Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 117 The Bases Of Human Psychological Manipulation

A spectacular fight soon ensured.

The Giant grey horned Ape wanted to get to the ball of meat, and so did the water head jelly fish.

The Water head jelly fish felt threatened in its own environment, and the hunger of the giant grey horned Ape was so intense that it was now blinded by anger to realize that it was starting a fight.

The Water head jelly fish used its stingers to inflict damage on the Giant grey horned Ape, and the Ape fought back with its fist and claws.

The fight between these two giant creatures was quite legendary.

It was wild.

They created shock waves that offset the state of the lake and even moved the fight to land.

At a particular point in time, they were no longer reaching for the ball of meat and were simply just tearing into one another for supremacy.

This was a fight that lasted for hours on end.

Neither of them wanted to lose, but unfortunately, the two of them seemed to be of the same strength.

It now balled down to who had the most stamina.

The grey horned giant Ape had managed to move the Water head jelly fish out of the water, and in this regard, it had the upper hand.

The Water head Jelly fish obviously got weaker outside the water.

However, mother nature always balanced itself one way or another.

The Water head Jelly fish had deadly pointed stingers with incredible paralyzing poisons.

The Water head Jelly fish wrapped itself around the grey horned giant Ape and its stingers made home all over its body.

The party members watched the progression of the fight until one of the beasts stopped moving.

Somehow, the giant grey horned Ape had won the battle by inflicting deadly bites into the head of its opponent.

Slowly, but difficultly, it separated itself from the carcass of the Water head jelly fish.

It had won, but that did not mean that it had left unscathed.

Its furry grey skin looked black, red and very swollen at different points. It was also bleeding from one eye.

It barely took a few steps towards its cave when it fell to the ground. Its breathing was very heavy.

Chiron smiled in his hiding spot, "The giant grey horned Ape is really a strong cored beast. It will still take at least an hour before the poison spreads fully around its entire body."

Even though the rest of the party members did not know how Chiron knew such information, the fact that this plan had worked alone was proof that he knew what he was talking about.

Everybody nodded to his words.

With no danger to its life, the tensed mind and muscles of the giant grey horned beast relaxed significantly.

Because of its loud aggressive fight with the water head jelly fish, the other lesser creatures around had left the general area in fear.

At least all of them had left the area except Chiron's party.

After another hour, the sound of the giant grey horned Ape snoring could be heard clearly.

However, it was also easy for anyone to tell that the beast was not at all in any good condition from its heavy breaths.

"Come on, let's go!" Chiron instructed.

Although they did not want to, they had no choice but to follow.

Getting closer to the beast, there could see first-hand the destruction that had happened.

The trees in the general area had been brought down, and some places had small puddles of blood and fluid that gave out steam and a strong pungent smell.

The reason for the pungent smell was the poison from the Water headed jelly fish.

Zi, out of curiosity, advanced too close to the carcass of the Water head Jelly fish.

"Unless you want to be turned into one of those," Chiron pointed ahead, "then touch it!"

This beast's poison was so bad that it acted like acid on the trees and smaller creatures it had spilled on. Eating its way through them.

This was the amount of damage that the poison had done to the surrounding area.

It was not hard to imagine what this poison must have done inside the body of the giant grey horned beast.

Zi immediately backed away.

Chiron brought out his sword.

He immediately climbed onto the chest of the giant grey horned Ape.

As he did, the beast opened its one good eye.

However, it was not in any condition to even lift a finger. All it did was grunt a little.

The poison had already caused severe damage to its insides.

Even Chiron had to admit that this giant grey horned Ape was a strong cored beast.

In fact, Chiron suspected that if it had already entered the blue core stage, then his plan would not have worked.

However, here it was, lying under the feet of a tiny human like him.

Chiron stretched Devil's Touch for the neck of the beast.

"Wait!" Carla stopped him.

He turned and looked at her with a brow up.

"Since we only came for the Horn, I think it's best that we just take it and leave it alone."

Chiron looked at Carla. He really could not believe that this girl was pleading mercy for a cored beast.

Was she dumb or retarded?

This was the same beast that nearly killed them only a few days ago, and here she was having pity on it because of some stupid sentimental emotions.

Chiron gave an obvious look that stated that he was going to do it anyway.

"Wait! Chiron," Ponzi called out, "I agree with her on this one. Let's just take the Grey horn and go home!"

Chiron turned and looked at his party members.

In their eyes, he could clearly see that they all shared the same plight.

Immediately, Chiron's head made calculations.

He could understand Carla's lack of an objective view of the real world and the same thing for the other party members. After all, they all lived a Rosey or illusion life of happiness.

But why was Ponzi suddenly taking Carla's side?

Chiron remembered that this Party leader should be the person in the group with the most hatred for Cored beasts.

After all, a cored beast had taken his mother from him.

Is it that he was suddenly sentimental too or that...?

Chiron suddenly remembered that encounter he had with Ponzi's Dad a night before, and it suddenly made sense to him.

It was not plain, but Chiron could see it.

Even though Ponzi was the leader of the party, and had taken Carla as a party member, Carla had become far closer to Chiron than anyone else in the party.

Especially because of that emotional comfort he had given her, she felt closer to him.

Although it did not show now, this was actually bad for Ponzi. At least for him to get that thing, it was easier to draw a wedge between the two of them.

Women were emotional creatures. With them, common sense always went out the window.

Chiron with his abundance of knowledge could tell that a woman never did what needed to be done but what she felt should be done.

Meanwhile, Chiron also needed Carla's emotions on him for his future plans to work.

That way when he broke that image of a perfect life in front of her, his shoulder would be the first thing she would rely on. That way, he could easily push out his agenda unto her.

After all, it was common knowledge that women would go miles for those that they had feelings for.

Meanwhile, Ponzi needed her so that he could also get that thing.

Ponzi was older and Chiron had to admit that this senior of his was smart.

This was probably due to having to survive on his own for so long.

It was easier for him to sense opportunities and immediately take advantage of them.

If Chiron proceeded with his intention to kill the Giant grey horned Ape, then subconsciously, Carla would feel that he was not taking her feelings into consideration.

Although it was not a logical move to leave a dangerous green-cored beast alive, Carla was moved by her pity.

This was a subconscious battle for domination over another's emotions.

There were many ways to have a person's loyalty.

In the case of his younger sister, he had used her affection.

In the case of Elder Ellen, he had used the illusion of a saving grace and profit.

In the case of Emma, he had used fear.

All the times he had acquired their loyalty, it was by reaching the peak of a particular human-relatable endeavour.

This was the bases of human psychological manipulation.

Just like he had made Ganja believe that he had died for a good cause by reaching out to what he held most dear to his heart, Chiron knew that for Carla, it was virtuousness and Kindness.

These values were the points for capturing her attention, and until broken, nothing else could reach her so deeply.

Apparently, Ponzi at a subconscious level could sense this.

It would have been okay the first time she pleaded and he did as he wanted to, but Ponzi had to butt in and amplify the situation.

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