On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Two Hundred And Forty-Nine

Two Hundred And Forty-Nine

After dropping off Haru-san, who was happy to get home to her father, putting the painful day behind her, we returned to Shirohebizumi shrine. As the chauffeur-driven car pulled in to the grounds, a luxury I was becoming far too accustomed to now, I thought back to the parting words of Haru-san, as she turned back to us before opening the door to her father’s home.

“Akio-san. Shaeula. Hyacinth. Thank you for being there with me. I… I’m going to get stronger. I hate him so much, so I’ll never let him win. So please… if I’m struggling, if I’m straying off the right path, please help me, please reach out a hand to me. I don’t want a world where people like him get to hurt innocent people, get to ruin lives. I want the world you talk about, where we all work together and live happily.” She had smiled then, tremulous but with brittle humour. “… even if it’s a world where you have more than your fair share!”

Shaeula and Hyacinth had laughed at that, and we all promised to look out for her, be her strength when she was feeling unable to carry on, as would likely happen many times, until time slowly healed her wounds. As the door had shut behind her, my keen ears heard the sound of her hitting the ground, and gentle sobs. Even so, they sounded less bitter, less poisoned, for want of a better word. They were tears of release.

“Well, we should return to the Boundary, and then the lower Astral. But first, I’d like to see all our trainees.” I said, putting Haru-san out of my mind for now. Kondou Kazuo was done. His ability had been taken, the divine favour of Mujihimuchi still residing within me. The feeling was uncomfortable, the power radiating from the torn spiritual braid of seawater sending little sparks of pain through me, though luckily I noticed that the spirit water I possessed seemed to be counteracting the effect. “It’d be interesting to see if anyone is compatible with the power we retrieved.” Needless to say Haru-san certainly wasn’t. Shaeula wasn’t either, and I had thought perhaps Hyacinth might be, but either Fae weren’t eligible to gain these abilities, or Hyacinth had no compatibility. It seems like she has had an unfortunate history of suffering, but then she doesn’t exactly revel in causing pain, so she might just have no affinity.

“Yes, such knowledge is indeed-indeed important to us.” Shaeula agreed. “Also, you can consume it for power, can you not-not? We need to test that too, and this ability… it is not-not irreplaceable, is it?”

I nodded. “Yeah. While I hope we don’t end up fighting other Candidates, I know we will. So I suspect we’ll end up recovering more divine favours. Still, I really want to see what happens when someone accepts this too. Damn, if only I had two divine favours, it’d be so much easier.”

“Such greed.” Shaeula laughed. “I do understand though. We have learned much from Kondou Kazuo. I do not-not wish to forget the hardships Haru and the others suffered at his cruel hands, but we gained much from his defeat. Money, levels. Power.”

“Yeah, that’s what worries me. It’s almost too tempting to go out and find another foe to defeat.” I sighed.

“You should just dooo what you want, Akio.” Hyacinth declared. “After all, ooothers surely will. I would hate you to fall behind.”

“Yeah, that’s a good point. Seeing the Major and Lieutenant, I feel I’m in a good place, but… I’m not foolish enough to believe I’m the strongest out there. For now though…” we entered the training school, and were suddenly the centre of attention. Hinata, Motoko, Natsumi, Kana, Marika-san… many people rushed over, greeting us excitedly, and as Marika-san waxed lyrical about the wonders of my Territory, looking like an excited puppy, I began the arduous task of seeing if any of them were suitable to inherit the divine favour…


“Nobody.” I sighed. “Out of all those people, not one matches it. I guess that makes sense, if it was that easy, perhaps Kondou Kazuo wouldn’t have been a Candidate in the first place. Or maybe it needs to be someone as cruel as him, who delights in causing pain.” We were looking out over the whole of my Territory, high up on the now-completed café-style terrace that ringed the top of Asha’s Rhyming Tree. Asha hummed softly to herself as she took in the view alongside us, while Hyacinth busied herself serving us drinks. One Kamaitachi was also here, taking a break, and surprisingly enough so was Tillyae and several of her musicians, and they were playing us a gentle tune. At least the ambience here is nice… “Ideally, my sis would be the best option, if it worked, but… maybe it’s selfish of me, but I wanted to try gifting this to someone else first. If I’d have followed my gut instinct with Miyu she might be crippled or worse, and seeing the damage to Kondou Kazuo I’m even more wary. Besides…” I sighed again, troubled. “I don’t think it would be a good fit for her. Eri neither.”

Shaeula snorted at that, but agreed with my caution. “Indeed. I would not-not have you risk them, even for strength. Eri is progressing well, is she not-not, and Aiko… well, she has hit a wall, but you have helped her break those before, right?”

“Yeah. It’s just… she’s feeling she can’t keep up, and I get it. But considering how justifiably pissed off I was when she burned herself, there’s no way I can just hand this over to her, even if I could. I doubt any family or friends are suitable for it either, and keeping it long-term is just going to drain me dry of adherence, not that I know how much of it I even have.”

“So then, it seems like you have made-made up your mind?” Shaeula asked, and I nodded.

“Yeah. Fine. We’ll break this one down, and see what that gives us. Then at least we’ll know what other Candidates might be gaining, as well as have a better idea how it works and whether giving divine favours to others in future is a worthwhile trade-off.”

Finishing the fruity juice Hyacinth passed me, my Eye flared a brilliant amber. Shaeula was watching too, intent on gleaning any information she could. Concentrating hard, I started to unravel the rope of water within, the flecks of stinging salt disintegrating into ether and also… is that adherence? The motes of energy were completely different to ether and aether, instead they seemed almost to be dyed with an invisible colour, yet which was somehow purple, dark green and black, as if it was a festering, angry bruise. I know that doesn’t make sense, but at the same time it’s invisible and yet not. Weird.

The adherence disappeared within me, and as it did so I could feel the pain, as well as the emotions, the prayers surrounding it.

Oh, please kami, make the pain stop. Why won’t anyone help me? Please, I’ll do anything! Stop hurting me, I beg you! Oh god, why must I suffer so? Venerable kami of pain, please help your worshippers, pain is living, pain is life! I’m so… hungry, everything hurts. Please kami, give me some food! That water burns, Mujihimuchi you monster... you’ll never marry the Yagamihime, none of you, bastard yasokami!  One more blow, hit him again, by god, teach that fucker a lesson! Kami, turn your wrath away from us, let your pain fall elsewhere! That Village is full of heathens and heretics, the kami will surely strike them down, set them ablaze with pain and torment! Trick them into accepting the water laced with salts, then when they are weak and sick, we will fall upon them, and…

The tide of adherence was absorbed within me, and with it came the essence of it, hundreds, thousands of words, prayers, simple wishes or hopes… all focusing on pain, the giving or avoidance of it. Still, as my mind processed them, my strong Resilience enabling me to weather the storm, the adherence that was left when the … colour… for want of a better description, was stripped out, was pure, clear, and alternated between fathomless black and brilliant white, occasionally shining a silver-grey. Though again, those aren’t so much colours, as impressions. As my Eye strained to see, I tried using the adherence, willing it to move as I wished, to strengthen me, and some of it… vanished.

Your Might has increased by one. Your Fortitude has increased by one.

You have gained a skill, Adherence Manipulation, Rank 1. You have started on the path to manipulating Adherence, enabling you to use pure Adherence to achieve minor miracles. You have a slightly increased ability to accrue Adherence, and are more able to purify Adherence that does not suit your ????????, or is inimical to you. As you do not possess a Divine Spark, your ability to accrue and manipulate Adherence is capped. [Class: Noble ] [Type: Law]

As I pondered that, I found it significantly easier to break down and absorb the remains of the divine favour. As the adherence and power within was fully absorbed, I felt the incoming water resonate with my own spirit water one final time, strengthening it. It wasn’t enough to push me to a higher Rank, but it also seemed to have a resonance with the darkness element, and I received several more messages.

Your Skill, Throat Chakra of Darkness has advanced from Rank 1 to Rank 2. Your Throat Chakra now generates more darkness energy and is better able to handle variant and unique darkness.

Your Skill, Lunar Chakra of Wind, Flame, Earth and Water Rank 3 has become Lunar Chakra of Wind, Flame, Earth, Water and Darkness Rank 3, strengthening your control and generation over darkness energy.

I also gained a level in the classes of Wielder of a Mutated Element, and Wielder of Elements, Classic Western, probably due to the strengthening of my water element.

You have gained in strength. Your level has increased from Eighty-Four to Eighty-Seven. All of your Material statistics have increased by thirty-three. Aether has increased by eighty-one.

Your League has increased by one.

Three levels huh? That doesn’t seem a lot, but then I am finding it hard to level up ever since I reached level fifty. It’s pretty much what killing that corrupted kami in Inuyama got me, so it’s not too bad… The last change I felt as the adherence and remaining energy was absorbed, was that my silver cord seemed thicker, more brilliant, and yet somehow also less present, intangible, similar to adherence itself, and my chakra network was stronger, not enough to Rank me up, not even close, but it was noticeably cleaner, the aether flowing more smoothly through it, the elemental energy at my chakras more vigorous.

“I see.” Shaeula said, having watched my chakra network and existence change with her Mystic Eyes. “You have grown much-much stronger indeed, the League of your existence has risen. Still, I do wonder if perhaps your talents did help?” she eyed me curiously, licking her lips, finding my new, stronger lunar chakra enticing. “The process of breaking down the favour seemed rather-rather wasteful, but you seemed to noticeably improve as time passed.”

“Yeah, I think it’s made largely from adherence, so I already had some affinity with that apparently, and now I even have the skill, like Shirohebi does, plus with my Eye I can see it, which makes it much easier to control. I still think it’d be a welcome boost to anyone who broke it down though. I doubt I’m the only one that has. Shit.” I cursed. “This just encourages Candidates to hunt each other and destroy Territories. Still, now we know how breaking it down works, next time I’d like to test out granting it to another compatible person. If I could, would it make them a Candidate, would most of their growth go to the ability, is it even safe? Damn, so many questions we need answers to.”

“But you can answer them soon, Akiooo.” Hyacinth reassured me, the stronger darkness energy I was radiating also alluring her, her face was flushed and she was breathing heavily. “Surely another fool will gooo against you, and you can take their pooower too!”

“Yeah, see, that’s what worries me.” I said, scolding her gently, which made her giggle happily. “It won’t just be me that thinks that. Though my only solace is most people don’t seem to be able to see their own stats and classes easily, so perhaps this information might go unnoticed for a while. Though I doubt life is that kind. Perhaps they would automatically break down any captured divine favours? Kikuchi Shuta-san is probably fortunate he was the first one Kondou Kazuo defeated. His Conqueror class probably wasn’t strong enough to extract his divine favour…” So likely it’ll only be on the second or later time they destroy an enemy Territory they would notice the bounty they can receive. But sooner or later it’s going to happen…

“Well, all you can do is what you are doing now, is it not-not?” Shaeula reassured me. “Making alliances, asserting your importance. If the laws you proposed do indeed pass, then surely-surely destruction of other Territories will decrease?” I had obviously discussed my plans with Shaeula, and she knew what I was aiming for.

“Yeah. If Territories registered with the Ministry can’t be attacked legally, that will help, but… not everyone will play nice. There’s too much at stake.” My thoughts were boiling, trying to calculate the dangers, but Shaeula hugged me tight, snapping me out of it. When I looked down she kissed me impishly, little pecks like a feeding bird, before moving in for a richer, deeper one. When we pulled apart, our saliva forming a glittering bridge between our lips, she grinned.

“We still have time-time before we must return to the Spring. You are too-too tense, I believe you should relax in my arms. Hyacinth, you are quite-quite welcome too…”

As Hyacinth nodded frantically to agree, so rapidly I feared she would hurt her neck, we headed for somewhere with privacy, leaving the gentle music behind us. It was nice to see all the trainees from our school wandering our Territory, many of them still looking awestruck by the spiritual world, but we avoided them, not wishing to get into a conversation. As we entered one of the buildings the kobolds had put up, Shaeula asked me a question, just before pulling me down onto one of the crude beds that occupied the place.

“So, your god is this Tyr, I believe. So why do you not-not have any abilities related to him? He is a god of heroism and battle, you have said, and he bound a dreadful wolf at great cost to himself. Your abilities… they are not-not like that at all, are they?”

“Yes, I know. I’ve been thinking about that myself. I don’t have an answer yet, but when I do…” I trailed off, thinking once more. My abilities seem perception and knowledge-based. But I wonder what would have happened had I taken the path of instant power Ortlinde offered. Would I have gained the power of Tyr then? Can I still gain it? Damn, there’s so much I don’t know, but I think claiming the power of Kondou Kazuo’s divine favour for myself helped me a little… my gaze strayed down to my wrist where Ortlinde’s bracelet lurked within, before Hyacinth and Shaeula fell upon me, and my mind went elsewhere, to other, more enjoyable matters…


“Akio, allow me to introduce you to our assistants that have been dispatched by the noble Prince Aethelathrion, ruler of the Elves of the Seelie Court.” Shaeula declared grandly, from her throne inside the Spring. There was a second one there now, apparently for me, and the throngs of kobolds, dwarves and other workers around the hill were transforming it completely. With that wood and stone construction, looking like a series of terraces, it looks like the beginnings of a bustling tourist street, all surrounding the Spring. Shaeula wasn’t messing around when she said she was going to bring mortal ideas to the Seelie Court…

Sitting down on the chair next to Shaeula, uncomfortable at the grandeur it implied, I looked at the three elves in front of me. I had met elves before, such as Way-Captain Caeladaera, and their impossible beauty had always grabbed me, but these three were very pretty indeed. The first was a very well-endowed elf with bright green hair and blue eyes. She was wearing a long, flowing dress, and her hair was braided with flowers.

“It is an honour to meet you, if a surprising one.” She smiled, and my breath caught. Damn, she’s gorgeous. That reminds me a bit of when Shiro smiles at you properly. It was never a common event, but you’d not be a man if you didn’t suddenly stop, lost in the moment. Elves in general reminded me of her, actually. It was the same impossibly gorgeous looks, that almost seemed designed, as if making an avatar in a game. In some ways it should be off-putting, being so flawless, but at least in Shiro’s case, her personality fixes that, making you subconsciously realise she’s still human…

“I never thought I would be seeing another mortal here. Let alone one wooing the troublesome princess from the rumours.” She giggled melodically, and I found my gaze drawn to her chest, Shaeula snickering at my indiscretion. Pulling up my gaze I willed myself not to flush.

“Yes, well, I’m not going to say something trite like it just happened that way, as Shaeula was worth the wooing. As for being mortal, I don’t really see much distinction anymore. Shaeula, Hyacinth and others walk the Material, mortals walk the Boundary and here. We are all simply beings who live and love.”

“How… fascinating.” The elf smiled at me. “I am Soliteare, Great-Granddaughter of Prince Aethelathrion. I have been sent here to assist the princess… well, the Duchess, I suppose I should say… in managing the Shrine.”

“I too.” The second elf said, with sky-blue hair, a more modest chest, but long, smooth legs that were visible under her short golden skirt. “I’m her cousin Bellaera. I specialise in tactics and command. It’s a pleasure to meet you. The princess has said much about you. I’m sure her sister is dying to meet you as well.” She giggled.

The third elf was looking at me with her cold eyes, her pitch-black hair and the fussy white blouse and tight black trousers she wore, not an inch of bare skin showing, giving her a completely different air. For a moment she said nothing, before introducing herself with a small, impeccably polite yet cold bow. “I am Moira, also great-granddaughter of Prince Aethelathrion. I specialise in military planning and logistics. I do applaud your victory here, it was unprecedented and I would be interested in hearing more. While I am here, I will assist you in fortifying the Spring, setting up Warning Bells, Fae Stone wards for the border, and other key matters. What I am not here for is romance. I have no intention of pursuing you, despite what grandfather wishes.” She pursed her lips, and I had to hold in a laugh, as all she needed were some horn-rimmed glasses on a chain to be the perfect image of a prissy secretary.

“Oh Moira, you’ll never find love like that.” Bellaera giggled. “You don’t want to stay unlucky in love as you are in life, do you?”

Moira frowned, before smoothing her expression, and the other elf, Soliteare, smiled. “Oh, come on now, Bell, don’t be mean. You know what Moira is like. Always so serious. Fancy saying that to his face though, it was quite rude.”

“I am just setting expectations. I am here to work.” Moira insisted.

“No, the Duchess knows, right?” Soliteare continued. “You are an important man now, mortal or not.” Her smile was again breath-taking, but with my Resilience I could withstand it, though I suspected she must have a fair few points in Charm, and if she was ever unleashed in Akihabara, she’d end up trailed by every man there. “And the Duchess here defers to you. She was steadfast in saying that despite her claim to the Shrine, you had claimed her. It was very sweet.”

Shaeula blushed deeply, while Hyacinth giggled at her embarrassment.

“So yeah. We three, and another three who are warriors, and are missing their chance, out patrolling…” Bellaera smirked. “… are the unmarried elven daughters who are of age to marry. There are two more, but they are too young.” She paused, looking at Shaeula, who was in human form since I was there. “Though looking at the Duchess here, who can say? Maybe we are too grown up for you?”

“No way.” I denied her. “Hyacinth isn’t small, is she?” Okay, Shaeula and Hinata look pretty young, but Hyacinth, Eri, Motoko and Natsumi are clearly older highschooler or young adult in appearance. I’m not a damn lolicon, it just happened Shaeula looked like that and I love her! I’m not at fault! “Besides, I’m not interested in any more political marriages.” I turned to Moira. “I appreciate your candour. I too would appreciate a professional working relationship. I’m happy to have you all on board, and I hope you support Shaeula, and through her the whole Seelie Court. We have big plans, but we can’t do it alone.”

As I gave a businessman-like speech, I received some further cheerful giggles from Bellaera and Soliteare while Moira nodded, lips pursed thoughtfully.

“We also have the many-many treekin and plantkin from Primal Forest, restoring the despoiled forests.” Shaeula told me. “As well-well as various weaselkin on loan from my father, brother and sister, bolstering our forces. Many Way-Wardens are on dispatch as well. Should the Spring be attacked, we shall surely-surely be able to hold until reinforcements come…”

“An attack from the Unseelie is unlikely.” Moira declared, looking at some papers she had in her hands. “But the Wild Hunt has attacked near here before, I believe. I see you dealt with that. You must be more impressive than you appear.” She sniffed, causing the other two elves to whisper about her, but my ears picked up unflattering comments about her frigidity and ill-humour. Though it's best I pretend I heard nothing.

We spent some time going over their roles, and Shaeula found it hilarious the way two of the elves were flirting with me. Call me Bell, I insist, she says. And the other, she keeps stretching, showing off her chest. I don’t get it. To be ordered to come here and potentially hook up with me… well, I guess it’s no different to Hinata, Motoko and Natsumi, but even so. These are elves. Elves! They shouldn’t be acting like giggly women in a bar. Moira, she’s more of the image of what I thought an elf was. Beautiful, stoic and cold. And there’s three more of these? Damn, I hope that the warrior elves are more restrained… The one good thing was Shaeula was respecting my wishes, and also Eri’s, and not trying to throw us together. Still, she could hardly restrain her amusement. Hyacinth was clearly jealous though, which was cute, and I could hear her muttering curses.

“… so in terms of defences, the Seelie Court has reintegrated this land.” Bell said. “So therefore a breach is unlikely. But to lose the Spring now would be folly, so we are taking no chances. The Wild Hunt seem more than able to bypass our defences again and again.”

“They must be using spatial element.” I said, and we digressed onto that. Moira then interjected, raising further issues and…

“Ula, my Ula, you have returned!” a loud voice cried cheerfully, as a weaselkin woman with black fur and green eyes came storming in, trailed by a very pitiful-looking Shaeraggo. Another Beastkin was with them, a foxkin, by the looks of it, with flaming red fur. As she spotted me on the newly-erected throne beside Shaeula, her eyes narrowed, and I could feel an intense hunger in her gaze, as if she was measuring my ability to fight. Damn, I’m shivering. Somehow I just know she’s some sort of battle junkie.

Seconds later, I was repenting my thoughts, as her reactions were mild, compared to the weaselkin, who on seeing me rushed over, to get right in my face, her emerald eyes glaring as if she wished I was dead. “YOU! The mortal that has sunk his claws in, dug in his fangs, into my precious, innocent little Ula! She was so timid, so cute, my adorable little sister, but now she is too bold, very forceful.”

“Sister Anna, you are being quite rude.” Shaeula snapped. “I told you to be sure-sure to show my Akio proper respect. You promised me you would, did you not-not?”

“Ugh…” she pouted, stepping back. “I… apologise.” She said, as if the words were dragged out of her. “But this is what saddens me. She is too forceful with me, her precious big sister!”

Shaeraggo started laughing bitterly, having his own experiences, and she turned on him, growling, until he lowered his eyes, silent.

“So…” the foxkin said, curious. “You seem strong.” Her eyes glittered like a rainbow. “I thought Shaeranna’s sister had grown powerful, but you… your League is not mortal.” She sniffed the air, before grinning, baring her teeth. “it makes me wonder just how strong you really are. Your feats here were impressive, and I respect that. Way-Captain Caeladaera speaks highly of you too…”

“Talaisha, you may be a dear friend of Anna here, but do please-please control yourself.” Shaeula was grinning broadly, basking in the praise I was receiving as if it was her own, which in a sense it was. “Akio is indeed strong, stronger than he was even this very-very morning. Mortals change and shift like the moon in their world, whereas we Fae are usually as immutable as our moon-moon, almost forever in the skies above.”

“Not all of us, Ula.” Shaeranna said, eyes wistful. “You have changed a great deal. I am pleased, am happy that you grew stronger, I just wish you remained as adorable, as cute as before.”

“I am plenty cute in bed, am I not-not, Akio?” Shaeula smiled at me, blushing, provoking her sister, who looked down, irked. “When we blend our lunar chakras, our elements, our very-very existences, while simultaneously joining our bodies, as mortals do… well, sister, I understand you have no wish for marriage, and you do not-not have to marry that vile…” she glanced at the foxkin, before coughing. “My apologies. But sister Anna, unless you find-find love, know it and revel in it, you can not-not ever fully understand me. Know that strength is something we gain for those we love-love, and if I am less cute, it is surely because I save-save all my cuteness for Akio.”

“Yes, this one is a lost-lost cause, sister.” Shaeraggo muttered. The three elves had excused themselves, Moira leaving, but the other two were enjoying watching this first meeting from the side-lines. Bell gave me a sympathetic smile, while Soliteare mimed holding me to her ample chest to console me. Yeah, if I did that now, I think Shaeranna would stick that spear she has on her back in me…

“I too railed against this, angry and foolish. I went too far, and my sister still has not-not fully forgiven me.” Shaeraggo muttered in warning.

Shaeula snorted at that. Hyacinth had stepped out and brought our noble guests drinks, before retreating behind the thrones again. “Yes, you were far-far too forceful brother, but I was weaker then. Now I have achieved great things, together with Akio, so there is not-not a reason to be sorry, sister Anna. Be happy. You have a new brother-in-law, and are free to pursue your own-own happiness. That would not-not have been possible without Akio and I, or did you actually wish to marry that accursed fox?”

“That crap-breathed, shit-furred fucking heap of… uh, sorry Talaisha…” she bowed in apology. “Him? No, of course I did not, never did. Fine. I understand. My cute little sister has all grown up, climbed the stairs to adulthood. Before me, her wise and kind older sister!”

“It doesn’t matter who is first, only that it’s with someone you love.” I said, trying to defuse the situation. Although to be honest, from what Shaeraggo told me of her, I thought she’d come out stabbing. I guess the fact Shaeula has spent time with her before we met has calmed her down a bit. “If I may?”

Shaeranna cocked her head, confused at my question, so I took that as consent and got off the throne, bowing deeply to her. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I am Oshiro Moonstone Akio, and I have the honour of being Shaeula’s chosen husband. We swore Oaths in the Fae way, and are promised in the mortal way. We may have started as enemies, but now we share an unbreakable bond, and from now until the end I’ll never leave her, always cherish her, and help her fulfil her dreams, as she will with mine. As my older sister now, please guide me well, and if I ever treat her poorly, do correct me, though I swear such a day will never come that I neglect her.”

Shaeranna seemed a bit lost at my formal words, but beside her the foxkin was smiling. After a moment, she nodded back to me, before turning to Shaeraggo. “By the moon, Raggy, you went and attacked such a well-spoken, polite man who adores our Ula? What were you thinking, was on your mind?”

“Well, when the bastard… brother-in-law was setting himself on fire just-just so he could defeat me, he did not seem so mild-mannered.” He muttered.

“That just shows he is willing to fight to win.” The foxkin said. “I am Talaisha Vul Reynar, daughter of Duke Vulpatrius Riu Reynar, lord of the foxkin. It is a pleasure to meet one who slew an Unseelie Duke.” She held out a hand, and I took it, shaking it.

“Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you too, but your father… uh, well, he really doesn’t like Shaeula, so…”

“I am not my father.” She shrugged. “No, I fear I am out of favour with him currently, for I am no longer to be his daughter-wife.”

At that I was shocked. What the hell? I know Shaeula said the Seelie Court marriages were as incestuous and perverse as the politics, but marrying your own daughter? Shit, that’s messed up…

“I am very pleased, most happy.” Shaeranna crowed. “You are too good for your father.” She turned back to me then. “I already thanked my Ula, but I must praise you as well, give you my regards. With Duke Formor breaking ranks, and the backing of Four of the Seven, Ula was able to do this great favour, mighty task, for me, for us. Now Talaisha can strive to lead the Way-Wardens, and deliver death to the Unseelie and our other foes!”

“No problem. I’m glad we could help. So, now that is settled…” I suddenly found Shaeranna’s eyes on me.

“Settled? Surely not. I accept you as little Ula’s husband. I can not deny you, forbid you now. I see the love you have for each other. Ah, my little Ula, fully grown. But still… I must see your strength in action. Fight me!” She brandished her spear, a wicked grin on her face.

Yeah, it was always going to end like this, wasn’t it? Like brother, like sister, I guess. At least this isn’t a Trial of Three, I suppose…


“Damn, no more, please.” I said, lying sprawled down on the ground, my whole body aching, covered in bruises and bloody contusions. The field we had chosen, a site that had not been reforested, had accumulated a large number of watchers, plantkin, weaselkin, other Fae, our elven secretaries, passing Way-Wardens, and they had all seen quite the show, as the field was now devastated, great craters blown into the mud, filled with puddles of water, flickering tongues of fire still burning fitfully. I was looking up at Talaisha, who had just battered me into submission, flaming tails of fire striking me from all angles. To be fair, I was exhausted after my prior battles with Shaeranna, which was pretty much a draw, my beams of water striking her down at the same time she unleashed a devastating attack with her spear, a cage of wind-javelins piercing me multiple times and shattering the area around me, and then I was forced to fight Shaeraggo, as his sister browbeat him into a rematch. This time he wasn’t naive or overconfident, and I barely eked out a win after suffering numerous hits from his wind-weasel arrows, only managing to take him out by using a combination of water and earth to sink him waist-deep into a quagmire.

“You fought well. But your lack of experience shows.” Talaisha said, offering me a hand up, which I took, letting her haul me to my feet. I can’t believe she got so excited watching us fight. I guess like attracts like, her and Shaeranna are both battle maniacs, it seems. “Your strength and breadth of elemental powers are incredible, but you lack combat instincts only honed through rigorous training and numerous hard-fought battles.”

“Yes, Ulfuric tells me that all the time. I’ve been working on it, but…” I began, before Shaeula ran over and hugged me, commiserating me for my defeat, but praising me for going toe-to-toe with two of the fiercer Beastkin fighters, in her sister and her friend.

“If Master Ulfuric recognises your shortcomings, I am convinced. You should join the Way-Wardens.” Talaisha declared, surprising everyone. “A mortal within the sacred guardians of the Seelie Court would be unprecedented, but since you are marrying this little one…” she smiled at Shaeula. “… it would not be abnormal. I have some sway, I can make it happen.”

“I appreciate the offer, but no.” I shook my head. “Not now, anyway. I have too much going on right now both here, in the Boundary and in the mortal realms, that demands my attention.” Hyacinth handed me a damp towel, and I took it gratefully, while Velna brought us some cold drinks to refresh ourselves. The maid had returned recently, having been rather upset by events prior to this, and was now awaiting the return of her fellow maid. Yeah, that reminds me, that should be any time now…

“A shame. Your successes with the Wild Hunt and Unseelie are what we need.” Her happy grin turned vicious, showing sharp teeth, the teeth of a carnivore. “And Way-Captain Caeladaera would love to train you, though I would not relinquish that responsibility.”

“Rest assured, we shall not-not stop our fight to free the lost lands of the Fae from enemy hands.” Shaeula said, before clapping loudly. “Well, the fun-fun is over. Back to work with you all. We have guests to receive, and my maid to reclaim!”

At that, Velna burst into tears, and as Shaeula comforted the foolish maid that had stuck by her, despite the mistakes they had both made, I noticed Shaeranna watching on with damp eyes. Seeing me watching, she sniffed regally, looking away, but it was too late. Yeah, I guess you are quite soft at heart as well…


“Klena!” Velna declared, as the grinning giant released the weaselkin maid, who staggered over to us weakly. My Eye was already flaring amber, checking her condition, before Shaeula was there, checking her over herself.

“Are you well, Klena? Did they… mistreat… you?” her flinty gaze flickered over to the giant, whose smile intensified.

“I… mistress, no… it was… ugh, I do not remember, I am sorry-sorry.” She muttered weakly. “I remember following Risha, she led me into the forest, then… there was pain, so much blood, and I was somewhere dark-dark… cold and hungry…”

As she muttered, seeming a touch feverish and confused, my Eye detected damage to her chakra network. It had been crudely healed, and in time, were she to rest and recuperate, likely she would make a full recovery. But for now, she was in a poor state. “Shaeula, don’t push her. She’s still hurt and needs rest. But I think she’ll be fine.”

“I see.” Shaeula continued to hug her, Velna standing by, tears in her eyes. “Well, giant. I did say if I found my maid in poor-poor condition, I would be most wroth, did I not-not? Does Duke Formor think to try my patience?”

“No, surely not, never that.” The giant giggled, something I never expected from something so large and serious, though this one looked smaller than Grulgor had described his giant kin. “You wrong the Duke, dear Duchess of the Spring of Clear Reflections.” His gaze turned to me then, a piercing, searching one. “Do tell her, mortal consort.” He chuckled again. “We simply do not know how to care for fragile creatures such as her, we had no ill intent. After all, she is here now, whole, is she not? A few scars, well… that was the doing of your other maid, not us. The Duke wishes friendship with the slayers of the Unseelie menace.” He turned to Talaisha then, who had waited here to witness this, along with Shaeula’s siblings.

“Be reasonable. After all, did not Duke Formor turn his back on your father, and ensure your freedom, dear Talaisha, warrior daughter of Vulpatrius, rising star of the Way-Wardens? He did not take it well, after all, he has long had his eye on you, has he not? But Duke Formor endured his ire, all to keep his word to you, princess.” He turned his attention back to Shaeula. “Us giants are not clever with elemental energy, only using it for destruction, but I did the best I could to heal her injuries, though her mind was fogged by her stay in the oubliettes. But she will recover. Of that I assure you. So please, do forgive us.” He bowed then.

He seems sincere, but that smile, that laugh. Those eyes. I just don’t trust him. But for now, we got what we wanted. Support, Klena, and apparently that incestuous wedding called off. So much as it pains us, we have to let it go. “Well…” I said, trying to lighten the mood. “I’m sure Selensha can help. She’s the best healer I know.”

At his wife’s name, Shaeraggo nodded, proud. “She is indeed quite skilled.” Seeing an opportunity to earn back some lost trust with his sister, he promised her aid, and Shaeula graciously accepted, making him rather happy.

“We can help too, right?” I said, and Shaeula nodded.

“Klena. Rest for now. You have been loyal, when most were not-not.”

“But, princess… I…” she began, but Shaeula gently trickled out spirit water, sending her into a deep sleep.

“Here. Hyacinth, Velna, take Klena back to the mansion.” It hadn’t been entirely rebuilt, but parts of it were now decently habitable, so she could rest there. She turned to look at the giant then. “I thank you. My maid is returned. But do not-not think I have forgiven this.”

“Oh, we understand.” The giant laughed once more. “But we hope in time, you can see our sincerity, as your feats here have proven yours. Well, princess, mortal. Esteemed nobility of the Seelie Court. I bid you farewell, may we meet again on the field of battle, the Unseelie crushed under our feet…”

As I watched him go, Shaeula came into my arms, seeking the reassurance of a hug, and I obliged, as I watched the giant leave, his escort of trolls forming up around him. “You know, I don’t think I like him.” I said absently, stroking her head, and as she snuggled into my arms, she laughed, a touch of humour breaking through her gloom at seeing her maid so shabby and defeated.

“I do not-not either. Not-not at all. But…” everyone looked away as we kissed, though Shaeranna couldn’t help but peek through her fingers, face red as her beloved little sister demonstrated her adult charms.

When we were done, Shaeula finished her words. “… we do not-not have to like them to use them. Come, Akio. You have time until you must-must return to meet this fake princess, the white one, Shiro, do you not-not? There is much to do here, and I would welcome your aid-aid.”

“Fine then.” We kissed again. “I know you only want my presence as you feel sad, but isn’t that what I’m here for?”

“You are indeed.” She laughed, this time genuinely. “Well then. We have much-much to do!”


“So yeah, I’ll meet your father next time. The gods help me, Anna.” I said to Shaeranna, who smiled. In the days I had spent in the lower Astral, I had met the other elves, and sadly they were not the stoic warrior type. I mean, yes, a couple of them were cool beauties, but they still were clearly following their instructions to try and appeal to me. I had also travelled with several Way-Warden patrols, as well as worked with Moira on various projects regarding reconstruction of the Spring. It had all been fascinating stuff, but even so, I was mentally exhausted. And physically too, as Shaeranna and Talaisha had sparred with me numerous times, if you could call mock battles where injury was a certainty, not a risk, sparring.

“I shall try to prepare my father, calm him down.” She promised. Anna (I was calling her by her nickname now, as shockingly she seemed to have warmed to me, even if she did still grumble that I had taken her little Ula’s innocence incessantly) was now in our corner, an outcome I had no way of predicting. While she was enraged at the story of my first meeting with Shaeula, and had thrashed me soundly on the sparring field after that, when she heard more of our daily life, what we had shared and endured, she actually thanked me, a shocking turn of events for such a siscon. It was quite a touching moment, I thought. Well, I may be a siscon myself, though nowhere near what these siblings are like, but if someone loved my sister genuinely and looked after her, I’d thank him too, and respect him.

“In his head he understands, he knows. Without you, Ula would be slain, surely dead, and it would be our hands stained with the blood of my precious sister.” Her face fell just thinking about it. “We were too weak, not strong. But even so, he cherishes Ula dearly, a remnant of her lost, departed mother. I never liked her, the stuck-up foreign bitch, but little Ula was born without sin, so cute, so tiny. I should have stuck my spear in that fucking fox until he bled out, though his blood likely stinks like the crap his soul is made from. Well, never again!” She shook her head, angry at herself and the Duke who was father of her closest friend, yet a bitter enemy of her family.

“Yes, never again. I promise you that.”

“Good. Good!” she slapped me on the back heartily. “Yes, I like you! At first I thought you would be some scum who had taken advantage of my innocent, foolish sister. Raggy tried to tell me about you, but the only sharp thing about Raggy is his arrows, not his mind. I was very angry, most furious. But…” she smiled again, and I saw a little resemblance to Shaeula in her weaselkin form, even if she was black-furred and significantly larger. “… the more my Ula praised you, the more I saw the look of affection, love in her eyes, heard it in her voice, her words… well, I could no longer deny it.”

“I’m glad. Family is very precious to me, and you are my sister-in-law now.” I reassured her. “If you are ever in need, just call me, and I’ll come.”

“I need nothing but your love for my Ula. Talaisha is free too, another tragedy I was too weak, far too feeble to prevent alone. But your deeds made it happen. And I am most grateful.”

“Well, she seems nice, so I’m glad. Though this idea of marrying family isn’t something we mortals do. I mean, I’m not judging, but I don’t get it. Anyway, speaking of family, since you like little sisters, I have one too, Aiko. She’s adorable and very fond of Shaeula. I think you’ll like her. She’s hitting if off with Shaeraggo, they’re both archers after all.”

As we continued to talk, getting along surprisingly well, Shaeula returned, looking pleased. Klena had made a decent recovery, Selensha proving as excellent a healer as I believed, and then she had left to join her husband, as Shaeraggo had taken the opportunity to retreat back to my Territory to escape his older sister, with the excuse that he wanted to further expand my control. I wasn’t going to argue, as it benefitted us.

“So how’s Klena? Still tired, I’d imagine.” I said, and Shaeula nodded to me, and smiled at her sister.

“Yes, she is still weak-weak, but her mind seems to be clearing, and her body is free of wounds and scars. Selensha is quite-quite the marvel. I shall learn more from her, I would like to be able-able to heal like that myself.”

“I still cannot believe my little Ula is able to wield water, use such an element. It is a curious feeling. Pride and sadness.”

“I think it’s natural, to be a little sad seeing your little sister grow up. They are cute when they are young…” I grinned, and Anna agreed, embarrassing Shaeula, who called us both a pair of idiot siscon. As we laughed and joked with each other, I realised it would soon be time to go. My Territory is safely accruing ether, I’ll sort out the upgrades before I head for the Conclave. But now… it’s time to meet Shiro. I really hope I can help her. She’s been through a lot and is a dear friend, even if her personality sucks… with a wry smile on my face, I remembered the silver-haired girl who could match the elves for her incredible beauty, but whose personality could only be called quirky if one was charitable…

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