ReLife Player

Chapter 146

Chapter 146

Unlocked chapter (9/11)

[Windless Day (11)]

Death rushed in.

Fleeing players fell to their deceased comrades, becoming the dead themselves, only to attack their friends once again.

While the number of monsters kept increasing, the player count was dwindling.

To defeat these creatures was it the only option to take down that one?

As Do Wan-jun ran, he shot mana from his fingertips backward.

The walls in front of him blocked his path.

The pursuing monsters hesitated for a moment when their path was suddenly blocked in front of them.

Illusions might work on monsters, but they didnt work on the dead, who were neither monsters nor men.

The dead were merely puppets controlled by it.

So even if they fell, they would only rise again as long as it existed.

The only way to bring down the army of monsters was to take down the creature that was currently pawing at a distance.

Blaze Clanlord, cover me!


Do wanjun gripped his Beretta with both hands and aimed at the creature farther away.

It was impossible to shoot someone protected by a monster military force.

But he could.

An illusion is a non-existent phenomenon.

Magic was the force outside of nature that made them exist, and it was his job to make them believe it was possible.

Azirangi Switch.

A spell that causes an opponent to see the enchanted object from the opposite direction of their gaze.

The creature would see him as suddenly appearing behind it.


Of course, the creature was not buying it.

After all, he wouldnt just appear right behind it after breaking through the force.

Do Wan-jun laughed while looking at the suspicious creature.

He pulled the trigger.

Even though the bullet exited the barrel with a loud noise, the creature didnt react.

Not until an explosion occurred nearby.


The attack worked.

The creature, who had been yawning, changed its gaze. He looked at Do Wan-jun with its split tail, paying close attention.


If the first shot fired when he pulled the trigger was just a noisy explosion, the second shot delivered a truly powerful blow to the creature.


Of course, the firepower didnt do much damage toit.

Blocking the attack with its giant wings, it manipulated the dead to attack him.

At that moment, Do Wanjun disappeared in a puff of smoke.

It was an illusion.

All of it.

Did you believe it?

Oh, its amazing.

Save your words for later.

Without looking back at the force, Do Wanjun was leaving the Sangjik Bridge.

Illusionary magic was judged by how well you fooled your opponent.

The first shot he pulled the trigger on was a bomb.

To give it the impression that he was really attacking from behind.

Anyone with even the slightest doubt would eventually recognize his illusion for what it was and take a hit.

However, there was still a problem.

Do Wanjun was not relieved to see the explosions coming from the direction of Uijeongbu Station.

A quick scan revealed that E Division was in a panic.

His plan to retreat to Uijeongbu Station to stop it was a lost cause.

Dragging his troops to Uijeongbu Station would only add to the chaos.

So he had to outrun the dead and solve the problem at the station first.

Part of him wants to lure them in.

Do Wan jun smiled bitterly.

If there was a player in Division A with the ability to possess monsters or magic, they would be able to lure the monsters away.

Its very simple to add illusions to possessed monsters.

With a small division, he was confident that he could stall for time.

But he didnt have anyone in his division with the ability to lure monsters.

Its a problem, a real problem.

The potions had long since run out.

Formations had become meaningless.

The Guardians who had struggled to keep the dead at bay now stood on the other side as enemies.

Its a Rank 8 Dead Rat!

All of you, stay close to me!


It was a dire situation.

At the Hyeongseon Square intersection, dead rats were swarming.

Blaze Clan members, led by Kang Hyun-cheol, unleashed fire as they advanced, but Kang Hyun-cheol seemed to be running out of strength, as his internal mana was depleting rapidly.

They needed to quickly deal with the dead rats and immobilize the pursuing enemies.

Do Wanjun was deep in thought, trying to find a way to survive.

As he was running alongside Bang Yeon-ji, their eyes met.

She was smiling.

In that moment, he felt his heart sink.

There was a way to survive.


He called out to her, unable to contain his emotions.

Yes, Clan Lord. Go ahead.

She nodded as if she understood.

He knew.

There was a way to survive.

She knew.

There was a way to save them.

Theyd been together for a long time.

They dont need to speak, just look at each other.

Between the two of them, this unspoken conversation was all that was needed.

Ill watch your back.

Good luck.

That was all that was said between them.

She smiled softly and turned around.

Fantasy, in the end, was nothing but an illusion.

An existence that could not be grasped, no matter how much one desired it.

Knowing this, he did not dream of an unattainable hope even in this moment.

Even now.

He swallowed his self-loathing for not hoping for an unattainable miracle.

<Brainwave> Lee Do-jin.

In his early twenties, he became a Twelve, and he was a player who freely wielded lightning, matching his alias.

His gift was <Enlightenment>.

While Kang Hyun-chuls <Flame> is a gift that converts all mana outside of the body into flames, his <Enlightenment> is a gift that converts mana into electricity.

So far, he hadnt faced any adversity that he couldnt overcome by using <Enlightenment>.

No adversity.



He couldnt conceal his confusion when he saw the monster still standing unscathed after being struck by his lightning bolt.

Ishimi, a third-rank monster.

The creature that led the forces and descended from the Jungnang River was now flying toward the retreating C Division.


Do-jin raised his sword in front of his chest as the creature, nearly 5 meters tall, wriggled like a snake and flew toward him.

The impact was too much for the barrier to withstand alone.

He used all his strength to maintain the barrier, but cracks were beginning to form.

Lee Do-jin!

Clan Lord Kim Yoo-jin was one step too late in casting her magic.

While she was on her way to assist him, Isimi, who had broken the barrier, leaped toward Do-jin with its elongated mouth.

With the creatures mouth about to strike him, Do-jin, who had soared into the sky like he could bring rain at any moment, had to adjust his posture to land safely.

And right at that moment


The creature that had raised its head toward the sky unleashed a column of fire.

The giants right arm.

The scorching heat, almost unbearable to breathe in, was about to engulf him when Kim Yoo-jin gently lowered her right elbow, clenched her fist, and struck the ground.

A wall rose abruptly from the ground.

A wall that resembled a right arm formed a protective barrier around Lee Do Jin, blocking the flames.

Eat this.

She swung her right hand down.

The giants arm that had blocked the flames fell onto Ishimis head.

The sound of the impact echoed through the area as the fallen giant crashed into a ruined building.

Are you injured?

Im fine. Thank you for helping, Clan Lord.

Dont be flustered. Otherwise, nothing will work.

She brushed aside her disheveled hair and looked at the dust cloud.

Ishimi had not died.

We cant take it all the way to Uijeongbu Station like this

Furrowing her brow, she looked back at her team members.

They were all exhausted.

Although they could defeat Ishimis forces, they couldnt be sure of the extent of the damage in their current condition.

However, they couldnt take Ishimis forces all the way to Uijeongbu Station either.

Even without deploying her detection net, she could feel a powerful presence all over her body.

Something similar to Ishimis forces had erupted in A Division.

The rear was also unnerving.

Even though they were too far away to detect, they could feel the omnipresence of quite a few of them in the direction of Uijeongbu Station.

Leading Ishimis forces down there would only worsen the chaos.

Apparently, Division A had similar thoughts.

At that moment, an older Clan member named Seong In-ho spoke up.


Hehe, I havent had a chance to show my strength in a while.

Sensing something, he loosened his grip and turned to Ishimi.

Ishimi, who had stopped in its tracks, turned around. He responded with a reassuring smile, raising his thick eyebrows.

Thunder Strike

As Do jin, who had received support magic from the supporters, charged at Ishimi, a bolt of lightning struck it from the sky, electrocuting it.

It had no effect.

Biting his lip, he adjusted his sword. He resumed his halted steps, infusing his blade with mana.

Before the lightning that struck Ishimi could disappear, he thrust his sword into the gap in his armor.

Thunder Strike

Monsters leapt out from behind Ishimi and charged.

Quickly stepping back, he released another bolt of lightning.

A beam of light fell from the sky, passing through the blade and permeating Ishimis body.

This doesnt work either?

Do jin, who had exchanged positions with the hunters and vanguards, took a deep breath.

His mana was running low.

Nevertheless, Ishimi showed no sign of flinching.

No players attack could harm him.

Amid their frustrated expressions

Haa, you punk, its not just about pouring mana in and out.

Seong In-Ho, who had suddenly appeared, slapped him on the back of the head.


Seong In-ho laughed with a big smile.

The players were stunned to see him come to the front.

Without answering their questions, the old man turned his attention to Ishimi.

Watch, child. Do you know what power you possess?

The old man, who had suffered the <End of the Century Destruction> himself, summoned up the mana he had been suppressing for years in a single motion.

The mana that flowed out swelled his muscles and strengthened his body.

At that moment, Ishimi unleashed flames.

Get lost.

The giants right arm.

The old man did nothing.

Behind him, Kim Yoo-jin created a huge wall to block the flames.

Rolling up his sleeves, he held out his left palm to the sky, his right fist raised high above his head.

The power you possess, child, is not simply the power to make things fall faster and increase the strength of electricity.

Magic is the manifestation of the unbelievable.

Since ancient times, lightning has been a symbol of punishment, the power of the gods over the heavens.

It was an absolute force that brought all men to their knees before the gods.


When the elderly mans fist struck his palm, a golden vajra, as if plucked from the depths, appeared in the air.

Resembling a spike, it pierced through the creatures armor and kept on, not ceasing even as the blue current consumed it.


The creature screamed for the first time.

The vajra wasnt solely aimed at the creature; its entire golden body, sparking with electricity, annihilated nearby monsters.


Thats what magic is, child. Dont limit yourself. While I may have only reached this level after a long time and understanding myths, you, who could manipulate electricity from birth, shouldnt be any different.

Caster Seong-ho.

The magic he deployed was only an imperfect force.

Even if he had accepted and understood the myths over time, he could not recreate the true power of a god in a human body.

Where does a snake like you dare to make a commotion, even in the heavens?

It was magic he hadnt used in a long time.

He drank a potion without even sparing a glance for Ishimi, who was coming out of the current.

He wasnt going to fight alone anyway.

It had been decided from the moment hed stepped out into the front lines.

The founding members of the clan had come forward, each with their weapons at the ready.

Weve been in the clan long enough.

I see you still have some work to do.

Ah, its a beautiful day. Good weather for fighting monsters.

An old man with a massive shield raised from his stomach let out a yell, and another old man crossed to the Guardians side with a rifle.


Wiping the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, Seong-ho called out to Lee Do jin as he prepared his second spell.

Youre not worthy of being called a <Brainwave> yet. What are you trying to achieve by being slightly better than others?


If you truly want to wield the power of an emperor, become an existence no one can match. Dont just be beaten by such a snake.

In the meantime, Seong Ho was not pleased with Lee Do Jin.

He had been promoted to the Twelve at such a young age that he had no understanding of power and had set his own limits.


He felt sorry for him every time he saw him.

He had the power to be called the strongest, but he couldnt use it properly.

Its a shame.

Heve been wanting to say something.

Now was the time.

Take care of the clan.

Old people talk a lot before they die.

The old man didnt know that he belonged to that category.

He raised his right hand and called out to the clan members as he struck the second lightning bolt.

Well take this place! Those who can move, take the wounded and retreat-!

A lovely day to die.

The old man remembered Moon Joon and Nam Gung-seong-woon, who had experienced the end of the world with him, and struck his right hand down.


It was impossible not to be.

She wanted to cry out, begging them not to leave her alone.

Perhaps it would have been like that in the past.

Grow, infinitely.

Grow, rise high.

Grow, far and wide.

Grow and grow again.

The environment molds a person.

<Florist> Bang Yeon-ji.

As a Twelve, she was responsible for protecting her clanmates as the Sublord of the Myungwang Clan.

Most of all, she wanted him to live.

Beautiful Siberian

Shy ivy

Sturdy and confident hibiscus

She scattered all the seeds she had against the oncoming monsters.

She made plants grow that couldnt be created from seeds using water from the nearby stream, and she tied the monsters feet with dandelion seeds.

The dead dont have a core magic stone.

So, they dont die.

Thats why she planted seeds in the bodies of the dead. Stems that grew from the seeds blocked their movements and suppressed them.

Ivy crawled up the walls, blocking their view.

The hibiscus that grew along with the ivy weakened the monsters by shedding its petals.


The cat-shaped monster seemed to be intrigued by what was happening in front of it.

It blew out the dandelion seeds that were floating in the air, scattering the mana hanging from the tips of its wings.

Mana, which had turned into a gas, carrying poison, was about to infiltrate between the creeping vines when Sanseveria purified the poison.

Plants are more resilient than you think.

She swung her baton without pause.

With all her might, she held the force at bay.

The position was perfect.

There was only one road.

She alone could hold them at bay.

Of course, some monsters went down to chase after the A-Division.

She couldnt stop them.

She decided to prioritize stopping the one leading the army.

Grow, endlessly

Grow, higher

Mana was already running low.

It was too scary. It hurt.

Still, she waved her baton.

Breathing became painful, and her head throbbed.

Her body pleaded for her to stop.

If she pushed further, something terrible might happen.


She didnt stop chanting.

She forced herself to continue.

Grow up beautiful.

Over and over, endlessly.

Mana circuits became entangled.

Even as she coughed up blood, she didnt let the mana pouring out of her body distract her concentration.

I wont let it go.

Bang Yeon-ji smiled at the monster who found it fascinating how the plant was growing.

Her skin had already turned green like a plant, and her hair had become tree branches, with tree blossoms sprouting.

Nyaaa, nyaa.

She wanted to protect.


Whom did she want to protect?

She couldnt remember.

She just moved as her heart commanded.

More, more, more.

Its not over yet.

I wont let go.

As her consciousness faded, she did her best to block the enemys forces.

I wont let go

The cat with the wings on its back looked up at the tall tree.

Nya, nya, nya.

The tall tree showed no response.

Is she doing well?

The sun was setting.

Eunha stared at the sky where the sun was setting from the top of a tower, with only the steel frame remaining.

Today was Friday.

Eunha had told his family a lie, saying he would sleep over at Eunhyuks house, planning to spend a day here.

The collapse of the reclamation team would continue until tomorrow.

By now, the reclamation team must be exhausted from constantly dealing with the pouring enemy forces.

We had to fight without sleep, but its a small price to pay for the days and nights I didnt sleep during the invasion of Seoul.

Night makes monsters stronger.

And it makes humans weak.

The reclamation team would be facing an army of monsters without sleep.

By nowKang Hyun-chul is still knocked out.

Eunha recalled the events of the first reclamation of Uijeongbu.

When Kang Hyun-cheol and Do Wan-jun, <Illusionary arrow>, and Oh Yeon-jung, <Fox>, lured the monster army away, Kang Hyun-cheol led the team to retreat to Uijeongbu Station.

He had never tried a strategy like that before. He had been burning the bodies of the undead one by one, with Blaze Clan as the center.

During that time, he developed his power to burn the debuff magic of the undead into flames and fell into a mana frenzy, losing his consciousness.

He must be having a great time.

Some are developing new powers, while others are fighting without even being able to sleep.

Eunha thought of Kang Hyun-cheol, who was knocked out in his sleep.

But then he remembered the monster army and his expression changed.

Shouldnt I have killed her back then?

Oh Yeon-jung, <Fox>.

She was the player who had helped Do Wan jun lure the monster army away and briefly relieved the Reclamation Teams situation.

Eunha was secretly worried.

Perhaps the result of killing her was that Kang Hyun-cheol and Do Wan-juns team couldnt stop the monster army.

A Rank 3 Overrank monster, Gwoshini.

Despite its appearance, it possessed an extremely dangerous power.

If the monster who controls the dead were to enter Uijeongbu Station, the reclamation force would be wiped out with no survivors.

At least Shin Myung-hwan and Bang Yeon-ji are still alive.

I decided to think positively.

As it was, Shin Myeong-hwan was supposed to suffer a malfunction in his mana circuit and die at Gyeonggi North Provincial Center without leaving any notable achievements.

Bang Yeon-ji would have been living a miserable life in Italy, imprisoned by Jenko Myron.

Before the regression, there were seven members of the Twelve, not including Shin Myung-hwan, who had filled the ranks, but in this life there are nine, so I can expect good results.

Even so, they wont succeed.

Oh Geon-hoo didnt do his job and disappeared early on.

Oh Geon-hoo was an Ain who could relay telepathy between Uijeongbu Station and Hoeryong Station.

However, he was eliminated early on, and the relay point was attacked one after another, cutting off communication between Uijeongbu Station and Hoeryong Station.

Furthermore, he was the first Ain player to reach the Twelve Seats and had no other achievements to show for it.

So when selecting the second generation Twelve Seats, they excluded telepaths altogether.

This trend continued until the third generation of the Twelve Seats, with no player becoming a Twelve as an Ain before Eunhas death.

Of course, there was a time when Jin Parang almost became a candidate for the third generation of the Twelve Seats.

He was one of the top players among the Ain, and he was close to the second-generation fairy, Habaek-ryeon.

It didnt work out.

The people who had a say in the selection of the Twelve were against Jin Parang becoming the Twelve.

They didnt want to make Habaek-ryeons position stronger.

So neither Eunha nor Yoo-jung were considered.

Of course, even if he, who was called <Undead> or <Berserker>, had become a candidate, the opposition would have been fierce.

Moreover, monsters not registered in the library are continuously appearing, so the library is still loading

In this era, the player library couldnt store all the data registered in the database, and the search function wasnt great either.

The player library was improved only after Sirius Group and Pine Group collaborated on a project.

Still, the navigator is hell.

No matter how much the player library improved, the ability to quickly analyze field information was still a personal skill.

Lee Do-jin hasnt bloomed yet.

<Brainwave> Lee Do-jin.

He would later become one of the strongest men in Korea, and during the Second Uijeongbu Reclamation, he demonstrated his strength by single-handedly overpowering Ishimi, a rank 3 monster.

Ryu Yeon-hwa isnt even here.

<Flame Demon> Kang Hyun-cheol.

<Brainwave> Lee Do-jin.

And last but not least, <Divine Spear> Ryu Yeon-hwa.

We cant discuss the Uijeongbu attack without them.

Moreover, they could not defeat the second-rank monster Maegu without the addition of <Braver> Ontaeyang, the main player of the Golden Generation.


Finally, he mentioned the name of someone with indescribable feelings.

Lee Yoo-jung.

The Third-rank Overrank Gigantics forces couldnt be resisted without Lee Yoo-jung.

She must be living well.

Before he knew it, it had become night.

The night wind was chilly.

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