tools. Honestly, It was comical. I wonder how much money Karen-chan gave him to buy all that junk? It looks like he raided Akihabara’s back alleys.

“So, Shaeula is indeed someone important in the world of the spiritual, the land of the kami, then?” Daichi-san was asking, and Ixitt nodded.

“Oh my, yes, the princess is a descendant of the noble Prince of the Beastkin, as well as a daughter of what you call the Night Parade, I believe? She has quite the pedigree.” He continued to extol her virtues, and I shook my head, perturbed.

“So, I was meaning to ask.” Kana said, coming over, surprisingly trailed by Kikuchi Maiko-san and the shy girl Takagi Hisano-san. Perhaps this has helped bring classmates together. So Shaeula’s meddling hasn’t been all bad. “Just who is that crazy man that’s been roaming the shrine all day? Karen-chan said that he was like Shaeula, right? So he’s kind of like a kami?”

“If Ixitt is a God of any kind, then the universe is quite the joke.” I laughed. “Still, yeah, he’s a Fae, like Shaeula, though he’s a ratkin. He’s also a scientist of what he calls Mortal Engineering, which combines Fae magic with our technology. Some of his stuff is quite good, and I guess being here is very stimulating for him. Still, if he causes any problems, let me know and I’ll banish him back to the Boundary for a while.”

“Speaking of the Boundary…” Kana was saying, giving me an upturned look, artfully arrayed to look as cute as possible. Kana? Why did Eri say I was going to go out with Kana too?

“Hey, Akio? I know I’m cute, but there’s no reason to blush.” She said quietly, turning red herself. Maiko-san looked away from the scene, while Hisano-san was also turning pink. I could hear Mio-san and Asami-san making jokes as well, saying Kana was winning the battle which only made me flush harder, my treacherous body betraying me.

“Yeah, well I know you are cute.” I admitted. “But I was thinking of something else, I promise. So what did you want?”

“Huh?” Kana made a displeased noise. “Not that I’m bothered, but it’s rude to think about other girls when you are looking at me. Still, I’ll forgive you, if you listen to a teensy request of mine?” she adopted her pose again, and I sighed, defeated.

“All right, let’s hear it.”

“Thanks Akio.” She gushed. “I’ve been raising aether, as you call it, since you mercilessly and cruelly toyed with my body, not even taking responsibility.” She stuck out her tongue innocently as she slandered me. “I’m now full of energy! But you said I couldn’t go to this Boundary without supervision, and you’ve been gone a while, so I was wondering… will you take me there?”

Maiko-san and Hisano-san looked perturbed at Kana’s joke, backing away from me a little, which felt a little bad, but the loud laughter from Kana’s two best friends was drawing everyone’s attention. Ixitt brightened as he saw me, and was going to come over, so I decided to finish up quickly.

Fine, let’s take a look. I focussed aether into my Eye and the faint flecks of amber within started to glow, brightening until the orange brilliance was visible even under the artificial lights of the training hall. Several watchers gasped, but I paid them little heed as I inspected Kana. “Yeah, I see. You look like you’ve accumulated plenty of aether. I think it should be all right. But in exchange, you’ll have to be in charge of leading any others in who manage to raise the required aether, and you have to follow the rules I lay down. No exceptions. All right?”

“I can do that. Thanks Akio!” She actually threw her arms around me in joy. I let it slide for a moment before slipping free from her grasp, leaving her pouting.

“Calm down, it isn’t that big of a deal.”

“Maybe not to you, but I’m just ordinary.” She said, before pausing. “That eye. It’s kind of awesome.”

“That undersells it a bit, Kana-chan.” Mio-san said, and her friend echoed her. Now everyone had gathered around, and I realised I had been a little careless, showing off my abilities in front of everyone. Still, everybody here knows we are working on training them to use aether, and Hinata got them all to sign the contracts and made our position clear, so I guess it’s no big deal. I haven’t said what it does.

“Well, you have the ability to see things too, right Kana? Work hard and you might be able to have magical glowing eyes too. It’s not as cool as it sounds though.” I continued to observe her chakra network. “I think with the perfected network, if you keep drawing in aether and strengthening it, you should be able to control all your powers at will and much more efficiently.”

“I would also like such improvements.” Marika-san said, and several others echoed her. Ren-san suddenly spoke up in disagreement. “No, I don’t think you would.” He pouted sourly. “It hurts a lot and is embarrassing. I still…” he shuddered.

“Yeah, well there is the stripping.” Kana admitted. “The pain was pretty bad, yeah. But I’m not a baby, I can handle a bit of pain and shame if I have to. I just wish you’d have been more gentle with my body.” She smiled at me, fake tears in her eyes, playing up her joke.

“Please try to be less misleading. As for the girls, Shaeula can handle you, and I’ll do the guys. In fact, we might as well finish up now, Ren-san. You’ve had enough time to recover!” I reached out and grabbed him, to much laughter all around. As Ren-san protested, his sisters told him to be brave and proud, as befitted Hikawa-Kawagoe shrine, and again there was laughter, even ordinary girls like Hisano-san seeming to find it amusing.

“All right then. Carry on the good work!” I said, hauling Ren-san away.


“It will be fine, Ren-sama. The worst is over.” Chiasa-san was saying, while her twin, Chiaki-san agreed. “Indeed, father will be proud of you, Ren-sama. Besides, if you are not strong now…”

“… who will comfort us when we endure the same?” Chiasa-san finished.

“Hmph, fine. It didn’t hurt too badly.” Ren-san said, tossing his head arrogantly, but I could still see the tracks of tears on his cheeks, which made him less than convincing. Still, despite there being a few issues with having left it half-done last time, I was able to successfully mirror the male version of the chakra network within him. My Eye could see that his third eye chakra where his mutated light element was building, now received a noticeably greater flow of aether.

“Yeah, you did good.” I praised him.

“I know I did. I don’t need to hear that from you.” he muttered, only to have his sisters scold him and apologise to me on his behalf. I merely waved it off, and re-joined Kana, who was with Ixitt. On seeing me, he brightened, clutching a bundle of printouts he had.

“Ah, Akio, I am so very thrilled at finally being able to walk the mortal realms! Internet, smartphones, computers, electronics! So many wonderful things! The internet most of all, surely!”

Seriously, I can pretty much hear the exclamation marks at the end of each sentence. You could do with calming down. “That’s great and all, but I hope you didn’t cause anyone any problems?”

“Of course not, I heeded the words of Karen and also Noboru, who graciously escorted me to this wonderful Akihabara place. These trains are quite the miracle as well! I did buy these items with money I was given, but you are rich, are you not? I dare say it is not a problem for you.”

I held in a sigh as I glanced again at the junk attached to his bizarre outfit. “Oh well, if I think of it like you were just some foreign tourist wowed by Japan, it doesn’t hurt my mind too much. So, did you find the day useful for your Mortal Engineering, as tonight it is back to the Myconids.”

“Myconids?” Kana asked, and I told her they were plant-like enemies we had to defeat. At that she looked thoughtful, so I returned my attention to Ixitt.

“I believe that my skills will improve leaps and bounds with even the brief things I have seen here. But more importantly… biology. Genomic sequencing and splicing. Mutations.” He snickered. “So much information that I could only dream of, available to anyone via this internet. We simply must recreate it in the lands of the Fae! Could we not use some sort of link… hmm… the Material to Boundary connection… no, impossible. But what if…”

“I think he’ll be like that for a while.” I said to Kana. “Might as well leave him to it.”

“Fine. Damn, Akio, ever since that day I saw you and Shaeula walking down the street and my ability to see abnormalities triggered, everything has been crazy. It’s not always been fun…” she remembered the yakuza. “… but it’s always been interesting. Seriously. Thanks again, and I can’t wait to finally see this strange world Shaeula and Ixitt come from.”

At her smile I felt myself flush again, so I coughed and looked away. It’s Shaeula’s fault for putting ideas in my head. And as if thinking of her summoned them, the girls led by Shaeula entered the training hall. They all looked happy, except for Shaeula, who looked rather worn out and downtrodden. Whatever they talked about, I’m guessing Eri really let Shaeula have it.

Still, on seeing me Shaeula brightened, though on observing Ixitt rhapsodising to himself, she looked away, scratching at one cheek, perhaps embarrassed by her fellow Fae. “Akio, we have concluded our discussion. Now-now we should perform Chirurgery on Hinata, Kazumi, Motoko and Natsumi!”

Four huh? And I’ve already done some with Ren-san. Still, the ether density here isn’t too bad, and my Aether stat is damn high now, Shaeula’s too. I think we can pull it off.

“Bad luck, girls.” Kana said sympathetically, and Hiroto-san approached his sister, concerned.

“Hinata, are you going to be all right? I hear it hurts a lot. Maybe you should let me go first, check it’s safe? Besides…” he lowered his voice. “I hear you have to strip down. I know you are engaged, but it isn’t proper.”

“Seriously? I’m not a little girl.” She sighed. “I guess I should be grateful that you care, brother. But if Akio wants to see my body, he only has to ask. I was sure before, but seeing Motoko and Natsumi realise his charms, I have to step up my game. I want my fair share of his love!”

At that he was stunned, and she continued, her tone losing what gentleness it had. “Besides, brother. You can’t mean to tell me that those girls you are playing around with at university haven’t been in your bed? Come on. I’m not a fool.”

At that he had no answer, only a wry smile of his own. “Well… just think of mother and father, all right? Grandfather might not care, but it’d be a huge scandal if you were to fall pregnant. Our mother is a Takatsukasa, remember.”

“Oh I do remember. I just don’t much care. No, that’s wrong. I do want to be accepted like Sakura, but it’s more important to support Akio and be a good wife. But worry not. I shall only be in underwear.” Her face reddened, her voice trembling a little. “I will be doing nothing improper.” At that her hand went to her lips, fingers tracing it idly.

“Sure, well, whatever.” He shrugged. “Just don’t cry too much from the pain. Or maybe you should. My brother-in-law is weak to tears, right?”

“Brother-in-law, huh? So you accept us then?”

“Who do you think I am? I’m your brother, I want to see my sister happy. All this is crazy, but I can tell he likes you. Well, he’d have to be a fool not to. My sister has always been the cutest.”

“You and Akio have a lot in common. Both of you adore your sisters, and for good reason.” She chuckled, the mood lightened. “Thanks, Hiroto. Bring home a good wife of your own so I can praise you.”

“I’ll try my best.” He promised, and with that I led the girls to the portrait room.

“All right then. Kazumi-san, I’ll step out for your … ugh, you can put your clothes back on.” I said, shocked, as she was already down to her underwear.

“Don’t get the wrong idea.” Kazumi shrugged, which caused her chest wrapped within the plain bra to bounce a little. “I’ve no interest in you. But I’m not ashamed of my body either. I’ve no time for modesty. Just get it done. I need to check it’s safe for Hinata and the others.”

Fine. Although Kana and Ren-san are all right, aren’t they?

“If you can lie down on this bed then. And brace yourself. This is going to sting…”


“… so I really thought that Akio would be soft and spare that thieving cat whore-whore.” Shaeula said, taking a break. Hinata was wrapped up in a blanket, sitting on one of the beds, her face pale. Still, I was proud of her, she had barely cried out at all, even as she spasmed in pain. Kazumi-san was dressed again, moving her body gingerly, trying to adjust to the higher strength she now had, and Natsumi and Motoko were waiting their turn, both equally eager and also a little afraid.

“… really? Was she pretty?” Hinata asked, her voice trembling a little from fatigue.

“She was rather buxom, and wore not-not a stitch of clothing, merely a little fur over her most private areas.” She continued. “But she was not-not a good woman for Akio.”

“Uh, don’t get me wrong, I agree. I don’t want anyone who was prepared to kill you for such shitty reasons. But isn’t it unfair to write her off just because she is a bit promiscuous? It doesn’t seem fair. After all, it isn’t like I’m a one-woman guy, is it?”

Shaeula roiled her eyes at me rudely. Addressing the others she derided me. “See-see? Eri was right about this at least. Akio has no common sense, none-none at all. It is not-not that she is a lusty, experienced woman I disliked her. I hardly feel all your females need to be virgins when you meet them. No, she simply was a creature of appetites, not-not love. She cared nothing for you as a being, only for you as an outlet of desire. Do not-not pick up any such as her.”

I felt stung by the accusation, as I felt it needed saying again that I totally disliked Ginneka from the instant we met, and I barely even ogled her. My tired chakra network protested too, a brief feeling of outrage tickling the back of my mind before I dismissed it. Still, it was not me who reacted most strongly, but Motoko and Natsumi.

“That is what we did, Natsumi. We only saw what we could gain. We offered to be good wives, to bear children and to fight, but they were all things we wished to do anyway, it did not need to be Akio.”

“Yeah, I’m feeling pretty bad about it still.” Natsumi agreed. “Still, we can make up for it now. We’re not dead like that cat.” Her eyes were glittering with interest. “You really fight mythical creatures such as Bakaneko? Motoko, can you imagine it?”

“It’s not all fun I’d say. It must be scary.” Hinata said. “I’d rather be concentrating on sorting out his finances. Still, honestly…” she looked at Motoko and Natsumi. “I used just as underhanded methods as you to win Akio. I wasn’t even brave enough to use my own body like you two, throwing yourselves in front of him. I tricked him with grandfather. I also understood what I could gain from him. But…” she flushed again. “I guess I did like him, even then. Akio. I do love you.” She was bright pink now, and the bare legs poking from the blankets were quite alluring. “I want to show Mayumi and the others, sure, but I also want to support you, from the bottom of my heart. I can cover your weaknesses! I… I never asked you to forgive me. Motoko and Natsumi did. I know you hate sacrifices, so I won’t be foolish and say I’ll give up on my dreams for you as an apology. So… instead, what can I give you to show I’m really sorry for being unfair and tricking you?”

Yeah, I guess I did forgive her rather too easily. Though she was very affectionate when I went to her home once the engagement was decided. Like a cute kitten that clearly liked me. It was just so hard to stay angry at people I liked, especially girls. I had fights with Aiko when I was younger, of course, but it was always me who forgave her quickly, even when she was in the wrong. Funnily enough, I don’t think I ever really fought with Eri. In fact, she’s harsher with me now than when we were kids, sometimes. Though she makes up for it when she’s being sweet… Of course, for people who I didn’t forgive, like Ginneka or Kondou Kazuo, no amount of Resilience would dampen that anger. Feeling the sting of annoyance again, I decided on what I should do.

“Fine. I admit it. I’ve been unfair to Motoko and Natsumi. Sorry.” I bowed to them and they waved it away, murmuring that they were in the wrong too. “In that case…” I turned back to Hinata. “How about more kisses, until I feel I forgive you?”

“That isn’t much of a punishment.” Hinata giggled.

“I’m not punishing you. you are giving me something to earn forgiveness, right?” I denied it, and she laughed, tossing aside the blanket covering her. She was still in her underwear, rather nice blue silk at that, and it was turning a little transparent from the sweat she had shed during the surgery. It was hard to know where to look, so in the end I merely stared deep into her eyes, before scooping her up and leaning in, our lips meeting…

Hinata on her bed


“… so, please don’t forget that we are due to visit Miyu-sama at the weekend.” Hinata reminded me. She was dressed again, though she was walking on wobbly legs, supported by Kazumi-san. Motoko and Natsumi were now lying down, though they were already starting to recover. I tried not to notice as Natsumi let her blanket drop, her neat white bra suddenly visible, showing her cleavage. Damn, she’s bold.

“Hey, are you listening?” Hinata pulled at my ear. It didn’t hurt, but it got my attention.

“Yeah, sorry. My new fiancée is trying to seduce me, I think.“ I apologised, and Natsumi laughed. Motoko rolled over, her own blanket riding up, exposing her white panties and her legs.

“Everyone is. We’re jealous. But we still have our noble honour to uphold so we have to make do with this.” Hinata pouted. “Unless… Shaeula, I want to speak to you again before you leave. In private.”

At her nod, Hinata turned her attention back to the matter at hand. “I don’t know the dress code yet, but if it’s formal, you’ll need a suit better than you wore to meet Fujiwara-sama. I can’t let you embarrass yourself. I’d be a bad wife if I did that.”

“I have some on order. Maybe you could see if those will be ready.” I remembered the high-end tailor I was recommended, and the combat suit I ordered, as well as a more normal one. “If the dress-code is different, well they have all my measurements, so maybe you can get me something suitable?”

“Miyu-sama is rather quiet.” Motoko observed, and Natsumi agreed. “I am surprised she would summon Hinata, and even more so a man. It seems unthinkable. Do you think… no, surely not.”

“No way. She’s not suddenly going to propose.” I laughed it off.

“Yes, that seems unlikely.” Hinata agreed. “Still it worries me.”

“Well, this is a very interesting conversation.” Kana said suddenly, from the corner she had been sitting in for a while. “But watching you flirt with even more girls is a harrowing experience. More fiancées. Five now, right? Are you trying for a baseball team of wives?

I winced at that. Yeah, baseball is a little bit of a sore memory. That Kenji was a prick, but I took it too far, taking my wrath out on someone the same age as Eri or my sister. “No, it’s just… well, I’m not going to say it just happened, as that’d be pretty shitty to them. They took their chances, and I thought in the end, I’d rather I looked after them and loved them, rather than let them take their chances elsewhere. Selfish as hell, I know.”

“Yes. It is. Don’t forget that. But then, I’m about to meet the White Snake kami, right? The god our family has worshipped for over a thousand years? Compared to that, the playboy in front of me who went from penniless loser to rich harem king seems almost normal in comparison.” She smiled to take the insult out of it.

“All right then. Kazumi can you see my fiancées home once Hinata has spoken to Shaeula?” I still get a shiver saying that. Well, it has only been a few hours for two of them. Well, assuming that Natsumi can persuade her family. She never told them she was angling for marriage, after all.

“No problem. I feel stronger and faster than ever!” she declared.

“Fine then. Ixitt has gone back already, right?” I asked Kana, and she nodded.

“Yeah, but when his lifeless body just fell down I thought everyone would start running for the exits. Luckily Shaeula mentioned something about her body to me before, so I knew we just had to drag it to an empty room. Still, it scared Marika-san, the twins and Maiko-san something fierce. My friends found it hilarious though.”

“Thanks again for that. Anyway, I’ll see you all on our return.” I gave Hinata, Motoko and Natsumi gentle kisses, nothing deep, just brushes of our lips, then turned to Kana. Before we could go though, Motoko spoke up. “Good fortunes in battle. I only apologise I cannot come with you yet.”

“Indeed. I’m sorry too. We want to be your strength!” Natsumi agreed.

“Well, I think you should be happy to sit this one out. Myconids suck. Although to be honest I think you’d suit the protective gear.” That thought was quite the endearing one.

“Hey, what about me?” Hinata said, and I smiled at her adorable jealously. “Yeah, you too. But for now, just concentrate on mastering the new networks. Kana will take you in when you have gathered enough aether. She’s in charge of that for now. Oh and Motoko, Natsumi?”

“Yes?” they answered.

“I think when you next see my combat skills with sword and spear, you won’t say they are still crude.” I winked, and with that, Kana and I left, headed for my room on the top floor, ready to enter the Boundary once more, leaving Shaeula to meet us when she was done with her talk with Hinata…

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