Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 118 The Good Graces Of The Ancestor Shinning Its Light On Us...

Chiron observed the look on Carla's face.

It was one of pity.

If Chiron had also been at her age without the experiences he had from his previous life, he might have also had such pity for the Ape. After all, it was really in a terrible state, and it gave out pitiful moans from time to time.

He smiled, and turned back to the giant grey horned Ape.

He raised his sword high up in the air, and brought it down with full force.

"DON'T!" Carla screamed.

But it was too late. He had brought down his sword.

She subconsciously closed her eyes in order not to see the gore that was to follow.


The sound of sword slicing into something was heard.

She did not want to, but she could not close her eyes forever.

Carla opened her eyes, but to her surprise, the Ape's neck had not been cut open as she had thought.

Rather, what Chiron had sliced off, was the big Horn on the forehead of the beast.

The Horn was very strong, but Devil's touch cutting it off was as simple as Scissors cutting through a piece of paper.

The Horn fell off, and Chiron turned to his party members, "Let's wrap this up and go home please."

Duna and Luna Wrapped up the horn.

Just then, they heard voices.

Apparently, some people were coming this way.

"Let's hurry up and leave this place, I think other cultivators are coming this way!" Ponzi warned and they took the horn and quickly ran off.

This general area was the territory of the chikitsa clan, but many things happened outside the clan.

For example, what had happened with Jan Jan's crew.

And such a thing was even the least of their worries.

After all, they had been many cases of killing cultivators and snatching loot.

Of course the clan frowned against such things, but out in the wild, who was going to find out?

The loot only belonged to who or which person or group brought it into the clan.

Even though this people were bounded by blood, they were still people.

There were many times in history when brothers backstabbed each other for benefits.

Anywhere there was human beings, there was always competition, and competition brought with it other less exciting and exciting emotions like the feelings of loss, envy, greed.

This was the reason they had to hide.

If for any reason the people that were coming were stronger than their party, taking the Giant horned Ape from them was a possibility.

And Just to avoid further trouble, they waited a while before they headed back through a safer route to the Clan.

As they proceeded, Chiron heard an Alert from the system.

>>Congratulations Host! Your Green skinned shadow leopard is now a Green Core. You need 50 points to promote further into a blue cored beast. Should the hatching process begin?"

Those words like music to his ears.

He willed in his mind, "begin please!"

>>To Hatch shadow Leopard, Host's blood bond is required<<


"What do you mean by there was a beast fight up the mountains?" the elderly woman by the counter asked Jan Jan.

"It's true! We saw the results ourselves," Jan Jan explained, "for some reason, the giant grey horned Ape fought with the Water head Jelly fish, and it resulted in the death of the water head jelly fish and the..."

"Horn of the giant grey horned Ape missing," the elderly woman added with a brow raised at him.


"Really!?" she rolled her eyes, "is that the best you and your party could come up with? I have heard a lot of lies at this table, and Jan Jan, this one has already been used."

All this while, Jan Jan and his team had been taking the Mission to bring back the Horn of the Giant grey Horned Ape.

Missions at the Bureau also had their own levels, and with each level came its own requirements, benefits, and rank of cultivator expected for it.

This way, older Cultivators were not allowed to take up missions that could build the younger cultivators by pushing them past their limit.

And Younger Cultivators were allowed to take very difficult missions.

The mission to get the Horn of the Giant grey horned beast was obviously a difficult mission.

However, it also came with its advantages.

The Bureau for cultivators collected a fee for every time a mission was issued out.

Since missions were given out daily, it was easy to see that fees could easily cripple the financial capability of cultivators if the mission was hard.

Therefore, the Bureau gave advantages that permitted for the fee of such missions to be lifted on the condition that the party completed the mission.

If the party completed the mission within a required time range, then the party would not need to pay the hefty and well accumulated mission fee.

Otherwise, the debt was on the head of the party. After all, it was a clan.

Someone had to take responsibility. Who better than the leader of the group.

Jan Jan and his party members had come to the place were the two beasts had fought and what they saw was incredible, but worse of all, the horn of the Giant grey horned Ape was gone.

Jan Jan had naturally assumed that it was as a result of the fight between both beasts, and maybe the Horn was lying around somewhere, but his surprise, it was not so.

He had been on this mission for an entire month now. Without the Horn, the fees would be on his head.

To make matters worse, he could not take the green core from the Water head jelly fish because of its poison.

Even if he wrapped his hand in his spirit energy to reach it, the poison was corrosive enough to burn off his spirit energy.

This was not a risk he was at all prepared to take.

"Jan Jan! the Water head Jelly fish and the Giant grey horned Ape live far away from each in different habitants and lairs. For years, it has been that way. There is no reason for this two to even come in contact with each other, and even if they do, the horn of the Giant grey horned Ape can not be dissolved by the poison of the Water head Jelly fish."

"I know! but I know what I saw! it's true."

Jan Jan and his party members tried to explain as much as possible, but whatsoever they were saying did not move the old lady.

As far as she was concerned, this guys were trying to wiggle their way out of paying.

After all, she had been working at the Bureau for cultivators for a long time in her life and she had seen this kind of thing happen before.

Cultivators that could not meet up will come up with all sorts of excuse to dodge the debt they had to pay.

"I'm sorry Jan Jan! There is no way I can help you with this. Even if what you say is true, it will take the Giant grey horned Ape many months before it would grow another horn. Unless you can provide horn now, you'll have to..."

Her words stopped mid way.

Jan Jan saw the surprise look on the woman's face.

He followed her eyes and turned around.

The look was suddenly duplicated on his.

Ponzi was entering the Bureau for cultivators with a smile on his face.

Behind him was Chiron with his big sword wrapped properly on his back. On either sides were Carla and Zi trying to stick close to him, and behind him were the twins.

However, it was not the smiling face of the twins that pulled attention.

It was what was in their hands.

Both of them carried the giant horn together.

Jan Jan could not believe what he was seeing.

For a long time, he had seen that horn and with how much he had dreamt of having it in his hands, he definitely knew it from a mile away.

"Impossible!" he muttered lowly.

Ponzi and his party members walked past him to the front of counter and dropped the Horn in front of the elderly lady.

"We will like to take the mission for the Horn of the Giant grey Horned Ape, please! And also sign its completion form."

The elderly woman was still in a state of shock, and she wanted to ask how they did it, but Jan Jan beat her to it.

Ponzi looked at Jan Jan with a cocky smile on his face, "How did you say it the other time?" Ponzi pretended to be in thought, "Ah! I remember now. 'It was the good graces of the Ancestor shinning its light on us'."

Those words made Jan Jan frown.

Ponzi was rubbing his own words in his face.

"Ponzi!" Jan Jan gritted his teeth fiercely.

He knew himself better than anyone else. Usually, the Bureau of cultivators was never lenient with its fees. This was the only loop hole in its laws, and he had thought he was wise taking advantage of it.

But Ponzi had just stolen that grace from him.

Jan Jan was never a calm person. As he looked at that smug look on Ponzi's face, he could not hold it back any longer. He needed to teach Ponzi a lesson.

Immediately, he activated his spirit energy as his sword came in an attack for Ponzi's head.

At this moment, Chiron got an Alert from the system.

>>Host! please defend against Fate.<<


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