Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 161 Creating More Use Out Of Trash...

A few hours later, Chiron came out of the room, "let's hope you will not have to use it!" he commented as he wiped the blood stains off his hands.

When he was done, he handed the cloth he used to Carla, "Let's go!" he ordered.

As he walked away, Carla sniffed the cloth. She was now a devil. Her nose was many times more sensitive than it ever was.

She could smell some of the blood she gave Chiron earlier on it, some of his, and then blood from another person.

She looked back at the room, and out of curiosity, she attempted to open the door a bit.

However, she stopped herself. If Chiron wanted her to see, he wouldn't have sent her out. This much she knew.

She also knew that if she stepped out of her boundaries, things would not end up well for her.

"I had a little tumble with the Elder. Do not disturb her, she needs a little rest!" Chiron instructed the Maid as he left the manor.

Both of them went back home. Where Chiron went back into meditating.

When it came to increasing his strength, any opportunity was a valuable one. He was not one to allow any opportunity for growth pass him by.

Even if it was a minute or even a second, that little increase in strength it brought to him could very well save his life in the future.

Sometime by midnight, Chiron suddenly opened his eyes.

"Carla!" He called out.

She immediately appeared from the shadows.

"We are going out!" he opened a shadow pool and she followed after him.

Soon enough, they appeared out of the Shadow pool a few kilometres outside the clan.

Chiron looked around. It was dark but one of the two moons made the environment somewhat bright enough.

Chiron followed the main path. He squat low as he observed the tracks in the sand.

He nodded his head knowing that he got it right, and continued along the path.

Just up ahead, was a carriage. It was in total ruins. On looking at it, it would be easy for one to think that it was attacked by a cored beast. Especially with the scratches on it and the blood stains.

However, this was not so.

Chiron came close to the Carriage. He touched the body, and then he shook his head.

Carla also got closer. She did not know what was happening, but she saw blood, and she was also aware of this carriage.

Even though it was now in ruins, she recognized it. After all, this was the carriage that had left earlier on carrying Emma.

Chiron followed a blood trail that led into the bushes by the side. As he did, he could see the bodies of the men that had been assigned to protect her.

They lay all about the place in parts and still leaking pieces.

Chiron stopped at one of the men that was still alive. He had his torso separated from the lower part of his body.

He was forming at the mouth.

This was the same thing for those that had their heads separated from their bodies. They all formed at the mouth.

Chiron could hear moaning sounds coming from within the bushes and he followed them.

There, he could see a man panting heavily as he jerked back and forth on a woman.

The woman had most of her clothes torn, and even around them, they were other half-naked dead men also forming from the mouth.

Chiron waved his hand, and his Aura energy went like a blade and cleanly displaced the man's head from his body.

The man's head fell in the opposite direction as the body.

Just as Chiron thought. The woman that was being abused was Emma.

Her eyes were nearly lifeless as tears trailed down her cheeks.

Carla looked around. She counted the number of men around Emma.

The men were all half-naked. She instantly understood that these men must have relieved themselves with Emma.

From the looks of it, they probably came across a wild aphrodisiac that excited their lust and rage.

Firstly, they fought themselves like animals for the right to have her first. And whenever any of them did, they instantly died. And so it continued until this moment.

There were stories of how unforgiving the outside world was.

Truly, the clan was the safest place there was. It was either it was cored beasts, thieves or even terrible exotic plants. This was the reason why Merchants always ensured to have cultivators as escorts.

However, there was only so much a cultivator could do against such a wild plant.

Sometimes, experience and knowledge was a far better asset than raw power.

This unfortunate event was not all that rare. It was just one of the risks of travelling to and from clans.

Although it was dangerous, merchants and a lot of travellers still did it. Emma was just unfortunate enough to have been a victim of such a thing. And she had to be the only female in the carriage.

However, Carla could not help but ask herself how Chiron got knowledge of it, and hurried here.

She looked closely at his actions. He waved his hand and a Rune suddenly appeared on Emma's neck.

This was not the first time Carla had seen Chiron use runes. He had done so when he was making her a demon. So she was aware that he had made that Rune.

She quickly concluded that it was the Rune that alerted him.

How Wrong she was.

This Rune on Emma's body was done before the interrogation. Chiron was only checking if she was alive.

"Emma!" he whispered softly.

There was no response.

"Emma!" he whispered again, "It is me. Chiron!"

The moment she heard his name, a semblance of life came to her eyes. She turned to him. She tried to talk, but every time she opened her mouth, more tears flowed down her eyes.

"Shush!" He placed a finger on her lips. "Don't worry. I am here for you."

"I'm so... soorry Master!!!" more tears and snorts followed.

Chiron took a knee beside her. And then using his clothes, he took wiped off her tears and snort.

He was so tender with his touch that one would think he was an affectionate lover.

He turned to Carla, "pack up the bodies!"

She immediately did as she was told.

Chiron removed his shirt and used it to wrap Emma's battered and bruised body. And then he picked her up.

Carla packed as many bodies as possible while hunter ate some of them.

The remaining, Chiron waved his hand as fireballs assaulted them.

And then he turned and looked in the direction of the Chikitsa mountain.

In a few hours, there were high up in the mountain in the snowy regions.

Chiron opened Emma up. She was still alive but she was close to dying.

He used his aura energy to dig a hole in the ground. After which he threw Emma into it. And then he buried her in the snow.

He waved his hand and the jar of blood Carla had given him appeared.

For this ritual, he consumed five points for a memory booster. He really did not want to get the ritual wrong.

Unlike when he wanted to turn Carla into a demon, he did not need to open a gate to the neither realm for demon or devil energy.

Now, he could just extract it from Carla. He poured the blood in a circle around the place Emma had been buried in the snow.

And then under is instructions, Carla dropped the bodies right in the centre where he had buried her.

As she did, Chiron continued the ritual incantations, and the blood he had dropped around the place formed runes. While the body parts in the center suddenly caught aflame and turned into blood that sank into the snow.

As it did, Chiron had a satisfying smile on his face.

Unlike what Carla thought, Emma's fate had all been part of Chiron's plan.

Chiron had thought of just getting rid of her. Especially after what had just happened with the investigations. However, he suddenly thought of a better method of using her.

Especially since he needed as many servants as he could get.

After all, the Holy church was not going to come for him with smiling faces.

And so he made Bama do his dirty work for him. After all, the merchant still owed him.

But of course, that was not enough for Bama to sacrifice some of his men.

Therefore Chiron sweetened the deal with some beast cores. With the losses Bama had suffered during the Devil invasion, he was more than happy to receive Chiron's money for the sacrificed life of just a few servants.

The night Chiron visited the merchant, he had given him some pills that he instructed to give the men that were to escort Emma.

Those pills allowed for...

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