Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 244 Fate Is Doing It Again 2....

Dylan admired the big strong cored beasts of all kinds kept here.

There were those that flew. The were those that crawled and even those he had only heard stories of their might.

There were also of different levels of core strength.

If this was in the wild, these cored beasts would not be able to accommodate one another.

However, these ones were tamed well.

His curiosity got the better of him and he attempted touching one of them.

It was a double Lion tailed Eagle.

At first he was careful. But he soon noticed that all the cored beast did was look in his direction for a bit and then it closed it's eyes once more.

This made him brazen and he touched the incredible creature all over.

In this manner, he became more confident and he went around touching more cored beasts.

He was so filled with excitement for coming here.

He was no different from a villager that was used to seeing old buses and now entered a garage full of shining incredible fast cars.

He wanted to touch it all.

Seeing this was a dream come true to him and he wanted to live it to the best he could.

Just then as he patted the back of a six legged Giant rhino, he spotted something in the center.

it was an opened space with a lizard like creature that was sleeping in the middle.

For some reason, all the cored beasts avoided this open space.

It was almost like they were afraid of this lizard like creature in the center.

This did not only include the cored beasts that were in the yellow, green or blue cored rank, but also those that were in the red core.

And in this place, they were about three of them.

Dylan advanced steadily and slowly. His common sense told him that if these creatures were staying away from the lizard like creature, then he should probably also stay away from it, and he was even willing to be satisfied with seeing just the other creatures.

However, something suddenly happened that dragged his attention.

The lizard rolled over a bit and then a pair of big broad fleshy wings opened up a bit before settling back down.

Dylan paused. And then he swallowed hard. He could not help but remember the little rumors that were now going round within the army camp.

The rumors were about the same person captain Timi had said was going to become their commander against the war forces of the Chanland Kingdom.

Yes! They were about the rumored new prince. Prince Chiron.

The rumors said that he was a man with horns on his head like a devil and rode on a dragon beast.

They were different rumors of him. including the latest involving beheading a army commander.

However, two things were common with all of them which was the fact that Chiron was a devil and that he rode a dragon.

Now, Dylan was confirming one of those rumors with his own eyes.

it was not an usually occurrence to see giant cored beast fly over one'd head from time to time, but in over a thousand years, there was no one that had seen a dragon.

They were legendary cored beasts that always kept to themselves.

They were practically the royalty of the cored beast world.

Dylan's eyes shine like stars once he realized what he was seeing.

More than anything, he wanted to touch it.

He wanted to feel it.

This was the equivalent of a teenager seeing the lastest sports car.

If he could touch it, he could boast of this feat to all of the other children when he got back.

He swallowed hard and brazenly took the first step forward.

He noticed that the Dragon did nothing. It's eyes were also still close.

It seemed like it was sleeping.

convincing himself that it was alright, he took the next step, and then the next.

With every step towards the dragon, he became braver.

Soon, he had come close enough that he could feel the heat from the body of the dragon.

And then slowly, he stretched his hand. His fingers only desired to touch the dragon a little then he could boast as much as he wanted.

However just when his shaky finds were about to touch a scale, a voice reached his ear.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you!"

Dylan nearly jumped in fear, as he turned to the sound of the voice.

However, to his surprise, it was a young boy. The boy looked a few years younger than him.

He was not in military uniform like the rest of the soldiers in the camp but rather he wore long robes.

"I wouldn't touch him if I were you!" Chiron advised. However, his fingers slide across the body of the dragon.

Dylan took offence to this. He wanted to still touch the dragon.

However, Chiron pointed above his head.

Dylan looked in the direction pointed.

Surprisingly, the dragon's sharp pointy tail was aimed right above his head.

Dylan looked at the dragon. it's eyes were still closed, but he could feel that if he did so much as attempt what he intended, he would be become barbecue on a stick.

He swallowed hard and kept his hands to himself.

As he did, the Dragon tail also retracted.

Seeing the look on his face made Chiron laugh a bit. "This guy likes his own space. He is used to the solitude!" Chiron patted the dragon.

Dylan frowned, "Why do you get to touch but I can't?"

Hearing this question made Chiron lift a brow.

In fact, now that he thought about it, it was like this young soldier did not know who he was.

Chiron observed his uniform closely. Seeing the badge indicating Recruit, he immediately understood.

Chiron sighed at this. At the moment, he could not be bothered by this.

He turned and was about to leap on in the Dragon.

However, Dylan grabbed him by the shoulder, "hey kid! I'm talking to you. Where are you going?"

"Kid!?" That word nearly made Chiron's brow twitch. He had been called many things but this was the first in a long time he was called kid.

Chiron himself had nearly forgotten that he was indeed still a child.

But he truly could not be bothered by this boy.

He shrouded his shoulder. However, as he did, he was surprised to see that Dylan's grip on him was very firm.

Chiron willed to use his spiritual energy. However as he did, his spiritual energy rushed into Dylan's body and then nearly as quickly as it had gone, it had been sent back to him.

a low explosion sent both of them apart from each other.

This took Chiron by surprise.

But Dylan took was also surprised.

Slowly, both of them rose from the ground.

Because of Chiron's robes, Dylan had not seen it before.

However, he saw it now.

Chiron was Armless.

Dylan was a country side boy. But that did not mean that he was stupid.

He had heard that the prince was the owner of the dragon. He had also heard that the prince was Armless.

Chiron on the other hand willed with his spiritual energy and stood to his feet.

His eyes were opened in surprise.

He could not believe what he had just felt from Dylan's body.

Chiron was very familiar with this world. He knew about the different S-grade Dantains.

He also knew about their different functions and Characteristics.

The moment his spiritual energy was blasted back to him, he knew what he was dealing with.

"The Armless Prince!!!"

"S-GRADE Dantain!!!"

Both of the uttered at the same time.

However, Dylan immediately realized his wrong.

Firstly, he had tried to touch the Prince's Cored beast without permission and then he had touched the prince in the shoulder.

He immediately dropped on his knee, and clasped his hands begging for forgiveness.

This was the same prince that had killed someone for spitting at him.

As far as he was concerned, he was about to become a dead man.

However, Chiron also looked at him in puzzle.

In this world, the number of people with S-grade Dantain were very very few, and for good reasons too.

Apart from the fact that they could become incredible cultivators, they were mostly also used as ingredients for cultivation.

Even the MC of his book only got the opportunity to meet or rather see from afar a few that could be counted on one hand.

His sister was one, and then the other one he met, was when the cultivator was dying.

He had not gotten the chance to truly meet him, but at the cultivator's death bed, he had heard stories of him.

"What's your name and where are you from!?" Chiron asked.

Dylan stammered a little but he eventually answered, "Dylan, my ever merciful prince!" hoping that his praise of Chiron's mercy would help him with grace.

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