Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 612 Burn, Mesarthim

Chapter 612 Burn, Mesarthim

Faldo's body swayed to the side violently, but in his raging state, he seemed to ignore the pain and instead attempted to charge a breath attack.

Too bad David didn't let him.

The beastman boy channelled his unique skill's power into his hands and closed the distance, delivering an upward strike to the dragon's jaw.

"Tectonic Uppercut!!"


The force of his blow plus the shockwaves released on impact knocked Faldo's body over, and the dragon fell down on his back, but David wasn't done yet.

"Terra Strike."

A drop kick at full power landed right on the dragon's belly, the seismic impact ripping through his whole body and making him cough out blood.

It was only After this that David moved towards Evan to check on him.

David pulled out a health recovery potion from his arm pouch and tried to feed it to Evan, but the other teenager pushed his hand away.

|¬No Need…¬|

"Dude, you're clearly not okay! Just drink the goddamn potion."

| ¬I have mine already. ¬|


Evan held up the juice pack whose contents he had sipped away, taking deep breaths while forcing himself to his feet.

A wave of familiar green energy washed over him and it brought a small smile to his face. But this smile quickly disappeared when he saw Faldo get up to his feet, glaring at both of them, especially him, with bloodshot eyes.

|¬It's time to end this…¬|

Evan voiced out the thought that all three of them had, his voice echoing strangely, as If he was speaking both in their ears and in their heads at once.

The boy took a deep breath and forcefully calmed his turbulent aura, replacing the magic stones on the Recharger so he could sustain his limit break for longer as he forced himself to stand upright.

At that moment, his brain became cognizant of the fact that he was 'standing beside a beastman with his sword in his right hand and facing against a dragon'.

Immediately, a stream of strange memories played back in his mind like a videotape. He saw himself in a similar situation, though the beastman in those memories had white hair and he was faced with a black-scaled dragon instead.

His eyes glazed over momentarily and he muttered something in a daze.

|¬My Flames, born of a star, aid my sword to cleave the world, and to burn even the DIVINE. ¬|


Evan's aura surged outward, and his whole body was engulfed in the prismatic flames of Mesarthim.

At that moment, the skill rune for the Harbinger of Ice skill on his soul nearly melted due to the intense heat coming from Mesarthim.

He looked up with clear eyes and pointed his sword towards Faldo, and as if that was a cue, both David and the dragon prepared for the final clash.

"Inner Beast: Third Awakening!"

David's aura surged uncontrollably, and his body underwent a transformation, becoming more 'beast-like'.

His muscles bulged up so much his shirt began to tear slightly, his nails turned into claws and his fangs became razor-sharp. His hair also grew longer, as if trying to bloom into a lion's mane.

"Annihilus Ascendance: Cacophony Oblivion!"

Faldo fully embraced the essence of annihilation, regardless of the consequences it was going to have, the kind Evan was currently going through due to overuse of BoD.

His scales gleamed and his maw was charged up with pure white flames that melted the ground around him due to their heat. At this stage, the dragon's presence alone put fear into all those below the grandmaster level, making them feel so scared that they didn't dare to even move.

|¬Burn, Mesarthim. ¬|

Evan drew his hand alongside the blade of his sword, transferring the prismatic flames engulfing his body, along with his destruction aura onto the blade.

As he took a stance with the sword, a subtle yet shocking transformation occurred.

Mesarthim's prismatic flame, of which all colours except the 'Red' were translucent changed ever so slightly.

The intensity of the second colour on the list, the 'Orange' increased to the same level as that of the 'Red'.

Silence pervaded the entire area, save for the sounds of Evan's flames.

Everyone outside the barrier watched this with bated breaths.

Those inside looked on with hopeful eyes.

The silence persisted for a good ten seconds, and then finally, the three of them acted simultaneously.

Faldo released the most powerful Breath of Annihilation he had ever unleashed in his whole life, sending forth a torrent of white flames at their zenith, capable of unravelling all physical and magical defences.

David charged forward with half maximum energy focused into his fist, with the dense energy concentrated so hard that the space air around his arm distorted ever so slightly.

Evan kicked off the ground and blitzed forward, a step ahead of David as he swung his sword upwards and cleaved Faldo's torrent of flames in two.




The three of them let out simultaneous battle cries as they attacked with their full power.

David and Evan charged towards Faldo at supersonic speed, and then past the dragon before stopping.

With how fast they were moving, everything didn't take up to three seconds.

One moment David and Evan were charging at Faldo, and the next they were behind the dragon, with Evan's sword raised to the sky and David's fist punching the other edge of Evan's blade.


A profound silence fell over the area, only broken by the sound of crimson liquid dripping down onto the ground.


Faldo let out a short laugh, a second before a red line marred on his white scales, from where his head slowly slid off his neck and down onto the ground.


The rest of his body collapsed right after with a loud thud, and seeing this, bright expressions appeared on the faces of all those present.

However, they were not even given the opportunity to cheer, when a menacing aura, one that electrified the very air they breathed descended upon the entire buffer zone.

People outside the barrier had their faces pale, especially those who were present at the instant that the World Isolation Barrier was activated.

That was because they could see the person who owned this aura, was the same one who activated the barrier.

[What, the actual fuck?]

Her voice was calm; so calm that it sent shivers down the spines of those who heard and made some weak in the knees.

[This doesn't even make sense anymore.

The damn lizard was an Irregular with an Undefined level. The two of you are merely an intermediate and a half-baked grandmaster, how on Aidos did you win?!]

Her voice, infused with powerful celestial energy released shockwaves that sent both Evan and David hurtling through the air.

Evan forced himself to get up immediately and looked in the direction of this new entrant, narrowing his eyes in displeasure.

Wavy lower back length red hair and black coloured eyes. Dressed in a casual but efficient combat attire that fit her to a 'T'.

It was none other than The Seventh Finger of the Demonic Hand, Kethryllia Keasatra.

That beautiful face of hers was scrunched up in a frown as she looked at the scene in front of her.

[This is why I said to do things my way, but some idiots didn't listen.]

Running a hand through her hair, she heaved an exasperated sigh and spoke.

[You know what? I'd just end it all myself.]

She stretched out her right hand, a gesture that Evan recognized all too well. He quickly turned around and tried to shout out to those behind him, telling them to get away as far as possible, but he wasn't fast enough.

[Pledge of the Vanquisher.]

Magic power condensed in her open palm and there was a short flash of light. When the light died down, Kethryllia's weapon was now grasped tightly in her hands.

Also known as the Vanquisher's Pledge, it was a long spear of around 2 metres in length.

Its serrated exceptionally sharp head was bound to the shaft with a lightly decorated metal sleeve. The spear's obsidian black shaft was carved with seemingly glowing runes, while the bottom ended with the symbol of a pledge, a hand over a heart, carved onto it.

On the socket of the spearhead, was a small transparent gem that was slowly turning into a dark red colour the longer Kethryllia gripped the spear.

It was a weapon from the same Weapon Series as Evan's Unforged and Eliza's Memoria, the Vanquisher Series.

[Blow them away, Pledge.]


In a tumultuous display of power, Kethryllia unleashed a colossal shockwave of crimson lightning that erupted like a tempest from her spear.

The crackling energy surged forward with unbridled force, sweeping aside all in its path. Monsters and humans alike were catapulted through the air, their bodies careening dozens to hundreds of metres from their initial positions.

As tendrils of lightning snaked across their forms, a paralyzing grip seized their limbs, rendering them immobile and helpless.

The air crackled with the residual energy, as Kethryllia locked onto her targets, the two Heroes who had somehow defeated a dragon that should have been stronger than they were.

[Crimson Fulgur.]

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