Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 180 Heavy Wind Technique Vs Snake Bend Technique

Nora stood before Rattle.

He was about two heads taller than her.

Both of them were at the early stage of the stone realm. This was the first fight for those in the stone realm. It was a really anticipated fight.

this was not only by the crowd but also by the Chiefs. The reason for this was that stone cultivators formed the bulk of the manpower in these clans.

There was a reason that those of the copper realm were all considered to be elders.

It was because of the bulk of those that were at the stone realm.

The movement from the stone realm to the copper realm was as hard as ascending the heavens.

At least this was the way it was for most people. Unless the person was a freak like Chiron that already knew ways to increase his cultivation better and faster.

Wood-rank cultivators were barely considered to be cultivators. the major reason was that their management of the spirit energy was poor, and even if, the spirit energy of a wood rank cultivator could barely carry spirit energy techniques.

Unless of course the technique was specially tailored.

However, stone cultivators were different. And that was why this match was going to be interesting.

It was destined to be the first true flashy match in this year's gathering of the sword clans.

Nora was a genius of the chikitsa clan. But she was also hard-working.

Rattle was a genius too of the rapier clan. He was not exactly hard working in his cultivation since he had little to no interest in it.

However, what he lacked in cultivation, he made for in battle techniques and strategies.

far off in the future, if the original timeline, there were stories that told of his terrifying mind that had the ability to see the end of battles even before they began.

He would always pick specific techniques for very particular opponents and limit his power usage to them.

Even Chiron had to admit that there was a lot to learn from such a great mind.

"Fight!" Elder harden gave out the other for the fight to begin.

Nora brought out her sword from its scabbard. It was still as expensive looking as it had always been.

in fact, the moment she brought it out to fight, some people in the audience swallowed loudly.

Nora's sword had enough wealth to feed many families for many years.

It was truly priceless.

Usually, those of the Chikitsa clan used broad swords. That was why it was called the broad sword clan. However, Nora's blade was made tailored to just her.

It was thin and slender and nearly looked like a needle.

Rattle on the other hand used a rapier sword. It was long and Bland looking and it was also very slender, but not as slender as her own.

For a few seconds there, none of them moved.

Rattle looked at his opponent. The stance he took reminded Chiron of fencing in his forming life. This was the stance that those of the Rapier clan used during fights.

His legs were evenly apart and he had one hand in the air over his head.

he looked straight, and Chiron could bet that if he dropped a ruler by rattle's side, the ruler would not be as straight as the warrior.

Rattle's look was focused, and sincerely, it was sharp. His pupils observed Nora's body with so much focus that it looked like an instructor looking for faults in students' fighting styles.

it made Nora feel as if she was made naked before him, and it truly put pressure on her.

Subconsciously, her eyes traced Chiron in the crowd.

she could see the look on his face.

Suddenly, the courage to raise her weapon and attack overwhelmed her.

"AHHH!!!" She Screamed as she kicked against the ground.


Nora's sword glowed in a light blue light as the sword was filled with her spiritual energy.


Rattle made a quick jump back.

Immediately, the crowd was roused up and excited.

Nora had opened the fight with a sword technique.

It was brazen but it was an effective technique that even shifted Rattle off his concentration and focus.

If she was any faster than she had been, the attack would have slammed into him.

Heavy wind was an attack that used spiritual energy to morph the wind around one's sword into an attack.

It was a technique that was best for blasting tremendous force on one's opponent and was even better to be used as a wide-range technique.

this was one of the techniques that Aleen thought Nora. She was fighting like her father.

That first attack removed any doubt or fear she had and she continued with her ferocious attacks.

All of which Rattle barely dodged.

By the time the third Heavy wind had landed, Rattle noticed that the technique was not as intense as the first two times.

Evidently, she could not keep it up for long. He propelled himself in the air as he somersaulted backwards.

Nora came once more with the attack.

The technique was also lesser than the previous one in intensity.

This was something that Rattle took notice of.

Chiron watched the battle and he analyzed the match. Mostly, he followed Rattle's movements.

After all, he had to admit that the fighter was actually good.

From his movement dodging, Chiron could simply tell his fighting style. This was a person that had sacrificed his strength quality in a fight for incredible agility.

Whether it was his legs or the way his body bent, he was fast, and almost seemed to have great control over the most minute of muscle movement.


Nora attacked again.

However, for the first time since the start of the fight, Rattle attacked.

Instead of stepping backwards, he took several steps forward. The movement was just like a fencer in Chiron's former world.

His thin slender blade suddenly bent in an unusual manner, and then it bent again, and then again.

It was like the sword had a life of its own as it circled around Nora's sword and went straight for her neck.

Luckily, She barely saw the attack and instinctively tilted her head to dodge it.


This time around, Nora was the person that had to take a huge step back.

She flipped multiple times in the air and landed far away from him.

her breathing was hard and heavy, and she could not help but swallow hard.

If she had been any slower, his blade would have pierced through her neck.

The crowd went wild as excitement filled the air.

Even though the match was still ongoing, many of the audience went wild with joy at the turn of things. This was especially true for those of the Rapier clan.

Seeing their genius suddenly put pressure on the genius of the head clan of the sword clans made them happy.

Even their Chief could not help but have a slight smile on his face as he looked towards the chief of the Chikitsa clan.

Beads of sweat formed on Nora's face, and some of them fell to the ground.

This was not like any practice fight she had ever been in.

Her opponent was not going light on her and he looked like he still had enough strength to spare.

Nora had practised with the Elders of the clan. She was used to full blown out fights.

Also, she was used to the usual techniques within the clan. This was the first time she was seeing such a technique as the one Rattle used.

People of the Rapier Clan did not fight bold fights like those of the Chikitsa clan.

Their fights were more composed and orderly. Also, they fed their spirit energy to their swords.

Rumours had it that the Chief of the clan could make his sword as long as two hundred meters in length.

it was such a technique that he had passed it to his own son.

Nora gritted her teeth and attacked again. Once more, her technique had increased in intensity.

chiron observed closely.

from what he remembered of watching Nora fight, he knew that she had learnt multiple techniques. However, he could not help but notice that she had only used one so far.

He did not know the reason for this, but it did seem weird.

Once more, she attacked with the same technique. Just like the first few times that she used it and it became lower in intensity, this one was also light.

Seeing the opportunity to strike, Rattler immediately went in for the attack. Once more, he used his technique.


His sword went in a snake-like motion. This time around, the attack was on her abdomen.

the technique was about to hit and it looked like Nora panicked. However, a sly smile suddenly appeared at the corner of her lips. This was what she had been waiting for...

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