ReLife Player

Chapter 138

Chapter 138

Unlocked chapter (1/11)

Thanks atranok!!

[A Windless Day (3)]

In front of the Korean Mana Management Organization building.

Everyone, including journalists, had their eyes fixed on the entrance to the headquarters.

It was an anxious time of waiting.

They wanted to spread this joy, this hope.

The operation to retake Uijeongbu, a mission that they believed without a doubt would mark a significant moment in history.

Journalists were professionals who had to maintain objectivity and neutrality in their profession, but they were also human. They couldnt help but harbor hope.

Seven clans, led by those who received S-rank ratings domestically, were participating, along with clans corresponding to A, B, and C ranks.

Many renowned players expressed their intention to participate, and the business world pledged its support for the Uijeongbu retake operation.

But thats not all.

Theyre coming out!

Someone shouted.

The journalists were frantically clicking their shutters as if they were intoxicated by something.

And it was understandable.

This was a massive operation, the likes of which hadnt been seen since the <End of the Century Destruction>, with nine members of the Twelve taking part.

They rarely gathered in one place due to their different assignments.

All of this was for the sake of retaking Uijeongbu.

A word, please!

Look this way!

Exiting the government building, the nine players paid no attention to the camera flashes.

Some of them even seemed casual in the midst of a large-scale operation.

As they got into their cars, journalists hurriedly prepared to follow them and stepped on the accelerator.

The players participating in the retake operation would hold a retaking ceremony at Gwanghwamun.

The role of the Twelve Seats in the ceremony was to boost peoples spirits.

The journalists followed the Twelve Seats as they got into their cars and entered Gwanghwamun.

Even though it was morning, Gwanghwamun Square was filled with countless people.

Inside the circle formed by these people, players who exuded a dignified aura lined up.

Its been a long time.

Leading them was Moon Joon, who climbed the stage.

The elderly man with graying hair recalled the story of when the world was destroyed once, delivering a speech that ignited the players determination.

Therefore, we will retake Uijeongbu for a better future.

Starting with Moon Joon, the Twelve Seats members raised their cups.

The players who were also participating in the retake operation raised their prepared cups.

So that we can come back and drink heartily.

The players chuckled.

Perhaps these cups could be their last.

The retake team swallowed the liquor in the small cups in one go.

After completing the retaking ceremony at Gwanghwamun, the players arrived at Dobong Station, where the retake operation would begin.

Here, too, journalists had occupied every available space.

Players showed signs of getting tired of the constant flashes.

They changed their expressions and looked at the barrier that stood before them.

<End of the Century Destruction>

At the time, the existence of monsters hadnt been clearly established, and the Republic of Korea had lost a third of its population and nearly half of its land.

Humanity was so helpless.

People made extreme choices, sometimes tragic choices, sometimes inhumane choices, to survive the catastrophe in front of them.

The barrier in front of them was a sandcastle of hope, built by humanity out of a sense of desperation and helplessness.

The wall did not protect against the threat of monsters.

Nevertheless, mankind never stopped building, and now it has reached a height where you can look up and not see the end.

It was a false hope, but fortunately, no monsters were coming down from Uijeongbu.

Lets begin.

The real start was here.

The players quickly formed a line.

The Twelve who were walking in the front also moved to their respective clans.

The remaining Twelve at the front were Moon Joon and Oh Geon-hoo, who didnt belong to any clan but to the Mana Management Organization.

First, lets go.


Oh Geon-hoo manifested his mana. The small wings attached to his back, previously hidden, regained their original size and spread wide open.

Amidst the gaze of the players, Oh Geon-hoo ascended high above the seemingly endless barrier.

Now, he would fly all around the Uijeongbu area, living up to his name as <Heavenly Sound> and serving as the eyes of the reclamation force.

All divisions prepare for battle.

A heavy voice descended.

Shining lights erupted from various places. Glittering dust fell from the sky, and the wind passed through, brushing against their bodies.

Players with support and enhancement spells activated their mana.

Eventually, the gatekeepers, who saluted, moved the massive iron gate.

The vanguard is the Genesis Clan.

As planned beforehand.

As the Twelve Seats withdrew, the clan chosen to lead the charge in South Korea, the Genesis Clan, took the front line.

Genesis Clan Lord Ji Yong-hyun drew his sword.

The top-to-bottom slash glowed red as it propelled him forward.

The monsters on the tracks were torn to shreds.

Starting with him, players ran down the tracks, swinging their swords at monsters and shooting magic.

More monsters were attacked and felled than players were killed.

The monsters that roamed the tracks were an average of 7th level.

It wasnt a rank that the retrieval team couldnt handle.


By the time the tracks were covered in monster blood and corpses.

The recapture team had already reached the area where the tracks overlapped with the old outer ring road.

Wiping the blood from his face with the back of his hand, Shin Myung-hwan looked up at the old outer ring road overhead.

As he unfolded his sensors, there were countless monsters up there.

Grow, rise.

A voice filled with mana.

Myung-hwan recognized the owner of that voice.

<Florist> Bang Yeon-ji.

As her mana soaked into the gravel, a shoot emerged from among the pebbles and began to grow fiercely.

The stem, wrapped around a pillar, sprouted large leaves and reached all the way to the old outer ring road.

Then, flames erupted from the old outer ring road.

It was also clear who was responsible.

The impatient <Flame Demon> couldnt resist and had jumped up on his own to confront the monsters.

We cant lose.

The morale was at its peak.

<Divine Wind> Shin Seo-young flew up in the wind, knocking down the monsters in the immediate vicinity, and <Holy Mother> Park Hye-rims light shone dazzlingly under the cloudy sky.

Shin Myung-hwan did the same.

He loaded his weapon and led the Tempest Clan to cut off the breath of the monsters occupying the road.

After a few moments, the retaking party rested for a while, having destroyed all the monsters that had occupied the area.

Those in command of the recapture held a meeting.

From here on out, we should divide the recapture into A and B divisions

Said the Navigator of the Mana Management Organization.

She was second in command to the Director of Intelligence, and she flipped open a map and pointed to their current location.

After a days rest, A and B will continue along the old outer ring road to Uijeongbu City Hall, while B will follow the railroad tracks to Hoeryong Station.

The clan in charge of capturing Uijeongbu City Hall is.

Now, its worth a fight.

Kang Hyun-chul bared his fangs and laughed.

Blaze Clan Lord. I hope you dont get too carried away with your excitement.

She sighed, and Do Wan-jun, who had to cross the line of fire with him, sighed, too.

Division A was composed of Blaze Clan and Myungwang Clan, and the two clans were in command.

Uijeongbu City Hall.

The monster that ruled it was a fourth-ranked Liger swallower.

It had a mane like a lion and a pattern like a tiger.

This is really hard. Whats with all the monsters?

Interrupted from its rest atop the city hall, the monster glared at the man who had kicked in the door.

The man with red dyed hair, Kang Hyun-chul, snorted at the creature who was sleeping with his front feet together like an ancient king.

You look pretty interesting, though.

It was then that the top floor was engulfed in heat.

Flames erupted from his back, forming a dome around the area, then rushed at him like a living creature.


The flames exploded in unison.

The beasts cries were degraded, drowned out by the layers of flame.

There was no way a Fourth ranked could be annihilated like this.

Flame barrier.


Devilish incantation.

Before he could make his way through the flames, the rushing players unleashed a ranged assault.

Violent explosions erupted nonstop, shaking the top floor and causing the ground to crumble.

Still, the players didnt panic and attacked the creature on the other side of the flames.

Blaze Clan Lord.

I recognize him.

The flames gradually died down, and the silhouette of a winged beast flashed by.

Do Wanjun, commanding the firing squad, gave the signal.

Hyun-chul, his greatsword fixed, leapt into the hail of bullets.

The first act of A Wonderful Man begins!



There are many, many~but!

Im the one!


The Guardians of Blaze Clan joined together, chanting support spells as he leapt into the flames.

An aura of enthusiasm surrounded him as a roaring song filled the top floor.

A song is good to get things started.

No bullets pierced him.

The supporters enchantments absorbed the impact, and the Guardians chanting deflected the bullets trajectory.

The more mana-laden songs that surrounded him, the stronger the force that protected him.


The creature who had been crouching and enduring the storm, leaped out.

Its flesh-colored eyes locked onto him, and it spread its wings to strike at his wrist.

It dived into his arms as his greatsword rose, and with his fangs stained black with mana, he tore into his side.

It thought it had torn it apart.

The form of the side that seemed to have been torn away wavered, as if it were an illusion, before disappearing completely.

Lion Switch.

Myungwang Clan Lord Do wanjun.

The ranger, a master of illusions and phantasms, chuckled from a distance.

Where are you looking, Im right here.

It turned around belatedly.

Kang Hyun-chul held his sword in the same manner as just before he tore through his side.

Violet Blaze.

He struck from top to bottom.

Purple flames leapt through the gap, as if space were cracking from where the blade had passed.

The flames wriggled like a snake trying to fill its belly, engulfing his entire body.

The creature struggled to escape.

However, it couldnt shake off the purple flames.

Violet Blaze was a high-level control magic that could only be countered with magic and couldnt be repelled with physical strength alone.

Even rolling on the ground couldnt extinguish the flames that attacked his internal mana.

Lock On

One, two, three.


As the casters recovered their mana, the rangers reloaded their bullets and pulled the trigger.

An eardrum-bursting barrage of shots rained down on the creature.

The purple flame-covered creature staggered to its feet, but the hail of bullets was too much for it, and it fell to its knees again and again.


The transformation occurred just then.

Theyre coming. Bang Yeon-ji, are you ready?

Liger Swallow was a 4th hierarchy monster.

There was no way that a monster that couldnt even resist the attacks of the players could threaten human prosperity.

It was a monster with the appropriate level of danger for the 4th hierarchy.

If it decided to, blocking the flames surrounding its body and the pouring bullets wouldnt be a challenge at all.


It was as if it signaled that the game was over.

It bit into the flames it couldnt shake.

Purple flames that had dodged physical attacks were instantly engulfed by its mana-drenched fangs, and they wriggled their way into its mouth.

The creature swallowed the flames. Another flame attached to the purple flames entered its mouth, and it gorged itself as if it were swallowing a vine, swelling its belly.

That wasnt all. When the creature, which had risen from its spot, shook its head clockwise, the trajectory of the pouring bullets changed as if they had been caught on a hook and disappeared into its mouth.

Liger Swallower.

This was a monster with the ability to absorb shapes made of mana and inflate them with its own power.


The creature cried low as it stepped onto its forepaws. It spread its wings, raised its mane, and looked at the players who had stopped shooting.

As if that were enough.

It seemed to be asking with its eyes as it swelled up with the mana it had digested.

[Its over.]

A womans voice was heard at that moment.

The voice came from the floor below.

Suddenly, the top floor was covered in scattered leaves.

The vibrant leaves fell to the ground without catching fire, which was quite unusual.

The fact that the colorful leaves were lying on the ground unburned was a very strange occurrence.

What a fool.

With a sneer on his face, Do Wanjun changed the magazine.

The action was too leisurely.

As if he didnt feel outnumbered.

So relaxed, in fact, that he pointed the gun and signaled.



Liger Swallower hesitated, opening its mouth to absorb the bullets.

There was no mana within them.

The bullets the players were firing were made entirely of mana alloy.

Even if mana contained within metal was absorbed, it couldnt eliminate the metal itself.

Of course, a physical attack that was weak enough to not cause his body to disintegrate was not much of a blow to a Fourth ranked creature.

Or it thought so.

[Seed Bomb]

The voice came from the leaves.

Starting with a womans voice, the insides of its body exploded.

It rolled on the ground, screaming in pain as an explosion ripped through its stomach.

You should have been more careful, you dont know what youre eating, and youre not getting away with it.

What if you eat the seeds, you idiot?

A huge sword slammed into his head.

The mana-less blade struck the barrier with a dull thud.

Lets see, do I win or do you win?

The Liger Swallower vomited up all the mana it had absorbed in an explosion from its stomach.

The casters held him down with a rope-based trapping spell.

Watching, Clan Blaze giggled and switched weapons.

Someone bring my club. Lets see how long you last.

<Flame> Kang Hyun-chul.

Even without the Gift <Flame> , he was a highly skilled player.

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