Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 306 Surrender

[You have killed the Ancestral Sea Dragon; you have gained +120,000 XP].

[You have earned 'Sea Dragon Eye'].

[You have earned 'Sea Dragon Soul'.]

[You have earned 'Sea Dragon Fangs'].

[You have earned 'Sea Dragon Heart'].

[Congratulations! You have just reached level 65!]

[Congratulations! You have just reached level 66!]


[Congratulations! You have just reached level 70!]

Dhetha couldn't believe her eyes. She was sure that Kaizen would be devoured by the Ancestral Sea Dragon. After all, she saw that they had fallen into a perfect ambush by the military mages.

But to her surprise and happiness, Kaizen was not intimidated by the challenge. He fought the Sea Dragon Ancestor with impressive skill and courage, using his powerful swords and spells that others had never seen. He also dodged the dragon's attacks with above-average agility, taking advantage of the gaps provided by the creature's colossal size.

Dhetha watched as Kaizen leapt over the dragon's throat and drove his sword into it, causing it to roar in pain and then throw it to the ground, all in a matter of seconds. At the end of the fight, Kaizen was bathed in blood. She saw Kaizen smile at the creature's body and felt a chill run down her spine. She knew the Psyker was strong, but she didn't know how strong.

The other opposing mages were also in shock. They had seen Kaizen do something no one had ever done before: defeat an Ancestral Sea Dragon alone. Kaizen had displayed unparalleled power and glory, and they felt as if they were standing in front of a living legend. The expressions on their faces were a mixture of fear, admiration, and envy. They couldn't understand how a human could have so much power and versatility. They had never seen anything like it.

Kaizen knew the victory was his, but he had no time to celebrate. He turned to the enemy mages, who were cornered with frightened expressions, still in shock at the spectacular defeat of the ancestral sea dragon.

"Surrender now and I will spare your lives," Kaizen said firmly.

The enemy mages exchanged nervous glances before finally agreeing to surrender. They knew that they were facing a powerful warrior and that to resist would be suicide. Immediately, they all knelt with their heads bowed. There were twenty mages, but the way they roared with determination made them sound like a hundred.

"Please spare our lives, Psyker!"

Kaizen nodded earnestly, but inside he was thinking:

"Ohhhhh! That's so fancy!

Then he heard a pair of footsteps approaching. He looked over to see Dhetha looking at him in awe. She had never seen a warrior as skilled and brave as he was.

"Ho-how did you manage to defeat the ancestral sea dragon?" she asked.

Kaizen smiled enigmatically. "Do not underestimate my skill and determination," he said. "Besides, I had a little help." He looked down at his swords. "Now, let's get down to business. Where is Adohorn?" He asked the mages who had surrendered.

The mages looked at each other before one of them raised his head and answered:

"Adohorn is hiding in the house of a nobleman named Sir Geoffrey, who has surrendered to your command. He believes he is safe there.

All the other military mages looked at this mage in surprise. Most of them had not even heard the rumors that Adohorn lived in the Drowned District.

Dhetha did not judge the mage; on the contrary, she inquired respectfully:

"Where is this nobleman's estate?"

"To the north of the city." The same answered.

Kaizen nodded, already knowing where he was going, and turned to Dhetha. "We must leave immediately. I have no time to waste."

"Let's go." she said firmly as well.

The other magicians watched them go and could not believe what was happening. They knew something big was happening, but they didn't understand exactly what:

"Sir, Psyker, will you allow us to join you in this battle? We don't understand why you are here and why you have killed dozens of us, but if you are really hunting Adohorn, we will support you, for the pride of the nobles".

Kaizen looked over his shoulder at the mages. "Do what you want, just don't get in my way."

Without further ado, they made their way to the traitorous nobleman's house, ready to face Adohorn and his followers.

The house was located in a hilly area of the Drowned District, with a coral wall protecting its backyard. It was also surrounded by a vast terrain that was difficult to access. Sir Geoffrey was not only a nobleman, but also one of the richest magicians in the City of Tears, having made his fortune selling potions and powerful elixirs.

As they walked, Dhetha noticed that Kaizen was lost in thought. She decided to break the silence.

"You look worried, Psyker. Is something wrong?"

Kaizen sighed. "I am worried about what we will find in Sir Geoffrey's house. Adohorn is a dangerous man and we cannot underestimate him."

Dhetha agreed. "But you were able to defeat an Ancestral Sea Dragon all by yourself, I am sure you will be able to handle Adohorn."

Kaizen smiled, grateful for Dhetha's vote of confidence. "Thank you, Dhetha. But we can't let our guard down, we're racing against time, any moment he could somehow break Alina's seal or the Guardians could show up."

The mages who were walking in front of them looked at each other in amazement.

Did they hear it right? Kaizen said the word 'Guardians'?

They knew exactly what it meant and realized that they were in the middle of something much bigger than they could even imagine.


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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