Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 273 I Bring You Good News.

"bring me the Advisor!" Chiron ordered.

Immediately, a shadow pool appeared on the ground and Hunter popped out of it.

He pulled out a tied up man from the Shadow pool.

The man lifted his head. The sight of Chiron made him shiver.

"Hello Advisor Gon! It's been so long. I hope you not too busy being tied up," Chiron smiled, "I kinda have a small favor. Can you please deliver my gift to the King of the Chanland Kingdom?"


Those words took the Advisor by surprise. But what happened next really surprised him even more.

Emma brought out a set of chains and cuffed Chiron's legs and then his neck. These were special chains that restricted one's Spiritual energy.

As she did this, she released the binds on Advisor Gon's body.

"As you can see, my men are no more," Chiron had a sad look on his face. "I have failed and sinned as a leader, and as a prince of the Vandora nation. But I do this last act not for myself, but my people. After our last encounter with the Chanland Kingdom. I realized what death is, and I do not wish it for the innocent men, women and children of the Vandora Kingdom to behold it's ugly embrace. Therefore, I have decided to give it all up. I am handing myself over to General Buckle. As well as this statue of the Bear mother as a sign of peace and surrender!"

Advisor Gon looked all around him, and then at the great statue of the Bear mother. He could not believe what he had just heard.

All the while, he had by some miracle managed to survive.

Even when General Buckle had attacked a month ago, he had survived the event.

Chiron's pet Core beast cat had hidden him in the shadow pool. That way, General Buckle had not seen him.

For one month, Chiron kept him out of sight, and now, he was finally bringing him out.

However, Advisor Gon was not an ignorant man. He might be fearful for his life, but he did not climb to his position by being a fool.

He had many questions, but before they could be answered, something else unfolded before his eyes.

Carla suddenly walked up to Chiron and loaded him a punch on the face.

However, she was not the only one.

Emma joined her too. Both of them beat him up for a while.

This surprised Advisor Gon. After all, a servant or slave with a blood oath should not raise their hand on their master.

The slaves life was in the master's hands and if the master wished, or the master died, the slave would also die.

After a while of continuous beating, they both stopped.

Chiron had been beaten black and blue.


He coughed out some bloodmixed with his innards to the side, "I have released them of their oath," Chiron added. "Apparently, they still have some issue with me."

After Carla and Emma were done beating him, they both turned about and left.

Hunter turned to Chiron one more time. The beast looked like it did not want to leave, but then it turned and rushed away, towards the orc Forest.

In this manner, all his slaves had left him.

"What!....what of your dragon!?" Advisor Gon asked still in surprise as to what was going on.

However, Chiron pointed to the Fog of unbounded Demise far off in the distance.

"It's blood essence was used up to open a path for us to escape into the Fog of Unbounded Demise. It is..." Chiron sighed. His eyes re ealed his sadness, "it is dead!"

Chiron truly looked like one that had lost everything.

Advisor Gon could not believe this. Just to be sure, he stood up and walked to Chiron.

And then he swallowed hard as he summoned the courage to give a kick.


The kick hit right in the jaw.


Chiron coughed up someore blood.

Advisor Gon saw that Nothing had happen. There was no body waiting for him I the shadows to jump at him.

He had really given a prince of the Vandora kingdom a kick without any repercussion whatsoever.

He suddenly cracked a smile, and then the smile birthed a laugh, and then he started, and then just couldn't stop.

He continued kicking Chiro. On the ground. again and again.

Adding more bruises to Chiron's body.

He was a famous advisor to the king of the Chanland Kingdom.

This meant that his life had always been one of bliss and pleasure.

However, for the past one month, he had been treated like a homeless Begger.

He truly had a lot of pent up frustration.

That one month of pent up frustration, was what he unleashed on Chiron's body.

After about a few more minutes, he was finally tired.

He breathed in and out sharply. Sweat fell from his forehead.

Meanwhile, Chiron had been beaten silly.

However, he was yet to pass out from the beating.

After Advisor Gon was done, he couldn't help but scratch his jaw as he imagined how the king would reward him for such an incredible achievement.

Now that he thought about it, this was still the border area between the kingdoms.

A Chanland Kingdom outpost could not be so far.

Immediately, he took a core beast and rode into the Chanland Kingdom territory waving a white flag he had made on his way.

On the fort of the Chanland Kingdom outpost, a guard keeping watch saw the flag.

He tapped the other guard by his side.

"Quick, inform General Buckle!"

By the time Advisor Gon reached the entrance of the large fort, General Buckle was waiting for him there.

The sight of Advisor Gon surprised General Buckle. After all, every one knew that Chiron's army had ruined the plan to use the Orc tribes.

He was already presumed dead.

Advisor Gon came down the Core beast back and walked towards the General.

"Advisor Gon, you are alive!?"

Advisor Gon, chuckled a bit, "my dear country man. I am alive and well! But more than that, I bring you good news..."

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