On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Two Hundred And Forty-Seven

Two Hundred And Forty-Seven

After a bit more skinship and enjoyable drinking, the three of us settled down for a few hours of sleep, more to refresh our minds rather than from any real physical need. Still, there was definitely something relaxing about opening my eyes when the sun started streaming through the windows, to find Shaeula asleep on one side of me, her chest rising and falling softly in the throes of her dreams, while on the other Hyacinth was lying there staring at me, her purple eyes soft.

“Good mooorning Akio. Did you rest well?” she asked me in a whisper, so as not to wake Shaeula.

“I slept like a baby.” I grinned, though I always wondered about that saying, as I’m sure I had heard babies didn’t tend to sleep well. I’m pretty sure my sister didn’t when she was a baby… “How could I not, with you and Shaeula here?”

Hyacinth flushed at that, her pale flesh tinged pink, and she looked away, eyes moist. “Akio is a flatterer, a heartbreaker. A bad man, but Hyacinth still loooves you!” With that she made to stand to start breakfast, but I stopped her, pulling her in for a morning kiss first.

“Yeah, don’t I know it. Six fiancées and I’m thinking of a seventh, though she’ll shoot me down in a heartbeat, I have no doubt.” Shiro’s a proud girl, I suppose it’s how she’s survived this long with her condition. It might have broken a weaker person. But we’ve been friends for years, the least I can do is see if I can help her with Ether Healing. I’m not doing it to make her owe me, or make her like me more. I’m… not. Hyacinth gave me a look, one I was starting to recognise from all my girls, that she could tell I was thinking something dumb. How do they all do it? It’s a mystery to me.

“Yooou should be more confident, Akio.” Hyacinth declared, finally pulling free, straightening her rather short skirt, which gave me a tantalising glimpse of cloth beneath, before hustling to the kitchen, leaving me some final words. “Else it is rather rude to the mistresses who looove you, like Hyacinth!” With that she was gone, and I pondered that. Well yeah, that’s two different things. I can’t deny I’m a catch now, even that silly girl Michiru-san was talking about my babies, though I’m kicking that one into the long grass. There are other options in her future I’m sure, and even though she’s cute, I’m not enough of a bastard to father a child on her just for that. But a few months ago, I could never have dreamed of that. Apparently… Kana is interested too? That was what the girls had said, but I wasn’t so sure. Kana was a naturally flirty girl, but she was a bit like Shiro in a way, with high pride, and she had said numerous times she wanted a guy to think only of her. It’ll be a lucky guy. Kana’s a real beauty, and she has talents too. Though I suspect whoever it is will end up wrapped around her little finger. Maybe Ren-san would be a good match for her? Well, enough of that.

Careful not to wake Shaeula I reached for my laptop and began tapping away softly, working on several pressing issues that needed my authorisation, such as preliminary plans for the Ministry and other related matters…


Shaeula let out a long, contented sigh, causing me to roll my eyes. “You shouldn’t have whiskey with breakfast, I don’t want you turning into a drunk, do I?”

Shaeula grinned, putting down her empty glass, causing Hyacinth to top it up from the bottle, looking delighted to serve. Shaeula smirked at me, before taking another long gulp of the amber liquid that matched her eyes and hair, small throat working as she swallowed. Placing down the now half-empty glass again, she sighed, more serious. “Akio, you worry too-too much. You know if we choose, we can instantly heal the alcohol with Ether Healing.” She shook her head. “I am merely happy to have this reprieve from my many-many troubles. To think that the politics…” her lips curled sourly at the word. “… would be harder than defeating the Myconids. Still, I hope the worst-worst is over. But… just because Four of the Seven support us, that is not-not enough. I wish to bring at least one more-more onto our side. Then I shall do something about Duke Vulpatrius. Even Duke Formor declares that stupid firefox will not-not stop his hatred of me and my family.”

“All right, I get it.” I said, patting her head, making her smile. “I promise I’m going to help with that, once we’ve got all the current problems here in the Material sorted. Speaking of… we are scheduled to meet Aliyah and her brother this morning at the military prison they are confined in. If all goes well, and we can use them… well, I’d like your winds as insurance.”

“That female. I remember her well. Foolish, to think-think a few mortals with their toys could defeat you. She was annoying, but rather-rather fun to tease.” Shaeula reminisced. “So, what do you wish from them?”

As I explained, Hyacinth brought over steaming bowls of rice, miso and also more western breakfast dishes. As we filled up, not forgetting to thank Hyacinth for her service, which made her glow with happiness every time, I explained my plans. Shaeula listened intently, but I notice she did cut back on her drinking, probably to not worry me.

“I see.” Shaeula said when I was done. “Well, yes they could be useful, but-but… you have no need for it to be them, do you? Others would suffice, and might be more trustworthy.”

“Yeah, but… I’ve been thinking about it, and we can’t just focus on Japan. Don’t get me wrong, I’m Japanese first and foremost, so obviously I want my country to be safe, but… this is a worldwide issue. I’m hoping this could be a good first step to international co-operation. And also a warning.” My gaze hardened. “Hit out at me and mine, and I’ll not only crush your plans, but turn them against you. I want other countries to think twice about targeting anyone I care about.”

“I see. Well, I have no objections.” Shaeula shrugged. “After all, it is no worse than what Duke Formor has done-done. I suspect it will leave a foul-foul taste in your mouth though, such forgiveness.”

“Who said anything about forgiveness?” I disagreed. “I’m just being pragmatic. It’s up to them, but if they accept, I’m going to work them until they bleed as compensation. I can forgive attacks on me, but they put Kana, Marika-san and the others at risk, as well as nearly killed the Detective and Officer Usui. That doesn’t just get forgiven.”

“I see. Yes, I understand. Much as I have no-no wish to pardon Duke Formor, but I must-must for the stability of the Seelie Court, and to get Klena back safely. I see-see. Yes, we must be compensated, and they must labour to earn the precious gift of our clemency!” she laughed loudly at that.

Quite the way to put it, but yes. They only get a second chance because Aliyah was right. She kept Eri and Aiko out of it, when our carelessness, no, my carelessness had put them and our families in danger. As to if they’ll take it… well, it’s up to them.

“Well, once that is done…” I sighed. “We are visiting Kondou Kazuo in Katsushika later this evening. He’s awaiting execution in the prison there, so…” I explained to Shaeula about my theories, and she nodded.

“Yes. You would have been a fool-fool indeed to try that on the granddaughter of an important backer. Much-much better to put such a vile male to better use, so he may redeem a mere fraction of his many-many sins, before his just death.” Shaeula agreed. “This power from the gods you have been given is indeed a great mystery, and one we should surely-surely seek to unravel. So, what of Haru?”

“Well, I think it would be for the best if she faces him down, so she can put it behind her. Well, that’s what I think, anyway, but I can’t really imagine what she suffered, so maybe that’s just my arrogance speaking. It’s her decision in the end.”

“Arrogance? Compassion, I would say.” Shaeula disagreed. “You simply wish her to be happy in the future, do you not-not?”

“Yeah, but… I’m not a woman. I know I was hit by her empathic light, but even then, it wasn’t real to me, not being a woman I couldn’t process everything she felt or suffered. It’s just… oh, I don’t know. It’s hard to put into words. But my gut instinct says that if she was to confront him, and realise he couldn’t hurt her any more, she might be able put it behind her, eventually. Not easily perhaps, not quickly, but in time.”

Shaeula kissed me then, and I responded. As we pulled apart, lips damp, her grin was blinding. “I do so love-love the kind side of you. I am a female. Though I have not-not suffered such cruelty, and never will, for you will protect me, and I shall protect myself.” She declared. “But… if I think of another male, abusing and slaying me… yes, it would be scarring indeed. Hence why show Kondou Kazuo no mercy. If your experiments prove cruel, remember what he did to Haru, and many-many others.”

“You’re right. And I’m prepared for that. Just another good intention on the road to Hell.” I snorted.

“Well, were we to end up in this Hell, perhaps we shall rebuild it more-more to our tastes.” Shaeula joked, and I felt my heart ease, as it often did when I was with Shaeula, or Eri, or the others. Hell, even being with my sis can lighten my mood. To think I spent several years barely going out, just working, when apparently I’m a person who needs companionship.

Hyacinth scuttled over, eating her own breakfast, and started joking with us and the tense mood dissipated. Yeah, I’ll ask Haru-san one last time. No pressure. And then… off to prison again. Though as a visitor this time, fortunately…


“I… if you really think I should.” Haru-san said uneasily, as I asked her again if she had made her decision. Behind us, Karen-chan was shaking her head at me, pulling a face, and I realised she had suffered as well, though luckily it had not gone beyond harassment for her.

“I don’t know.” I said honestly, surprising her. “I really don’t. How could I? But…” I looked her in the eyes seriously, trying to convey my feelings. “… look, how was last night? Did you enjoy spending time with your father again?”

Haru-san nodded, thrown by the change of subject. “I did. It’s been like a dream, spending time at home with daddy again, seeing my old house, the photographs of my mom. Sleeping in my own room. Sleeping. I’m a ghost, how does that even happen?” a slight smile crept onto her face. “And I have you to thank for it, Akio-san, I know that. I still miss my friends, but you were right, it won’t be forever. Daddy is going to see if any of the friends I worked with are suitable for the new Ministry, and… oh sorry, I’m rambling on.” She looked at the amused expression on my face and looked down shyly. “But yes. I’m happy.”

“But you still hate him, right?” I said, and she sighed, a long, bitter exhalation.

“Of course I do.” Her fists clenched. “he… I was an innocent young woman. I’d never even had a boyfriend, and he took everything from me. The pain, the fear, the loss… in the end, death was a mercy. But somehow I came back. I didn’t survive…” she always seemed to make a joke of that, and I was sure it was a coping mechanism. “… but I came back. But I’m still dirty, ruined. What happened to me still happened, even if not to my new body. My heart… it’s stained in filth and scars. At least I’ll always have my daddy, and I can get back my friends, but nobody is ever going to love…”

“Bullshit. That’s crap and you know it.” I said sternly. My employees other than Karen-chan had made themselves sensibly scarce, and Karen-chan was glaring at me, as if telling me to shut up, but I wasn’t going to bow on this. “The fact that you were a victim doesn’t make you any less than you were before, and anybody that thinks that can fuck off. I…”

“What do you know?” she whispered, but her tone held deep anger, self-loathing. “Talk is cheap. You can say that because you don’t know, you can’t know! Your girls…” she looked at Shaeula, who shrugged, staying out of it. “… they were pretty and clean, right? That’s what everyone likes. I’m tainted. I’m grateful you put me back together, Akio-san, but I’m like a vase who has been glued, I’ll never be beautiful again…”

Damn, I’ve stepped in it here. And she’s right. I don’t understand. I know she knows it isn’t her fault, but even so… she’s suffering, and I hate that. But this isn’t something I can help her with. Hence why I thought if she had closure, it’d help, at least a little…

As I went silent she smiled triumphantly at me, and was about to speak again, when suddenly a hand fell on her shoulder. She jumped, alarmed, only to see it was Hyacinth, looking incredibly sympathetic. “Hyacinth understands.” She said, shaking her head. “I was hurt fooor a long, looong time. Many terrible things. I do not care to compare ooour suffering, but I did not get the mercy ooof death. So when I left the booox, Hyacinth just wanted to die. I had nooo name, no hope, only memories of … bad times.” Her voice dropped, cracking with emotion. Haru-san had paused, surprised. She had spent a little time with Hyacinth in the Boundary, but had never talked about such matters.

“Master means what he says. Master loooves Hyacinth, I know it. He treasures this dirty, ruined me, and my tears, they wash away the filth. I am cooovered, caked with ruin, but every day, Hyacinth feels the burden getting lighter.” She tightened her grip, and Haru-san winced under the pressure. “Master doooes not see the dirt. He is a fool, but a kind ooone, and he does not lie.”

“Hyacinth.” I said softly. “I’ve told you. There’s nothing dirty about you. You’re you, and your past doesn’t matter to me, or Shaeula, or Eri, or anyone else who matters. The same goes for you, Haru-san. I’m sorry I can’t understand what you’ve been through. And I honestly don’t think you are tainted. No more than Hyacinth is. Some might think differently when they know. You might lose some friends, people might talk about you behind your back. But those fuckers don’t matter. Those that see you as you and care about you do. Your father. Does he love you any less?”

Haru-san shook her head, and Hyacinth giggled, touched once more that I continued to reassure her. “You’re Suzuki Haru, candidate called by Kannon, goddess of compassion. So please, spare a little for yourself. Don’t let that fucker win. I assure you, I am going to track down every last Unseelie that hurt and tormented Hyacinth, and I’m going to present them with the bill. They won’t be able to afford it, but I’ll still make them pay. And not because doing so will make Hyacinth cleaner, or make her forget the past. That’s part of her. The good and the bad. Again, it sounds awfully arrogant of me saying this, as I never suffered the fear, the shame, the regret… but without it, Hyacinth wouldn’t be here today. I still wish she had instead lived as a brownie, happy, never knowing such horrible times, just as I wish you never went to that party, and suffered what you did. But I’m not a god, I can’t turn back time. I wish I could! But you are both here now, and I want you to know, when I look at you, I only see who you are, and you are both kind, good girls.”

“I find it funny master always talks tooo me like I am sooo much younger.” Hyacinth snickered. “I have lived many, many years. But Hyacinth likes it. I feel like a yoooung girl again. I feel… hope.” She cocked her head. “Dooo you feel it, Haru? Master shines. He hates sadness. Even if yooou hate him for speaking about things he knows nothing about, he will still try to reassure yooou. He may be foolish, but he wants to help!”

Haru-san was silent, before answering Hyacinth. “You too?” At her nod, she looked at me then. “And you really don’t care, and treat her the same as the others?”

“Of course I care.” I shook my head. “But only because there’s no way I’m letting those who hurt her win. Hyacinth is Hyacinth. Just as you are Suzuki Haru, and though it hurts, there are those who will see that, not what you fear. Though again, life isn’t nice enough to have everyone think that way. I get it. You’re bound to be hurt, suffer slanders… which is why you need to face him one last time, defeat him, I think. That way, even when those fools who don’t understand your worth hurt you, you can remember you won, and he, and those fuckers who disparage you, aren’t worth the shit on the sole of your shoe.” Even just thinking about this sort of thing makes me furious. If I ever am an Astral Emperor, such crimes will be punished in ways that make those ancient Greek and Roman gods who loved their cruel and unusual punishments look like innocent pacifists…

“I see.” Haru-san giggled them, though her eyes were still dark with emotion. “Fine. I’ll go. If you feel that strongly about it. If it goes wrong, you have to take responsibility.” She looked at Hyacinth then. “And thank you, Hyacinth. I’m sorry, I always thought… well, no, I never really thought about the past of anyone else. I’m happy you found someone to love you. Maybe… maybe I can too one day.”

“You will.” I promised, before giving her the details of where and when to meet us. “After all, you will be a very important person in the future. They’ll be queuing up!”

“We’ll see.” She said, leaving, and Karen-chan let out a huge sigh when she was out the door.

“Idiot. You stepped foot into one realm a man never ever should. You are lucky she didn’t hand in her resignation right here and now.” Her tone softened though, and she smiled at me. “Still, you may be a moron, who has no idea of what she suffered, but at least she could see you really care. As can I. Now get going, or you’ll be late, right?”

I checked my watch, not realising the conversation had run long. “Shit, yeah, we need to hustle. Shaeula, Hyacinth, come on…”


“Long time no see.” Treyvon said, as we met inside the prison that was run by the military. There were no glass screens or other security measures between the three of us and the four mercenary prisoners, merely a table set up with some seats, but around the room were wating several fully-armed soldiers carrying standard-issue assault rifles. Besides, if they try anything, any one of us could subdue all four without any trouble.

“We were starting to give up hope you’d come and see us, man.” He glanced at me, his dark-skinned face expressive. “By the way, nice suit. And have you been working out? You look more toned.”

Before I could answer, his sister Aliyah spoke up, her expression sour, her blue eyes judgemental. I noticed that she no longer had her hair beads in, and her hairstyle was a little different, less vibrant. “Shit, Trey, stop complimenting the bastard… err, I mean… oh, fuck it if I know what I mean.” She threw her hands in the air, clearly angry. “We waited for him to get his arse down here to see us, and he brings a new cutie with him. Damn, that hair and those eyes. But seriously, a maid outfit? If you can call it an outfit, I’ve seen more decent strippers. That your new perversion, guy?”

Shaeula laughed at that, while Hyacinth looked a little offended. I at least made her wear a long coat on the journey, but she’s taken it off. Okay, yes, she’s showing a lot of leg and cleavage, but… bah, that doesn’t matter. “Actually, it’s her thing. Not mine, I assure you.”

“Though of course, you do love it when she serves you in bed, do you not-not?” Shaeula grinned.

“God damn it, shoving it in my face. You’re a right bitch, aren’t you?” Aliyah grumbled. The two other men were wisely keeping silent, though I did catch them casting glances at Hyacinth and her revealing clothing. Looking is all you get to do. Try and touch and you’ll be enjoying broken fingers…

“A bitch? Me? How so?” Shaeula was amused. “I am merely answering your question. Akio does indeed-indeed love Hyacinth a great deal, and she loves him.”

“So what about your fiancée, that Asian girl with the big chest?” She crudely described Eri, annoying me, and her brother was whispering for her to cool it, seeing as I was getting heated. Still, she had obviously been stewing while in prison, so she wasn’t able to keep her anger leashed. “She know about this, you fucking playboy?”

“Yes, she does.” Shaeula answered for me. “Indeed, I believe they had what you might call a threesome for Hyacinth’s first-first time. Eri approves of her, as she does the others.”

“Others? I shouldn’t ask, as I’m already fucking dreading the answer…” Aliyah shook her head, and her ample chest bounced, drawing my eyes, earning a withering snort of disgust from her.

“Here.” Shaeula flipped around her phone. The guards tensed, as normally that wouldn’t be allowed in prison, but since it was a military facility and they were special guests, they let it slide. “Akio is engaged to these as well.” She showed her pictures of Hinata, Motoko and Natsumi. “Six brides, for now.” Shaeula laughed.

“Fucking cradle snatcher!” she snapped. “That one there’s a kid!”

“Japanese girls look younger to westerners.” I defended myself, not that I saw why I should, as Hinata was old enough to get engaged and married. “Besides, what business is it of yours who I marry?”

“What business? Oh shit Trey, is he trying to piss me off?” she slammed a fist on the table, again spooking the guards a little. “Six fucking girls. Pervert. I don’t see why any of those cuties would want to put up with that. They should try the other side. Women like me would treat them right, and wouldn’t two-time.. no, fucking six-time them! Fuck, bigamy is illegal in Japan too, I’m not stupid!”

“Sis, I remember that time you asked both sisters of a pair to go out with you within an hour of each other…” Treyvon began, but she silenced him with a glare.

“Trey. Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Please. Seriously, Akio. I can call you that, right?” her tone was bitter. “You just came here to rub my face in it, didn’t you? I get it. You’re pissed off with us. But fuck you, that was a job, and we did the best we could at it to prevent innocent victims. Including your fiancée and your sister. Thinking about it, she had a decent rack for an Asian girl too… ah, fuck. You piss me off! You have such a punchable face! Let me take another swing at… no, that won’t do shit. Let me shoot you, please! One shot, right in the face, that’s all I’m asking!”

“Instead, would you rather play some cards?” Shaeula grinned wickedly. That shut Aliyah up, she suddenly shrank in on herself, remembering. I remembered too, which only annoyed her more.

“Thank god, I can cut in now.” Treyvon said. “Sorry about my sis man, it’s just well, the guards have treated us fairly, we get to exercise and spend some time together, but she’s still going stir-crazy.”

“Well, I get it. Plus to be honest, other than our first meeting, we’ve not exactly… hit it off.” I conceded. “Still, I honestly had no intention to upset her.” Shaeula was showing off her engagement ring, and that reminded me. Damn, I have to get Hyacinth and the others’ rings, it isn’t fair only Shaeula and Eri get them. I need to meet Natsumi’s parents too. Sooner rather than later. “As for being a cheating playboy, I guess I’m guilty. But Eri told me to own it, and so I will.” I interjected myself between the teasing Shaeula and the defeated Aliyah. “As for the law on bigamy. Let’s just say… I’m getting it modified.”

Everyone looked at me, puzzled, and I grinned. “I’m not saying it to boast, though I did pressure the Prime Minister into it, just for my girls. I’m more saying it so… you know the sort of influence I wield. So, you might want to cut down on the bullshit and listen, if you ever want out of here!” My tone changed, and I was deadly serious.

“Yeah, I think we should play ball.” One of the men I didn’t know said, and the other nodded.

“Come on Aliyah, boss. The Company is barely holding together, we either get out of here soon, or there’s nothing to go back to.”

“Shit, they’re right. Luciana is doing her best and all, but… our reputation is in the fucking toilet, and the money won’t last forever.” Aliyah sighed.

“So, uh, we were thinking…” Trey began, taking that as his cue to negotiate. “Keeping us in this military prison seems rather wasteful, taxpayer dollars, well, yen I guess… never mind. It’s needless. Sure, we did illegally attack you, and carry unlicensed weapons, but… well, you’re fine, right? Stronger than ever, I’d say.”

“Yes. That’s true.” I agreed. “In fact, were your agent buddies to try anything now, I’d take them down before they could even blink. But while I’m fine, what about the Detective and his Officer? Without me on the scene, they’d have died. You think I can forget that?”

“Shit, your hands ain’t so clean, are they?” Aliyah snorted. “You killed a couple of those fucking alphabet clowns, and I bet they ain’t the only ones. I can see it. Your eyes have changed, they’re harder.”

She’s not wrong. Ginneka, Duke Myrcolaxriath, The Wild Hunt, sentient beings in the Boundary. Enemies all, but… yeah, not so different. “True. So say I let that go. The fact is, you still broke the law.”

“Yes, and in America, we have a thing called plea bargains. That old geezer, your Minister for Defence, Mr Tsumura, I believe…”

“Akio’s grandfather now. One of the girls in the pictures was his granddaughter.” Shaeula teased. Aliyah gave her a flat look, but with a deep breath (which made her ample chest push against her drab prison clothes rather distractingly) she allowed Trey to continue.

“… I see. Well, you are well-connected then. Anyway, he said perhaps if we wanted to get out, we could strike a deal. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather walk out of here a free man, and I got the implication that our governments don’t want shit to get… complicated.”

“True. But I’m no civil servant.” Well, technically I guess I am as a special advisor, but… “I’m not beholden to go with what my country wants. I’m a private citizen. Still…” I looked at them all, pretending to think. “… Aliyah, you were right about one thing. I was careless, and it put my family in danger. Why didn’t you get the agents to take them hostage? That might even have worked. Though if it didn’t, you’d be dead.”

“I told you, dumbass. We don’t fucking involve kids or innocent women. We may be mercs… oh, sorry, Private Military Contractors, but we ain’t savages. We have our pride, same as you. So thanks. For saving that police girl. That would have haunted my conscience forever. You too, right Trey?”

He nodded. “Yeah. That was bad shit. But then, this whole situation is a mess. The world’s gone mad, and everybody is scrambling for what they can.” He looked at Hyacinth then. “Violet eyes huh? Could be natural, it’s like one in a ten thousand or so, right? But with that shade, and that hair… she’s like the other little lady, right?” he nodded at Shaeula. “Not exactly… human.”

“Good guess.” I agreed. Turning to the guards, I asked them to leave. They protested, but in the end left us alone. Though I bet they’ll still watch through the monitors. “Look, what do you know? Cards on the table.”

At that Shaeula snickered, and Aliyah flinched, then cursed herself for her reaction. Hyacinth merely watched on, occasionally refilling tea and snacks from the supplies at the side of the room.

“We trust you boss. Do whatever you think!” one urged, the other nodding. Aliyah sighed, and added her own words of assent to Trey, who conceded.

“Right. Well, it’s obvious that some guys like you have gained superpowers. Not sure why or how. It can’t be too many, not like one in a dozen, or even a thousand, and it can’t have been too long ago, or there’s no way the world can keep this shit hidden.”

I kept my face impassive, impressed at his guessing. I motioned for him to continue.

“Well, we have a code as a PMC. We don’t divulge mission info or client info. So don’t expect that. It’s not just loyalty to good old Uncle Sam. Our country isn’t all rainbows and unicorns.” He chuckled. “But we don’t hate our country, just some of the bastards in it. So we won’t betray them. Even if we did, we’d disappear. We know too much. But we can tell you this. There are others like you, and others worldwide hunting them down. I don’t know if it’s to kill them, or for experiments, or just to make them part of the army.”

“Well, that makes sense. Any government that doesn’t try and root out their own Chosen is one that isn’t going to last. But kidnapping from other countries… that’s like stealing nuclear weapons. That isn’t going to fly, especially from allies.”

“No shit. Why do you think we didn’t want to do this job?” Aliyah sighed. “But it was a red notice. In the business, you don’t get a choice on those, not if you want any jobs in future other than babysitting nobodies or manning bases while other companies get to do the real shit. Fuck, I wish I’d never reported on you, it was off-mission, but what can I say, I’m a professional.” She did look sorry.

“Well, I understand necessity.” Shaeula declared. “After all, to secure our Territory we have had to push out or kill-kill others. But this is about far-far more than what is right or what is wrong, This is about survival. For everyone.”

“Survival?” Trey asked, and I realised it was now time.

“Here’s the deal. We do know what is going on. But trust between us… well, it isn’t exactly high, is it? Still, you gave yourself one chance, by coming after me, not my family. Shaeula here has a gift. She can make it so you can’t break a promise to us.” Well, it doesn’t quite work like that, but her befuddling winds will easily bind them if they accept it and think that is how it works.

“Shit. Mind control?” Aliyah cursed, wary. “That how you got all those cute girls to…” she trailed off at my witheringly humourless glare. “Fuck, come on, if I can’t have some gallows humour here, when can I? Mind control is worse than death, being somebodies puppet… fuck, I knew you were a bad bitch. Cute as hell and just my type, but bad to the fucking core.”

Shaeula merely flashed her engagement ring, taunting her with a smile. “I could perhaps do that, but why would I? Akio does not-not care for such evils. He would order me in a heartbeat, could it save someone he cares about, but for this-this…” she shook her head.  “… mindless puppets would be useless. No, we are the ones who have the power here, do we not-not?”

“Yeah. You want answers and want out? Well we have answers and can get you out, but what can you offer us in return?”

“We’re pros. We can’t betray secrets or the code, but… pay us and we’ll work for you.” Trey offered. “You might be in with your government, but a force you can control independently, that’s got to be worth something.”

It is. Fujiwara Security is all very well, but relying on them to protect my family isn’t a long-term solution. I need my own private guards, trained, ruthless and in my debt. But most of all, fully my own. The befuddling winds can ensure that.

“It is. So let me be blunt. I need security I can trust absolutely. If I get that, I can pay for it. After all, I’m marrying money too.” I grinned. “But the tenets are… all of our secrets must be kept absolutely. You must do everything possible to prevent harm to the ones you are guarding. You must follow the training programmes you are assigned no matter how strange it seems. And lastly… you don’t answer to anyone but me and my fiancées.”

“You sound seriously confident. I like a man with confidence.” Trey smiled.

“Knock it off, bro.” Aliyah rolled her eyes. “I doubt he’s up for a tumble with you, you ain’t his type. Lose the cock and balls and shrink down a lot and he might consider it. Anyway, fuck, by anyone you mean ignore the law and shit, don’t you?”

“Laws can and will be changed. And I’m owed favours from important people. But harm to those I love can’t be undone. It’s obvious which I’d prioritise.”

“So, about the pay…” Trey said. “… I get you have the stronger position here, but shit, we have to eat.”

“It’ll be fair, considering your position. Perhaps in time, with your loyalty, even more than fair.” I said. “After all, we don’t want brainwashed drones, but loyal allies. We’ll get you dual citizenship under the new scheme too, and immigration for your people who agree our terms. But they have to take the oath under Shaeula too, so they can’t betray us. Any that don’t, we don’t want.”

“I didn’t know you did dual nationality…” Aliyah muttered.

“It’s new. Part of the paradigm. Whatever you think you know, we know more. And we’ve been busy.”

“Can we talk to our people?” Trey asked. “I’ll be discreet.”

I handed them a phone. “Knock yourself out.”

“Fine then.” He turned to the guys, who nodded, then his sister.

“Well fuck, is the Black Wolf Company going to be Black Wolf Security now? Doesn’t sound like the sort of job that picks up girls…”

“You’d be surprised.” I grinned. “But no. I still think your mercenary connections could be of use, too…”


“Fine then. We accept.” Trey said. He had spoken to Luciana on the phone, and after some back and forth, Aliyah had butted in. It’s the only fucking way we are seeing daylight without looking through prison bars! And fuck, we’re still getting paid! were some of her cleaner retorts. It seemed that she had warmed to the idea as they discussed it, and we revealed a little of what we wanted.

“So, we bring in trustworthy PMC’s, good fighters with morals, and we still take on missions we can handle that don’t cause problems.” Trey said, surprised. “And you and some of your people are joining the Black Wolf?”

“In name only. Though maybe if we are needed we can lend a hand. But security comes first.” I said. “That way we can get access to information without you betraying the US or the PMC code.”

“Technically. Sneaky literal genie bullshit.” Aliyah said sourly. “They are still going to look at us like failures, we won’t get shit for intel. And if you start exploiting it, they are going to catch on fast. Then it’s kill squad time on our asses, every merc a foe.”

“No, that’s why you pull in as many other trustworthy groups as possible. Look, you are going to find this hard to believe, but this is bigger than politics, whose country is best. This is the potential, likely end of the world unless we do something about it. I’m doing my best to get Japan ready, and make sure those I love are safe. But it won’t be enough if the rest of the world gets invaded by demons or something like that. Shit, for all I know zombie apocalypses could break out, or an ancient evil god wakes up. Maybe all of those at once!”

“You’re shitting me, right?” She said, and when we shook our heads she slumped in her chair, puzzled.

“So, how do we fight something like that?” Trey asked, and I smiled. A dazzling jade aura rose around Shaeula, their prison smocks blowing in the breeze.

“Well, if you are ready to swear those oaths, so we can fully trust you, then I’ll tell you…”

The mercenaries exchanged one more glance, before Trey nodded. “Fine. We don’t have a choice. Not if we want freedom.”

“Yeah, it’s bullcrap.” She peered at Shaeula, who was grinning. “If you fuck with my mind so I start craving his dick, I’m going to find a way to kill you if it’s the last thing I do…”

“What a marvellous idea. Perhaps I shall do just-just that…” Shaeula teased her, until I interceded.

“Come on, why would I do that? I have Shaeula, Hyacinth, Eri and the others already. I don’t need you… besides, I’m not that much of a bastard.”

“Good. You best not be.” She said, her arms crossed under her chest as she scowled. “Though somehow the way you said that pisses me off. Nah, maybe it’s just you who makes me mad in general. Fuck, I thought it was my lucky day when we captured the target in Vegas and I won that money. Guess it wasn’t after all. Fuck, when I get out of here, I want a steak dinner and some damn hard spirits…”

As the winds blew and Shaeula asked them to focus, pledging to us, the winds sinking in and fogging their minds, convincing them it was their own desires to keep faith with us, making it extremely difficult for them to betray us, I shook my head. If she knew I was trying to rig things to help her and Buck get second and third, she’d probably be even more annoyed. Best I say nothing. My thoughts turned to our next meeting, which was likely to be far more unpleasant…

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