QT: Against My Will

Chapter 293

293 5.37 – New Female Lead – The Sleepless Elite’s Wife

+—- Author’s note —–+

Edited by Psycho S.


“How good life would have been,” Su Min wept as he kissed the top of her head. He gave her his body as comfort. Selfishly, she hugged him harder. Selfishly, she took what Li Jie was willing to give. “If I loved you,” she whispered brokenly.

“God is so cruel to me... or maybe I was too cruel to you. If I loved you... I wouldn’t be so miserable.” Su Min did not stop talking despite Li Jie tightening his arms around her.

“I’m sorry,” Su Min said to Li Jie as she looked up at him with her puffy eyes.

“It’s okay,” Li Jie replied with his comforting smile.

“It’s not your fault,” Li Jie said as he looked away from Su Min to gaze deeply into the distance.

“It’s not your fault... But can’t you learn to love me?” Li Jie asked with a seldom-used tone of desperation. Su Min leaned away from him to stare confusedly into his eyes.


She felt as though her soul was exposed before his deep gaze as he spoke, “I’ll protect you from him, I’ll always be here for you.”

Li Jie lowered his head in an effort to look at Su Min’s avoiding eyes. His voice was soft and coaxing, as if the gentler he handled her, the more willing she would be to be with him.

Now was the chance to take what Su Min wanted. She could agree to learn to love him; she could give in and rest her heart from its aching position.

She could be selfish with Li Jie. She just had to-... Su Min closed her eyes as she untangled herself from his embrace, “Li Jie... Mo Luwei is determined to never let me go.”

She watched Li Jie’s hope diminish with pained eyes as she carried on talking, “I don’t want to drag you down with me.”

In the end, she decided that it’d be better if perhaps she stayed selfless just for Li Jie.

“Su Min...” Li Jie was at a loss.

“Li Jie... I want to sleep for a while.”

“Su Min you... Just remember that everything I do is for your own good,” Li Jie clenched his hand as he tried to control his mood with difficulty. She left his embrace with a guilty sigh and closed her eyes in an effort to pretend Li Jie wasn’t here.

‘Go quickly,’ Su Min bitterly thought as she buried herself deeply into her bed. This was a non-verbal signal for Li Jie to leave her ward, ‘It’s best if you go back to Silika.’

Li Jie watched Su Min turn her back to him and, in the end, he lost control of his temper. With an angered grunt, he walked away from Su Min and picked up one of the lone chairs in the room. With a heave, he threw that chair through the window that still had evidence of a stray-bullet shooting through the glass.

Su Min suppressed her instinctual flinch when the ugly sound of glass scattering on the ground greeted her ears. It looked like she’d be sleeping with an open window tonight.

Li Jie picked up the bullet buried in the floor debris, pocketed it, and briskly walked out of the ward. To Su Min, it was jarring to witness the two extreme differences in Li Jie’s personality. The way Li Jie turned from a sweet, though somewhat sinister man, to an angry, almost ruthless man? It made her a little afraid to know that even Li Jie had a side to himself that she never knew about until now.

As Li Jie signed himself out of the hospital, he also told the doctors about the events that occurred in Su Min’s wards. Then, he quickly left the stunned doctors behind. He had to find his crazy fan.

That same day, after Su Min had awoken from her nap, she ended up in a psychiatric ward. All visitors would need to go through a security check to make sure they didn’t bring prohibited items into the centre. This, however, was a good arrangement in Su Min’s opinion.

‘Good luck trying to threaten me, Mo Luwei you bastard,’ Su Min thought with a sneer.

Most mental health centres limited visitor and phone call hours, to allow more time for Su Min’s treatment. This was also a blessing for Su Min. She didn’t want to see Li Jie right now, or anyone else for that matter.

· · — · ???· — · ·

Inside his office, Lu Kai chewed on an egg roll during his dinner break as he watched how his wife sent the female lead into the psychiatric ward, and how she made the two male leads chase after her. All of this was done in a span of two weeks. When it came to a soul’s growth, he certainly couldn’t compare to his wife.

He gave her his assistant’s number to assist her whenever she wanted something done as he had other work to do. Anyway, his presence would be more of a burden than a help. How simple would everything be if he didn’t have to watch his every action to maintain a friendly relationship with this world?

He gave his host a new mission.

{Overthrow the new female lead, Silika Lin. +1000p.}

Bing Shi failed the first part of her mission; where she had to control her presence so she wouldn’t be noticed by the world law that gathered around the leads the most.

If Aoi Hong would be able to finish this quest, his wife’s mission would be halfway completed.

· · — · ???· — · ·

“Mother left because of me.” Bing Shi drifted closer to her father who laid tiredly in the hospital bed. “Don’t you hate me?” She asked as she watched her father breathe weakly.

Mo Luwei kept his promise, it seemed. He wasn’t all talk after all. He brought the building from the previous owner and forcefully closed her father’s restaurant down; this resulted in her father’s hospitalization.

“How could I hate you? No, no, no... You’ll always be my daughter.” Here, her father threw her a comforting smile. Then he questioned Bing Shi carefully as he tried to stand up, “Why did you bring me here? We don’t have the money to spare for my medical treatment.”

Since they couldn’t pay, it was better to leave now.

Mo Luwei would save his restaurant and pay for his medical treatment if only his daughter kneeled on all fours and became his slave. But how could he, her father, allow his daughter to stoop so low? That was simply too much!

“Father, you should help yourself first if you want to be of any use to anyone else.” Bing Shi pushed her father back onto the hospital bed by holding him down on his shoulder. What a strange father. He didn’t even reprimand her after she did such a wrong thing. That was very irresponsible of him. “I admire your selflessness a lot but you should take this time to recover your strength. I’ll take care of the medical bills.”

“... Silika... don’t do anything stupid...” Her father reprimanded Silika while he looked at his daughter that had suddenly become unfamiliar. She was strangely unfazed with what was happening and acted calmer than usual. But no matter what, Silika was everything he had left. Even if he wasn’t so familiar with his new daughter, she was still just that: his daughter. Call him selfish, but he didn’t want her to go through any mishaps or meet any incidents in her life.

“I can’t promise that, but trust me: offering myself to an old rich man was never an option,” Bing Shi told her father as she worked on covering him up with a blanket. Silika wanted her workaholic father to stop working and take a rest. This was the rest her father would have- well, it was more of a forced rest to be more precise. But still, it was a rest! That restaurant was an obstacle. With Mo Luwei’s might around, her father wouldn’t be able to land a job. Nothing was holding her mother back from the divorce- to leave for good.

‘Rebuilding my new father’s life from the bottom up will be a daunting task but it won’t be impossible.’ Bing Shi went to pay the medical bill, only to find out that it was already paid off. It seemed like the male lead wanted to take full control of her as he did with Su Min. He paid off the debt the old Silika created by signing the shady contract, making her indebted to him. Mo Luwei also trampled away the credit of her university applications and took away her father’s apartment as compensation for his ‘good’ deed.

‘That man sure has good lawyers.’ Bing Shi had the means to compete with Mo Luwei about who had more money. But would it have the same effect on Mo Luwei if he was defeated by an equal rather than someone who had nothing to her name? For example... A cute little ant? No, the effect would be vastly different; she couldn’t wait to find out to what extent Mo Luwei would rage if he were toppled over by an ant.

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