Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 644 Who’s the Impostor?!

Chapter 644 Who’s the Impostor?!

Despite her question, Evan remained silent and kept on walking forward until they arrived at what appeared to be a T junction.

Turning around, Evan saw that the corner they had just turned at had vanished and there was now a dead end behind them.

"This shit's honestly messed up."

He pressed his head to his temple and sighed deeply, his exasperation very evident in his gestures.

"You know, before we entered this room, I asked something of you guys."

David, Kara, Malaya and Eliza all looked at him with questioning gazes, suddenly wondering exactly why he was bringing that up at this point but he continued talking as if he didn't notice their looks.

"What I asked of Eliza, was that 'No Matter What', she should NOT use her Lifeforce Sensing."


Silence pervaded the area after he spoke, and Evan shook his head with a wry smile, before turning towards the blonde beside him.

The silence persisted for another second, and then suddenly—



"The fuck?!"


There was an abrupt eruption of flames, exploding outward with shockwaves that rippled omnidirectionally.

The entire boss room shook and trembled heavily due to the power behind the explosion, while David, Kara and Malaya found themselves nearly being sent flying by the shockwaves.

Luckily, Kolvar was behind them and he held them in place with his aura, whilst also protecting them from the explosion.

The dust and smoke cleared up very quickly, revealing a scene that made David and Malaya doubt their eyes.

Eliza was holding the Memoria, its spear tip engulfed in flames and pointed right towards Evan's chest as if trying to pierce him.

Evan's both hands, trembling lightly, held onto the spear and prevented it from going any further. His arms were engulfed in orange flames that amplified his base power, adding more boosts to his already numerous stat boosts.

But despite all those stat boosts, his hands were trembling as if he was having a hard time holding back the spear.

Not to insult the girl, but Eliza simply didn't have the kind of strength to make Evan struggle so much.

More importantly;

"…Eliza can't use fire."

Kolvar calmly stated this fact, his face betraying no emotions as he looked at the scene in front of him.

Despite having a spear threatening to pierce his heart, Evan chuckled lightly and shook his head, looking up at the person trying to stab him as he spoke.

"Leaving aside the fact that I'm a Hero.

Leaving aside the fact that I cannot sense Kuro in your shadow.

What on Aidos made you assume I would not be able to know you aren't really Eliza?"

No matter how anyone looked at her, the person in front of Evan was 'Eliza'. From looks to voice to demeanour and even her aura.

But for Evan, there were so many things wrong.

When he asked her if she had used her Lifeforce Sensing yet, the real Eliza would not have replied the way she had.

Heck, her reply wouldn't even have been a question of why he was asking her that despite having told her not to use it earlier, but something else.

The real Eliza would have first questioned why Evan had called her 'Eliza' and not 'Liz' like usual.

A thin haze of red light rose up from Evan's body, signifying the activation of BoD. And with it, came a 300% power boost.

With this boost, he could have easily pushed the spear away, but before he could even do that, its wielder quickly took distance from him.

Evan chuckled when he said this, before summoning the Unforged and stabbing the blade into the ground.

"Surge Forth."

By his command, the waves of destruction essence surged through the ground in all directions, attacking the foundations of the mirror walls surrounding them.

The sound of glass breaking filled the air as the mirrors shattered into fragments of light before disappearing altogether, revealing the true appearance of the Dungeon's Boss Room.

Also revealed by this, were the locations of the remaining members of their group, including Eliza.

Naturally, the girl was very dumbfounded to see someone who looked exactly like her pointing a spear towards Evan who had BoD active.

"…what in the seven heavens?"


Naturally, no one had an answer to her question as they were all also confused about what was going on.

Pride's reaction, however, was very different from everyone else's.

The woman silently stepped forward, walking up to the impostor Eliza with a blank look on her face.

Mirroring her actions, the Impostor also walked up to Pride, only stopping when the distance between them was barely a metre.

Silence once again reigned supreme for a moment.

The next was the loud sound of metal clanging.


Even Malaya had a hard time seeing the movements of the Impostor, as the spear was swung so fast it appeared to be a blur.

Somehow, Pride was able to meet that swing with a swing of her own sword which she summoned in a split second.

The two engaged in a silent contest of strength, with the ground beneath their feet succumbing to their combined strength and cratering.

The lips of the Impostor Eliza slowly curled up into a grin, as she looked up from her sword and at Pride before speaking.

"You've grown weak, Roselia."

"As have you, Leviah."

They both clearly looked like they were about to start fighting, but a third party intervened before they could.

"Now, now dear Ladies. How about you put the weapons down for a bit."

Greed's voice rang out as he grabbed both their weapons and pushed them apart with his superior strength.

He then turned towards the Impostor Eliza whom Pride had called 'Leviah' and spoke.

"Also, mind returning to normal? We're content with just one Eliza, we don't need another."

She didn't reply, instead spinning her spear around and stabbing it into the ground before raising her palms to cover her face for a second. She then slowly moved them upwards towards the top of her head, running them down her hair.

Where her hands passed, her hair underwent a transformation, changing from the blonde that mirrored Eliza's to black with crimson-red highlights.

When she looked up, Leviah's transformed face was also revealed.

She had a different kind of beauty from Eliza's, boasting sharp well-defined facial features, complemented by captivating crimson eyes that harmonized flawlessly with her overall allure.

"You're no different than before, Nadarus."

"No different? Do you not see how 'poor' I look?"

Leviah eyed Greed from head to toe in silence, before nodding to herself as she spoke.

"Yep, No difference."

She ignored the man's whining about not being able to wake up in his bed of 'platinum coins anymore' and unearthed her spear.

Just like she had, the spear also underwent a subtle transformation. While it still retained its overall dark colour, its tip had a few curved dark red lines on it.



Evan slammed his palms together and created a very loud noise that sounded less like a clap and more like that of the sound barrier breaking.

Naturally, this attracted everyone's attention towards him and he smiled before walking towards the red-eyed trio.

His BoD was deactivated and he returned the Unforged to his inventory as he spoke.

"Wonderful Day we have here, don't you think? Miss 'Dungeon Master'."

Evan addressed Leviah with this title, and this made Pride and Greed look towards her with brows raised in question.

Leviah on the other hand, barely restrained herself from attempting to use her spear and gouge out Evan's eyes.

Couldn't blame her, considering that the last time she saw someone with those exact same eyes, she was sealed into the spear in her hands.

When David saw her appearance and the weapon she held, he understood why Evan had told him to deactivate his Mystic Eyes.

He recognized who she was, after all.

Like Pride (Roselia) and Greed (Nadarus), she (Leviah) was also a High Demon from Gozon.

Of the Seven Deadly Sins, she represented the resentful longing for another's possessions.


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