Reincarnated into a Game As the Hero’s Friend

Chapter 207.1

Chapter 207.1

Unaware of the disturbing conversation going on in the background, Welner and his men continued their attack on Juliane under the increasingly bright lights of their surroundings.

Elrichs comment that Lord Welner is a good fighter was not intended as flattery.

Welners spear attacks were not only aimed at causing damage to Juliane, but more than that, they were restraining her actions, making it easier for Neurath, Schunzel, Augen, and others to attack her.

While standing in front of his opponent, Welner skillfully controlled the enemys movement with his spear and made it easier for his allies to attack.

Each blow was not a major wound. However, as the small wounds steadily accumulated, Juliane could not help but notice that she was slowly being driven into a corner.

Juliane cast a spell, a stormy wind that was launched at the knights. Although it did hit them and caused some damage, it was nothing more than a few skin-deep cuts.

Juliane wondered to herself, Whatwhat is this?

Even though Juliane had not maintained it for a long time, her magic, which was powerful enough to even destroy the ceiling of the underground waterway not long ago, could not defeat any of the surrounding knights who looked like insects to her. She understood that the power of her magic had decreased, but she did not know why.

Seeing her upset, Welner shouted sharply, Change!

Leave the rest to us!

Goretzka of the Royal Guards responded by rushing toward Juliane with the other Royal Guards, striking her with a heavy blow. Meanwhile, Welner and the other Zeavert knights, wounded by the magical attack, took their places in the back.

In terms of individual combat power, the Royal Guards were stronger than Zeavert Knights. In addition to that, they were all outfitted with high-performance equipment that Welner bought before using his merchant connections. This allowed them to block blows from Juliane that would have incapacitated a normal soldier and also allowed them to damage her body from every direction.

This forced Juliane into a defensive position. Although she wanted to prevent Welner and his team from retreating, she was unable to do it.

Following Welners initiative and suggestion, the Royal Mages Research Laboratory continued its research on how to exhaust Nature Mana temporarily. They had come as close as they could get to the discovery of what was going on.

The last step was taken just the other day. Uwe, who had been studying the magical devices of the ancient kingdom, brought in a barrier that had been used in Suvriltz to repel the demons from the ancient kingdom.

In this world where there were no patents, the contents of research were basically kept secret, or at best only shared with direct disciples. However, Uwe explained his research in detail, along with samples of his work, and was able to reproduce some of the techniques used to harness the magic in ancient times. There was a reason why scouts had placed a large number of magic lamps around the area.

These magic lamps basically used large amounts of magic stones and Nature Mana for generating light inefficiently.

Although Welner did not completely understand the theory behind this phenomena, Welner, who had experienced it firsthand, borrowed that knowledge and used it for the first time in a real battle.

Hurry up with the treatment. Those with serious wounds should fall back and regroup.

Dont use magic, heal with medicine.

Under the direction of Welner and the others, the wounded knights were treated, and their numbers were reassigned to the next attack group.

The reason why the side with the greater number had the advantage was proven here.

The wounded and less able fighters were moved to the rear and new troops were put in front of the enemy. The enemy had no choice but to respond to the new troops and could not even pursue the retreating ones. The wounded knights who had fallen back received potions from the scouts, and those who had recovered prepared for the next shift.

Meanwhile, an arrow from a composite bow, as powerful as a longbow, pierced Juliane from a distance. Juliane used a recovery spell on herself, but even that was less effective.

The injuries she received were far more numerous, and Juliane was gradually being driven back into a corner.

While Annette was having a short conversation with Lily, Valcays team joined the front under Seyfarts direction. Seyfart kept a vigilant watch on the perimeter, leaving Goretzka and Welner to deal with their opponents. The soldiers directly under Seyfarts command were also keeping a watchful eye on their surroundings as they defeated the remaining magic beasts.

Welner gave detailed instructions to the Zeavert Knights, who were accustomed to fighting in groups. He instructed them to focus on cutting off the opponents legs.

While the Royal Guards and the Zeavert Knights were holding Juliane in line, aiming at her face and arms, Max, Augen, Valcay, and others who were proud of their skills aimed only at Julianes legs, and finally cut off her right leg.

For a moment, not only the knights but also Welner looked reluctant, probably because Julianes torso, which was visible through her shredded priestess uniform, also had the appearance of a bee. From the bees body sprouted beautiful but strangely elongated human legs. Grotesque would be a better word.

But the bee did not flinch, and when it lost one of its legs and lost its stance, the knights surrounding it attacked it more vigorously, taking turns. One of the knights later described the situation as follows.

In terms of individual combat power, she had the strength of a giant serpent, while they were about as strong as ants. But hundreds of ants, who were as prepared as possible, continued to bite from all directions, and finally defeated the serpent.

Juliane, who had lost her legs, soon had one of her arms severed. After that, she lost her antennae. In the end, she even ran out of magic after repeated use.

Melting if I lose my body, I will melt and disappear

Julianes mind wandered as she took the blows to her shredded body. With her body so damaged, she could no longer escape in the usual way.

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