Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 245 Fate I Doing It Again...3

"And I'm from the Carpet town. Erm... Its erm... Located just a few kilometres off the Oak town that borders the Chanland Kingdom."

Dylan bowed his head as he explained.

He did not dare to look up at Chiron's face again.

Right now, there was nothing he feared most than for his life. He knew for certain that even if he ran, it would be pointless and unfruitful. This entire camp was made up of proud Vandorain soldiers.

Any random one of them could hunt him down and that would be the end. The only thing he could do was beg and hope that some how some where, Chiron was as merciful as he wanted to believe.

However, Chiron looked at him with wide eyes.

Chiron turned about as his mind raced with both excitement and surprise.

He immediately spent 10 fate points within the system to flash back on what he was sure that he remembered.

According to the initial story, the MC of the book had not met Dylan until he was on his dying bed.

In fact, meeting would have been an exageration of their engagement.

It was more like the MC of the book had been fortunate enough to see when the great cultivator had taken his last breath.

legends had it that When Dylan's country was chaotic, and having unrest as a result of the combined assault of three nations backed by the Holy Church, his town was one of the first set of places that got destroyed.

That event saw that he lost his then best friend, but had managed to survive, helping to save the life of the Shaman of his Orphanage and even his Childhood sweet heart.

However, just because their lives had been saved did not mean that life suddenly decided to treat them well. It was a time of war and things had gone bad for them very fast.

At one time, their lives were threatened and they had no choice but to enter the forbidden fog of unbounded demise.

well at least as the story went, Only Dylan went. It is said that he had a fruitful encounter there, and when he came back out, he was a new man.

However, what he saw when he came back out scared him for life.

It is said that the forbidden fog of Unbounded demise has a different take on time. This meant that Time worked differently within the fog than outside.

By the time he came out, it was already about a few days time in this world, but he had about two years within the fog. He came out to learn that his child hood sweet heart, had killed the shaman that took care of him since he was a child.

After the Holy church had taken over most of the Vandora kingdom through the attacks of the three other kingdoms, some many changes were made. Some of which included getting rid of the old religion of worshiping the Bear mother. Of course the people were persistent on their old ways at first, but violence was always a very compelling instrument especially when used properly.

Many shamans escaped for their lives, and just to be sure that the hope of the people was properly crushed, the New king gave an order that rewarded citizens for every Shaman captured.

This was an opportunity for those that wanted to show their loyalty to the King and also get rich in process.

His then Child hood sweet heart did the one thing he had not expected and that was to blow the whistle on the Shaman's hide out. fter which, she found herself a rich merchant that she could survive by.

All these things had happened in only a matter of days of his entering into the Fog of Unbounded Demise.

It was in this manner that he lost everything that he ever had or treasured.

His best friend and only person he took as a brother had died because of the war, and his mentor and practically father had died because of the whims of a woman.

His world had crashed and there was nothing he wanted more than to have his revenge.

It is said that he spear-headed a rebellion that later helped him wrestle back control of his kingdom. Of course, this took man years from him.

As of the time the Mc of the book met him, it was during his funeral.

However, the people sang legendary stories about this great man that later became king.

Chiron thought thus far and then he took another look at Dylan that was already having tears in his eyes and a snort on his face, pleading for his life.

Truly, the Dylan now was nothing like the Heroic figure that had statues of himself built in cities and drawn pictures of him laying around the walls in households.

Chiron could not believe this, but by some twist of fate, he now had a future influential figure before his eyes.

Chiron had killed the geniuses from the sword clans and the amount of Fate points he had gotten was a lot.

Dylan was also in that category. If he killed him, didn't that mean that he would also get incredible points?

Thinking thus far, Chiron smiled, and then he made a flip in the air and landed on the dragon's back.

Dylan was taken aback by this. He still remained on his knees pleading for his life.

However, Chiron's next words took him by surprise, "you wanted to touch the dragon right, what about riding it?"

"Huh!?" Those words made Dylan think he was hearing things.

However, Chiron repeated himself.

Dylan was confused as to what was going on, but this was an opportunity to ride a dragon, there was no way he was going to let it pass.

He excitedly hopped on the Dragon.

"Hold on tight!" Chiron instructed.

The dragon sensing the will of its master rose to its feet, and then with a few flaps, it was up in the air.

Dylan could not believe what was happening. The thrill and excitement he felt was nothing like he had ever felt before. He had a mixture of feelings. He wanted to cry, laugh, and at the same time, he was filled with a lot of fear.

In his mix of emotions, he screamed loudly.

It was still snowing slightly, but the body of the dragon made them warm.

At first, Chiron was sitting on the dragon. However, he suddenly stood up.

Dylan was still in the blind excited state. He would side of the beast to see the land below. Such a magnificent sight was something that he had never seen in all his life.

He had a malevolent smile on his face.

By now, the dragon had gone thousands of feet in the air. Chiron approached the excited Dylan steadily. As he did, devil's touch seneakily appeared from the storage unit.

However, Chiron suddenly paused.

What I'm I doing? Chiron immediately circulated his spiritual energy through his body to calm down his nerves. Something was wrong.

Chiron commanded and the Dragon landed on and open field.

immediately, he got off the beast and walked a certain distance.

"Something his wrong," Chiron muttered to himself.

He immediately had the system do a full check on his body.

However, there was nothing wrong with his body.

However, Chiron was convinced that something was wrong.

For example, just now, the first thought that had come to his mind was to kill Dylan and get his points. But this was not the kind of person Chiron knew himself to be.

Killing was only used as a means to an end. If there were other more productive options, he would always use them as opposed to just killing for no reason.

He was not some killing fanatic.

However, just now, the only option that had come to his mind was killing Dylan.

In fact, now that he thought about it, since the time at the Chikitsa Clan, the only thing that had been on his mind had been killing. He could tell that something was wrong, but he just couldn't put his finger on it.

Chiron settled his thoughts and then he turned to Dylan.

Chiron knew that he was in a state of power. Twisting Dylan's fate would be a better reward as opposed to killing him. Chiron frowned at this thought.

He did not notice that the storage ring that elder Ban had given him glowed slightly.

"Hey, Dylan, will you like to see something cool!?" Chiron smiled at Dylan.


Meanwhile, in a boned castle far off in a different place, a woman frowned her brows. she sat on the twisted deformity of alive humans netted together like a sweater made by an old grandmother.

In front of her was the big pot of boiling blood which showed her the exact images of what was happening with Chiron and Dylan.

This woman had white flowing hair and very unnatural eyes.

Beside her stood a young girl that strongly resembled her in physical appearance. If Chiron was here, he would recognize her as the face of the evil spirit that had helped him out against Danfo and Kevin using an avalanche to bury them.

"what is it mother?" the girl asked the woman.

"Someone is interfering with my control!"

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