On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Two Hundred And Fifty

Two Hundred And Fifty

As the car pulled up alongside the dorms where Shiro lived, I sent her quick text to say that I had arrived. My driver got out and opened the door for me, and I briefly regretted allowing Hinata to talk me into taking the Fukumoto car for this. Still, she’s right about one thing. If I want to be taken seriously by the higher nobility, politics and business, I have to project the right air of power and authority. Of course, that wasn’t all I wanted to be taken seriously by. Tonight, I needed to impress Shiro enough to… well, it was too much to hope she’d agree to go out with me, I wasn’t an idiot, but I needed to reveal some of my secret to her if I was going to be able to heal her. Even if healing with Chirurgery and Ether Healing wasn’t directly possible, then even giving her a perfectly-adapted chakra network would boost her Fortitude significantly, possibly enough for her to live a normal, healthy life.

To that end, Hinata had coordinated my outfit, but not alone. Apparently she had conference-called Eri, and along with Motoko and Natsumi, and surprisingly enough my sis, they had decided on my outfit, hairstyle and accessories. It’s still quite the unsettling feeling having my fiancées prepare me for what is effectively a date with another woman. Still, even Eri feels sorry for Shiro, not able to live a normal life… I thought I looked surprisingly good. I was wearing my hair a little wilder, and a lavender shirt matched with grey suit jacket and trousers set off my eyes and hair. Paired with a nice watch and some male jewellery, a flashy necklace, I cut a rather dashing figure.

Akio ready for Shiro

Approaching the dorms, the door opened, and two girls stepped out, eyeing me curiously. I’m sure they are the ones from before, when I brought Shiro back… “Oh hey, your boyfriend is here, Shiro!” one crowed, a smile on her face. “Damn, he’s hot. I bet the pair of you look like celebrities together. Lucky.”

The second girl had approached, but instead of me, she was looking at the car, with the smartly-dressed driver now back inside. “Hey, this isn’t a taxi is it? Nice. I’ve always wanted to take a drive in one of these. Foreign, right?” she turned her attention back to me. “So, are you like some rich heir to a conglomerate or something? How do you know Shiro? It’s her looks, right? Got to be her looks. Beautiful girls have it easy. Though I guess Shiro would be hurt if I told her that.”

“Well, you’re not too bad yourself.” I couldn’t help but answer politely, and objectively the girl was pretty enough, if the sort you could see anywhere. Even so, she blushed a little, looking away.

“Naughty. Flirting with me before your date with Shiro. I’ll tell her you’re a playboy!” she mock-threatened me. I waved her amused threats away, my conscience clear. I was just being polite.

“Come on Shiro, don’t keep your boyfriend waiting, else he might get bored.” The first girl called in again, before a somewhat grumpy voice responded.

“I keep telling you, Aki isn’t my boyfriend. Talking to you is like talking to an NPC, I swear. Same responses no matter what I say.”

“Sure, sure. I’d say you should drop that sort of stupid otaku talk, Shiro, as hot guys don’t like that crap, but… well, you never listen anyway, and your boyfriend seems not to mind, right?”

“What did I just say? Aki’s just my old senpai and friend… oh forget it. It doesn’t matter, you’ll think what you want anyway. I’ll just tire myself out trying to convince you.” Shiro stepped out of her dorm, blinking as her eyes took in the bright streetlights outside.

As beautiful as ever, but still Shiro. After all, who else would call her friends NPC’s? I found myself smiling though. Shiro never changed, and was always true to herself, which was something I liked and respected. She was in her usual white jeans, hugging her long, shapely legs, and it was yet another white patterned t-shirt, this one decorated with blue and white flowers. It was surprisingly girly for her, but I couldn’t look for long, as her large chest was straining against the cloth. Pulling my eyes up I greeted her with a smile, my grey eyes meeting her dark onyx ones, and as her silver hair fluttered out behind her in the gentle evening breeze, I felt my face heating up. No, I need to remain calm. I can. My Resilience isn’t just a number!


Keeping my expression natural, I walked over to Shiro. “Hey there, Shiro. I’m here to pick you up. You’re looking as good as ever.”

“Trying to flatter me, Aki? Since when did you get so bold?” She replied, crossing her arms under her ample chest. “Well, it’s true though. I always look gorgeous. After all, I am a princess. It’s Shirohime, remember? Come on Aki, don’t be as mindless as these NPCs.

As she casually insulted the other girls, I felt bad for them, so I apologised on her behalf. “Oh, don’t mind Shiro here. She’s grateful to you, she’s just not good at expressing that. I’m thankful too. I know looking after Shiro is a thankless job, but I’m happy you look out for her.”

“Oh we know.” The second girl said, returning after having finished checking out the car. “Shiro isn’t very honest. But thanks, Mr Boyfriend, hearing that makes it worthwhile!” she giggled.

“Aki isn’t my boyfriend. He. Is. Not.” She said for emphasis. ”Besides, he’s already engaged. Why does nobody listen to me? Is it bullying? Am I just too beautiful that you girls are jealous? Going to stick pins in my shoes or hide my textbooks? Are we back in middle school?” she sniffed, before whispering something so softly only my hearing could pick up on it. “… not that I’d know. But it’s in manga so it must happen…”

Feeling a sudden sadness which only fuelled my resolve, I opened my mouth to say something, but one of the girls beat me to it.

“Engaged huh? Well, I bet you don’t lose in looks to his girl, Shiro. And he’s totally into you, I can tell. Besides…”

“Yeah, he’s hot, loaded and likes you, Shiro. I bet you could win him over.”

“You girls are fools. Why would I want anyone who was so callous? Besides… Aki may have got a new job, but I wouldn’t exactly say he’s loaded…”

“I forget you don’t get out much, Shiro.” one said, before the other shot her a look to keep quiet. With an oops expression on her face, the girl continued. “Only because you are too busy studying, right? All I meant was… uh, that watch he’s wearing, that cost a lot. And, well, the car… never mind. It doesn’t matter. All I’m saying is, he looks a great catch.”

“No way he’d break up with his fiancée.” Shiro frowned. “She’s his childhood friend and sister’s best friend. Aki is a real siscon too, so there’s two reasons he wouldn’t. So drop the subject, okay? Aki’s just taking me out for drinks. We go out occasionally, right?”

“Yeah, but it’s usually that big-boobed bimbo or the shy little thing that picks you up, right? Not him. This isn’t a get-together, but a date, right?” she squealed. “A forbidden affair. Maybe you really are a princess right now!”

“Tch. Idiot. I’ve had all of this I can take. You pair are out again later right, anyway? I’ll be back before you, probably, so don’t worry about me.” As she stepped forwards I moved to take her arm. She allowed me to do so, but where before she might have pulled my arm into her chest to tease me, this time she kept a little distance, looking slightly troubled.

“Yeah, I thought this last time we were out, but you sure have changed, Aki. I’m not sure whether that makes me happy or sad.” Shiro looked at me, pensively. “Where did little Aki who blushed as soon as a girl so much as looked at him go?”

The two girls exchanged looks. “Well, if you are going to be late back, let us know so we don’t worry.” One said.

“I told you, I won’t be late…” she started, but the second girl cut her off.

“Sure, Shiro. All we are saying is if you end up getting a hotel or something, just let us know, okay?” the girl winked at me.

“I promise I’ll be a perfect gentleman. After all, the princess here is far beyond my reach. Though for now, I have the pleasure of her in my arms.”

The two girls squealed at that, while Shiro flushed a little, unusual for her, as she was usually the one making us blush. “And I’ll make sure she messages you if there are any problems. But I’m with her, so she’ll be in no danger.”

“How gallant!” one chuckled, while Shiro complained.

“I know I’m fragile, but Tokyo is hardly that dangerous… well… so you’ll protect me, huh?” she said quietly, some indiscernible expression in her eyes. “Anyway, enough chit-chat, Aki. I need a stiff drink. And the bar will be crowded if we take all night chatting to these morons.”

“We love you too, Shiro!” they chorused, clearly used to her insults.

“Later! Have fun tonight!” I said to them, and with that opened the door and helped Shiro into the car, before getting in beside her. The driver nodded, and the car pulled out smoothly, leaving Shiro’s dorm behind us.

“So, yeah. This does seem rather expensive for a taxi. I’m no expert though.” Shiro observed.

“Yeah, it’s… well, kind of like a company car?” I deflected, and Shiro looked at me searchingly, her gaze deep and dark.

“Fine. Whatever you say, Aki. So, what is tonight really about?”

“Can’t it just be me wanting to spend some time with you, Shiro?” I asked. “By the way, I know you like white and all, and your T-shirt is cute as ever, but… I think you’d look better in different colours sometimes.” It’s like when Eri changes her look, she’s like a fresh new person, or how Hinata looks so different in her school unfirm or a party dress, or Motoko and Natsumi in their hakama or dresses… I’d dearly love to see Shiro in something different… Realising what I had said, and that I was already starting to think of Shiro in the same way as my other girls, despite the fact we were just friends, I was amazed at my boldness and foolishness.

“I can’t believe you basically said this was a date! Is it something about you and cars, Aki? It was the same in the taxi.” She shrugged. “I told you, Aki. I’m not interested in an affair, being somebody disposable. Not even… even for you. And it’s not like you’ll ever give up on your fiancée, will you? You aren’t that type of guy. Though to be honest… no, never mind.” It looked as if she was going to say something important, but stopped herself at the last minute.

“Well, I suppose if you consider a date two people going out to have fun together, it might be.” I admitted. “But I wasn’t kidding when I had something important to discuss. Still, my point stands. A different look for you might be a bit fresh…”

“Well, I like white. I am white. Shirohime.” She retorted.

“Oh come on. You’d still be Shirohime even if you wore something different. Maybe black, red or dark blue. You never wear dresses or skirts either, with legs like yours…”

I trailed off, realising the look she was giving me was rather odd.

“Yeah, unexpected indeed. This is throwing me for a bit of a loop, Aki. I’m not sure I like it.” She pursed her lips. “Look, I talked… about my circumstances in the taxi, right? How… how my parents didn’t want to spend the money on my treatments?”

Crap, I stepped on a landmine. Still she doesn’t look too upset, just… resigned. “Sorry. I’m an insensitive fool.” I reached out and started stroking her head, just as I did when she was exhausted in the taxi. I had stopped myself from doing that habit recently, but this time it was a conscious choice. Shiro froze for a moment, but perhaps remembering how I had comforted her before, she allowed it, looking at me, a pained expression crossing her face.

“Well, my parents pay for my accommodation and fees, but I don’t want to ask them for money unless I have to. I barely go out, so what clothes I have do me just fine. When you look as good as me, Aki, it doesn’t matter what I wear. I’m still going to be gorgeous.”

“Yeah. One of the prettiest girls in the world.” I agreed, saddened by her story.

“One of? Who is better? Well, I guess… you have to say that.” She sighed, leaning in on me.

“Well, we could always take a detour. I could ring the bar and push our booth back, or we could go elsewhere.” I promised. “Before that we could go shopping, get you a new outfit. My treat.”

“Your fiancée will be pissed off if you are lavishing your money on another woman, Aki.” She said, shrugging off my offer, as I sadly knew she would. Despite, or perhaps even because of her condition and struggles, she’s proud. Too proud for charity. Even if I’d love to see her in it. Damn, years of being too scared of feelings of affection for other people has ruined people’s impressions of me. Shaeula was right. Eri, Aiko and I, we are all broken. But we are starting to fix ourselves… “Besides, there’s no way I can accept that from you. Besides, imagine what that idiot Yasu would say if he saw me wearing clothes you bought me. No way.”

“Well, you could keep them just for me to see…” I said, and this time she let out a cute little yelp and blushed crimson, shocking me.

“Stupid Aki!” she gently started battering me with her fists, careful to be gentle as she remembered last time. “That line was the sort I’d expect from Hayato, though he’s directing it all at Hina nowadays. You’ve really changed Aki. I… well I feel a bit left behind. But save that line for your cute little Eri. Though to be honest… I’m a little regretful.” She sighed. “If you’d have said that to me a year ago, maybe…” she paused, shaking her head. “Nah. Even then. Sorry Aki. It’s not you, it’s me. After all, white is a pure colour, and so I shall remain chaste and perfectly princess-like.”

I happen to know one princess who is decidedly not chaste. Shaeula loves sex with me. But… I think you are just making excuses. But then, as you said to me before, it’s hard to be beautiful, especially when so frail. “Well, don’t worry, I have no secrets from Eri. She knows I’m out with you tonight. Like I said, she’s a kind girl. She wants me to cheer you up. So I don’t mind buying you some pretty clothing, and my reward would be seeing you in them!”

“Ugh, another smooth attack. If you were single and a billionaire, maybe my resolve would falter and I’d let you date me. But sadly for you, you are most definitely not single!”

You don’t know the half of it!

“Besides…” Shiro continued. “You may have become a hot playboy, like an evil twin to Hayato, but you still don’t get girls, do you? There’s no way your childhood friend isn’t pissed off with you right now, whatever she says. She’ll be imagining you cheating on her, so you are in for hell no matter what you say, after all…” she pressed her chest into my arm as I continued to stroke her hair, trying to regain the initiative with her old teasing. “… nobody would believe you didn’t make a pass at me. Well, technically, you did, didn’t you, Aki? It was nearly a critical hit too! But sadly for you, this princess has an AT field that protects her from smooth gigolos.”

Shit. I’ve run away from my feelings long enough. Shiro has always been special to me. Even when I felt afraid of intimacy, a certain reluctance to share my feelings, I always watched her. She’s like the sun, blinding, but you can’t help but watch her with yearning. The soft feeling of her body against mine made me shiver, but I masked it with a smile. “Well, I’m not here to breach your defences, I promise. But… Shiro.” I said, serious, and she paused her teasing, looking at me, waiting for my words.


“Later, I’m going to ask you something, and it might sound crazy, or like I’m making fun of you, but… Shiro. I’d never do anything to hurt you, you know that, right? So please, listen to what I have to say with an open mind. If you can do that, I promise I’ll make it worth your while. Deal?”

“I see.” She whispered, looking away for a moment, the lights of Tokyo reflecting in her dark eyes, casting a strange glow in them. Then she was looking back at me. “A deal huh? And all I have to do is listen to you?”

I nodded, unsure of what else to say.

“Fine then. I can take that deal. You always need to keep your promises and honour your deals, Aki.” She said seriously, before she smiled. “Like when you promised to help me make my game. You’ve been slacking off, big shot! Anyway, this sounds ominous. If you are going to ask me to marry you, Aki, I think you had best steel yourself for heartbreak...”

I know she’s joking but… uh, I think I kind of am? “It’s not ominous, I promise.” I declared. “As for your game, cut me some slack, Shiro. I’ve been working my ass off recently, and I’m busy until after next weekend. But then…”

As we laughed and bantered, the sudden sombre mood forgotten, the tinted glass screen between us and the driver keeping us in our own isolated world, the lights of Tokyo shining through the windows, I made my resolve to help this pretty, funny, insecure and fragile girl anew… After all, you’re special to me Shiro. Else why would I have helped you all these years? I thought it was just that I hated seeing girls in pain, but no, it was more than just that…


“So yeah, Yasu had the dumbest look on his face, didn’t he? Really put his foot in his mouth. Hayato tried to sort everything out as usual, while you and Shugo tried to make yourselves scarce. Seriously, I can’t believe that idiot hit on that girl from the photography club., she was way out of his league. Hell, anything broadly female is out of Yasu’s league. He’ll surely die alone. Aimi or Hina taking pity on him was his only slender, nearly non-existent chance.” Shiro grinned, drinking her brightly-coloured cocktail.

This is nice. Talking with Shiro, listening to her reminisce and watching her smile. Still… all her stories are about us and the club. She doesn’t talk about her family, which I get, but… she doesn’t talk about the girls in her dorm, or other people at Uni…

“Well, Yasu-san may have his flaws, but at heart he’s a good guy. But there was no chance of Hina-chan going for him.” I disagreed. “She was always very shy and sensitive, and needed someone understanding like Hayato-san. She’s sure come out of her shell though. It shocked me when I saw her. Still, I’m happy for her. Hayato-san too. He’s a good guy.”

“Hmm.” Shiro have me a look. “You know something Aki?” she asked, and I cocked my head, listening, my own cocktail warming my stomach as I sipped the fruity alcohol. “I don’t want to be rude, but… I thought you’d never go out with anyone either.”

Huh? Really? Surprised, I asked the question. “How so? I mean, yeah, I wasn’t exactly mister confident, but hell, I’m no Yasu-san, am I?”

“Well, I don’t want to make you mad, Aki…” she took another sip. “… after all, you’re the only one I can pester into doing work on my game with any success. You’re a pushover, you know that?”

“So many people tell me.” Hinata most of all. “Look, this is an evening for honesty, so… I promise I won’t be mad. I’d be happy to hear what you really think, Shiro. Your opinion matters to me.”

“So smooth. You’re just an Aki, and one with a girlfriend at that. Stop doing that.” She pouted, before giving in with a sigh. “Fine. Look, I know I’m not exactly… normal. And I’m not talking about my looks or my illness. I think I’m not very sociable. I wanted to be, but… I only care about what I care about, and I don’t have the energy or the patience to listen to stupid crap like the girls in my dorm care about, like dating, or fashion, or whatever the hell is in vogue this week.”

“So, you don’t care about romance?” I asked. “You are always joking about marrying a billionaire, so I thought…”

“No interrupting. We aren’t talking about me right now Aki, and I’m trying real hard to pretend you aren’t clearly hitting on me constantly right now. I don’t know what’s come over you… never mind.” She shook her head to clear her thoughts, her face flushed, either from the alcohol, or emotion. Perhaps both.

“Look, take Aimi for example. She’s pretty damn cute, bubbly, flirty and the type of girl I have no idea why she likes geeky stuff like us. She’s got the body and personality of a normie, but the soul of a rotten otaku. But yeah, I know you guys all fantasised about her. Yasu is indiscreet when drunk, isn’t he? I have eyes, and girls are sensitive to the gazes of men who are interested. It’s not like you didn’t think she was hot, right Aki?”

“Well, honestly, she’s basically the dream of an otaku guy, right? You would be too, but… well, you look so amazing that it makes anyone who isn’t utterly confident in themselves shrivel up. I bet only guys who either don’t care about failure or have no sense of modesty are going to brave you. So just shady pick-up artists. But Aimi… she’s just about in reach, I could imagine that.”

“Yeah, it’s been bad. I was lucky though. Shirohime is still pure! I told no lies!” she said, remembering our conversation in the taxi. “But it’s been touch and go at times. I’ve been soured on guys and girls alike due to that, Aki. So when you ask if I want romance… of course I do. But I have to be realistic. But again, this isn’t about me, Aki. Since you dragged me out here, you’ll listen. You never hit on Aimi did you? Nor Hina. Not me either, at least until now. Why not?”

“Well, you know, I… well, can I be honest as well?”

“I’d appreciate it. And as a reward, I’ll let you buy me another drink.” She finished her cocktail and covered her mouth with one hand, burping cutely.

“I… well you know about Eri and my sis, right?” I said, as I waved to the barman, who started preparing another round of drinks for us. “Hey, here’s an idea. Next time my sis is in town, you should hang out. She’s not an otaku like us, but being my sister, she’s played the legendary games, and watched the big anime and read a few manga. Eri too. She’s…”

“Your sister I get, your siscon proclivities are well known, Aki. But seriously… you want me to meet your fiancée? Seriously, I’m actually impressed. I’ve been hit on in numerous ways by boys and girls alike, many of them were experiences I wish I could purge from my mind like deleting an old save, but … and I’m shocked I have to say this, and that it’s to you, Aki… I’ve never experienced anyone making a play by saying I should meet their partner. To be honest I’m almost impressed by your desperate gambit. But what does this have to do with anything?”

“I wish you wouldn’t keep saying I’m trying to hit on you, Shiro.” I grumbled.

“Aren’t you?” she said, receiving her new drink. “I’ve been hit on enough times to tell. I’m feeling very confused right now, to be honest.”

“Uh, well can we talk about that later?” I’m not going to lie. But the time isn’t right. “Well, a friend of ours, she’s another good girl, she noticed. Somehow after saving my sis and Eri from the dog, something inside me got broken, or frozen, or something like that.” I received my own drink, taking a sip to steady myself. Even with my insane Resilience, talking about this was still hard. “For some reason I got it in my head that I couldn’t protect those I cared about, that they’d be crying, and… well, it sounds stupid now. But feelings aren’t rational, are they? So… every time I thought I liked someone, I’d pull back.”

“I see. Yes, that makes a lot of sense Aki. You damn idiot.” She insulted me. “Shit, you’ll never make a good protagonist with that attitude. Well, I suppose you could be some sort of dense harem protagonist, but my game isn’t going to be one of those.” She sighed. “I always thought there was something a touch off about you. Harmless enough, sure, but wrong. There was always a weird sense of distance. After all, you never used to initiate anything, never the one to suggest hitting Akihabara or doing something fun. You’d agree with most suggestions, but never provide your own. with one exception. Really, it makes me mad. Though a little guilty too. Look, you should be grateful to serve this princess, but… I know I took advantage of you, all right? But it’s not like you didn’t get your compensation, I am beautiful after all, and…” she boasted, before flushing. “… shit, maybe I’d better not do that today. It feels wrong. You must know the exception, right?”

“Yeah. When I saw someone hurting or lost, especially if they were a girl that reminded me of my sister or Eri, I wanted them to stop crying. Though don’t think of me as a good guy. It was mainly my selfishness…”

“No shit, Aki. I’m not praising you. Though to be honest, Hina, Aimi, me… sometimes your kindness was very welcome. Shit, to be honest I’ve wondered occasionally what it would be like if I went out with Hayato, or you. Even Shugo on occasion. Not Yasu though, never Yasu.” She smirked. “Of course, then I realised it’d never work. To handle this princess, you need three things.” She raised one hand, three fingers up.

“First you need money…” she curled one finger. “… and not just because I should live the high-life, able to make my game in peace. Look, I’m stable right now, but I’m still pretty damn fragile. If I hadn’t… no, well, look, if I catch a bad flu I could easily die, my lungs stopping. Hell, I could faint and crack my skull open. I hope I don’t die that way, it’d be a tragedy for the world to lose my beauty. Still, I doubt that’s my fate.” She laughed a touch bitterly. “Honestly Aki, I know you are poor as shit. Well, you were, anyway. The only one of you with any money at all was Hayato, and even that… well, moving on. The second…” another finger closed. “… you have to have guts to protect me. Sorry Aki, but while I trust you to step in if a mugger attacked, if it came to another guy being pushy or going after me… nah, I saw NTR in your future. Worst kind of porn. Stick to vanilla, trust me. But seriously, do you think you could have fought for me? Shuta didn’t have the guts either. Hayato, hmm. He’s not good with conflict, he’s a peacemaker, but… maybe.”

I’m seeing a theme here… “Hey, did you like Hayato? I remember you saying he was the only one you seriously considered.”

“Jealous much?” she snorted, looking pleased. “Shit, Aki, that’s damn cute. Well, I didn’t hate him or anything, and no, I may be a princess, but my hair isn’t red, I’m no tsundere. I know Hayato well enough. He’ll be better off with a girl like Hina. He’s attentive and kind, but he doesn’t have the depth to take on everything I am. But more to the point…” she got to her feet and grabbed me, pulling me into her grip, grinding her knuckles into my head. “You are jealous when you rub your fiancée in my face? Such a dick move Aki, hell, are you even the Aki I know anymore?”

Uh, my cheek is being shoved into your chest. Sure the t-shirt and bra is in the way, but even so… “I’m sorry. But it’s hard not to be a little sore as a guy when a gorgeous girl is basically dismantling your character…”

“Well, you asked, idiot.” She realised how close my head was to her, and despite it being her usual flirty behavior, she let me go and sat down, embarrassed and red. “Anyway, point three… I had to want to spend the rest of my life with you. And to be honest, I love all you guys, even that idiot Yasu. I’d never have made it through Uni without you. Now… well, if I didn’t have distractions…” she sighed. “… never mind. “Look, you didn’t have any confidence, and were too needy, eager to please. Shit, that hasn’t changed. The eager to please, anyway. But… well, you’ve got that bit of swagger now. If I didn’t know you, I’d think you were yakuza. You have that air about you. It’s honestly a mystery to me. Sharp dresser, working out, splashing the cash… it couldn’t be, could it…?” she sighed. “Well, anyway, in short, back then, you weren’t the guy for me. But don’t be so downhearted. I really cherished you as a friend, and to be honest, Aki, if I was ever in real shit, it would have been you and Hayato I’d have turned to. But anything more? Nah. And now… well, it’s too late, isn’t it?”

You mean my engagement? Well, yeah, but… “It’s not too late. Look, I know I sound like a bastard, but Shiro, Shirohime, once I’ve…” I began, but she cut me off, looking shockingly sad for a moment, before her usual smiling mask was back.

“Look, trust me, when I say it’s too late, it’s too late buster. But…” she tipped the last of her cocktail into her mouth, swallowing it, slamming the glass down. “… Aki. I like you better now. Even if this is confusing the hell out of me. So I’ll listen to your once-in-a-lifetime confession, shoot you down in flames like I’m Yamamoto busting out a Bankai, and then this beautiful princess will wipe your tears and pat your head, like a little sister would. You like little sisters, so consider it my fanservice to you. And then… Aki, everyone else is drifting away. I miss the old days. Times have changed but… let’s not make it awkward. I don’t mean you have to go back to the way you were before, I like the new fun, frank you. But… don’t be a creeper, okay? I want us to have plenty of happy memories to come, until…” she trailed off, eyes going distant. I waited, and waited… finally I coughed loudly, and she flushed, snapping out of her thoughts. “Sorry about that Aki. Lost in thought there. Oh, my glass is empty…”

“Well, how are you feeling?” I asked, and she shrugged. “Not… not too bad, actually. A bit tired, but…”

“Great.” I finished my drink as well. “Then we might as well go for the meal I promised you. Don’t worry, I’ll see you home safely, like I promised your dorm-mates. And then we can talk.”

“Sure, but give me your shoulder, I feel a bit tipsy.” As I did so, she sighed softly. “Aki…”

“Yes, Shirohime?”

“For putting me though this worry, you owe me a favour, right?”

“Sure. But… I haven’t said anything yet, have I?”

“idiot. Girls always know, and I’ve been hit on often enough. But… at least I trust you not to be too pushy or gross about it. So…”

“Yeah. I’ll help you make that world you wanted, for you, that’s kind to you. Nothing will change that you don’t want to between us. I promise.”

“I’ll hold you to that Aki. Too much has changed already, and what is lost is never recovered, is it…?”

With those cryptic words I escorted her out to where the car was still waiting, opening the door and helping her inside. Getting in beside her, I held in a sigh. Damn, Shiro is perceptive as hell. I mean, I knew she was going to shoot me down, she’s Shiro after all. But she could have at least let me ask her first. Now I know how those poor girls struggling to give out valentines chocolates feel, trying and failing. Though come to think of it, I was pretty lucky, as I always got giri chocolates from my sis and Eri, though… well, looking back, they weren’t giri from Eri, were they, she was just too shy to say they were love chocolates, not obligation. Thinking of that, this coming Valentine’s Day… who the hell am I spending it with? And I’m going to have to eat a ton of chocolate…


The private room in a nice restaurant in Ueno was rather swish, and Shiro picked at her rather lavish meal while shooting me glances. “So, I’m sure you don’t have the guts for it Aki, but you aren’t trying to get me drunk and… no, no way. Sorry.” She shook her head. “This new you is bold, but people don’t change so easily.” She took her glass of wine and sipped from it, the ruby liquid splashing on her lips. “Damn, this is good stuff. I really feel like a princess right now. Which makes sense, as I am!” Another gulp, and she asked me a question.

“So, like, I get it. You’ve got a good job, not that you’ve explained what it is. But even so, this is a really pricey place, isn’t it? And a private room too. Are you sure this isn’t going way too far, Aki? I mean, I’m impressed, but… it’s kind of a waste, isn’t it? Your girl will be cursing you, spending all this money on another woman.”

“It’s not a waste.” I shook my head. “It isn’t often you get to go out like this, is it? Besides, I’m setting the mood for what I want to ask you. And I can afford it.” I promised.

“Yeah, well, I’ll let you ask, I owe you that. But you already know my answer, Aki. Damn, I’m starting to feel bad for you. But no, I’m not weakening, no matter how pitiful you are, even if you stoop to Yasu’s level! I’ll not be swayed!”

“I assure you, I’ll never hit Yasu-san’s level!” I laughed, making a joke at our friend’s expense. “When I got engaged, I left that all behind.”

“True, but… seriously Aki.” She sighed. “You shouldn’t mention your fiancée when you are trying to woo me. I mean, that’s a total Yasu move, although he wouldn’t be engaged in the first place, unless you count 2D girls…”

“I’m not going to lie to you, Shiro. In fact everything I’m going to say is the truth, no matter how unbelievable.”

“Whoa, that sounds ominous.” Shiro laughed. “Damn, this steak is so good, is it grade A5? The marbling is gorgeous, and the taste heavenly. Shit, I’ll give you credit for trying Aki, guys have attempted to woo me with offers of dates before, but I doubt they’d go this far…”

“I think you’d be surprised. If not for your personality, you’d be perfect!”

“My personality? Tch, you don’t know anything, Aki! I expect you’d rather I was all kuudere and melt at your attention, or… no, actually I think you’d like me being all tsundere. But that’s just not me.” She was shoving down bites of the meal in between words, so that spoiled her declaration.

“I don’t know, you seem pretty tsundere right now.” I chuckled.

“You wish! I’m not saying no when I really mean yes.” She promised.

“Yeah well, I’m just happy I get to spend some quality time with you.” I said, and she nodded.

“I bet you are. Well, the mood seems right, so you might as well make a start.” She said. “Ugh, I’m getting shivers just thinking about it. This is going to be hellishly embarrassing. The meal was the least I deserved for putting up with this. You know, I’m going to tell everyone about this next time we are out. Hina and Hayato are going to be so disappointed in you, Aki. Aimi too. Shugo I don’t know about… Yasu would probably applaud your greed though, but that’s why the bonehead is going to die alone…”

“Well, no rush.” I said, starting to feel a little hurt at how Shiro kept shooting me down, even though I expected it. “First, I have a question. It may seem a bit odd, but please be honest.”

“Oh, another fresh approach, huh? Damn, you’ve got me curious Aki, you’ve definitely grown! This Shirohime will hear you out. Really, if you weren’t engaged and were rolling in money, I’d seriously consider giving you a try, so be grateful! A shame, really…” her tone was joking, but I felt maybe she was serious. Still, I would never wish I’d not accepted Eri, or Shaeula, or any of the others, not even for Shiro. Sure, I like her, but… healing her is what matters. Then I can watch over her happily, living a normal life… though I’ll be jealous of whatever man ends up with her. Damn, I am becoming a harem protagonist, now I am actually thinking of expanding my harem… It hurt a little, thinking I was such a greedy person, but like Eri said, I would own it, and not shy away from it, nor let the guilt dominate me.

“Shiro, if you could be healthy, you’d want to be, right? Even if… it was through… unconventional… means?”

“A stupid question there Aki, but I assume you are going somewhere with it. The evening sure has been something, so I’ll see it through. Yes, of course I want to be healthy, I’m tired of being a burden. But … a magical solution… well, do you think it’s that easy? Unconventional means, don’t tell me you’ve found a shady doctor or pharmacist? I’d hope you were smarter than that, Aki. There’s been a few, but some of them just wanted to get hold of my body, I’m sure, and others were just interested in the fame. Nobody had my best interests at heart.”

“Well I do.” I assured her. “And you know you can trust me. After all, I’m just the wimp who’s going to get NTR’d, right?” I laughed at her earlier words. “The guy who wants to help those sad girls he likes.” I opened up my phone and showed her a contact. “Look, here’s Eri’s number. Take it. That way, you know I can’t do anything bad, right? You could just tell her.”

“Well, unless you killed me.” She chuckled. “But I can’t see you doing that. Well… yoink!” she snatched the phone, entering the number in her own. “I’ll take it anyway. And I am so going to tell her everything about tonight. You may say she knows you are meeting me, but I call bull on she knows you are trying to score a mistress.”

“I assure you, I am not thinking of you as a mistress, or anything like that.” I said seriously, my grey eyes sincere. She met my gaze, before looking away, masking her embarrassment with some more wine.

“Well, I thought you said no lies… Aki, that’s not fair.” She muttered.

“It isn’t a lie. But… anyway, do me a favour, while you have my phone, open up my banking app. The Chase one. It’s listed under Midas Gold.”

“Sure, okay. Hmm, this is very mysterious. But I’m not easy to buy! Show me a billion and I’d at least look on you kindly…. What the hell…” she trailed off.

I’d left it logged in, for this moment. The look in her face is pretty priceless. As I struggled to hold in my mirth she turned to look at me, head moving robotically. “Uh, Aki… did you spike my wine? I’m hallucinating, right? I didn’t think you had the guts…”

“The look on your face is priceless now.” I managed to say, and she glared at me resentfully. “Oh, don’t look at me like that. Shiro, you don’t really care about money all that much, do you? I think it’s just a defence, so you can push others away. I think you are a bit like me at heart, or like I used to be anyway. But…” I paused meaningfully, before pointing at my phone. “… sorry, I’m a billionaire now. So I’ll take that kindly look…”

Her mouth flapped open and closed a few times, before she slid my phone back to me. “Well, Okay. You beat me, Aki. This pitch blows all the others out the water… seriously, where did you get all that money? Are you a drug kingpin? Running guns to terrorists? Shit, you talked about unconventional means, are you kidnapping people and selling their organs? Am I destined to have my beautiful, pristine body chopped up and transplanted into a load of fat old men?”

“Wow.” I channelled my sister. “I’ve broken Shirohime. Earth to Shiro, come in! It’s your good friend Aki! Please respond!”

“Oh shut it, you!” she managed, before rubbing at her temples. “Shit. You went and got all hot and charming, and now this? Why must you tempt me so? But… I’ll not be swayed… hang on!” she said accusingly, and I braced myself for her question warily.

“If you are so loaded, why the hell don’t you have time to work on my game?”

That’s your question?” I laughed, relieved. “That answer is easy. I have a lot to do, and it isn’t all related to money. But rest assured, Eri, my family… they are well looked after. You could be too.”

“Seriously… what happened to you Aki? It… yeah, it must be.” She looked at me a touch warily. “But whatever. I’m not for sale. You said yourself it was a defence mechanism.”

“I know. And I’m not trying to buy you. Look, this isn’t exactly why I came, but… Shiro, I’ve always liked you, even if I didn’t ever have the guts to say so. I never believed I’d be able to protect you, help you, or be worth your love. But now… I know I can. So… please, I’ll make you happy. Go out with me!”

“You think you’re worth my love when you already have a fiancée? Seriously? You’ve surprised me, Aki. I never thought that of you.”

“Yeah, me neither. But… a lot has changed.” I admitted. “I learned a lot about myself. I… well, actually I’m engaged to more than just Eri.”

“What the hell? Okay, now I know you drugged the wine, Aki. The beef too! Bigamy? No way. You don’t have the guts…”

“I didn’t think I did either. But I’ve always had it in me. When the dog threatened Aiko and Eri, I saw red, and I fought it off. When those I cared about wanted to be happy, the law, common sense, decency… it was in my way, so I powered through. It’s crazy, but I love them and they love me, and I’ll do anything, anything to ensure their happiness except give up on them! And Shirohime…

“… yes?” She said, overwhelmed, looking incredibly adorable with her flushed face and moist, shocked eyes.

“… I love you. I’ve been too shy to say so for years. You are beautiful, and funny, and unique, and I don’t give a shit about your illness. In fact, I want to crush it, so I will. You don’t have to answer me… I know expecting you to return my love is a one in a million chance, but… shit, Shirohime, just allow me to do one thing, one thing, and I’ll be satisfied, even if you tell me to leave, reject me…”

“… uh, Aki, I’m… well… damn, I didn’t expect… come on brain, start working…” she babbled. “… I’m not ready for a kiss, my lips are chaste, and …”

“I’d love a kiss.” I said, and she turned purple with embarrassment, amazed I had been so bold. “But that’s not my request. My request is… I need you to keep something absolutely secret. Promise me.”

“If… if it’s not something bad.” She managed.

“Great. In that case, try not to be shocked, okay.”

“Wait, my heart isn’t ready, Aki. I know this is a private room, but I swear I’ll scream! I will, and… uh?” she paused as my Eye began glowing brilliantly orange, overshadowing the candlelight in the room. As she opened her beautiful dark eyes wide, her expression shocked, I focussed my vision to check her body.

For a moment it was as if she was entirely unclothed, and I was beholding her glorious naked image, which was burned into my mind… Shit, sorry Shiro. I promise I didn’t mean to. But… you are a work of art. You really are… before my vision went deeper, investigating her physical body. I don’t see anything abnormal, like cancer or… well, I’m not a doctor, so… her subtle body blazed into focus, and I gasped at the strange set-up it had, dim and barely functional, before…

“Well, is that how a gentleman should react?” Shiro said… no, not Shiro. Her lips were moving, but a different voice was coming out, her tone and inflections completely different. I gasped, as her hair had changed to a vivid red, flames licking down her long locks, a blazing crimson, and her eyes had also turned blood red, her smile angry. “Peering into a woman’s secrets is worthy of great retribution. Now, how will you make it up to me?” she grinned, showing her teeth, which were now rather sharp. “I am hungry for your answer, and your recompense!”

Shiro? No, is that even Shiro? Confused, I gathered my thoughts to respond. Is she another Candidate, or something else? Seriously, what are the chances of that? Well, Shiro always has been special… Mind racing, I opened my mouth to make my apology…

Red Shiro

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