Professional Stand-in, With an Hourly Salary of 100,000

Chapter 95.1: The Last Dinner (1)

Chapter 95.1: The Last Dinner (1)

The sudden downturn of events had necessitated a hospital visit from the Li Family.

In the consultation room, they were promptly greeted by a group of medical personnel, consisting of the hospital director and a few other department heads, tasked to explain the couples medical condition to them.

Together with them was Ji Xinxin who sat wordlessly in a corner, her head lowered, trying to appear as inconspicuous as possible.

Even though Mother Ji had comforted her upon entering the room, Li Xiaoxings health condition was still the first thing Mother Li asked about.

The director did not rush to answer Mother Lis questions. Instead, he flipped through Li Xiaoxing charts and hesitated.

From the full body CT scan results, there seems to be no abnormality that could explain Mr. Lis immobility. The director dragged his words, as though he was trying to find the words to express the situation better, and eyed the Head of the Psychological Department. We are inclined to believe Mr. Lis condition is caused by a psychiatric disorder.

Catching his drift, the Head of the Psychological Department adjusted his spectacles and said, When Mr. Li regains consciousness, I would like to have a consultation with him. To develop such adverse reactions twice in a row, there must be an underlying issue. As his family members, do you recall any recent events that could have possibly triggered such a reaction in him?

Li Mingyue who was standing by the table pinched her nose bridge to alleviate her headache. She questioned, A psychiatric disorder Does it mean if he is able to get over his mental barrier, he will be able to regain full mobility except for his legs and be free of the extreme pain he is in?

There is a high chance he will be able to recover to that degree, The Head of the Psychological Department continued, But a psychiatric consultation with Mr. Li is necessary for me to provide an accurate diagnosis. Besides, we still cannot eliminate the possibility that his condition is caused by some rare disease or virus.

Li Mingyue did not reply. She quietly fondled the packet of cigarettes in her pocket but considering the location and situation, she decided to suppress her urge.

What about the pregnancy? Mother Li asked. She patted Ji Xinxin lightly on her shoulders. We do not wish for another of our family members to fall sick.

The director hesitated once again. As for the lady. Hmm I suppose the couple had not gone for a premarital check up?

They havent got the chance to do it yet since Xiaoxing fell sick right after their engagement, Mother Li sighed and shook her head.

Father Lis face was serious. Is there a problem?

... The director frowned. We conducted a check on Mdm. Ji. The quality of the fertilized egg does not look ideal.

Mother Lis expression shifted slightly. High probability of miscarriage? Or the baby may be deformed?

We are barely two months into the pregnancy. It is still too early to tell whether the baby will be deformed. The director shook his head.

... That means there is a high probability of a miscarriage. Despite the directors omission, Mother Li had accurately captured the message he was implying.

Ji Xinxin clutched her stomach and exclaimed determinedly, For Xiaoxings sake, I will protect this child and give birth to him safely!

This baby was her last hope.

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