Professional Stand-in, With an Hourly Salary of 100,000

Chapter 95.2: The Last Dinner (2)

Chapter 95.2: The Last Dinner (2)

After the consultation ended, Li Mingyue walked towards the smoking area for a smoke. Coincidentally, Secretary Fan was already there, puffing away.

He had just extinguished his first stick of cigarette and was moving on the second when Li Mingyue approached him.

It stunned Secretary Fan. But he quickly recovered and greeted her, Hello.

Holding his cigarette between his lips, he helped Li Mingyue light her cigarette before he lit his.

Come clean. Is there anything I should know? Li Mingyue asked.

Secretary Fan recounted the events that led up to Li Xiaoxings relapse.

He did not need to emphasize on anything. It was obvious the cause was Ji Xinxin and Ji Fanyin.

Li Mingyue massaged her temples and took out her phone to call Ji Fanyin. However, halfway into doing so, she changed her mind and retracted her hand.

Ji Fanyin clearly wanted nothing to do with Li Xiaoxing.

Moreover, even if they wanted to enlist Ji Fanyins help, it would be wise to wait for the psychiatrist to confirm the cause before they do so.

There was a long moment of silence while they smoked. When Li Mingyue was done with her first stick, she asked, Do you have any interest in joining us?

Secretary Fan did not reply. Instead, he looked at her and slowly tapped off the ashes at the end of his cigarette.

Li Mingyue, too, did not ask again.

Any intelligent person would know the underlying message beneath her question.

Ji Fanyin was the first to find out Li Xiaoxings condition. After she ended the call with Secretary Fan, she had straightaway launched the Temptation of Home app and noticed the spike in numbers.

At that moment, Shen Qi was standing beside her, arranging some documents for her viewing. He asked, Are you in a good mood?

Ji Fanyin raised her eyebrows. What do you think?

Shen Qi looked at her. I think you are in a good mood.

I think a lot of the tragedies that happened were caused by the victims themselves. Ji Fanyin leaned back in her chair and twirled her fountain pen between her fingers.

If Li Xiaoxing had chosen to let bygones be bygones after realizing his mistake in their identities, he could have still lived the rest of his life with Ji Xinxin.

Or he could have chosen to leave Ji Xinxin. At the very least, he would be free of her subsequent retaliation.

Li Xiaoxing had so many paths to choose from but he had chosen to hover between the both of them, unwilling to let go of either.

In this case, he might end up with nothing in the end.

Although Ji Xinxin had broken the news of her transmigration to Li Xiaoxing before her, Ji Fanyin was not mad. Instead, she was grateful to her for saving her the trouble of having to search for an opportunity to get in touch with Li Xiaoxing to talk about it.

Ji Xinxin had automated the completion of this step for her, just that it was a little too early.

Ji Fanyin had merely glanced at the first two figures of her progress on the app. It started with two.

The first movie produced by the studio was about to be taken off cinemas soon. The box office was record breaking and the movie reviews were full of praises. It had become the dark horse of that years box office champion even though it was merely April. Not only had they recovered all of their investments, the profits had also contributed immensely to Ji Fanyins progress on the app.

She was approximately only two billion dollars away from fulfilling her goal. What was left was to sow the final benefits by concluding things with those fishes.

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