Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 119 Hatching Of The Green Skinned Shadow Beast...

An hour ago, before the attack at the Bureau for cultivators...

>>Congratulations Host! Your Green skinned shadow leopard is now a Green Core beast. You need 50 points to promote further into a blue cored beast. Should the hatching process begin?<<

At the moment, Chiron did not have much points if not, he would have immediately opted for the choice of improving the green skinned leopard further.

"Excuse me guys," Chiron called to his party members, "I'm a bit pressed and I need to go ease myself."

"Finally!" Luna sighed, " someone said it before me!"

"You too?" Ponzi asked.

"Yes! I have been holding it since those beasts wee going at it."

"I'm also pressed," Zi complained, her legs curving in. It was obvious that she was really holding her pee.

Ponzi signed. This was to be expected.

After all, they had just experienced two scary cored beasts go at it.

It was already impressive that these guys did not pee their pants when they were watching.

"Okay! we'll rest here for a bit. But you guys better hurry up."

The three of them nodded as they all went into the bushes to go about their business.

However, Chiron went further than the rest.

After ensuring that no one was around him, he sat in a lotus position and his consciousness went inside a room in the system.

He had already given the permission for the Egg to be hatched. However, this was a beast core egg and a blood bond needed to be formed.

Chiron willed his Aura from his Dantain into his hand.

After which he made a cut on his palm and placed it on the egg.

The aura filled blood was immediately absorbed into the egg.

>>Blood Bond Formed with Green Skinned shadow Leopard<<

After a few seconds of waiting, the system gave another Alert.

>>Hatching process has began. Please move organism out of System place<<

Chiron nodded and willed the Egg out of the System.

The System did not permit for living creatures to be inside it.

After a few seconds of waiting, the egg started to vibrate, and then, first came out little sharp claws that broke the egg shell like it was biscuit.

Seeing this made Chiron smile.

And then another paw with claws, and before Chiron knew it, the little creature had cracked the entire shell open.

There it was. It looked like a smaller, cuter version of the male Green skinned shadow Leopard that Chiron had nearly died by.

This creature was supposed to start out its life as a nearly cored beast. Then somewhere along the line, it would develop a yellow core, and the peak its race ever reached, was Green Core.

Of course this took tens of years to reach.

However, Chiron could see the clear Green Glow in the eyes of the tiny little creature.

Chiron felt the connection to it.

It was subtle, and he could even feel the curious thoughts that the youngling had.

Chiron got closer to the creature.

And then he patted its head. Bringing his hand lower, he immediately grabbed it by its neck and squeezed hard.

The little creature was taken by surprise. But Chiron did not let go.

No matter how much the creature cried in pain, he did not let go.

Also, because of the bond, the cored beast could not use its tiny claws to hurt Chiron.

It just cried lowly, and even that was muted by Chiron the tighter he held its neck.

"I Know that you can understand me. I don't have the time to train or teach you properly," Chiron addressed the little core beast, "so I'll advice that you watch me closely, and you understand the kind of person I am based on the decisions I make. That way, the decisions you make will let me allow you some more of this," he sniffed a bit, "air to appreciate!"

He brought it closer to his face, and look at it in the eyes, "I'll advice you to improve your strength, any chance you get. I do not support weaklings. Do you understand!?"

He held the neck tighter until the pity look in the creature's eyes was gone, and was replaced with a firmer and more determined look.

Chiron saw this and smiled a little, "good!"

He released his hold around the creatures neck, and it fell to the ground. It gave out cute like coughs as it appreciated the new lease on life it had just been permitted to have.

What stupid Blood Bond!?

As far as he could remember, he was not a mother, and those that had formed a bond with him were not going to milk him for their own survival.

As far as he was concerned, the Blood bond was just a way for them to understand who was boss, and the necessity required to serve the Boss.

Seeing that is point had been made, he threw out some Rabid big foot meat and presented a bowl of blood before the little cub.

The Green skinned leopard saw this and immediately dived for it.

Chiron could feel its gratefulness.

He stood and watched as the beast finished everything.

Normally, newborns were supposed to be fed with Milk, but this was not just a any normal Cub. It was a beast cub that already had the strength to knock a tree down.

What it needed was not milk, but something to fuel it well for the task at hand.

After all, Chiron suspected that it was coming soon.

So far, every time he made an achievement, it was always around the corner.

Chiron suddenly noticed a dark miasma coming out of the feeding cub. It was not like it's father that Chiron had fought, but it was definitely there.

>>Congratulations, Green skinned Leopard has unlocked Shadow Pool.<<

>>Congratulations as the Core beast's master, you can use Shadow Pool for 10 seconds<<

"Oh!" This alert took Chiron by surprise, but it brought a smile to his face.


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