Reborn as an Evolving Space Monster: Harem Of Otherworldly Beauties

Chapter 152: Soothing Lightning

Chapter 152: Soothing Lightning

Chapter 152: Soothing Lightning

‘Billions of people surviving thanks to it… Two spaceships, a bunch of equipment and machinery… If I translate the budget in terms of money on earth, that’s hundreds of millions of dollars already, isn’t it? And that’s counting the spaceships as helicopters. Otherwise, the comparison wouldn’t really make sense…’

The Paru looked at the bags he was carrying and, all of a sudden, they seemed to shine a bit.

“I might already be a billionaire…”


Having crossed the whole area, the Paru finally turned around.

It was important not to lose the direction in which the spaceship lay.


Just as he was about to walk back his steps, having filled his bags beautifully, the Paru noticed a herd of Tsero that wasn’t in the center area.

‘They’re hiding between the pillars? Strange… None of the Tsero I saw ever got too close to the pillars, let alone went in there.’

It didn’t take long before the Paru noticed that these Tsero were much smaller than those he was used to seeing.

‘Children, huh?’

The Paru had kept his Invisibility Skill as he crossed the whole area.

‘They’re acting differently than the other Tsero. Since they’re less numerous.’

Indeed, the young Tsero were all lying on the ground or seated, stuck to one another.

Some of them were even sitting on top of others.

‘They don’t move around and switch positions like older Tsero. The younger ones stay next to their Tsero Crystal at all times, allowing them to get more energy and grow… The pillars probably help in keeping the energy here, and not letting it spread.’

Each time that he got close to one of the Tsero Crystals that he had stolen, the Tsero surrounding it would get nervous, aggressive, and violent.

Now, most of the Tsero Crystals in the area had been lost. Hundreds of Tsero were left without their source of energy and “Food”.

‘Still…’ The Paru almost found it admirable. ‘Not one of them even turned in the children’s direction. Even though they don’t have anything, they don’t dare take from their children…’ The Paru nodded to himself.

He, indeed, found it admirable.

‘The first that they took from here, the second that I took with Roka, the third and fourth that I took and ate, the fifth that I used against the Tsero and is now in these bags, as well as the sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth…’

The Paru currently held nine Tsero Crystals.

‘I kept them all in different bags, and surrounded them by those red crystals that absorb energy and those that can be found on the backs of Tsero… I wouldn’t want the Tsero Crystals to end up reacting together. A very small amount of energy, duplicated by one Tsero Crystal then the next… It wouldn’t take long before that small amount of energy ends up absolutely colossal.’ The Paru’s eyes widened for a moment. ‘That must be how the Worka use it then. At first, I imagined they would create a large amount of energy, and then duplicate it, but no… If you can isolate it and make sure that none of the energy created is lost, then even just doubling a small amount of energy… Yeah, kind of like the penny that doubles everyday thing.’

The Paru stared for a bit longer, before turning away.

‘I’m not heartless enough to take from children.’ He sighed. ‘Plus, the smaller ones are rather cute.’

The Paru was reminded of the crewmates’ reactions when they had first seen him, as a cute and harmless Paru.

‘Ugh…’ He shook his head. ‘Let’s just get going.’

Just as the Paru started tracing back his steps, a Tsero’s long cry resonated, almost like a muffled howl.

The invisible Paru turned in that Tsero’s direction.

It howled some more, before hitting the ground with its hooves.

A couple of other Tsero turned in its direction, and the Paru noticed that they seemed less anxious and aggressive.

A moment later, the Tsero used its front rhinoceros-like horn to pierce the ground.

‘It’s… Digging?’

Seconds later, all the surrounding Tsero towards this particular one, and used their horn in exactly the same way.

It didn’t take more than a couple of seconds for the Paru to understand.

‘It sensed a Tsero Crystal underground? Ha! That’s cool as fuck. So they’re not called Tsero simply because they stay around the Tsero Crystals, guarding them and feeding off of them. They’re also Tsero Crystal detectors. Well, they can’t detect them once the distance is beyond a couple dozen meters. Otherwise, they would sense those that I’m carrying. Still, very cool.’

The Paru turned in the direction of the herd of Tsero children he had walked away from.

‘Make sure you guys grow big and strong, so that you can dig for a bunch of Tsero Crystals.’ He chuckled. ‘If I’m ever in need of money, I’ll be coming back here after all.’

Upon tracing back his steps and arriving at the cliff, the Paru stopped for a moment, and took a seat on one of the fallen pillars, just like Roka had before.

He stared at the dark clouds surrounding the area, and at the lights that flashed sporadically.

Many thoughts passed through his mind. There were many things to think about.

Until now, everything had been about obtaining the Tsero Crystal. He had been welcomed aboard for that very reason. Now, things were bound to change.

The Paru lay his back on a long fallen pillar, and stared at the flickering lights that pierced through the dark clouds above.

The electricity in the air made his body tingle and shiver.

He let out a sigh, his lips curling upwards.

The electric charges in the air had grown on him.


A lightning bolt hit the ground, three dozen meters away from him.

‘I can’t believe I feel so relaxed here…’

The electric charges had grown soothing for the Paru.

Surrounded by dark clouds, at the cliff of a tall mountain where lightning strikes again and again, the Paru yawned, and closed his eyes for a short nap.

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