QT: Against My Will

Chapter 294

294 5.38 – Kidnapped – The Sleepless Elite’s Wife

+—- Author’s note —–+

Edited by Psycho S.


|”Hubby, how do I get out of this trouble?”|

|Sweetie, your ‘troubled look’ looks like you just won a lottery. |

|”Because I diiiid!”|

Leaving the hospital, Bing Shi went for a walk as she appreciated the beautiful skyscrapers that looked as though they were merging with the skies.

‘Aoi Hong’s lucky fingers are truly amazing.’ Bing Shi was on her way to receive her little lottery prize. It was only $25; it wasn’t much but it was still enough to draw a wide smile from her face.

After becoming this world’s female lead, Bing Shi didn’t feel much of a difference. There was no notable specialness she felt or something like that.


But it was an untold fact that her female lead aura affected the people that surrounded her – they would meet two extreme ends when it came to fortune or misfortune and it all depended on how they treated her. In short, karma would either double the punishment handed out to people or double the reward without her needing to do much work. This was really a heroine halo at its best.

How convenient it would be if it worked on the male leads. The only exceptions to this fine halo effect...

· · — · ???· — · ·

After an hour...

Bing Shi looked up at Mo Luwei, his group of bodyguards, and the cameras inside the abandoned base. She had long placed the 25$ into her wallet before she arrived. She clapped her hands together as if she was glad to see him, “It’s about time I start to direct my own action movie. What do you think? Your handsome face would surely earn me a bucket of money. Then, I’ll pay off my debt, and you’ll finally let me go!”

“You haven’t suffered enough. You don’t have nearly enough bruises! How could I let you go?” Mo Luwei threateningly growled at her. After taking over her father’s apartment, he took away everything she owned, wanting to cut her income. Unfortunately, the girl still had some of her things left, like her phone and debit card which he wasn’t able to obtain beforehand.

“Oh please, your whole existence is bruising me all over,” Bing Shi retrieved her staff, making Mo Luwei’s bodyguards cough out awkwardly.

The bodyguards looked at each other as they momentarily lost their composure. Kidnapping her couldn’t have been any easier as she cooperated with them the whole way here, letting them believe that it was some kind of quarrel between lovers.

Bing Shi turned on her phone to check her only stream of income, “No way!” She raised her phone. She was unable to find what she wanted. Nothing was holding her back as she fled the abandoned base in search of a phone signal, “Next time, kidnap me to a place with an internet connection, or don’t even bother kidnapping me at all.”

“All of you are fired if you don’t catch her!” Mo Luwei kicked his bodyguard fiercely as he complained. Much to his dissatisfaction, the bodyguard he kicked didn’t so much as grunt when the man was attacked. If anything, the bodyguard looked like he was done with being his kicking toy. The bodyguard’s twitching lips were a clear indication of him being this close to quitting his well-paying job.

The other bodyguards gave their comrade a sympathetic look.

Why was Mo Luwei going so far anyway? Not even Li Jie dared to stand in between him and Su Min, but here came a random person who gave no shit about his identity and stepped between him and everything he did. She didn’t stop interfering with his business- not even after everything he did to her.

“Sir. She didn’t attack any of us. We’re bodyguards...” The bodyguard who’d been kicked had to remind Mo Luwei that they were not a crime syndicate. In doing so, he suffered yet another kick. This time, the bodyguard gave a long-suffering sigh.

All the bodyguards -excluding the bodyguard who was being kicked, he was too busy sadly patting at his forming bruises- watched silently as Silika trampled over their Boss’s ego, over and over again with no signs of stopping.

Gritting his teeth, Mo Luwei threw away his pride just this once so as he dialled Quin Yu’s number, “I need you to send someone over...” Hearing no response, he continued, “You owe me a favor.”

“Name?” Quin Yu coldly asked Mo Luwei as he aimed his gun at the man before him, making the other tremble in fear.

“...” Mo Luwei hesitated in answering. Was he really going to admit that some ant made him use up this useful favor from the devil himself, Quin Yu?

Quin Yu, dissatisfied with how long it took for Mo Luwei to answer, pulled the trigger as a warning shot not just for the man in front of him who started pissing his pants in fear, but also for Mo Luwei to hurry up.

Hearing the loud warning shot ring and, subsequently, the terrified screaming of whoever Quin Yu was torturing on the other side, Mo Luwei immediately answered with sweat forming on his eyebrows, “Silika Lin,” he answered.

“...” Quin Yu’s mouth twitched. Hearing that name alone made him consider shooting another bullet at the ground for the hell of it. Out of all the names Mo Luwei had to list, it just had to be that one.

“How did you treat her?” Quin Yu drawled as he approached the kneeling man in front of him. He was getting tired of this pointless conversation -and he was getting annoyed by the stench of urine filling the air- but, since it was a favor asked of him by that stubborn Mo Luwei, he could at least offer some helpful advice to him.

“What does that have to do...”

“Be nice to her,” Quin Yu interrupted Mo Luwei’s indignant questioning, “That’s my favor to you.”

“...” Mo Luwei gritted his teeth in annoyance as he watched Silika trapeze away from him. Favour? That was Quin Yu’s favor?! He growled as he kicked at his bodyguard out of frustration. Then, he kicked that same bodyguard again to vent the anger that filled up his heart.

The other bodyguards offered the undeclared scapegoat a pitying look. Said man who received the pitying glances, shook his head. Well, he could at least get some form of pay for any injuries while on the job...

“You’ll thank me later. I had the pleasure to meet her...twice.” Saying so, Quin Yu hung up on the angry Mo Luwei. He shook his head as he watched the rancid smelling man squirming away in an attempt to escape. It was a pathetic sight.

Quin Yu was impatient, so he approached the crying man and placed the gun against the man’s forehead. “I’m going to ask you this once, and you’re going to answer me.”

“O-oh-kay... don’t... don’t kill me...” The man sobbed as he pleaded for his life. Quin Yu apathetically observed the man’s psychological barrier break before his eyes.

“Tell me where Aoi Hong is,” Quin Yu drawled as he double-tapped the muzzle of the gun against the man’s forehead, “And tell me who’s behind all of this.”

“It... it was Su Luqin... she-”

Quin Yu languidly tapped the muzzle of the gun against the man’s forehead as a subtle hint to speed up.

The man, understanding this, cried harder as he talked faster, almost becoming a blubbering mess, “She ordered us to send that girl to a pile of men! She wanted us to watch her be gang ra- no- no, don’t! Please- ugh!”

Quin Yu had enough. He slammed the grip of his gun into the man’s nose, turning it into a bleeding mess.

This was the man’s last warning as Quin Yu coldly ordered him, “Just tell me where Aoi Hong is.”

The man, after revealing Aoi Hong’s location, watched Quin Yu walk away from him with hope bursting in his heart. He was going to live! When he leaves, he’s going to move far away and-

“Oh, sorry. I almost forgot about you.” Unapologetically, Quin Yu aimed his gun at the man’s head and watched the man’s hope fade away with his breath.

· · — · ???· — · ·

At the outskirts of Pujing city...

Aoi Hong’s eyes were covered, but she could hear the frightening sounds of a violent fight between a group of people. When someone had taken off the fabric covering her eyes, she gradually adjusted to the sudden colors and was surprised to see Li Jie.

Unusually, Li Jie was cold and grim. This was the first time for Aoi Hong to see Li Jie being so cold; usually, he was as gentle as a spring breeze. She gulped as she studied the bruises covering his cheeks and nose, not to mention his messy clothes.

“H-how did you... ?” Aoi Hong trailed off.

“I overheard Su Luqin’s phone call,” Li Jie untied the ropes that looped around Aoi Hong’s wrists and ankles in complicated knots, “I called the police.”

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