Reincarnated into a Game As the Hero’s Friend

Chapter 206.2

Chapter 206.2

You you! Dont think that Im going to let you get in my way!

Juliane must have been distracted. After she took off her headgear, Welner, who was staring at her, and Neurath and Schunzel, who were watching from the periphery, looked at her with expressions of disgust. The other party had a head that could only be described as bizarre.

The overall shape of the head was similar to that of a bee, but each of the two compound eyes had a small human face attached to it. The face itself could have been that of a beautiful woman, but the right side of the face was hateful, and the left side was contemptuous, an expression that made the viewer feel uncomfortable.

The part of the head that was supposed to have been the antennae if it was a bee was tipped with stingers like a scorpions tail, and long golden hair extending from the bee-like head was strangely beautiful. All of this emphasized the strangeness of the bee-like being in front of them.

Ugh, thats creepy.

Youre going to be a bloody dead man!

Juliane tried to reach out to Welner with her arm again in response to Welners unintentional muttering, however, the reach of Welners approaching spear as he attacked was longer than the reach of her arm. Quickly, Welner knocked her hand away with his spear, and then stabbed his spear into his opponents chest.

Once again, the spear tip conveyed to Welner the feeling of having pierced something hard, but he realized that it was a shallow hit.

For a boy like you!

Juliane cursed, unable to admit the fact that she had underestimated Welner, who was now fighting her alone.

This point, however, coincidentally worked to the kingdoms advantage. Leppe assumed that Welner, who had a good reputation so far, was up to something when he came after them alone, and as a result of their attempts to dispose of Welner in the underground canal, Juliane, who thought Leppe had taken too much time, had appeared halfway through the battle between Leppes group and Welner.

If Welner had not seen Juliane at that moment, he would have judged that there was only Leppe and his group involved. However, this incident led to the kingdom discovering Juliane.

Neurath and Schunzel, seeing an opening, slashed at Juliane when she was concentrating on Welner. However, the attack of the two was blocked by an arm with long claws that extended from inside the Priestess clothes.

This thing!

Now she certainly seems like a bee!

A real bee had six legs. Juliane had two human arms on each side of her, four human arms in total along with two legs. Neurath and Schunzel were almost hit by the counterattack, but Welner quickly thrust his spear into Julianes face, which knocked Juliane out of her stance.

Both quickly shifted their positions and readied themselves. The surrounding light increased.

Juliane scattered countless stones around them, which Welner found to be similar to the black stones he found, but much darker than the black stones.

As a haze spread from the stones, they gradually started to take the form of insect monsters.

Magic beasts?

Does this thing create magic beasts?

Welner wondered if this enemy (Juliane) was the type that would call its friends if this was inside a game. One of the magic beasts was about to attack Welner and his subordinates, who were momentarily distracted by the sight of it, but the knights assigned to Augens group, who approached quickly, intercepted it.


No, we also want to defeat it, or else there will be no end to this!

Youre right!

Welner responded sharply, and then he thrust a series of stabs at Juliane, who quickly repelled them with her arms and tried to extend her reach towards Welner, when Neurath, Schunzel, and Augen, who had stepped in behind her, slashed at her.

Juliane, screaming in pain and disgust, flailed her four arms. Surrounding her, Welner and the others repeated their attacks to prevent the magic beasts from being spawned again, racking up small wounds against Juliane.

Meanwhile, neither Welner nor Juliane had noticed it, but the battlefield was becoming more enclosed around Welner and his men, as Seyfart, who had defeated Leppe and joined Lilys side, started to take command of the entire battlefield.

The Royal Guards gradually started to build a siege around Juliane while skillfully moving their troops, and the Zeavert Knights moved in to destroy the remaining magic beasts in group battles as if they were replacing the Royal Guard.

The magic beasts in positions that impede the movement of the troops were targeted by the archers to open the way for them, and the knights who were injured were replaced with those who could move properly. Those knights then ensured the slaughter of the magic beasts that were being divided.

Well done, sir.

What, its just a matter of age and experience.

Even though the situation would normally have been chaotic, the knights who were at the vanguard, dealing with the enemy charge, easily switched places with other knights without causing any confusion or delay. Seyfart responded to Valcays unintentional admiration with a sullen look on his face.

Sir Welner should be able to do this as well.

Valcay was silent, but then chuckled unintentionally, probably because he could predict Welners reaction upon hearing that statement.

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