ReLife Player

Chapter 139

Chapter 139

Unlocked chapter (2/11)

[A Windless Day (4)]

From Dobong Station, it took them three days to reach Hoeryong Station.

The recapture went more smoothly than planned.

Even if they had to stop counting the monsters that jumped onto the tracks, the collective players were strong.

In particular, the clans led by the Twelve Seates showed no signs of faltering in the face of high-level monsters.

Recapturing Uijeongbu, which had been destroyed by monsters, was not impossible.

The players who participated all thought so.

This was the reason why they had enough morale to forget about the fatigue of back-to-back battles.

Hey, hyung. What are you thinking about?


<White Robe> Lee Seung-hwan.

Active as a dealer in the party led by <Divine Wind> Shin Seo-young in the Changhae Clan, he turned his head in the direction of the sound.

It wasnt his job.

He chuckled at the sight of Kang Hyun-cheol, who had thrown away his overcoat and was carrying construction materials over his shoulder, even though it wasnt his task.

Hyung, if youre not going to do anything, why dont you help with the construction of the supply base?

But isnt that not our job?

Tsk, youre too picky.

Similarly, in the party led by <Divine Wind> Shin Seo-young of the Changhae Clan, <Bulldozer> Kang Cheol, despite being in his early thirties, was thoroughly self-centered.

The shoulders of his building materials flashed in the sunlight.

It was a mechanical arm.

The middle-aged man who offered his arm to protect the party from the monsters was well respected by those who had immersed themselves in the industry.

He was so loyal that he rolled up his sleeves and stepped in, even when it wasnt his job.

Rest while you can. Its going to be harder than it is now.

The gray-haired player, on the other hand, despite his age in his early 30s, was a thoroughly individualistic man.

He even had a touch of agoraphobia.

So much so that he hated the idea of getting monster blood on his clothes.

His clothes were white, not because he was skilled enough to kill monsters without getting blood on them, but because the white color allowed him to see the stains in time.

So, the man was <White Robe>.

Having that nickname implied that he had achieved significant accomplishments in the industry, a named player recognized by others.

Ha, who doesnt know that already? But resting might make us too complacent. Its going to get tougher from here.

Shin seems to have been unhappy since the recapture began, and the higher-ups are having a meeting over there.

Kang cheol pointed to a large tent with a nod.

It was the first tent they had set up as soon as they arrived at Hoeryong Station.

Come to think of it, its been a while.

Three hours already, three hours. I want to know whats going on with this meeting thats supposed to end in an hour

Kang Cheol clicked his tongue in frustration and bit his tongue.

He didnt feel comfortable.

It was because of the internal affairs of the Changhae Clan.

For the past few years, there had been a growing difference in opinions between Clan Lord Gil-sung-joon and Shin Seo-young within the Changhae Clan, resulting in discord within the clan.

Gils actions were completely different from the clans previous policies, which caused some clan members to rebel against him.

As a result, there was a sense of dislike in the clan between those who followed Gil sung-joon and those who followed Shin Seo-yeong.

Luckily, Shin Seo-young didnt vehemently disagree with the Clan Lords decision, so the clan didnt come to blows.

Despite this, the relationship between the two has gotten worse since the battle to retake Uijeongbu began.

He doesnt know why.

For whatever reason, there was an atmosphere in the clan where it wouldnt be strange if a war broke out.

It was very frustrating.

He couldnt shake it off without using his body.

I see. Its hard to believe theyre lovers at this point.

Thats what Im saying. I dont know what Ive been doing getting in between Clan Lord and her lately.

A clan is supposed to be like a family, eh? You think we can take back Uijeongbu with this?

Kang Cheol muttered.

Lee Seung-hwan, without responding to his complaint, took in the scene unfolding from Hwaryeong Station.

It was in ruins.

The sky was so blue, but beyond that, it was as if it had lost its color and was dyed gray.

It was the same back then.

Suddenly, an old memory surfaced.

He was an orphan. Lost his family to a monster when he didnt know who they were or even what his name was.

He wasnt the only one.

Everyone living in Hwaseong City experienced the same thing.

He was forced to wander barefoot in tears through Hwaseong City, which had been taken over by hordes of monsters.

Hi. Why are you crying alone?

Wheres your family?

None? Well, thats the same as me.

Im Yoo In-hoo. Whats your name?

Then he met his hyung, Yoo In-hoo.

The one who shared a piece of bread with him when he was all alone.

If he hadnt met him, he wouldnt be here today.

As soon as the recapture battle is over, Ill go see him.

Yoo In-hoo was stabbed to death by slumlords just before he graduated from the academy.

Lee Seung-hwan, who had been reminiscing about his savior and brother after a long time, smiled with a faint and lonely smile.

Oh, whats this?


Lee Seung-hwan, who was lost in memories, furrowed his brow as he looked back.

When he turned around, Kang Cheol, who was carrying construction materials, had a puzzled expression on his face.

Something just hit me and I almost fell over.

Theres no one around.

What are you talking about?

Lee seung replied with a punchline that told him to stop playing around.

Theres no one here who would run over the material Kang Cheol is holding.

Its strange. Something definitely hit me and went away.

But theres no wind blowing.

No, Hyung. Do you think Ill get blown away by the wind? Maybe its Shins wish. Anyway, the weather is so nice, without a single breeze!

Cheol exclaimed loudly.

Lee seong sighed.

It wasnt worth it. He decided not to listen anymore.

Why are you fussing so much? Im sure something happened, but what?

When Lee Seung-hwan didnt answer, Kang cheol, lost in thought, turned back to set up the supply base.

The reason the meeting was dragging on so long after the retreating troops arrived at Hoeryong Station was because of the formation of the divisions.

Clan Lord Changhae. What did you say now?

The sound of a table being slammed shook the tent.

The mood in the tents was grim.

It was the kind of atmosphere that, if lit, would burst into flames at a moments notice.

Tempest Clans Clan Lord, Twelfth Seat Shin Myung-hwan, glared at his opponent at the table across from him.

Didnt I tell you to change your formation?

Changhae Clan Lord Gil Sung joon.

He clasped his hands together on the table, unperturbed by the momentum Shin Myung-hwan was exuding.

He even had a smile on his lips as he pointed out what was so amusing about this situation.

To think youre going to change your formation now. Are you even saying that in your right mind or.

Silla Clan Lord, Kim Yoo jin, clicked her tongue as if she wanted someone to hear it.

She, too, couldnt hide her displeasure and sent a hostile glance.

The retrieval mission starts now. If there were any hiccups in the plan, we could change it, couldnt we?

Gil Sung-joon replied politely.

He looked around at the Clan Lords, who were glaring at him as if to ask what was wrong.

You can change your mind, if your plans are disrupted.

But I dont think our plans have been disrupted.

Gu Yeounsu, who had been observing the meeting with a wry expression, echoed the other Clan Lords.

He opened his slender eyes and studied Gil Sung-joons demeanor.

I dont understand, why are you saying that we suddenly need to target the Gyeonggi Northern Government Office?

Shin Myung-hwan retorted in an irritated tone.

This was the reason for the murderous atmosphere.

When they arrived at Hoeryong Station, they were organizing their plans when Gil Sung joon asked them to change the formation of the Changhae Clan and Tempest Clan.

Changhae Clan would carry the cocoon to Uijeongbu Station and provide support to the Gyeonggi Northern Center.

On the other hand, Tempest Clan would attack the Gyeonggi Northern Government Center.

This was an uncomfortable situation for the clan lords, who were going through the process as planned.

Changhae Clans trick was obvious.

They wanted to capture the Gyeonggi North Government Center more easily and get the honor of carrying the cocoon.

No one in the room knew what was in the supplies being transported to Uijeongbu Station.

Today, in a meeting, they learn that the supplies contain cocoon.

They were told that as soon as they finished the recapture battle, fairy Im Gaeul would visit Uijeongbu and deploy the cocoon.

So far, so good.

The cocoon was an artifact that needed to be carefully managed.

Its function was the hope of mankind, and the mana alloys required to craft it were of high quality.

Although it shouldnt happen, the possibility of it being stolen had to be thoroughly ruled out.

This was the reason for Gil sung joons change in attitude.

The meaning of carrying the cocoon was a great honor that could not be replaced by any material reward.

Moreover, after carrying the cocoon, they would go to attack the Gyeonggi Northern Government Center.

Thats because the Changhae Clan is a large group, and we can carry the cocoon to Uijeongbu Station without any risk.

Thats the same for us. In fact, since Changhae Clan is a large organization, shouldnt we focus on targeting the Gyeonggi North Government Center?

Since we have a large number of people, we figured it would be difficult to attack the Gyeonggi Northern Government Center.

Do you think a large group of people can fight properly inside a building, unless its an open area?

I think it would make more sense for the Tempest Clan to clear out the neighborhood while we attack the Gyeonggi Northern Government Center.

What kind of bullshit.

It was bullshit.

Tempest Clan Sublord Kang Ye-hee tried to retort against Gil Sung-juns words.

At that moment, Shin Myung-hwan reached out and stopped her from leaning forward on the table.

It was a signal for her to stay quiet.

Even though Gil Sung-juns words were irritating, in a gathering of those who held command authority, they had to maintain their composure.

They couldnt afford to cause a scene.

Clan Lord Tempest.

Gil Sung-jun, who had been casually toying with him all along, called him.

Shin Myung-hwan just stared at him without responding.

Nevertheless, it didnt matter.

Gil Sung-jun suddenly brought up a topic as if it had just occurred to him.

By the way, I heard that Pine Group is getting into player library development.

What do you want to say?

But I heard that Sirius Group is taking a step into that business.

A chilly silence settled in.

Shin Myung-hwans face lost its poker face and twisted.

The power to rule the world, the force that dominated this world, wasnt just mana.

It was wealth and power.

These two had been powers that existed before the worlds destruction, and they still ruled this world unchanged.

And various forces formed alliances with each other, creating even greater synergy.

Sirius Group, ranking second in the business hierarchy, and Chaehae Clan, which was considered the second most influential group in the country.

Compared to them, Pine Group, which ranked fifth in the business hierarchy, and Tempest Clan, which received an S-grade rating along with Blaze Clan, were clearly different in terms of power.

Knowing the clear difference in power, Shin Myung-hwans self-esteem was thoroughly crushed.

Gil Sung-jun looked at him, unable to speak, among all the people gathered there, and chuckled.

Clan Lord Gil Sung-jun .

Why are you doing this?

Shin Myung-hwan had no response. Kang Ye-hee, who was sitting next to him, couldnt hide her frustrated expression.

Meanwhile, Kim Yoo-jin was grooming her manifested mana extracorporeally and let out a deep sigh.

You really are trash.

What a trash.

Even Regulus Clan Lord Guyeonsu clicked his tongue in disappointment.

Regardless, Gil Sung joon shrugged his shoulders.

Player Shin Seoyoung. Does Changhae Clan really intend to do that now?

The conversation didnt seem to be getting through.

Shin Myung-hwan turned to Shin Seo-young, who was sitting next to Gil Sung-joon.

Throughout the meeting, she had been looking down at the table, never once looking up.

Im sorry.

She apologized without looking up.

Minister Moon.

As the room fell silent, it was Zenith Clan Lord Ji Yong hyun who spoke.

He spoke to Moon joon, paying no attention to the way he was being looked at.

What do you think, Minister Moon?

Everyones eyes turned to Moon Joon.

Lost in thought, he had been putting his hand inside the sleeves of his hanbok during the meeting, but he now sighed deeply.

Player Gil Sung-joon.

Yes, Minister Moon.

This is the last time.

It wasnt just the players who participated in the recapture battle.

Business groups were also supporting the recapture in one way or another.

The influence of Sirius Group, whose main business is player devices, was significant.

The voice of the Sirius Group-backed Changhae Clan could not be ignored.

Just this once.

There is no next time.

Moon Jun glared at him with a gaze that sent shivers down his spine.

The day before the recapture ceremony.

Eunha visited Julietas house in the middle of the night.

It was late, so she might be sleeping.

He had intended to quietly open the door without waking Avernier.

But he didnt have to.

Avernier crawled out to the front door.

Owh. Wawhw.

Morning. You up yet?

Eunha bent down to make eye contact.

The now two-year-old Avernier clapped his hands and purred, wondering what was so good about it.

Then, Avernier floated into the air.

Julietta had lifted him up.

Ciao. Eunha Boss, I cant tell you how surprised I was to see you so late at night.

Im sorry for coming so late. Wheres Uncle Bruno?

Hes waiting in his room.

If youll excuse me.

No problem. Shall we go sleep with Mommy, Avernier?


Avernier was full of energy even though it was midnight.

Eunha smirked when he saw him waving at him, and went into the room where Bruno was waiting.

A room lit by a single lamp.

Bruno sat on the couch in the dim light.

Eunha sat down on the opposite couch, smiling.

I have a favor to ask you.

You dont have to ask, Eunha, youre our boss.

Even though I could get you killed?

He asked with a serious tone.

Yet Bruno didnt let his smile waver.



If you hadnt been there for us back then, we would have surely lived the worst life.

You saved our lives, Eunha. Thats why I can entrust my heart to you.

Youre our boss, after all.

Now thats a heavy burden to carry.

Unable to find the words, Eunha shrugged.

It seemed trivial compared to how seriously he had worried all by himself.

He smiled bitterly at the trust Bruno placed in him.

Please check if it suits you, Uncle.

He placed the large gemstone on the table.

The gem caught the light of the lamp and reflected a yellow glow.


Nodding slightly, Bruno poured mana into the skillstone.

After absorbing the mana, the skill stone seemed to embrace the yellow light for a moment, then

then the light was extinguished.

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