Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 162 Birth Of A World Class Seductress(Succubus)

The night Chiron visited the merchant, he had given him some pills that he instructed to give the men that were to escort Emma.

Those pills allowed the men to enter a Mating-beastly state.

All Chiron had to do was to wait patiently as his mind calculated the time for which the drug was going to kick into effect.

Of course, the route that the carriage took was something he was aware of.

Chiron had thought of just disposing of Emma once and for all, but the idea that he could turn a sour unwanted lemon into Vitamin C stirred a genius idea in his mind.

And so he implemented this plan.

Of course, Emma was not in on it. She was not aware when she climbed on that carriage that she was about to enter a whole world of pain.

However, Chiron wanted to make yet again, another demon.

Depending on the kind of demon that was to be formed, certain requirements needed to be met.

Just like when he wanted to turn Carla into a demon, certain requirements needed to be met. At the time, he needed to turn an innocent girl into a monster, and he had ensured that she met the five-star requirements for it.

This time around, Chiron aimed to create a different kind of demon. It was one that could see to the particular needs of some of his plans.

But for that to happen, the firt requirement, was that she was to have been abused physically by no less than six men.

But just to be sure that this requirement was met, Chiron asked Bama for as many men as possible. Having more was always better than having more.

Also, the requirement on the ritual was for the woman to have been physically abused. Chiron was not sure as to the definition of abuse here. But knowing demons and their ways, he was sure that this was not referring to a few slaps on the face.

Therefore, he thought of one of the vilest things that could actually be accounted for as abuse to a person and his brilliant solution was the aphrodisiac pill.

At least that way, he was sure that the requirements were met.

Next, he needed to make sure that she was buried in white earth.

White earth meant that she was buried in the snow. This also had its own significance.

As it referred to the last shred of purity being washed away.

And then the ritual required her to bathe in the blood of those that had abused her.

After all, for every turn, a certain baptism was required.

Usually, this ritual was supposed to take at least seven days before the change was complete.

But that only happened because it took time for demon energy to flow into the person for the transformation to begin.

Chiron easily by passed this stage by pouring some of Carla's demon-rich blood around the burial site.

Soon enough, the ritual kicked into gear.

Chiron watched in silence as he smiled.

The body parts that had been dumped on the grave slowly changed into blood as they turned the white snow into their perfect shade of red.

However, Chiron was not satisfied enough with this.

As far as he was concerned, it was still too slow.

He grabbed Carla's hand and pulled her close. And then he made a long cut on her back.

She moaned in pain as he did. However, she did not refuse him to do what he wanted to do.

*Blood Manipulation!*

Chiron willed some blood out of her body and poured it around the burial sight.

The blood he extracted from her, was in a large quantity. However, he did not care if she was in pain or not.

Her usefulness to him was by far more important.

The blood Runes glowed brighter and brighter, and the body parts in the middle dissolved into a bloody solution even faster.

Soon, all of it dissolved into the snow.

Next, Chiron made a cut on his own hand, and squeezed tightly, as a good amount of blood was poured onto the ground.

He muttered incantations as he did.

His blood flowed like it had a life of its own, and then it formed a circle with a star in the middle on the grave site.

After a while, the star caught up in pink flames.

However, this did not make the snow melt.

Rather, there was a sudden alluring perfume smell in the atmosphere.

It was the kind one would expect when a wife was about to entice her husband into bedroom activities.

It was slow, but Carl noticed that the more she smelt this scent, the hazy her sight became.

This was the same thing for Hunter.

The green-skinned leopard wobbled from side to side.

Chiron saw the attitude the two of them had, and he giggled lowly. This was evidence that it worked.

It was evident that his plan worked.

The alluring smell might have also worked on him, but he had trained himself in such a way that a thin layer of aura energy was always around his body.

This was one of the things he concentrated on after that one time when he was taking the test in the Scabbard and he was almost swallowed whole by a snake. Even if they were his family members or even any of his slaves. Chiron was not as trusting as one would believe.

Even though they all had blood oaths with him, the only thing he truly trusted, was his own abilities.

He wore Self-Awareness like a coat. It was his pride.

He wore it Buttoned up with no space for air, and a pair of gloves called Self-Reliance.

As long as this did not perish, he was confident in his ability to always find a way.

After a while, the alluring smell became thicker. It was almost like fog.

Carla had to activate her demon energy to defend against it. After all, this was a mental attack.

Apart from the smell in the air, every other thing had calmed down.

Nothing Happened at first. And then it did.

The snow covering Emma suddenly melted on its own.

Chiron, Carla nd even Hunter, leaned in to see.

They laid a woman completely in her nude.

Her body was not red like the demon form that Carla had. However, there was something about her that showed she was very different, and it was not just the broad black wings behind her back.

It was her skin that seemed to give out its own charm. Carla could have almost sworn that it was glowing slightly.

It was flawless. All the cuts and bruises she had experienced as a result of the assault on her life were totally gone.

Also, her curves had become broader. Her face looked tender like they had bathed in holy light for a very long time.

Her hair was also long and was white as the snow they rested in.

She stretched a bit in her uncomfortable position, but even this would have given any man the uncontrollably urge to dive in and succumb to her wills.

Every move her body made, seemed to speak of her charms.

Elder Ellen was a delicacy. But before the current Emma, she paled like the moon to the undying light of the midday sun.

As if that was not enough, she had to slowly open her eyes.

Her long eyelashes exaggerated her awaken eyes.

For a moment, even Carla could not help but swallow some saliva.

She shook her head as she pushed away the unholy thoughts that invaded her mind.

She was a demon and this was how she was fairing against Emma's charms. She could not help but look in Chiron's direction.

If Chiron had jumped into the hole in order to waste himself on Emma's body, she would not have blamed him even in the slightest bit.

However, the moment she looked at Chiron's face, a shiver ran down her spine.

The reason was because Chiron was not looking at Emma in the manner she thought he would.

It was like the look a sturdy mountain that reached the heavens would have given an ant that was trying its best to climb its high walls.

It was a cold look of contempt.

Her fear for this master of hers suddenly climbed another notch.

Her fear was so primal that she wanted to take a step back, but barely managed to hold it in.

In this world, maturity happened quite early.

This meant that Chiron was supposed to currently be going through the troubles normal teenage boys faced. However, he was unfazed even before such a world class seductress.

Chiron suddenly jumped into the hole.

Emma slowly stood to her feet. The moment her crystal eyes laid on him, she immediately forced her body that she could barely control and went on her knees before him.

Every movement she made, could have toppled men for her. But Chiron could care less.

"Do I need to tell you again?" he asked.

She shook her head, "No master!"

"Good!" Chiron caught her by her jaw and forced her lush lips open. He squeezed a few drops of blood in her mouth. As he did, he muttered an incantation.

She swallowed it. her body glowed a low red and then resumed her usual color.

He came closer to her ear, and he whispered, "I shall use you to topple the governments of great men and take their treasures for my own..."

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