Reborn as an Evolving Space Monster: Harem Of Otherworldly Beauties

Chapter 153: We're Rich!

Chapter 153: We're Rich!

Chapter 153: We’re Rich!

“W-W-W-W-W-What…” Kris stammered. “What’s all this??”

The crewmates had lowered the spaceship’s retractable ramp, and were met with the Paru dropping a dozen duffel bags to the ground.

“Those are…?” Raya’s eyes sparkled, recognizing some of them.

Each and every bag was filled to the brim with shiny and colorful crystals. All kinds of them. Some relatively small, while others were very large chunks.

“Holy shit!” Jay shouted as he noticed the bags. “Those are Chino Crystals!”


“Yes! Don’t you know? Chino Crystals!”

“That’s not the real name.” Kris whispered in Raya’s direction while hiding his mouth. “It’s… Um… Slang, I suppose?”

“These are super, super, super expensive! Don’t you know that??” Jay shouted, almost succumbing to the urge to plunge into the bags of crystals. “They’re super, super shiny! Not only that, but sometimes, they get even shinier! Magically, almost! They’re used a lot in making jewelry! How do you not know that??”


“And those! Those are…”

The Paru scratched his head.

‘Guess it’s Jay I should’ve talked to about which are most valuable.’ He sighed. ‘Chino Crystals… They’re the ones who absorb energy very quickly. I assumed they could be used for a whole bunch of things, like insulation, or even as batteries… But yes, for jewelry as well, I suppose. They can absorb all kinds of energy, and shine brighter because of it. Light makes it, therefore, doubly shinier.’

The Commander exited the spaceship, joining the rest of the crewmates.

“So this is what you were planning to do…” Roka whispered, before shrugging. “Are you done? Or is there anything else?”

The Paru took his time to answer.

‘She’s being considerate. I guess I could get more… Hm… I probably don’t need more than all of this. Plus, we still need to go to Tyl and stock up on fuel, before going to where they’re from. It’s been more than a year since they’ve last been there. Hm… It’s not like a few hours change anything… But me going was already sort of risky, since a Giganto Zilla could have found the spaceship randomly…’

The Paru ended up nodding.

“Alright then.” Roka smiled.

“Yey!” Kris clapped his hands and raised them high above. “We’re finally going to-”

“Don’t you guys get it? How are you not more excited??” Jay interrupted.

“What are you talking about?” Kris asked, frowning.

“These… All of these!” Jay said as he waved his arm, pointing at the different bags. “We’re rich! Super rich!”

The number of frowns increased, and most of the crewmates turned away to walk back into the spaceship.

“W… Where’s everyone going? Kris?”


“Why… Is no one excited about this?”

“You…” A disgusted expression appeared on Kris’ face. “Nevermind. Those are his, so…”

“His?” Jay frowned. “W-W-What do you mean his? We’re all part of this, so it’s normally that we would share whatever we-”

“Jay, I suppose…” Kris scratched his head before turning away. “You could try taking them from him, if you want.”

“W… What?”

Jay was left confused and surprised as all the crewmates moved back into the spaceship.

He slowly turned to his side, his gaze finding the Paru.

“We’re uh… We’re sha… Right? We… We’re…”

The Paru stared impassively.


Jay ended up running into the spaceship.

‘Hmm… At least, they agree that it’s all mine.’ The Paru scratched his head and let out a sigh. ‘Wish they defended me more though… But I guess they don’t even defend themselves when Jay is involved. Whatever he says or does really doesn’t matter to anyone…’

Seconds later, the Paru picked up his bags and entered the spaceship.

“That’s a horrible idea.” Raya frowned. “Why would we do that?”

“Ha?” Al grimaced. “We can’t just leave it, can we?”

Raya and Kris exchanged confused looks.

“Sure we can.” They answered in unison.

The Paru watched them silently for a moment, without putting down the bags he was carrying.

They noticed him, and didn’t mind his presence.

It took a moment for most of them to remember that he could talk.

The crewmates were debating what to do with the lost ship.

‘I can get them there easily enough but…’

“It would be useless.” Bak, the mechanic, explained. “The damage can’t be fixed, especially not with what we have on hand here. The batteries are probably dead. Additionally…” He turned towards Rea.

“Yeah…” She muttered without turning in their direction. “We don’t have the fuel to operate two ships.” She said while making a lollipop spin. “One will have to sink.”

The Paru turned away, uninterested in the discussion.

‘I’m fine with either. Going back to that one wouldn’t be tough. Going right away works for me too.’

As he started walking away, the Paru asked himself where to go.

‘Should I set them in my room? Or in hers…?’

The Paru nodded to himself, deciding to go to her after remembering her earlier reaction.

“Uwoo!!” The female Granilith showed the biggest smile as the Paru appeared inside the vault, reaching towards him with her arms.

She tilted her head to the side upon noticing the many bags that the Paru was carrying.

“Interested? I brought you some gifts.” The Paru chuckled as he entered the enclosed space.

The female Grnailith’s curious gaze remained stuck on the bags.

The Paru opened one of those bags and reached for a large crystal chunk.

The female Granilith’s eyes started shining just as brightly as that huge crystal was.

“Want it?”

“Uwoooo!!” She exclaimed as the shining red crystal was handed to her.

The female Granilith grabbed it with both hands, made it move in every direction, and watched with a wide smile.

“Uwaaa!” Her gaze moved back towards the Paru, and she noticed that he had opened all of the bags, revealing that all of them were filled to the brim with such shiny treasure!

The female Granilith, intrigued by the treasure, timidly looked at her mate, who was standing by her side.

“Go on.” The Paru said as he lay a hand on her lower back and gently pushed her forward. “Choose your favorite.”

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