Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 272 The Plan To Destroy The Chanland Kingdom.

"The Trojan Horse!?" Captain Timi asked back.

"Yes! Its a very beautiful story. A plan to conquer a city. One thought of by one of the greatest minds of past Warfare. By the great Odysseus himself." Chiron explained.

Captain Timi thought hard. However, he had never heard of such a thing.

He was of noble blood, and his family had the opportunity to train him with the best of history from a young age.

Even history from that Holy land was not out of reach.

Yet, in all his life, this was the very first time he was hearing of some one named Odysseus.

Chiron saw the confusion on his face.

To tell the truth, he actually enjoyed it a bit.

After all, the story of Odysseus was not from this world.

It was a story from his previous world.

Hearing that the Prince had set out a feast for them, the troops rushed over immediately.

There was food and wine, and they dined like scavengers.

These was food that Chiron had prepared with his personal slaves to help.

"Wow! This is so delicious. I have never had food like this in my life." One Soldier commented.

"I swear if my wife could ever cook like this, I'll marry her mother too!" Another one commented and the men laughed wildly.

It was like a mini Celebration. Every one including the Orcs that had now become a part of Chiron's army ate and dined in satisfaction.

Meanwhile, Chiron watched them eat. Aside a drink set before him that he sipped with a straw, he did not touch any other thing.

All lieutenants and even Captain Timi were encouraged to eat and drink.

It was not until they were more than half way done with the meals on the table that a particular thought struck Deamon, and he lifted a hand to ask Chiron.

"Your highness, if I might ask, what exactly are we celebrating!? Dylan already told us that we are heading into battle tomorrow, but is it really okay to be celebrating our sure death against the Chanland Kingdom!?"

Deamon was young, but his words made all of them pause.

It was like his words had just added a bit of sourness to the flavor of the meal.

Hearing this, Chiron stood up from his seat and walked to a particular corner.

As he did, Emma followed closely behind him.

He nodded at her and she opened the curtain.

On the other side was revealed a sight like never before.

This was a faint stature of a very big Bear in a lotus prayer position.

However, this giant statue was made out of A very shiny and familiar blue substance.

After all, this was the substance that the troops had been digging up all month.

This was a statue of the Bear mother made with Spirit stones.

It was several meters high and several meters long.

However, it was a very big board with wheels underneath it.

The moment the soldiers saw it, many of them went down on their knees in prayer.

This was a religious instinctive reaction.

It was one that Chiron expected.

Seeing the reaction of the men, Captain Timi stepped forward. He still had a plate of food in his hand.

"It would seem that you and the other Lieutenants have out done yourselves." Chiron complimented Captain Timi.

The captain nodded in accordance.

While the troops had been digging for the past month, the Lieutenants and captain Timi had been using all that Spirit stone to make this giant statue of the Bear mother.

For the past one month, this had been their only job.

To mold a very life like statue of the Bear mother.

However, this did not still answer Deamon's question.

Chiron suddenly made a jump to the statue.

Pushing a particular part of belly with his leg, a totem symbol appeared forming the shape of a wide door.

The door opened to a very hollow inside.

This took everyone by surprise.

Chiron stepped forward, "Tomorrow ladies and gentlemen, we storm the Captital of the Chanland Kingdom, and this will be your ride."





At this point, Chiron might have well been speaking another language however, one of the soldiers suddenly stumbled and fell on the ground.

The moment he did, another one followed.

Just then, some one looked at the wine in his hand, "is this....poisoned!"

As he said this, he also staggered.

Chiron smiled, "Oh! It's only a little part of the great things I put in your food. This way, the long trip will be easier on you, and when you come out, you all will be ready!"

Captain Timi did not understand. However, just like all of them, he too fell to the ground.

His hands reached for Chiron's robe, "why!?" He asked.

Chiron squat a little, "when you wake up, you will find instructions in your clothes. Just make sure you follow the plan accordingly."

Soon, all of them had passed out on the ground.

Chiron had drugged all his troops.

Seeing that everyone was completely passed out, he nodded.

"Load them up into the Stature of the Bear mother," Chiron ordered, "And ensure, they are in comfortable positions. After all, this trip is going to be a very long one."

Emma and Carla nodded and did as he instructed.

One after the other, all the soldiers were loaded into the bear mother.

Chiron had ensured that the side had been made spacious and had several levels within it.

As they were loaded in, Chiron could see that some of their bodies had started to glow slightly.

He nodded at this. After all, this too was also part of his plan.

What these soldiers did not know was that these food there had so richly enjoyed was an assortment of valuable cultivating herbs that Chiron had mixed up together.

For the last one month, this was what he had been working on.

He mixed a lot of valuable herbs that he had gotten from the underground garden in the Chikitsa clan to achieve this.

Of course there was a long testing period and that was what truly took his time.

Also, he had a bit of a catalyst in the form of demon blood from Carla.

All the men had been loaded into the bear mother.

It was time for the second phase of the plan.

"Bring me the Advisor!" Chiron ordered.

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