Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 611 No more Tail Flicks

Chapter 611 No more Tail Flicks

Faldo stretched out his wings and infused aura into them before flapping them heavily, releasing gusts of wind that knocked Evan and David back before he ascended to the skies once more.

[Blazing Hailstorm. Skywrath. Frozen Inferno.]

Faldo's flight was a bit shaky since his wing was just healing, but it was enough for him to have the high ground.

Hailstorms engulfed in white flames, a thunderstorm of white lightning, and a torrent of frigid flames.

This trio rained down on the two heroes and had them running around like headless chickens to avoid getting hit.

The hailstones could be easily tanked, but the rapidly fired torrent of flames and the bolts of lightning from the storm, not so much.

Evan blinked into the air and tried to activate a skill, but Faldo chased the boy back to the ground by unleashing a breath attack in his direction.


Upon landing on the ground, Evan took deep breaths, channelling his magic power and activating a skill perfect for dealing with flying opponents.

"Everlasting Chains."

He muttered the two words under his breath, his voice so low as if speaking was currently a chore for him.

Still, the skill was activated at full power as golden magic power surged out from Evan's body, wave after wave, swirling around the surroundings.

David switched off his Anti Magic eyes as he saw Evan using so much magic, so as to not accidentally mess things up.

surged out of Evan's body, wave after wave, swirling around in the surroundings.

Dozens of massive golden chains, each one laden with thick amounts of magic and aura burst out of the ground and shot up into the air at supersonic speed and pierced through the dragon's newly healed wing.


Faldo tried to burn the chains, but for every chain he annihilated, three more burst out and wrapped around his body tightly, restraining his movements, and internal energy flow.

Normally, using energy to break out of the chains was a horrible idea, but thanks to his annihilation essence, Faldo was able to achieve the feat of breaking some of them.


Of course, Faldo being able to break them didn't change the end result of him being dragged back to the ground as if he were a prisoner being taken to the execution block.

The otherworldly runes inscribed on the chains glowed brightly as Faldo's energy reserves were drained.

Faldo waved his right wing which was still good and tried to swat Evan away with it, but the boy activated Thunderclap, summoning a wall of lightning blocks that clamped down on the wing and exploded.


"Hollow Magic: Hollow Rain!"

A magic circle appeared behind Faldo's wing and from it, dozens of fist-sized orbs of non-attributed magic power were launched at the wing; each orb so dense with energy that it distorted the air around it.

Despite the pain he felt from getting hit by the two attacks, Faldo couldn't help but notice something in the corner of his eye.

The golden glow in David's eyes had dimmed.

'?! Perhaps!'

Without hesitation, the dragon released a burst of energy to knock Evan backwards and blast apart his Hollow Magic circle.

The boy received no backlash but that wasn't Faldo's focus now.

The Dragon exerted control over the surrounding magic energy, concentrating it behind David's body to form a magic circle.

'I knew it!'

Seeing that his guess was correct, the dragon grinned and activated the spell.

"Fire Nova!"


David's power, like every other mystic eye, worked on those within his field of vision.

And his Anti Magic eyes, in particular, didn't differentiate between Enemies and Allies.

So, if Evan wanted to use magic without obstructions, David had to switch off his spell nullification temporarily.

And when he did, the glow in his eyes dimmed, something Faldo noticed and took advantage of.

What's more, the dragon formed the magic circle behind David, completely out of his field of vision, so even if he managed to reactivate his mystic eyes, he wouldn't be able to do anything about the spell circle, right?


[The fuck!?]

Faldo couldn't help but curse out loud as he saw the Beast Prince emerge from the flames unscathed.

"Inner Beast: Second Awakening."

He charged right at Faldo and unleashed a flurry of blows that the dumbfounded dragon reacted to a beat later.

"Magma Fist + Thunderous Strike + Mana Burn."

Two techniques and a skill were activated simultaneously as the boy proceeded to pummel the dragon with a flurry of blows.

Faldo barely blocked with his imperial scales, moving his own forearms to try and grab David, however, the beastman blinked to avoid his claws before reappearing somewhere else and continuing the barrage.

With each hit, Faldo felt his magic bower burning away at an astonishingly fast speed. It was as if David's punches consumed the magic power of the person who was hit by them.

This was notwithstanding the damage from the strikes.

Faldo motioned to activate Tail Flick and use a duo of skills but Evan blitzed in behind him and made sure he was unable to use Tail Flick…permanently.

"Destruction Vortex!"


A whirling mass of spiralling magic power slammed down onto the base of Faldo's tail, shredding apart his scales and rending the flesh underneath.

The dragon thrashed around violently, releasing surges of white flames omnidirectionally but Evan covered his body with an elemental shield and using his Elemental Destruction Fusion, swung his blade down on the part of the dragon's tail that had been wounded.



The dragon's scream of pain and agony was one that sent shivers down the spines of all those who heard.

It went without saying that whatever it was that had been done to the dragon, it was definitely painful as fuck.

Among the people stuck outside the barrier, the beastmen with tails all found themselves holding their tails instinctively.

Faldo turned around in a rage, shattering the Everlasting chains and Evan's elemental shield, and grabbing onto the boy's body before lifting him up and slamming him down on the ground with enough force to crater the earth.

The shockwaves knocked David back but the dragon could not care less about that, moving his grip to the boy's leg and flinging his body onto the ground once more.

Without even a second's delay, he slammed Evan down on the ground in front of him and released a point-blank rage Breath of Annihilation on him, only stopping when David used a giant fist-shaped construct of earth to punch the side of the dragon's head.

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