Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 181 Playing Dirty Is The Strategist's Way

Immediately Chiron saw the smile on Nora's face, he could instantly tell what she was planning to do.

Earlier on, he had been wondering why she had been holding back on all the other techniques she had learnt.

She had only used Heavy wind Technique.

Now, Chiron could see the reason for it.

He couldn't help but nod his head in acknowledgement of this.

Nora was young, and even though she was a cultivator at the early stage of the stone realm, she still had a cute atmosphere about her that drew people to herself.

However, they was no one in the world that knew Nora more than Chiron. Not even their father knew her as much as this big brother of hers.

Nora was smart and in some cases, she was quite cunny. This was evident in her fight against Carla during the cultivation tests.

She was currently displaying such smarts.

The reason she had used only one technique from beginning until this time was to create a false sense in the head of her opponant that the Heavy wind technique wass the only technique she knew.

Considering her age and the fact that she was truly pampered by the clan, it would not be difficult for one to believe this particular lie of hers.

After all, it was a natural thing for one to use all the reasources available to you in a fight.

If she was not using it, it was nearly safe to say that she did not have it.

Also, there was something else she did to make the lie a little more believable.

She had intentionally feighed her fatique.

Every attack she gave was smaller than the last which gave anyone watching including her opponenet the impression that she was already getting tired. Or that the technique was draining and tasking to perform.

And in truth, this was not so.

From the look on Rattle's face and the fact that he had chosen this time to attack, it was easy for one to believe that he had fallen for this trap.

Immediately, Nora moved her sword,


Nora waved her sword in a particularly incredible rhythm and then she turned her body at a very weird but cunny angle that allowed her to slightly dodge the attack of her opponent.


She moved again and this time around, her sword went in a zig zag manner. It gave one the impression that multiple swords were coming all at once.

Rattle was caught unaware and he tried as much as possible to stop himself from being pulled in and step back in other to hold his ground.

Fortunately for him, he was holding a sword that could bend like a snake at will.


The sound of blade kissing blade was heard as Rattle tried his best to defend against the torrent of attacks that she showered him with.

Only barely, but he managed to create sufficient distance between the two of them.

Both of them separated and a wide gap was created between them.

The crowd saw this and went wild with excitement.

Many of them cheered for Nora as they screamed her name at the top of their lungs.

Aleen leaned forward in his seat, and he nodded at the achievement of his daughter.

Many of the Elders by his side also nodded and sang her praises.

After all, Nora was very young. Her ability to be able to hold her own in a fight against the genius of another clan was a great meriting factor that showed that she was capable in the future to be able to carry the clan as its future chief.

Rattle's father who was also chief of the Rapier clan looked at the sorry state of his son. To say that he was not in the slightest bit worried would be a blatant lie, but he choose to believe that his son was not going to lose.

In fact, for this fight, all the chiefs had who they were supporting.

Nora was evidence of future of the Chikitsa clan within the Sword clans.

Some of the minority clans did not like this, and therefore were in support of the Rapier clan wining the match.

Rattle looked at the state of his clothes. It was not only rumpled at the moment but also also cut at different points. In fact, he even had a little trace of blood coming out those holes.

This made him frown.

He suddenly tore out his shirt with one hand. He wrapped the shirt around one of his hands, and then he changed his stance.

This time around, his sword was not high up, but pointed below, and his other hand hung loosely below him.

He kicked against the ground and rushed for Nora.

this time around, he was taking the initiative to attack.

The Chikitsa clan had flashy bold and commanding skills. But the Rapier clan didn't.

Rattle knew that if he continued defending, he was not going to get anywhere. It was best that he attacked.

His sword went for her neck. However, Nora was ready for him.

Surprisingly, even though he was the person that had attacked, she still pushed him back.

Those in the audience that had placed bet on Nora wining the fight screamed in joy over and over again.

Many of them could already taste the life of luxury they were going to have once she won the match.

With what anybody was seeing, this was definitely going to be the case.

However, Chiron saw this differently.

After all, Nora had power, brains and even the right training. But she did not have the one thing that Rattle had, and that was experience.

Unlike Nora that only engaged in mock battles with the Elders, Rattle had the priviledge of having battled a lot more.

Nora was a sweetheart of the clan and she was not allowed to leave the clan for fear that her life would be threatened.

She had S-grade Dantain. She was a threat to both enemy clans and friendly clans.

Also, what if she made a mistake during hunting and end up dead?

As a result of fear of such a thing happening, she was always within the safety of the clan.

However, at the end of the day, there were some skills that one could only learn and understand if their lives were put on the line.

Brushing shoulder with death also had its benefits.

After all, Danger sharpens the senses and builds the success of a cultivator.

That was exactly Nora's problem. Her senses had not been sharpened and baptized by the anointing of danger.

The closest she had ever been to danger was the event that had occurred with the green skinned shadow leopard.

And even then, Chiron had taken her out of the reach of danger.

Rattle attacked with his sword.

Just like Nora had done before, he only used one technique, and that Snake bend.

However, Nora already knew how this technique worked. There was no way he was going to be wining this fight with just this technique.

Just then, Nora discovered an opening. Immediately, her sword went for it like the way an egle would strike with speed for a rat on the ground.

This time around, it was Rattle that had a slight smile on his face.

His other hand suddenly moved, and the most unexpected thing happened.

He threw the shirt that he had removed and was holding right at Nora's face, effectively blinding her sight.

And then he moved to the side.

Nora had been depending too much on seeing the opponent before her eyes. The clothe had suddenly blocked her vision and she immediately tried to tear it in two.

However as she did, her opponent was no longer before her eyes.

Just then, for the first time in her life, she felt the brush of death as the reaper's blade came for her.


Rattle was flung back, and so was Nora. However Nora rolled a few distance on the ground before stopping.

She had fainted.

Rattle on the other hand stood to his feet.

Just now, he had side stepped and took advantage of her blind spot to appear behind her. and then, his blade had stroked as hard as possible.

However, he was pushed back by the seal that was placed on Nora's body.

Placing a protective charm or seal was not against the rules.

Clearly, Nora had lost.

Chiron nodded. He would have expected nothing less from a mind that would later be known as a strategy genius.

Even though his opponent was a young girl, he had not spared her in his attacks or tricks.

also, he had been shameless enough to have even used his own shirt as a distraction. He used his environment well.

When it came to playing dirty, he was of a higher calibre than Nora.

Rattle had observed and noted Nora's strong dependence on her eyes and had used it against her.

"Too bad!" Rattle thought to himself. His father had already told him not to hold back in a fight against Nora and if the opportunity presented itself, then he should kill her...

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