ReLife Player

Chapter 147

Chapter 147

Unlocked chapter (10/11)

[Windless Days (12)]

October nights were long.

It was dark when Division A arrived at the second supply base at Uijeongbu Station.

Wounded! please move the wounded this way!

Yes, we have confirmed an outbreak of 8th rank corpse rats in the direction of Shinseok Bridge. There are 30 confirmed individuals, and the nearest clan is.

Youre not the one to talk! And what youre doing is suspicious!

Are you done talking!?

The second supply base was a mess.

Equipment and supplies were scattered haphazardly, as if there had been a monster attack.

On top of it, players carrying armor cursed and walked past, while supporters were busy tending to the wounded.

Ah, Clan Lord!

Division A is back!

Players who had been sitting on the floor with dazed faces welcomed Kang Hyun-chul and Do Wan-jun as they walked down the hallway.

However, the two of them were in terrible condition as well.

After asking Bang yeon-ji to stop the Goshinis forces, Kang Hyun-chul led Blaze Clan to kill the corpse rats blocking the road.

Pushed to the limit, he was unable to completely dispel the monsters debuffs.

He was pushed to the limit both physically and mentally.

Without restoring his mind and body, he could not increase his mana resistance.


The same was true for Do wanjun.

He was the one who had taken over the command of the division from Kang Hyun-chul, who had lost his mind and was killing monsters.

Moreover, he couldnt help but think of Bang Yeon-ji, whom he had left on the battlefield.

Its good to see you, I feel like I havent seen your face in a long time.

The meeting room was in disarray, with newspapers taped over broken windows and protective barriers set up.

Entering the room, Do wanjun sat down and smiled wryly as he looked at Guyeonsu, who was seated in the main seat.

They hadnt seen each other for just a few days.

Seeing Regulus Clan Lord Guyeonsu, he felt unexplainable joy.

Hey there, Park Hyerim.

What do you mean with Hey there! Whats wrong with your body right now?

It was their limit.

As soon as Kang Hyun chul entered the meeting room, he grabbed Do wanjuns shoulder and supported himself.

Park Hyerim, who had jumped up from her seat, approached Kang Hyun chul, who had collapsed onto Do wanjun as if he was about to fall.

As a supporter, she could tell.

How serious Kang Hyun-chuls condition was right now.

She laid him on the ground, ignoring the stares of those gathered.

As her blue-tinged hand swept over his face, his complexion gradually began to improve.

<Flame Demon> must have had a hard time, I dont think Ive ever seen him in that much pain before.

Thats to be expected.

Well, yes, but.

Guyeounsu opened his slender eyes and looked at Do wanjun.

Realizing what his eyes meant, Do wanjun closed his mouth and shook his head.

I see.

The E Division commanders understood the meaning and fell silent.

The Twelve Seats Bang Yeon-ji is not here.

They couldnt hide their disappointment.

In their hearts, they were hoping for the support of Kang Hyun-chul and Bang Yeon-ji.

How is the situation at Uijeongbu Station?

Worst than ever. We managed to take care of the corpse rats, which gave us some breathing room, but theres still a lot of high level monsters in the city.

But before that. Isnt there something you need to check before telling them about our situation?

The person who interrupted Guyeounsu and Do wanjuns conversation was Jang Bong jeon, who was clearly in a weird mood.

Clan Lord Jang Bong jeon.

Stroking his long, grown beard on both sides, he glared at the commanders of Divison A with an uncomfortable air.

You probably know this as well. There are monsters in Uijeongbu Station that keep humans as livestock.

Weve heard of it.

Do wanjun replied with a troubled expression.

He recalled the information that Divison E had given him via telepathic transmission while he was clearing out Uijeongbu City Hall.

The monster called Master keeps humans as livestock and infiltrates among them while wearing human disguises.

Are you saying that there could be one of those monsters among us?

Of course. Im not doubting you, but its possible that one of you could have blended in and infiltrated the base.


It wasnt an unreasonable idea.

There was plenty of room for players who had faced monsters in human guise to be suspicious of A Division retreating from Heungseon-dong and entering the base.

Im sorry, its hard, but the damage to the E Division because of the monster is a trouble. Ill shorten the process, but Ill finish inspecting Division A by midnight.

But do you have any idea how to identify the monster?

Phew! Dont worry about that. Weve got a bunch of highly sensitive players looking for it.

With an arrogant smile, Jang Bong-jeon replied on behalf of Guyeounsu.

Do wanjun quickly scanned the reactions of the people in the conference room.

The Division E commanders looked like they wanted to say something.

Apparently, Jang Bong-jeon had caused some trouble.

However, they could not risk provoking the Dangun Group or the clans in alliance with them, so they cant push too hard.

Then well start with the Blaze Clan and the Myungwang Clan, and after that, well test the mana in their bodies. After that, well start with the clan members of the A Division.

Myungwang Clan Lord, you guys stay here, we need to hear what happened with Division A.

I dont mind, Clan Lord Blaze, but I think it would be better if you got some rest.

Well, I guess that makes sense. Hae-rim, take <Flame Demon> to the inner room

Dont you dare take me away.

Ah! Youre in the middle of a treatment! Just stay put, please!

A navigator, holding a paper cup in both hands, entered and offered coffee. With the paper cup cradled in his hands, Do wanjun felt a sense of relief that thawed his cold body.

But then he thought of Bang Yeon-ji, and his tension returned.

Ill tell you what happened in Heungseon-dong. Monsters started coming down from the direction of Bokji-ri around lunchtime.

[Message from Cynthia Navigator of Regulus Clan, Uijeongbu Reclamation Division E.

At 23:03, we have confirmed that the number of 8th rank corpse rats from the direction of Singok-dong has reached 300.

As a result, the debuff magic that originated in the direction of Singok-dong is approaching the base and is becoming omnipresent throughout Uijeongbu Station.

I, Regulus Clan Navigator Cynthia, consider the 300+ corpse rats from the direction of Singok-dong to be of the Fifth rank, and request that players located in nearby zones urgently exterminate the corpse rats.

Oh, oh, additional information:

A rank 4 monster has been confirmed near the Uijeongbu Bus Terminal.

According to information, the fourth-rank monster is known as Lonely Poison, a monster born from the process of rat-eating monsters eating each other.

Players in the area are asked to beware of the Lonely Poisons magic as soon as you receive this.

Spreading once again. Current time 23:03.]

Guess well have to postpone our inspection until later.

The players stood up and gathered their weapons.

They were all exhausted. Theyd barely had a chance to clear the area and catch their breath before the monsters closed in on them.

Im coming, too.

Youre not going anywhere in this body!

Kang Hyun-chul also stood up.

The treatment wasnt over yet.

A surprised Park Hye-rim grabbed him.

His body was already stained.

The debuffs traces were so deep that they couldnt be washed away in a short time, and his injuries were so severe that they were almost indescribable.

It was a body that needed absolute rest.

No, you cant go. Clan Lord, he cant. You cant! Kang Hyun chul, this body of yours cant fight right now. If you go to the front lines, youll only harm yourself, for sure.

Park Hyerim pleaded with her arms wide open. She even went so far as to persuade Guyeounsu.

Come on. I can still do it.

No, Im thinking the same thing as Hye-rim.

I agree. Get some rest.

Guyeounsu and Do wanjun agreed.

As far as they were concerned, Kang Hyun-chul was in no condition to fight.

Ha, really, I can do it. I can do it!

Kang Hyun-chul scratched the back of his head and sighed loudly.

I said you cant, so why arent you listening to me!

Park Hye-rim scolded Kang Hyun-chul in a nervous tone.

In the end, he led his not well-rested body to the front lines.

To the Uijeongbu bus terminal, where the fourth-rank monster Lonely Poison appeared.

Unable to break his stubbornness, Guyeounsu had no choice but to send Park Hye-rim with him.

Shit, I just dozed off for a second.

How does that make sense? Theres no one in the world who would sleep through a battle!

Its after midnight.

A lone figure clinging to the side of the bus terminal building watches the retreat with a reddish glow.

Chik chik chik chik chik

The monster twitches its lips and makes rat-like noises.

The rat-type monsters that received its signal were closing in like a net.

Sacred talisman

With her hand on the fallen Kang Hyun-chuls back, Park Hye-rim tapped the ground.

A clear sound rippled out, and a hemispherical barrier centered on the retreat canceled out the debuffs.

Forget it, I need some protection magic.

Youre going to jump in there with that body?

Whos going to deal with that here if not me?

Theres Clan Lord of Myungwnag.

He cant fight properly without a windcatcher.

Blaze Clan Lord. Im not sure about this windcatcher thing, but can you do it?

It was Do wanjun who was leading the players to slay the Lonely Poison.

Changing his magazine, he gestured to the creature that stared at them from afar, unwilling to move.

The Lonely Poison seemed to have no intention of breaking away from the group.

As far as he could see, Do wanjuns troops were exhausted and about to collapse.

Even if they didnt move, they would fall someday.

The players would have to push through the horde to take it down before he ran out of steam.

And Kang Hyun-chul was the only one in Do wan-juns division who was skilled in dealing with multiple monsters and had the strength to take on the beast.

Cover, please.

Yes! Clan Lord!

The members of Clan Blaze didnt catch him not tending to his wounded body.

Instead, they gritted their teeth and ran, determined to protect him.

Raising their shattered shields, they began to sing, fueled by evil.

They started the first verse of To the Frontline!


High mountains, deep valleys~!

Desolate mountains!

We march on!

Snowy front line!

Were going!

With eyes fixed on the snowy frontlines~!

Their shout reverberated throughout the air.

In response to the Guardians choir, the shields emitted a blue light and enveloped their advancing bodies.

Flames flickered, blue energy radiated, dispelling the debuffs that flew towards them.

Youve picked a good tune

He flicked his fingers.

A sharp sound echoed amidst the song, and the mana engulfing the swarm of mice pushed them back.

To the frontlines! Can you hear?

The enraged roar!

Explosions occurred one after another.

Once the sparks ignited, they expanded, consuming the swarm of mice.

The mice, engulfed in flames, retaliated by shooting debuff magic.

A sacred charm

Not yet.

Taking another step was challenging.

His footsteps felt heavy.

Despite this, he continued to advance, dragging his greatsword and causing explosions.

Rangers, prepare to shoot! Casters, get ready for the next spell!

This battle was not fought alone.

So he could give it his all.

When he heard the sound coming from behind, he raised his head.

Taking one step made it easier to take the next.

He switched the hand that gripped the hilt of his sword, spreading the flames from his left hand to the sides.

Guardians with heavy shields leapt into the flames he had created.

Despite the scorching heat, they did not stop chanting.

To the frontlines! Can you see?

The united eyes!

The determination still burned in their eyes.

He raised the greatsword horizontally from his chest to the ground and glared at the creature.

The creature seemed to hesitate.

Nevertheless, it didnt think he could reach it.

It remained attached to the outer wall of the building, showing no intention of moving.

Clear the path!

Dont fear the flames! We have protective spells!

Even the Hunters were protecting him.

Even though they werent members of the Blaze Clan, they were trying to make a way through the flames.


A chill ran down his spine.

His whole body itched as if he had eaten something wrong.

It was the effect of the debuff.

What the hell!

Burn this shit and be done with it.

He remembered the time he had burned the venom that had seeped into his body.

The power he possessed was not limited to merely burning visible substances.

He didnt need to confine his power within the framework of common sense.

All he had to do was accept it.

Without harboring a shred of doubt.

The essence of combustion.

The essence of purification.

Just believe in them strongly.

The power to burn anything, to purify anything.

He doesnt have to figure it out, he doesnt need to understand it.

Eat it up, and thats it.

He spread blue flames around himself.

Fire and blue flames mingled, purifying the debuffs of the rushing players.

He thwarted the monsters magic and, ironically, triggered a mana rampage.

Got it, you little rat?

He squeezed out all the remaining mana.

He staggered to his feet and raised his greatsword, a blaze of searing flame and unholy fire.

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