Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 645 Copycat, meet Thief

Chapter 645 Copycat, meet Thief

"Roselia, Nadarus, Leviah.

Those are much, much better names than Pride, Greed, and Envy."

Somehow, despite the fact that Evan was a Hero, Leviah couldn't help but agree with his statement.

"I spent nearly a decade thinking about it once and I couldn't understand why you lot prefer using those names.

I for one, prefer using the name my mother gave me, rather than one that was added to my name after I awakened to my unique skill."

Clearly, Leviah preferred her normal name to her Sin Name.

"Did you get dumber than you already were over the past thousand years? I could have sworn I had told you exactly 57 times, that the reason was because of Alvey's damned brat and his lackeys who wanted to control us using our True names."

Leaving her not-so-subtle diss of Leviah aside, Pride wasn't just talking about their actual names, Roselia, Nadarus and so on.

She meant the 'Full' names, which when combined formed their true names.

Just like how 'Evan', was shortened from 'Evankhell', and 'Eliza' was shortened from 'Elizabella'. 'Roselia' had an extra part that even her siblings didn't know about, as she didn't know about the extra parts attacked to 'Nadarus' and 'Leviah'.

The current Demon King, Ginaroad Sargon, had attempted to discover what this 'Extra' was in an attempt to use his Unique Skill to exert control over them.

Pride had discovered this beforehand and had made the rest stick to their Sin Names so he wouldn't even know what their names were originally.

She even went as far as to use a Soul Binding Contract on the Lesser Demon General who had taken them in when they were younger, preventing him from speaking of their names.

The number of people related to Gozon who knew Pride's real first name was actually Roselia was enough for her to count on one finger, Vaeri and Alvey included.

"There was also that time we attacked that world with the Angels in it. They had this 'Book of Life' thingy that made it so that once our names were written in it, every time we fought an angel in that world, more and more of our True Names would be revealed until they eventually had our complete true names."

Greed chipped in after, speaking of an artifact that was created by the joint effort of the Progenitor of the Angel and the Demon Slayer races in order to deal with the Demons.

"With the power of the Book of Life coupled with our True Names, they could have done pretty much anything from banishing us from that world and preventing us from being able to enter there through any means whatsoever to erasing us from existence."

Leviah wasn't even listening to Greed's little Trivia, she was instead glaring at Pride who had just dissed her not too long ago.

"What? You were already dumb and it seems you got even more retarded over the past thousand years."

And Pride just had to fan the flames of her anger.

"Alright, that's it."

Leviah tightened her hold on her spear and without hesitation, engulfed It in her dark red aura and swung it straight towards Pride's neck.

The other high demon reacted immediately, summoning her own sword and coating it in black flames, before raising it to block Leviah's slash.

Simultaneously, a network of magic power formed around her feet and Evan recognized it as the same one she had created earlier in the day.

From the fact that Pride was actually considering activating her Bounded Field, it was clear she was really intending to go all out on Leviah.

"Oy! Hold Up!!"

"Girl, chill!!"

Evan and Greed quickly pushed them away from each other, with Evan holding back his contractor while Greed held Leviah back.

"This is one thing I honestly did NOT miss with the both of you."

Greed couldn't help but comment as he used his idiosyncrasy to draw strength from Kolvar to hold Leviah back.

"Are they always like this?"

"Pretty much."

He replied to Evan's question and the young hero couldn't help but sigh as he alternated his gaze between the two sisters.

While Pride remained silent, Leviah on the other hand, didn't seem to like the look he was giving her.

"What are you looking at?"

"You. I mean, who else is in my direct line of sight?"

"Turn your eyes elsewhere or I'd gouge them out. I don't care even if you're Roselia's contractor."

Now Leviah's words and her hostile demeanour struck a chord in Evan, provoking the boy as he stopped holding Pride and turned to Demon of Envy.

"Gouge them out? I dare you!"

Leviah's killing intent which was originally directed at Pride now switched targets to Evan and in response, the boy activated BoD and flared his aura.

The strength he was sensing from Envy was so much that he couldn't beat her without it, but with the 300% boost, his fighting chances increased exponentially.

"Dude! What the fuck?!"

Greed questioned Evan, wondering how someone who wanted to break up a fight between the two sisters less than a minute ago now wanted to fight one of the said sisters.

On the spectators' side, Eliza, Kayla and Kuro were also stunned at how quickly Evan got pissed.

Pride was the only one who seemed to understand the reason why.

"They say People who are similar don't get along…guess we've got live proof of that."

As soon as she said that, Leviah and Evan turned towards her with raised brows, pointing at themselves as they echoed the same words.

""Who the hell is similar to him/her??!!""

Upon realising they spoke at the same time, both of them turned towards each other and glared at themselves.

Seeing this, Greed facepalmed with a sigh.

"Who the heck cares if you guys spoke at the same time?!"

The man was clearly fed up with this bullshit. Meanwhile, Pride retracted her own aura and unsummoned her sword, before gesturing to Evan and Leviah as she spoke.

"Copycat, meet Thief."

The words she used were apt descriptions for the two of them, and once again, her words evoked reactions from both of them.

""Who the hell is a copycat/thief??!!""

Once again, they realised they were speaking at the same time and turned to glare at themselves while shouting at the other not to talk when they were talking.

Everyone else watched this scene with expressions that asked 'What the fuck is going on?' on their faces.

Greed was about to interfere and stop them, but Pride silently snapped her fingers and suddenly, Greed could not feel his mouth anymore.

'What the?!'

He turned towards Pride who held up a finger and shushed him, before proceeding to put on a pair of shades and retrieve a bucket of popcorn from her pocket.

'Leaving aside why she even has popcorn, how in the hundred billion galaxies did it come out of her pocket?!'


A sudden explosion prompted Greed to pivot on his foot and turn back to where Evan and Leviah were, just in time to see the High Demon raising her spear to block the Hero's overhead slash.

'What happened in the short moment I looked away?!'

No matter how one looked at it, from the force of their strikes, the two were clearly trying to kill each other.

Evan didn't even have his usual attitude and was regarding Leviah with a serious gaze, one which was returned by the Deadly Sin who was clearly wary about his BoD.

The boy leapt back to gain some distance, holding his sword in a side stance as his eyes glowed lightly, while Leviah held her spear with both hands, pointing the tip right at him.

A strange silence descended upon them for a second. In the next—


—was the loud noise of the sound barrier being shattered multiple times over, releasing shockwaves that rippled outward and shook the walls of the boss room.

Evan and Leviah exchanged supersonic strikes with their weapons coated in their crimson gold and dark red auras, sword and spear cutting through the air so fast it appeared to be a blur.

Both of them weaved and darted around the expansive room, their every move leaving afterimages and craters in the ground behind.

Arcs of energy trailed behind each swing as Leviah traced intricate patterns, attempting to ensnare Evan but the boy didn't let himself get caught.

His sword carved paths through the air, deflecting and parrying with a precision that seemed almost preternatural.

Time Difference was on overdrive, increasing Evan's time perception and allowing him to detect Leviah's ridiculously fast spear strikes.

Just as he delivered an upward arcing slash to redirect her spear thrust, he pulled his blade backwards and activated his paladin skill, bathing his body in a thin layer of white light.

The boost from the skill granted him an extra layer of power which he used to catch Leviah off guard and deliver a full powered strike to her torso.

Yet, despite this, she was still able to react on time, her hand tilting her spear downwards into a blocking position to defend against the diagonal slash.

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