On Astral Tides: From Humble Freelancer To Astral Emperor

Two Hundred And Forty-Six

Two Hundred And Forty-Six

Doing my best to ignore the stares of the servants, Miyu led me through the halls of the modern Japanese mansion. It was styled after the historic mansion, though the difference was apparently in the modern lights and other features. It didn’t take long for the quick patter of footsteps to be heard, and moments later a small figure flew at us, red scarf flapping behind her, still in the uniform of Hanafubuki.

“Miyu-sama, are you hurt?” Koga-san declared, inspecting her carefully, hand reaching out to feel her for wounds. Miyu looked puzzled for a moment, before copying what I had done to Aiko earlier and rapping her gently on the head. This surprised Koga-san, who should have been able to dodge, but Miyu was moving more fluidly now. As Koga-san paused, Miyu managed a smile.

“I am unhurt, I assure you, so there is no need to panic, Michiru.”

“Yeah, don’t worry, I was keeping an eye on her. I’m confident enough to keep her safe, and we didn’t let her face the most dangerous foe.”

At my words, Koga-san frowned at me, before smoothing her face and giving me a small nod of gratitude. “I am grateful. Even so, I do believe Miyu-sama should not have been put in such a position at all.”“I thought so too.” Miyu agreed. “It was rather awful, and very frightening. But Akio-san is right. I was seemingly in no actual danger. He is very powerful. You have seen that for yourself Michiru, but he was clearly holding back. Mori-san and Suzuki-san told me about how he destroyed the strange creature there with ease."

“Well, I didn’t get that way overnight. That’s why you need to grow too, Miyu.” We started heading towards the wing of rooms Miyu had been granted, making small-talk. Apparently Koga-san had also skipped school, as a bodyguard going when her mistress wasn’t present was seen as strange, and she had been waiting here nervously all day, imagining the worst, which made me feel a little sorry for her. Yeah, next time we need to send her a message, I can’t believe Miyu didn’t think of that. Then, noble girls live in a different world…

“I should be the one protecting her…” Michiru-san said, her face downcast. “But I am not strong enough. Even with the Koga Ninjutsu my father taught me, I would not be able to defeat such a beast…”

“Yet.” I felt a bit sorry for Koga-san, she clearly cared very much for Miyu, and not just as a bodyguard, and I wasn’t one to deny love between two girls, or two guys either, for that matter. People can love who they want, as long as both parties are happy with it. Besides, I lost any moral high ground on relationships the day I had sex with Shaeula, and then Hyacinth, not that I had a problem with it before. “There are…”

“My, cousin Miyu-sama, it is good to see you.” A polite, melodious voice interrupted us, and I turned to see two girls looking at us with curiosity. Both were in the Hanafubuki uniform, yet the style was slightly different, as it was the middle-school variant. One girl looked like a younger version of Koga-san, wearing a similar scarf, yet it was smaller and less flamboyant. On seeing Miyu and Koga-san, her expression hardened, brown eyes expressing resentment and annoyance. The other was very pretty indeed, with a gentle, delicate face, and petite body, thin and graceful. There’s a slight resemblance to Miyu, makes sense if they are cousins. But Miyu-sama, huh?

“Cousin Honoka-sama…” Miyu said after a moment of hesitation. “… it is good to see you as well.”

Oh yeah, she seems to have a bit of an inferiority complex towards her cousin, doesn’t she? I hesitated, unsure of whether to say something, and then Koga-san’s sister spoke, her tone withering.

“Michiru, I hear you were not at school today. Really, you are a disgrace. In public I have to tolerate you, lest you and your mistress shame Honoka-sama and the Fujiwara name, but since you will be living here now, a decision I cannot fathom, I’ll no longer be silent. You are a joke, just like father. You cannot keep anyone safe like that. Such a waste of your natural talents!”

Ouch. That’s got to sting coming from a younger sister. If Aiko said something like that to me, I’d be upset. Indeed, Koga-san looked unsure and saddened, while Miyu was shrinking back at the aggression. I opened my mouth, having decided to intervene, but Honoka-san was first.

“Kozue, do not be so rude to poor Michiru. You are in front of a guest.” She spared me a brief look before turning back to Miyu. “I do apologise for the behaviour of my bodyguard. She has been out of sorts of late. And I believe your sudden decision to move into grandfather’s estate has confused her. I must admit to being surprised too.” She cocked her head inquisitively, even that movement graceful, like a dance. “I also wonder… who is this? Is it perhaps your fiancée, Miyu-sama?”

I choked a bit at that, and Miyu looked similarly unhappy, though she quickly masked it behind a placid expression. “No, Honoka-sama, this is Akio-sama…”

-sama huh? Well, I guess I do have a certain status as her lord, technically speaking. The relationship between these two is hard to work out. They speak to each other pleasantly enough, but Miyu feels inferior to her sister, they both address each other as -sama…

“… he is like Kudou-sama, a special teacher, specialising in matters of… well, not quite faith, but importance.”

I was attracting a glare from Koga-san’s sister, which made Koga-san glance at me apologetically, but I winked, assuring her I didn’t take offense, or blame her for it if I did. I suppose considering all the male servants other than bodyguards in the house are old men or women, seeing a man of my age here is worrying for them.

“I see. He’s young for a teacher at our school. Still, grandfather would have vetted him I imagine. Perhaps he is already married?”

“I’m engaged.” I said, and Honoka-san looked surprised I’d interrupt them. “To Fukumoto Hinata, Tsumura Motoko and Hori Natsumi.”

“Oh.” A glimmer of recognition passed over her face. “You are that one. Motoko-sama has been rather happy recently now her engagement has been decided, but… I don’t believe you are a noble? Such a shame, her status will be meaningless.”

“That is where you are wrong.” Miyu said, surprising everyone, especially her cousin. Honoka-san’s bodyguard reacted strongly to that, but Koga-san moved, and even though she was unable to level up, even the buffs from the basic Chirurgery had made her significantly faster, and so she caught her sister flat-footed, some sort of long needle in her hand, held menacingly towards her sister’s face, who froze, the tip pointing at her eye.

“I will not hesitate to punish disrespect towards Miyu-sama, or Akio-sama.” Koga-san said. “You are my sister, you should understand that if nothing else, Kozue. Father taught us that. One’s master is your only true family.”

“Now, there’s no need for that.” I moved too, and suddenly the needle was in my hand, Koga-san looking puzzled for a moment. Flipping it around I handed it back to her. “Miyu is right.”

At that Honoka-san and her bodyguard looked shocked, likely at my lack of honorifics, or perhaps the speed I displayed. That didn’t stop me continuing. “I’m sorry, Honoka-san, I can call you that, right?” She seemed unable to answer, perhaps unused to talking to men closer to her own age, but she slowly nodded.

“Great.” I continued. “Anyway, Miyu is right. Motoko will not be disadvantaged in terms of nobility. I have assurances from your grandfather, as well as Ichijou-san. Hinata too. She’ll be treated as a daughter of Takatsukasa now, since her mother is of the direct line. Natsumi should have equal status too. As for me… no, I’m not a Japanese noble, but I am engaged to a Princess, so I wouldn’t call me common.” That made me smile, just saying it.

“He’s a dangerous man, Honoka-sama.” The younger Koga-san spoke up, glaring at me. “Not only is he combat trained, but he is also seducing daughters of nobility one after the other. You would do well to stay away from him! You are to inherit Fujiwara house, leave the disgrace to your cousin.”

“Kozue…” Koga-san growled, incensed, but I wasn’t going to let it escalate.

“Yes, I am dangerous, though I must say, the girls seduced me.” I made a small joke to lighten the tension. “In terms of combat training…” I turned to Miyu, asking her a question. “Just how much does Honoka-san know about Chosen and what is going on right now?”

“Not much, I’d imagine. Only what we were all asked, whether we were called upon by the kami. Grandfather and the others were subtle, relying on those who knew to understand.”

“Yes, please do explain that to me, Miyu-sama.” Honoka-san said. “I understand that it has to do with our new lessons at school, but grandfather has not fully explained it.”

“Well, it is hard to explain.” Miyu said. “We should not discuss this here in the hallways. You do not know who might be listening.”

“I see. Yes, do forgive my rudeness. Kozue, we shall go to my room…”


This room is… kind of depressing. I glanced around, seeing that while everything was extremely expensive, the bed clearly antique, the bookshelves stuffed with old historical books, the artwork on the walls probably real works by Japanese artists, there was no tv, no computer, no manga or anything for entertainment.

“… so you lied to grandfather, Miyu-sama?” Honoka-san was shocked, and her bodyguard shifted the glares she had been constantly throwing at me back to Miyu.

“I had no choice. You do not know how frightening this all is, Honoka-sama.”

“Honoka-sama would not be afraid!” the little Koga declared. “After all, she is the heir, and better than you at everything! She is no timid coward like ….” She froze as the weight of my displeasure started to smother her, my League making my anger almost tangible in the air. She still managed to step in front of Honoka-san, which was commendable, her legs trembling, face deathly pale, but I was in no mood for this.

“You should be very careful what you say. I’m making allowances as you are a child, but you don’t know anything about the Boundary. Death can come there in a heartbeat if you aren’t prepared. Why, just this morning, Miyu bravely joined me in vanquishing a fallen kami, a monster that would have ripped you apart in seconds.” I embellished her role a bit, and Miyu looked a touch ashamed, but even so, a little pleased I had stood up for her. “I can see why she made the choice to hide it. But now her grandfather knows. Why do you think she’s here now? Ame no Uzume chose her, and I’m not exactly religious, but do you think you get to question one of the major kami of our land?”

“The goddess of dance and the arts?” Honoka-san said, intrigued, smiling. “You do look beautiful when you dance, Miyu-sama, I understand!”

“Not nearly as good as you, Honoka-sama.” She replied, her inferiority shining though. “I did think you should have been the one the goddess chose…”

“Well, could you stand and dance in front of enemies who seek your death or the death of those you love, Honoka-san?” I cut off this unproductive contest of modesty. “Miyu has, and will have to again and again. It’s not entirely a blessing. But conversely, Miyu has the chance to be something greater, to protect Japan and the world. So, like what I was saying earlier. Hinata, Motoko, Natsumi… they are more noble than ever, as they accept they might have to fight against impossible odds, without even the blessing Miyu enjoys. To protect their family, friends, Japan, the world… you grandfather and the other nobles know this and their resolve. So please, I’d appreciate it if you would treat them with the respect they deserve.” I bowed low, asking for a favour. Humbling myself to a young girl like Honoka-san isn’t a problem, if I can get her to also look out for the others. She likely expects deference, with her status…

“I see. That explains why you have been spending time with Motoko-sama at school.” Honoka-san said to her cousin, as if a mystery had been answered. “I did wonder, you… well, you like to keep to yourself, Miyu-sama.” She turned to me then. “If I may ask, which kami has chosen you, then? Judging by how grandfather trusts you, allowing you in the mansion and to tutor Miyu-sama, it must be an important one.”

Well, I don’t think the kami matters too much, other than the initial ability. It’s more how you manage afterwards, but… “Actually it’s not a Japanese god, but Norse. Tyr, god of war and heroism. I’m not sure it fits, but I’ve been trying my best.”

“How curious. I am not familiar with foreign mythology. So, you are looking after Miyu-sama then. I wonder, will grandfather have you tutor me as well?”

“I doubt it.” I shook my head. “I think for now that for the nobility, Fujiwara-san and the others just want you to have a good grounding in the faith and will probably talk more about Chosen Candidates in due time. It just so happens Miyu happened to be chosen.”

“I at least should be given what my idiot sister has been.” Honoka-san’s bodyguard said, glaring at me. “I can tell she is faster and stronger than she should be. I guard Honoka-sama, the heir to Fujiwara House! I should be given priority!”

“Kozue, you should respect your elders!” Koga-san said. “You are not here to make demands of Akio-sama, he has been kind in answering your impertinent questions and demands. A Ninja has no right to…”

“Ninja? What nonsense.” Her sister shot back shrilly. “There are no such things as ninjas. Only old families with old arts. Modern combat techniques are far more useful and systematic!”

Koga-san ground her teeth, annoyed, but Honoka-san put a stop to it, speaking calmingly.

“Enough, Kozue. If Grandfather wishes us to learn, he will no doubt ask Akio-sama here to teach us. when that time comes…” she bowed impeccably. “… we shall be in your care. Until then…” she smiled. “… I have not had much leisure to speak to my cousin, nor any men. Since grandfather must deem you safe, allowing you within the mansion, I would speak more…”

Miyu looked surprised, but again her upbringing allowed her to mask it. She glanced at me, and seeing as I had no particular issues with it, she forced a smile onto her face. “Honoka-sama, that would be fine. We have not talked properly in a long time…”


Several hours later we finally entered the Boundary. The talk with Honoka-san had been interesting, definitely. She was quite bold in her own way, rather opposite to Miyu. She had peppered me with questions, showing just how sheltered she was, probably even more than girls like Motoko. But in the end she had agreed to make an effort to show that she was friends with my fiancées at school, as well as show a more united front with Miyu. That certainly made Miyu express complicated feelings.

Michiru-san and Kozue-san (it was too confusing to call them both Koga-san, and I was older, so I decided to change the way I addressed them) were involved in a bitter cold war, it seemed, despite being sisters and fellow bodyguards to the Fujiwara girls. Still, other than gently chastising them at times, Honoka-san and Miyu let them argue.

Finally we had left, as apparently it was not proper for us to be in her rooms after a certain hour, and we returned to Miyu’s chambers, where after I listened to some complaining from Michiru-san about her sister, we entered the Boundary, and now…

“This is incredible.” Michiru-san was saying, looking around in wide-eyed awe. We had passed through the mansion to the gardens where Miyu’s anchor was located, the beautiful Buildings shining with silver and rainbow light. “This… this is yours, Miyu-sama?”

“It is.” She looked conflicted at that. “Akio-san provided me with the resources to create it, and the knowledge.” Two of her Spires were in the process of upgrading. “It is nothing compared to his though, now is it?”

“Well, it doesn’t need to be. Just do the best you can.” I reassured her. “Eventually I’ll upgrade my Territory to Rank 4, and then I’ll be able to protect this as well. Though that’s a fair way off yet.” Ten million ether isn’t the problem, it’s the fact that I’d be shut down for five thousand astral days. No way that’s safe or feasible… so I need many times that ether to shorten the time…

“I must apologise again for my stupid sister.” Michiru-san said, not for the first time. “She is rebellious, and does not listen to father. She thinks our Ninjutsu is foolish and outdated, and does not respect her elder sister as she should. I find her very frustrating, but so long as she keeps Honoka-sama safe, I suppose I cannot complain too much.” She smiled then, a fresh look on her usually taciturn, surly features. “After all, Kozue was completely thrown off by my speed. It was most satisfying.”

“Well, I’m afraid your path forwards is pretty tough. Unlike Miyu, you are going to have to work on your skills, as you won’t be able to get easy strength from levels. Miyu isn’t really an attacker too, though her Dances can do some damage. I intend to send support over until Miyu is strong and confident enough to stand on her own, but you…” I paused, seeing the hope in her eyes. “Well, do your best, Michiru-san, but don’t get in over your head. If you are injured or die then it’s worthless.”

“No it’s not!” she was offended. “I would gladly die for…”

Seems like I’m doing this a lot recently. I flicked her forehead, hard enough to make her wince. “I’m sure you would. But as a bodyguard, a friend, and someone who loves Miyu, you have to protect her heart too, right? Dying or getting hurt will only wound her heart, and those scars can be harder to recover from that physical injuries. I can heal those.

Miyu smiled gently, perhaps remembering when she had done the same and I had told her the same. “Indeed, Michiru. I have seen the dark side of this place, and it is terrifying. You will simply die. I do not wish for that. Still…” she looked at me then. “Your sister and Mori-san did tell me much of your own grievous injuries. I fear you do not practice what you preach.”

“You got me.” I agreed. “But only because I’m too weak. Just like you. I may be stronger, but until I can deal with any threat without harm, I’m not strong enough. I’m shooting for being totally OP.”

At that reference they were confused, but the words struck a cord with Michiru-san. “I approve of your martial mindset! We must always strive to be stronger than any threat! You have the soul of a bodyguard!” She was shockingly enthusiastic. “There must surely be some way I can grow stronger, there is no way I can allow Miyu-sama to battle while I watch idly by! My heart could not stand it!”

“His sister said the same thing. She too is apparently limited. I do not claim to understand everything yet…” Miyu said. “… but I have been keeping my eyes and ears open. It seems only those chosen by the kami can gain these levels, and each level makes their bearer stronger. Though there seem to be some exceptions that only you seem able to grant. Your sister can only get eight of these, whereas Mori-san has forty, right?”

“Yeah. It isn’t exactly correct to say I’m the only one who can grant the ability to level to others, but it happened that I gained an ability that could allow someone to earn up to a percentage of my levels, which keep increasing.”

“So, why can I not be granted this? Miyu-sama is your vassal. I found this insulting at first, that the granddaughter of Fujiwara-sama would be treated as such by a commoner, but… you helped Miyu-sama, and have pledged to protect her, so I call you a kindred spirit. Can I not share your gift?”

“I do not think so, Michiru.” Miyu said, troubled. “Else why would his sister, who he is very close to, not be so blessed?”

“Yeah, it has… conditions.” I said, hating talking about this to such sheltered girls, and uncomfortably remembering when Miyu had thought I wanted her body in exchange for my help. “Basically, it has to be a girl I’ve been… intimate with… and love.”

“Your sister?” Michiru was shocked, and I hastily denied it.

“No way! I love my sister, but not like that. I improved my skill and I can grant her a single Rank of the skill based on my love for her. But it doesn’t grow. Eri, Shaeula, Hyacinth and I guess eventually Hinata, Motoko and Natsumi, they can get it after our… consummation, and it continues to grow the more we share.”

Miyu was red and embarrassed by the talk of intimacy, the subject one she had been almost entirely sheltered from, but Michiru frowned, thinking. “So, all I would have to do is open my body to you, and I could grow strong enough to protect Miyu?” She looked me up and down, and I felt rather uncomfortable. “My father has told me of the dangers of men, but… as a ninja and a bodyguard, I expect no marriage, only to bear an heir to continue the Koga legacy my father handed down. I cannot rely on my foolish sister for that. I am fully aware of how sex is performed, many kinds of it. I can accept…”

“Hang on a minute.” Damn her idiot father, teaching a naïve young girl that sort of thing. Yeah, I definitely get the urge to phone in an anonymous tip to the police on him… besides, Miyu looks rather upset at the thought, even if she is saying nothing. “I’m not going to have sex with you for that…”

“Why not? I may not be as beautiful as Miyu-sama, but my father told me many men would desire to have me, even if they had to use force for it. I am offering willingly, and I thought you would understand, as you share the same soul as I, the need to protect those you must, even at the cost of everything! My chastity is a price I would gladly pay!”

I think it’s too late for her… she’s a pervert, like her damn father. He’s ruined her. No wonder her younger sister has lost patience with them. Besides, Miyu looks saddened at the thought. “Look, Eri said it best, a while back. She was wrong at the time, Shaeula was doing it for love, but she said sex for gain is just prostitution. I’ll not have you be a prostitute, Michiru-san, you are a bodyguard. Besides, it’s disrespectful to my fiancées, and it might not even work. The skill is Lovers’ Link, and even if we had sex, I’m not sure there’d be love.”

“Michiru, I am happy you would sacrifice for me, but Akio-san is right. I have no wish for you to be hurt, or … well, you should keep your chastity. It is a precious thing. You may not be a noble, but even so, to shame your family by having sex before marriage…”

“But then how can I…” she began, and I flicked her forehead again.

“There are other ways. In time we might find even more. Look, I’m an ally. If I can help I will, but that is a step way too far. For all of us. Now, we are here to show you both how to leverage what advantages you can, until I can send help. So can we drop this?”

Miyu nodded. “We should. And thank you. I am sorry for how I have behaved. You are a good man, who does not seek to take advantage of our weakness. Motoko-san and the others are rather fortunate.”

“I’d say I’m the fortunate one. I never dreamed I’d be engaged to such wonderful girls.” I laughed, glad the mood had improved.

“I have decided.” Michiru-san said, nodding. “When it comes time for me to bear a child, I shall seek you out, Akio-sama.”

Wait, what? “Where did that come from?” I said, stunned.

“Well, I have no intention of marriage. I intend to stay by the side of Miyu-sama forever, though there are challenges. But Hori-san, the bodyguard to Tsumura-sama is marrying you too, and I have heard you will allow her to continue her bodyguard duties, so perhaps there is hope for me too… so if I am to bear an heir I will need a male, for women cannot create life alone. I do not think a child from Akio-sama would be wrong, would it Miyu-sama?”

“Well, a child is necessary, but…” Miyu obviously found the thought troubling. Of course she does. She has feelings for Michiru. “… well, I suppose I shall be married in time. I will have to please my husband and bear an heir too. So I …”

“Or…” I said, wanting to put an end to this torture. Michiru-san was cute, but I wasn’t some stud. Besides, I wanted to encourage their love if I could, not that it was any of my business. “… you could grow strong here, Miyu, an indispensable Chosen, and you can dictate your own terms then. After all, you’ll be noble still, but even more precious. I’ll help, so… no hasty decisions. I can speak to Fujiwara-san if necessary, after all, I’m owed a few favours…”

“Yes, enough of this.” Miyu agreed, relieved. “Michiru, Akio-san does not favour you it seems. Besides, you cannot bear a child any time soon.”

“I am sure he is just shy.” She pouted. “But you are right. I am getting rather ahead of myself. I first need to ensure your safety! But…” she looked at me then. “… in the future I may call upon you, should I have need.”

I really don’t get how these girls think. Well, just so long as Shaeula never finds out, else I’ll probably wake up to find Michiru-san in my bed one day. To think being too popular could be an issue… even so, it’s not like she’s actually interested in me, and if she’s going down the Girls’ Love route, having a child would be problematic… no, not my problem, and even if it was, it’s an issue for years from now. I’m not going to give in anymore, and a lot can change in a few years anyway. “Right, can we get back on topic? We are wasting time here…”


Bolts of aether slammed into the strange cat-like creatures that were flocking towards us, the Defensive Emplacements of Miyu’s Territory pouring shots down on them. A group of them slammed into the defensive barrier of the Territory, bouncing off in a shower of silvery sparks, stunned. As Miyu danced, graceful and charming, growing in confidence, the continual surge of darkness elemental damage increased, the enemies disintegrating, turning to ether.

“That’s good.” I approved. “Using your Territory to your advantage is the best way to expand and grow if you aren’t in a reckless hurry.” It was a bit wasteful, as the ether cost of the bolts from the Emplacements were not that much less than the recovered ether, but Miyu didn’t have to rush yet. “Let the barrier and your turrets do some of the work, while you dance to harm them. Alternatively you can dance the Light and buff up Michiru-san, against weaker opponents.” I had handed Michiru an old weapon, a throwing spear tipped with wyrm fangs. It was nothing special, but Michiru-san had been taught a lot of strange techniques by her father, so she could handle it. I watched her stab several of the cats, killing them without hesitation. Well, I suppose if she’s prepared to fight and kill to protect Miyu in the Material from other people, a few monsters won’t phase her…

Several larger cats, these ones having multiple tails and being the size of tigers had led the charge, but I had incapacitated them by severing their legs, judging they would be too much for Miyu and Michiru-san, and now the struggling beasts were dying to her darkness damage. It was cruel, but recently I had resolved myself, so I hardened my heart and watched them perish. In time, the surviving cats scuttled off, one of the slower ones speared by Michiru-san.

“That was… tiring.” Miyu said after stopping her dance. Michiru-san ran over to offer her a hand, and wiped off her silvery sweat. “Still, it is nothing compared to the scene in Inuyama. I believe I have learned the lesson you wished to teach me.”

“Yes. And how about you, Michiru-san?” I asked.

“Well, I know I cannot compete with you.” She sounded frustrated, but looked a little happy, and I was starting to understand her subtle expressions. “I can also see I will not be of great use to Miyu-sama here, but… I can still be of some use.”

“Yeah, as long as you don’t do anything foolish.” I agreed. “Use the tools at your disposal, and don’t take on anything too challenging. I’d rather you fled to live and fight another day, and lost the Territory, than risked death.” I do worry about the effect of losing the Anchor, but it didn’t harm Kondou Kazuo or that casino guy the first time. But then, Conqueror was low-level then. No, I’m going to test it soon. It’s still better to run away than to die… “Once the Conclave has been successfully concluded, if all goes well, I’ll be concentrating on dealing with matters in Tokyo and I’ll have the time to send proper help here. Until then, you need to practise your training…” I had given them their training plans. Miyu was obviously to slowly raise her levels, while working on improving her dance skills and general fitness, while Michiru-san was to practise aether manipulation, similar to what my sis had to do to start with.

“I see. For Miyu, I will not fail!” Michiru-san declared, happy that I had let her keep the spear, as well as a few other smaller items I had.

“I still am very frightened, but…” she seemed more relaxed after our battles this evening. “… I do appreciate you showing me safer ways to proceed. I shall do my best as your vassal, as I promised, raise my value and… get what I want.” She blushed a little, her gaze on Michiru-san, and I smiled back, pleased. Yeah, that’s kind of sweet. Motoko and Natsumi have a similar vibe, though much more platonic, I think. Even so… as my vassal and the guard of my vassal, I have to make sure they are well cared for and can reach their potential…


“I have returned.” I looked away from my computer, to see Shaeula opening her eyes, blinking at me blearily. Soon Hyacinth was also up, fussing around trying to find booze and snacks for us.

“I see. Did it go well? Again, I’m sorry I couldn’t be there. I’ll be glad when we have more time to breathe.”

“I do not-not disagree.” She sighed, snuggling up to me. “I too wished you could be there. But I was not-not alone. Hyacinth was there, and even Grulgor. I endured, and was triumphant.”

“Mistress Shaeula was very brave, I knooow!” Hyacinth said, handing us some beers. I asked if she was going to take one for herself and she started to shake her head, only to relent when I reminded her as we were alone she was on mistress time, so deserved the same treatment, even if she enjoyed serving, so she popped the ring pull on one and drank deeply.

“Yes, I was. But it was surely-surely because I had allies there, giving me courage.” Shaeula finished her first can noisily, before starting on a second, some life coming back into her eyes from the beer and our closeness. “I have done-done it. Four of the Seven are in agreement, and Duke Formor too. Surely the Spring shall be ours now.”

“That’s great.” I kissed her, tasting her scent and the rich malty beer. Hyacinth looked envious, so I called her over and took her in my arms too, kissing her thoroughly as well. Doing this with both of them together is very decadent, but… it’s not bad. When I was done, I asked Shaeula the most important question. “What about Risha and Klena?”

Her expression tensed and I feared the worst, but fortunately I was relieved when I heard Klena would be returned. Though the disappearance of Risha and the fate of Saeca and her other maid weighed heavily on her. “Don’t worry.” I squeezed her tight in my arms. “Everything will be all right. I’ll make it so, if I must. As for Duke Formor, do you think he’ll stick to his word and stop his attempts on you?”

Shaeula shrugged in my tight hug. “I believe so. Grulgor was right, it seems-seems.” She seemed shocked at that, a sardonic grin on her pale face. “His eagerness to defeat the Unseelie means he is quite-quite pleased with the deaths of the Myconids. I tempted him with a future plan to retake Salamandrastrae and the north as well, though-though that is quite the undertaking, and nothing we can-can achieve right now.”

“Hyacinth was sent to Akio and the mistresses by the giants, sooo I feel quite grateful to them!” Hyacinth declared, joining in the hug. “Perhaps ooone day, Hyacinth will … return to the Dark Court. But this time…” her expression darkened. “Hyacinth will nooot be the one to suffer.”

“Yes, those who hurt you will be punished.” I promised. “But just like you, those who can be redeemed should be. Anyway, I want to be there if I can, when you get Klena back. I’d also like to meet some of these Princes as well. Though maybe not your father, yet. Nor your sister.”

Shaeula snickered nastily at that. “You will have to at some-some point, surely. But yes. Not-not now. Speaking of, we have some rather interesting new allies to aid us as adjuncts and secretaries. Elves. They are very-very attractive.”

“Well, I’m not going to pursue them just because they are pretty. But we do need the help…” as we discussed our respective days, Shaeula told me about Moira, and she did seem interesting, though not in a romantic sense. She’s smart, thinking of similar plans to me. That’s what we need. As for me, I told her and Hyacinth about the events of the day, and Shaeula cheered when she heard I slaughtered the corrupted kami that had bested us before, and was curious about Honoka-san and Kozue-san. I’m not telling her about the stupid idea Michiru-san had though. She’ll change her mind in the future anyway. Probably. As the three of us laughed and playfully fumbled with each other, I turned my thoughts to tomorrow.

Ugh. Meeting Aliyah again should be fine, but… Kondou Kazuo. It’s necessary, but even thinking of talking to the bastard again makes me sick. Still, I needed to be sure, for not only my own misgivings about being a Candidate, but for Miyu, Haru-san and Shuta-san too. And anyone else in the future too, and soldiers like the Major and Lieutenant, who just want to protect Japan…

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